Discussions and topics about practice

  • Hey Guys I am new to yoga and I am so excited to start this journey! I am sure you all know what yoga is, but for those of us who are new here, it's a practice involving physical postures ...
  • The central theme of week 7: Cultivating a regular practice infused with kindness and compassion "A human being is part of a whole, called by us "universe" a part limited in time and space. He ex ...
  • Hi, I thought I'd start this thread as I feel a bit lost with the Unpleasant Event Calendar. Being asked to focus on unpleasant events every day, I'm not sure what to do with these feelings I am ...
  • Similar interests to practice

    Western esotericism is a term that refers to a wide range of cultural and scholarly traditions in Western society that lie outside of the mainstream. Esotericism refers to the study of hidden meanings and symbols that are contained in philosophical, historical and religious texts. Therefore, Western esotericism largely focusses on European culture and ideas but those which are not usually considered part of orthodox thought. As such, Western esotericism lies outside the traditions of mainstream Christian belief as well as rationalism for the Age of Enlightenment. It is connected with many strands of culture, including art, music, literature, magic, occultism and pseudo-science, among others.
