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  1. I am a caregiver and I’ve been going through a spiritual awakening. I joined this community, hoping to connect with others is going to the same thing.
  2. There is a force in the universe that is active in us, and is a great resource in our quest for a animated life and a conscious world. this force exists and is with us — indeed, it is in us — making use of it hinges on a crucial factor: the nature of your mindset. What’s Wrong with our Mindset? Mindset, This is an embracing concept — it does not stand for a rigorously scientific view, nor does it stand for a purely fictional one. But it does stand for a view of the world that people can recognize as their own. This is an embracing view, encompassing the whole gamut of values and feelings associated with one’s beliefs and convictions regarding the nature of the world. In the current scientific literature, there is a more rigorous but also more limited concept: this is “paradigm.” Originally developed by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn to describe the fundamental changes in physics wrought by the shift from the Newtonian view of physical reality, to the Einsteinian relativistic view, in the course of the past decades the concept of paradigm has acquired a wider meaning. It extends from the concept of physical reality to a general concept of what we hold to be the nature of reality. We can speak of a materialistic paradigm, a vitalistic paradigm, a classical Newtonian paradigm, or a new quantum-science paradigm. Whether we give it thought or not, we all hold some variety of paradigm, even if it is not consciously recognized and articulated. This is also true of the concept of “mindset.” We all dispose of some variety of mindset, and that mindset is active and influential for us whether we recognize it or not. There is something fundamentally wrong with the mindset of most people in the modern world. That mindset is antiquated and misleading. People holding it are focused on acquiring material goods and fostering their own wealth, power and influence. They adopt a wasteful and often ostentatious lifestyle. They think that individuals have little or no influence on the way the world is going, and so there is no real need for individuals to feel responsible for the way the world is actually going. Life is a struggle for survival, where the fittest survives. Popular wisdom such as “make the most of your opportunities and never mind what comes after you — you only go around once” and “the world out there is a jungle, so take care of your own interests, because nobody else will care for it” are fairly typical examples. This is how the mind of the typical modern person is set to perceive the world. The values and behaviors inspired by the modern mindset have led to critical conditions in our social, economic, and ecological systems. They have fractured the integrity of the human community, dividing it into we and others, drawing the line in reference to common interests, or competing and perhaps opposing interests. This creates competition and conflict, and gives rise to violence. It leads to an unsustainable world. If we the modern mindset doesn’t change and evolve, we endanger not just our own well-being, but the survival of our species, but also we endanger the survival of all beings on planet earth. How to Change Your Mindset — Start with yourself. But how do you go about it? The first step is to ask yourself some fundamental questions. How do you relate to people, society, and nature around you? Are you part of them, or are you outside and perhaps above them? The honest answer you give, testifies to the nature of your mindset. Adopting an up-to-date mindset is not a quixotic endeavor: The shift from competition to reconciliation and partnership: a change from relationships, organizational models, and societal strategies based on competition to relationships and models based on principles of healing, reconciliation, forgiveness, and male–female partnership. The shift from greed and scarcity to sufficiency and caring: a change in values, perspectives, and approaches from the traditional self-centered and greedy mode toward a sense of the sufficient and the interpers onal concern of caring. The shift from outer to inner authority: a change from reliance on outer sources of “authority” to inner sources of “knowing.” The shift from separation to wholeness: a recognition of the wholeness and interconnectedness of all aspects of reality. The shift from mechanistic to living systems: a shift of attention from models of organizations based on mechanistic systems to perspectives and approaches rooted in the principles that inform the world of the living. The shift from organizational fragmentation to coherent integration: a shift from disintegrative, fragmented organizations with parts set against each other to goals and structures integrated, so they serve both those who participate in the organizations and those around them.
  3. There is a force in the universe that is active in us, and is a great resource in our quest for a animated life and a conscious world. this force exists and is with us — indeed, it is in us — making use of it hinges on a crucial factor: the nature of your mindset. What’s Wrong with our Mindset? Mindset, This is an embracing concept — it does not stand for a rigorously scientific view, nor does it stand for a purely fictional one. But it does stand for a view of the world that people can recognize as their own. This is an embracing view, encompassing the whole gamut of values and feelings associated with one’s beliefs and convictions regarding the nature of the world. In the current scientific literature, there is a more rigorous but also more limited concept: this is “paradigm.” Originally developed by philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn to describe the fundamental changes in physics wrought by the shift from the Newtonian view of physical reality, to the Einsteinian relativistic view, in the course of the past decades the concept of paradigm has acquired a wider meaning. It extends from the concept of physical reality to a general concept of what we hold to be the nature of reality. We can speak of a materialistic paradigm, a vitalistic paradigm, a classical Newtonian paradigm, or a new quantum-science paradigm. Whether we give it thought or not, we all hold some variety of paradigm, even if it is not consciously recognized and articulated. This is also true of the concept of “mindset.” We all dispose of some variety of mindset, and that mindset is active and influential for us whether we recognize it or not. There is something fundamentally wrong with the mindset of most people in the modern world. That mindset is antiquated and misleading. People holding it are focused on acquiring material goods and fostering their own wealth, power and influence. They adopt a wasteful and often ostentatious lifestyle. They think that individuals have little or no influence on the way the world is going, and so there is no real need for individuals to feel responsible for the way the world is actually going. Life is a struggle for survival, where the fittest survives. Popular wisdom such as “make the most of your opportunities and never mind what comes after you — you only go around once” and “the world out there is a jungle, so take care of your own interests, because nobody else will care for it” are fairly typical examples. This is how the mind of the typical modern person is set to perceive the world. The values and behaviors inspired by the modern mindset have led to critical conditions in our social, economic, and ecological systems. They have fractured the integrity of the human community, dividing it into we and others, drawing the line in reference to common interests, or competing and perhaps opposing interests. This creates competition and conflict, and gives rise to violence. It leads to an unsustainable world. If we the modern mindset doesn’t change and evolve, we endanger not just our own well-being, but the survival of our species, but also we endanger the survival of all beings on planet earth. How to Change Your Mindset — Start with yourself. But how do you go about it? The first step is to ask yourself some fundamental questions. How do you relate to people, society, and nature around you? Are you part of them, or are you outside and perhaps above them? The honest answer you give, testifies to the nature of your mindset. Adopting an up-to-date mindset is not a quixotic endeavor: The shift from competition to reconciliation and partnership: a change from relationships, organizational models, and societal strategies based on competition to relationships and models based on principles of healing, reconciliation, forgiveness, and male–female partnership. The shift from greed and scarcity to sufficiency and caring: a change in values, perspectives, and approaches from the traditional self-centered and greedy mode toward a sense of the sufficient and the interpers onal concern of caring. The shift from outer to inner authority: a change from reliance on outer sources of “authority” to inner sources of “knowing.” The shift from separation to wholeness: a recognition of the wholeness and interconnectedness of all aspects of reality. The shift from mechanistic to living systems: a shift of attention from models of organizations based on mechanistic systems to perspectives and approaches rooted in the principles that inform the world of the living. The shift from organizational fragmentation to coherent integration: a shift from disintegrative, fragmented organizations with parts set against each other to goals and structures integrated, so they serve both those who participate in the organizations and those around them.
  4. Hi everyone I am starting up a mental health wellbeing garden for people in our community on Waiheke island with mental health illnesses and people who are lonely and feel isolated..I would love to know if anyone here is involved with this sort of thing and from anyone who has any ideas to help get my project underway
  5. Hello! I am also new. What helped me with meditation is I started with guided meditations. You can download apps like BetterMe Mental Health and you can even go to YouTube and find great channels for guided meditation there. The Honest Guys are a good channel for this. As you do more guided meditations, you will have less difficulty meditating on your own. I hope this helps! Welcome to the community and have a great day! David
  6. Greetings, fellow seekers of inner peace and serenity, Allow me to humbly introduce myself as Ray, a fellow traveler on this beautiful journey of meditation. In the quiet stillness of our collective presence, let us create a space where hearts connect and spirits intertwine. In this bustling world, we often find solace in the tranquil depths of meditation. It is here, amidst the gentle embrace of silence, that we discover the infinite wellspring of love and compassion within ourselves. As we embark on this shared path, may we open our hearts wide, welcoming each other with warmth and understanding. Let us remember that in this community, we are not alone. Together, we can support one another through the trials and triumphs that arise on our individual paths. Let our words be filled with kindness, our presence be a beacon of peace, and our intentions be guided by love. May this forum be a sanctuary, a safe haven where we can share our insights, seek guidance, and offer solace to those who seek it. In the gentle rhythm of our collective breath, let us discover the profound beauty of connection and the boundless potential that lies within us all. With gratitude for this precious space we share, let us embark on this journey together, illuminating the way with our hearts and radiating love to all beings. Blessings and peace to you all, Ray
  7. Hello to all. I am new, just wanted to say hi to the community and let everyone know that I am here searching for, purpose, guidance and also to help anybody that crosses paths with me during my journey. I hope this is a place for collective enlightenment and a place for collective healing as well and if so I will be glad to have joined this platform. Good day to all and blessings for everyone.
  8. First from real life, after fail find in city community, and if than you also fail than try online. Or best is to make an animal friend.
  9. Join Community Groups and Clubs: Community groups and clubs are excellent platforms for meeting like-minded individuals who share similar interests. Look for local organizations, hobby groups, sports clubs, book clubs, or volunteering opportunities in your area. Engaging in activities you enjoy will naturally attract others with similar passions, providing a great foundation for building friendships. мParticipate in Local Classes or Workshops: Consider enrolling in local classes or workshops that align with your interests or hobbies. Whether it's a cooking class, art workshop, dance lessons, or language courses, these environments promote interaction and collaboration, creating opportunities to connect with fellow participants who share similar passions.
  10. In the past, I have lived a life of turmoil and chaos of my own making. This was my norm and many days it became so much, the circumstances I found myself in, threatened to exterminate the one thing of value I always disregarded, my life. I continue to discover the true path of happiness, which begins within. Building a community of likeminded people is the key to overcoming our primal nature and unleashing our true nature and potential. We are not separate, we are all connected and this realization promotes strength and healing in this connected love and energy.
  11. Firstly sorry if this is the wrong category. The “general off topic” category disappeared. I signed up for this community to connect with likeminded people with mental health and self esteem issues, but I notice the community is inactive. Maybe once upon a time it had more activity, but now mostly nothing. Maybe people sign up mostly to take the online courses in the academy. That was one of the reasons I signed up too for the academy courses, but I was also hoping to be social on here. That seems to have died down as I said many times before. Anyone else notice this?
  12. Hi, It's nice to be a part of this community. Life has been tough the last two years since losing both my parents, but I am trying to stay positive and carry on. I absolutely love my dog, Delta, without whom I would be a complete wreck at this time. I am grateful for everyone who has helped me, and I am working on myself every day too. I'm looking forward to making some new connections here.
  13. Hello everyone. My name is Keyo and I accidentally stumbled upon this online community while searching for help regarding a situation I found myself in. So far, the website looks to have very helpful information in its Academy and Magazine sections. I'm browsing the forums looking to see how I can contribute something meaningful to topics already posted. I'm hoping to make some friends here or at least connect with people who share similar values and goals as myself.
  14. It's always good to have a community you can rely on. I wish places in the United States would adopt village communities.
  15. Hello everyone! I'm new here and looking into find a community that is friendly and supportive. Have a bipolar daughter and her autistic toddler living with me. Spouse's response when I try to explain how I'm feeling used and abused by family is "suck it up".
  16. Hallo und guten Abend allerseits. Ich war heute im Internet unterwegs und habe hier diese Community gefunden. Ich versuche irgendwie noch die Kurve zu bekommen. Es fällt mir aber extrem schwer. Ehrlich gesagt suche ich nach einen Strohhalm, denn ich finde gerade einfach keinen Ausweg. Aus diesen Gründen würde ich einfach eine kleine Zusammenfassung meiner letzten 12 Jahren nieder schreiben um eine Grundlage des Verstehens zu schaffen xD. Im Jahr 2011 habe ich meine Frau im Internet zuffällig kennen gelernt. Während unser Treffen ist sie mit meiner großen Tochter schwanger geworden. Ich war aktuell in der Ausbildung als Hotelfachmann im ersten Lehrjahr. 2012 bin ich in ihren Bundesland gezogen und habe dort meine Ausbildung weitergeführt und erfolgreich beendet. 2013 haben wir geheiratet. Sie hat 2 Kinder in die Beziehung mitgebracht. Ihr Sohn ist zu 100% körperlich schwerbehindert. Er hat eine seltene genetische Krankheit Namens Nemaline Myopathie. Bringt Glasknochen und Muskelschwund mit sich. Er hatte eine Lebenserwartung von 2 Jahren gehabt. (mittlerweile ist er 12 Jahre alt). Diese Umstände haben uns als Familie extrem gefesselt. Er kann unter 15 Grad und über 30 Grad nicht das Haus verlassen. Dies führte dazu, das hauptsächlich ich mit den Töchtern was unternommen habe. Das Leben als Paar hat sich super schwer gestaltet, weil nicht jeder auf den Sohn aufpassen kann. Dementsprechend konnten wir als Paar eher selten was unternehmen. Im Laufe unserer Ehe hatten wir 4 Fehlgeburten. Eine davon waren Zwillinge. Februar 2018 bin ich mit den Mädels in ein Spieleparadies gefahren und bekam dort einen schweren Herzinfarkt. Dies führte dazu, das ich nicht mehr in der Lage war eine Arbeit auszuführen (bis heute). Ich war also nur noch zu Hause. Die Gesprächsthemen zischen mir und meiner Frau neigten sich dem Ende zu. Man hat nichts mehr groß zusammen erlebt und konnte keine großen Freuden mehr teilen. Urlaub ist natürlich aus 2 Gründen (Sohn und finanziellen Gründen) nicht möglich gewesen. Man ging sich nur noch auf die Nerven. Man war nur noch froh, wenn der andere weg war. Natürlich ist das uns beiden aufgefallen und wir haben oft versucht die Kurve zu bekommen. Es ist uns nicht gelungen. Ich bin immer mehr an meinen Computer verfallen, weil ich dort noch minimale Erfolgserlebnisse verzeichnen konnte. Dezember 2022 (unser Hochzeitstag) war dann nur noch eine "kalte" Feier und der Start unserer Trennung. Sie war nicht mehr glücklich und ich auch nicht mehr. Seid mitte März 2023 haben wir uns dann getrennt. Ein neuer Partner war auch schon für sie parrat. Wir wollten uns für die Kinder im guten trennen. Hatten Absprachen wie: Wir lassen erst mal keine Partner an die Kinder. Aber meine Frau hat schon einen neuen Partner, den sie an die Kinder heranführt. Das verletzt mich sehr und als Vater lässt mich das verrückt werden. Man möchte was dagegen tun, aber weiß es bringt eh nichts. Ich sitze hier in meiner neuen Wohnung und weiß nicht wohin mit mir. Ich weiß nicht mehr was meine Ziele sein sollen. Ich kann weder arbeiten gehen noch habe ich Freunde. Das einzige was mich noch irgendwie über Wasser hält sind meine Kinder. Ich trinke immer mehr Alkohol was mich einen Moment lang alles vergessen lässt. Natürlich weiß ich auch, dass es nicht gut für mich ist. Oftmals lässt es mich auch nicht vergessen und weine sehr oft. Ich frage mich eigentlich nur noch wofür alles? Ich erkenne kein Licht mehr am Horizont. Ich muss aber es irgendwie für meine Kinder schaffen und ich erhoffe mir, das hier mir die Wende geliengt. Natürlich weiß ich auch, das ihr nicht zaubern könnt. Aber vielleicht ist es der Start. Ich weiß es nicht. Also was die Frage angeht wie glücklich ich bin? Ich bin gar nicht glücklich. Ich bin eher tot traurig und komme nicht dort raus. Ehrlich gesagt weiß ich auch nicht ob das hier richtig ist oder ob ich komplett dem Ziel vorbeigeschossen bin.
  17. Greetings. I'm here to see if I can still make new friends, something I haven't done for many years. Personal relationships are more important to me than community, so if I'm unable to become involved with an interesting person or three here, I'll probably fade out. Not to say that I want to discourage anyone from casually interacting with me. I have a great personal interest in optimizing my experience of my existence and overcoming traumas. Some basic not-to-specific info; I'm male, mid-thirties, live in rural midwestern USA, have a BS but work manual labor, no kids, single, white, atheist, Myers-Briggs INTP, Enneagram 5w4 593 sx/sp. I'm big, wear glasses, have a beard, and dress for comfort and convenience rather than fashion. I imagine that covers the basics. Looking forward to interesting people and conversations!
  18. Hi I am looking forward to joining this community and add to the creation of a better NOW for all.
  19. This is going to sound like I’ve had & lost a best mate with that exact problem Rod so forgive me if I say anything that goes against community standards. All I can really say is this, Mike (old best mate) was not the oldest of siblings, got married young, got a good role young too. exactly like you would comment how everyone uses him as the go to guy for every issue expecting him to be his usual self because why on Earth would he, & he did, he did until his business that was started right prior to Covid & the man’s marriage collapsed in 2010. But theres a kicker, the worst of the worst, his older brother was convicted of child sex offences & it came out he was a victim also to which his Mother who couldn’t come to grips with what her oldest son had done & made life just that more terrible. Now i don’t know that any advice or info that could of been given to Mike that could of saved him from any of his short comings all that i know is that he is possibly one of the 40% who can physically not help but to fall into cognitive dissidence & the behind the scenes talk of the plandemic i feel was his biggest issue. I say 1% controlling the maj, 40% blindly, never critically thinking, good for business types & that leaves 59% of the burden of changing the direction of a tyrannical elite who wish to play God when their own science books cannot explain why a Sharman can undergo a soul retrieval for a client who at say age 7, their Father left them & their Mother ipso facto while going beyond the veil & down into the underworld a piece of said soul fled as to not be destroyed & why that Sharman can find a 7 year old peice of clients soul down there without being told about when the father left in the first place. Then if i was to say that if those now empty areas of your soul/energy bodies can be used by other trickster/ poltergist spirits that hang around after death as dwellings & we can as humans have multiple spirits dwelling in us or we would be called possessed & is any of that pretty important spiritual information spread by your TV or radio? God NO. Good luck Rod if you made it to the bottom of this without feeling your blood boil from me being typing honestly you just might be
  20. I'll try to come here in a year or so from now, I'm fighting one of the worst addictive addiction that a lots of people fall into. I'll do my best to beat it, I'm not going to relapse what so ever! I came here in search for helping myself and improving myself with a full faith that I can make it and I'll make it. Mark my words, I'll come here within a year or so - I hope that I'll come back stronger than what I'am Today! Thabk you so much for reading this! Pray for me! Your Community is Wounderful.
  21. Hello guys, So Happy to be part of your wounderful community, I'm glad to be here. I'm coming straight from a different great community related to another aspect of self improvement. Anyhow, I would like and love to start a New Journey in Self Development. I hope that I'll provide a lot to this community. I want to start practicing Meditation so that I can improve my Focus! I"ll do my best and improve my mind little by little. I must say that I have anxiety issues sometimes, especially when i get a lots of problems, my brain kind of shuts down and start catastrophing everything, I'm looking to improve that by immediatly seeking the solution not thinking about the outcomes! Anyways I said a lot! I'm Happy to be with you here - And I'll stay here probably for long time! I'm from Africa, Morocco. #The best is yet to come!
  22. Hello I am new to the community. I am interested in meeting like minded people, blossoms into my life through 🧘🏾‍♀️ meditations, reiki, communication, and learning internal capabilities of living my authentic self. 🦋
  23. One thing I would like people to know about me is that I am new not just to this community, but to the concept of earth angels, light workers, starseeds and such. I'm very open to learning as much as possible and being of assistance to whomever I am able to be assistance to. I'm also a good listener, even if I may not be able to fix something, I do enjoy listening. I especially like to hear to people's stories of how they have gotten to where they are now and how they have grown into the person they are today.
  24. I'm so happy to have found this community. I look forward to hearing from others on here but especially from anyone in Texas. I'm in San Antonio so if anyone on here is too or from nearby and would like to meet let me know. I'm excited to make other's acquaintance and hopefully new friendships will be created.
  25. Hi to Everyone here ,Iam new this is community. What is the one thing I want people to know about me ? Iam from the Philippines and at the present iam into travel and tours business/ iam a Reiki practitioner / Kundilini yoga practitioner / Certified Life Skills and Self Discovery Coach. Iam here to learn and grow and to meet new people and be able to share what i've learned. My warm regards to everybody.
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