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  1. Hello, my name is Linda! Wanted to reach out and wish everyone well. By day you will see me helping other's find inner peace, if I'm not there, I'm narrating my podcast "Cultivating Calm Within.) I love articulating articles for inner peace and how I came about finding inner peace myself. So, I share my journey and there steps of practice that brought me here. I am looking forward to meeting new people here on Happiness.
  2. Hi Lovely connecting with all of you Infinite Gratitude Love & Light
  3. Mental health coaching and life coaching are two distinct practices that can offer support and guidance in different areas of personal development and well-being. Here's an overview of each: Mental Health Coaching: Mental health coaching focuses specifically on addressing and improving mental health concerns and challenges. Mental health coaches work with individuals to identify and work through issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and overall emotional well-being. They often employ evidence-based techniques and strategies to help clients develop coping skills, manage their emotions, set realistic goals, and improve their overall mental well-being. Mental health coaching is not a substitute for therapy or counseling, but it can be a valuable complement to professional mental health support. Life Coaching: Life coaching is a broader practice that focuses on personal growth, goal-setting, and enhancing various aspects of one's life. Life coaches work with individuals to identify their values, strengths, and aspirations and help them create a plan to achieve their goals. They provide guidance, accountability, and motivation to help clients overcome obstacles, improve self-confidence, enhance decision-making skills, and create a more fulfilling life. Life coaches often work in areas such as career development, relationships, time management, personal finance, and overall life balance. It's important to note that mental health coaching and life coaching are not regulated professions, so practitioners can have varying backgrounds, training, and qualifications. When seeking a mental health coach or life coach, it's essential to research their credentials, experience, and approach to ensure they align with your needs and goals. Additionally, if you're experiencing significant mental health concerns, it's recommended to seek support from a licensed mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can provide a higher level of clinical care.
  4. A little introduction of myself first: I'm 27, I wanted to become an engineer and because I needed to make money anyway, I chose the way of a dual system. So I went to the university and I got educated in a company at the same time. Unfortunately, I failed and ended up with just the company's education as a trainee, which was my version of your 60 % effort jobs. But since I really wanted to be an engineer, I went back to the university after finishing the company's eduaction and I became an engineer. You can ask yourself what you like to do. Would you like to be a full-time teacher? Would you like to be a sports coach? If you want to be a teacher, you can try to figure out, what type of teacher the schools are looking for. Maybe you can add mathematics to your répertoire of teaching classes if that's what the schools are looking for. If you would like to be a sports coach you can try to coach people in a sports club. Something like ice hockey is pretty popular in canada, right?
  5. Mental health is most important part in your life. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  6. Mental health is most important part in your life. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  7. I just came across your post and wanted to say that I completely agree with you - mental health is crucial and deserves our attention. It's awesome that you found help through life coaching when you were struggling with depression. It's amazing how a good life coach can support us in improving our mental stability and overall well-being. Taking care of our mental health is a journey, and it's great that you found something that worked for you.
  8. For one, there are PLENTY of therapists and many with openings in the area, as well as several with sliding scale options. Second, life coaching and psychotherapy are often in the same fee range. Third, since 2017, the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy prohibits non-trained persons, including life-coaches, from interventions that are effectively psychotherapeutic in nature, even if the coach in question never uses that term, and always carefully calls themselves a coach and not a therapist. The Controlled Act of Psychotherapy became law in 2019. The life coaching boom referred to in the article link above looks more like opportunism: people figuring out how to make money on other people's mental health needs, without ethically referring a client to mental health workers. Supply, demand, capitalism. It's called 'niche marketing' or 'finding your tribe'. It's a business and profit margin growth strategy.
  9. Hi. I’m a coach. Have a book on coping with stress. It seems everything starts with worry. Think about the days or worried about it why. Some things we can’t do anything about so I worry about it. Another exercise is to write down all these things that you stress about. Is it due to fear, insecurities, the unknown lack of resources. When she start to understand why you’re stressed on things you can start to change them. If it’s just overall anxiety and feeling of nervousness that is subconscious and it comes from Maury so when you start analyzing your feelings you have a better understanding of how you could start living with less stress
  10. Mental health is most important part in your life. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  11. Hi to Everyone here ,Iam new this is community. What is the one thing I want people to know about me ? Iam from the Philippines and at the present iam into travel and tours business/ iam a Reiki practitioner / Kundilini yoga practitioner / Certified Life Skills and Self Discovery Coach. Iam here to learn and grow and to meet new people and be able to share what i've learned. My warm regards to everybody.
  12. You're talking about mental health and depression and anxiety are the main cause of it. I will recommend life coach certification to everyone to know about the secrets to live happy life. Many lads are just depressed with no reason or very pathetic reason and those need life coaching at first priority.
  13. A Healthier You, Inc. Presents A Healthier You Program! A program to help you create healthier habits for yourself. This program is for anyone that wants to build a yoga and mediation practice, add more tools to balance your mind and body, receive information to improve your financial health, and create a healthy lifestyle. The First Cohort begins September 6th, 2022 at 6:30pm-7:45. Classes will be held in Greenbelt, MD, and virtually. This is a 4-week program that focuses on creating healthy habits for your mental, physical, and financial well-being and cultivating changes that benefit a healthy lifestyle. Your investment for this program is $35.00. It includes: Tips and tools to help you create healthier habits Yoga and meditation Free session with a life coach Journaling, reflective activities, and worksheets Community Support For more information and to register visit ahyinc.org! We also offer scholarships! If you need any additional information, please email us at [email protected]
  14. Alright, thanks. I was imagined it like a sports coach: "Come on, do 5 more pushups!", "Come on, do something for yourself today." Well, I'm not happy all the time. There are things making me happy, things making me sad, things making me worry, but generally, I'm doing good and I am where I'd like to be in my life right now. I agree that information and other people's experiences are helpful, which is pretty much the reason why I'm here. So I like your idea of helping others by sharing information and insights.
  15. Welcome! I'm looking forward to your lots of topics. From my point of view, "life coaches" try to sell "the one, simple, magic secret to a happy life" for money. But since the "secret" is to make the happiness yourself, independent from other people, you don't need a coach for that. But feel free to change my mind. I like this forum where people can just share life advice for free.
  16. Hello Everyone ! I just want to encourage you to start Your Real Life right now, to start to be Happy and love your Life ! So I wanted to share a bit of my story and hope it will inspire you! Today I remembered how I was a year ago. I was sad, demotivated, I wanted to do a lot of things, to realize my dreams, to change my life and make it better, but I couldn't find the strength in myself to start the transition. l felt like a bird in the cage, prisoner of myself. And one day it was enough, I felt in myself that I couldn't go on like this and it was enough, I reached the point of no return. I saw the time passing and I didn't want to lose more time and live with regrets. So I stopped working, took some holidays, stopped thinking about my life and started to look for advices, experiences of others people on how to do this transition. I found a lot of information, too much information (videos on YT, articles etc.) ! but nothing very helpful. Despite this, I took a lot of notes and I found some authors, coach, motivational speakers very Interesting like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Lise Bourbeau, Russell Brand, etc. So I watched a lot of videos about their selves and their methods but I noticed that the real keys were not in the videos, but and the book, so I bought books*!.....and then the transition to my new life began. Before, reading was not a pleasure for me because I'm an hyperactive person, but I found the way to read everywhere and easier : Audiobooks* !! (I will put the links of the books that helped me a lot down below!). And I focused on these books, and they changed my life forever. Honestly, before I couldn't think that it was possible for me to change myself, but with right tips, the right methods, and a little bit of work on myself I became more confident, more powerful and better in my head and in my body. You can't change yourself in the best way and get impressive results if you're not comfortable with yourself. So after this work on myself, I planned my new life and what I wanted to do, to become. Then, I quit my jobs, changed country and started studies to get the job of my dream. What an adventure !... and it's just the beginning ! So that's a little part of my story to tell you that everything is possible, whatever the time that it takes, whatever your age, your situation, there are always many possibilities to change your life and live your dreams. Trust yourself, stay focus, and never give up. For sure it won't be easy, because if it will be easy, everyone could do it… but You're NOT everyone ! Links of the books that changed my life : - https://amzn.to/3CSLTa3 : Tony Robbins / Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching to Transform Your Life - https://amzn.to/3QVqHEt : Brian Tracy / The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life - https://amzn.to/3wzja5U : Lise Bourbeau / Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self: Finally a Book That Explains Why It's So Hard Being Yourself Love / Julian
  17. Mental Coaching – Das Unterbewusstsein bewusst machen Höher! Weiter! Schneller! Besser! Diese Qualitäten bestimmen den Sport und unseren beruflichen Alltag immer mehr und fordern extreme körperliche als auch kognitive Leistungen von jedem Einzelnen ab. Enormer Leistungsdruck, Erschöpfung oder Leistungsversagen können die Folge sein. Für Spitzensportler gehört Mental Coaching längst zum unverzichtbaren Bestandteil des Trainings- und Wettkampfprogramms. Es bietet sich jedoch für Manager, Führungskräfte, Ärzte und jeden Einzelnen ebenso an. Mental Coaching unterstützt Sie konsistent die gewünschten Leistungen zu bringen, Stress zu widerstehen und sich dabei auch noch gut zu fühlen. Erfahren Sie durch Mental Coaching die Kraft des Unterbewusstseins und nutzen Sie diese für Ihre optimale Lebensgestaltung. Gedankenmuster steuern unser Leben. Meist fließen die Gedanken im Unterbewusstsein und beeinflussen unser Verhalten und dadurch unsere Lebensqualität. Menschen beschreiben diese Gedanken oft als mentale Blockaden im Gehirn, die die freie Lebensgestaltung und die tatsächliche Leistung beeinträchtigen. Lernen Sie durch Mental Coaching mit Ihren Gedanken umzugehen und diese zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele zu nutzen. Der Umgang mit belastenden Situationen wird durch positive Emotionen erleichtert. Eigenschaften wie Dankbarkeit, Interesse und eine positive Einstellung wirken vorbeugend gegen depressive Gefühlszustände angesichts extremer Stresssituationen. Beim Mental Coaching werden Leistungsblockaden gelöst, Ressourcen gestärkt und alte, nicht mehr benötigte bzw. hinderliche Handlungsschemata abgelegt. Der Coach setzt Methoden und Techniken ein, um Motivation, Stressbewältigung und Konzentrationsleistung zu verbessern und Zielsetzungen sowohl klarer, als auch konkreter zu formulieren. Obwohl jeder Mensch die passenden Antworten für sich selbst bereits in sich trägt, werden diese sehr oft nicht als solche wahrgenommen. Meist liegt es daran, dass der Stress in emotionalen Ausnahmesituationen nicht den nötigen Abstand zulässt, um darauf zurückzugreifen. Ihr Coach stellt mit Ihnen im Mental Coaching diesen Abstand wieder her, wodurch Ihnen der Zugriff auf diese inneren Ressourcen erleichtert wird. IHR COACHING INSTITUT Birkenweg 8 D – 61462 Königstein im Taunus +49 (0)1741614254 [email protected] https://www.ihrcoachinginstitut.de
  18. I really like the Gandhi quote! It is so true and important, because the here and now is the only moment we can actively influence. I also watched your YouTube channels and learned that even monkeys fall from trees What is your background? Are you a coach or just a wonderful person who wants to make the world a little more loving?
  19. Hi my name is Leah Justyce. I am an artist, Law of Attraction and Success Coach, Spiritual Coach, Art Life Coach. I have a degree in Visual Art (Fine Art) and a Double Degree in Criminology and Psychological Science. I have a couple small businesses that I created and run on my own. A YouTube channel and Insta. I came on here as many people are awakening and instead of healing everyone's lives as I do I figured it would be the right place to find others like me. So here I am sending you all love and light and look forward to making beautiful connections.
  20. Definitely agree with all the points here with life coaching! It still has a certain stigma to it (i.e., it's only accessible to the wealthy) but I highly doubt that's the case! In my experience, life coaching can also happen with colleagues and managers at your workplace! Whenever our performance is being tracked and quantified–we're able to tangibly see which areas of our work we can improve on! This also extends to everything else in your life. When you think about it, every single person in your life is trying to teach you something–which, in a philosophical sense, makes everyone your life coach
  21. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  22. So true, Physical and mental health both are most important for healthy and happy life. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  23. Mental health is most important part in your life. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  24. Physical and mental health both are most important for healthy and happy life. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  25. Thank you for sharing! including this I want to say you that life coaching is best way to improves your mental health. Be a life coach and improve your mental stability and health also and improves also other lives who lives in depressed life. Hope so you follow up my advice.
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