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  1. Metly b strong to face all situations in a positive way and hapliy spend moments of your 6
  2. My Journey? Hmmm - That's actually a bit too cliché for me but will use what works for others in an attempt to be heard. More often than not I find this world more a place in which people do time. I think now think of Eckhart Tolle and his lectures on the subject: If I may share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgj7u86e4wc Perhaps not for everyone. I do tend to find him easy on the ear and have spent a more than a few years being open to his core message with respect to here and now. I think I prefer to deal with depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges through the process of dis-Identifying. Commonly known in Eckhart's circle as dis-Identifying from the mind. Apparently key to becoming present. I make now claims either way but can only say what works for me and share what I see. Quote: "Simple but now easy" Reminds me of Jon Kabat-Zin whom I first came across on YouTube doing a presentation at Google. The quote that just came to mind somewhere from his book 'Wherever you go there you are.' I sense a sadness in him when watching him now but he handles it well. He is his own master of course with his own box of tools. I'd say that source of sadness comes from the irony of having talked at Google and they being what they are. Can be summed up in an article 'Father of virtual reality: Facebook and Google are dangerous 'behavior-modification empires' resulting from a tragic mistake' Jon tried his best and still does today with the odd online meet and greet. I know his has made a positive influence on me. Me ... I'm a sponge and whilst have a failing memory and struggle cognitively when out and about in a world not designed for me, things that resonate with me tend to last for life. Although this can be said for both negative and positive experiences. For me, I am not into cutting people out of my life on a whim because some article claims that's how I will claim my prize. I find such doctrine as it be, a tact like perhaps what google does when assimilating the knowledge of great speakers like Jon then creating an algorithm to hook people in. Everyone promoting themselves behind a veil of excellence and success sold in many other likewise terms. Kind of like how western society adopts and twist other cultures, religion and philosophy. Why not throw into the mix domination and control? Smiles because it's all so challenging that anyone that talks on such things in todays world is quickly such down in a finely tuned machine that sees automated robot responses from humans all over today's info tech world. Indeed, depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges abound. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for advice myself. Most of my take and approach is also very challenging but not so much for me. It just fly's in the face of main stream ideals as peddled from the machine. I'm acutely aware though of how my own resistance works against me which is why I find the likes of Tolle, Zin and Watts very compelling. That said, I don't find watts as soothing at Eckhart and Jon. He is a little more blunt but still I find enough gold in his sharing to be helpful for me. Grain of salt until it hits a home run, but then I much prefer revisiting such insights until I can either acknowledge them as my experience or not. I don't care much for the dramatic music played in the background and images pasted over the top. That's more part of the trap the Tolle often talks about and even Watt's himself. Much irony abounds in as much at Jon talking at Google and again it being what it be. In that regard the lycra , iconic images and drama used to profile peoples self promoting journeys is also something I recoil from. Smiles again ... no wonder I prefer small groups. arrr ... Now I think of the Life of Brian. Don't ask how I got there. hehe. I also don't take myself too seriously but also keep things true enough for me when creating my own script. I have no purpose that fits into another group ideal although many would propose in their daily speech. "What do you do for a living?" As if to imply I must be 'doing' something in order to live or whatever. "Keeping Busy?" all the way into the new age group that also ask many questions of others "What have you contributed?" Different dynamics, same patterns. The use of exclamations marks following claims of stillness and peace. Tis a crazy world to be sure full of irony at every turn. Yet there are snippets to be had in every irony to be had. "You shall know them by their fruits." The latter being from a book I consider and no more than a book, yet rings true enough. I don't always throw the fruit out either just because it does not look pretty or not pitch perfect in taste. Sadly it seems out culture today is steering more toward said irony more and more. So sad indeed that it's nice to a section like this in a happiness forum that appears to be open to such things. Each to their own of course. This is my world view from what I have seen, experienced and see and seeing. Although it's worth noting such revelations can be hard to cope with. Especially in a world programmed with such an inherent need for validation and approval. Time for some gardening and to quickly share a pic of what keeps me out of such a chaotic and shallow world - more so what keeps me grounded, brings me solace and peace: Is not about the end result but about the experience. Instead of cutting people out of my life on a whim and gong form relationship to relationship, I make friends with that which does do not use open its mouth or take photos of itself: Again ... we all find happiness in our own way. 🙃 Takes more than a fancy profile, well constructed answers to text book questions to build trust in a world of deception. How's that for non-neurotypical? Oh the labels! ← Notes* first exclamation mark. Well done on the drama. Oh how they hand those labels out and how people cling to them. Forgive my candor here but true enough for yours truly. Such is a bit of an epidemic from what I can see. I choose to be none of them but like so many others jump through the hoops in order that I may have the right to live. But yea ... whatever works. I burnt out the sensor on my wife's camera taking the image bellow. It was cheap tiny compact affordable at the time to replace with the newer one - but how lost I was in the taking of that shot. It was an experience which makes this one of so many years later still my favorite. When I am doing well I enjoy taking these kinds of photos. I find much of the essence in the talks given by those I named above in images like these. I'm only just starting to get back into a cycle where I am considering sharing more of these experiences. Minus my world view of course. These kind of shares tend to convey more in a way that's more digestible. That said, writing in our own way from the heart as we see and breathe is also therapeutic. This is why I am often more my own audience but open to all minds. Even those that are not like mine but get the gist of being more open to those that resonate. I'm just not into cutting out people as commonly sold nor all the other aspects of today's selfish algorithm. This makes me a target by being so open, but then I also get to meet real people otherwise isolated by the things of which I highlight. I'm all for those on the fringes - for all those who have been rejected - yet get the boundaries that others use to reason when taking a less painful route. Until next share - have a nice day.
  3. Yea that's a hard core story. I've seen many go this way with my brother being one of them. Sadly it does not help when so many of us are taught to cut others out of our life when the going gets tough. Rejection is a terrible and soul destroying thing. This is why I advocate peace and acceptance above all as today's front line of happiness. Those said services can help but in the end it is up to us. Writing about it can help when not impeded by those who would cast our pain aside. Well done on sharing as you have. Being mindful in the here and now is what I find helps. All those ifs and buts tend to keep us down. I suggest just focusing on what works for you and you continue to live on. Do not let others tell you what you should say or how to think. Advice is well meaning but I have learned its far better to go with our hearts when we learn to be open to our own personal truth. Your own advice shows how much you have grown having been able to express such pain yet worked on through it. Thank you for sharing as today I will be sure to talk to my family keeping this in mind. Great share. This has made me more mindful for the day. You do what you feel helps you. Sounds like your on the right track. Regards ~ Dave.
  4. Narr - in todays world being what it be with the internet and all it's devices, such thoughts exist in all age brackets today and those thoughts more out of control. If I could just say ...Self preservation is quite the opposite to my context when speaking about self exploration. Like letting go is what I have found key in terms of acceptance. That said, I respect your take and perhaps not quite reading you well. I am 53 having aged well before my time with a story I'd rather let go. I live in a house with my wife, daughter and grandson all doing the best we can to get along. I kind of have to laugh out loud at that one. My wife has a debilitating disease with support peoples that come to our house. She and I sleep in different rooms and we no longer have sex. It would so happen that intimacy was something very important to me and that whilst for sure we could still be intimate, my wife's happiness has taken a huge hit with such all the challengers she now faces. It's been going on for years where each passing one sees her condition slightly worsen. By the way I am not trying to compare here but simply share. I've been in my own room for years now having to accept that I will no longer have sex again and also my wife's depression combined with my own (as is how energy works kind of thing - no ones fault - or perhaps often mine - certainly not my wife's which is why I am still here - it is what it is) that, that once intimacy that I found so empowering and or comforting was no gone. I can't hug my wife as am often pushed away. I don't need the sex because I'm a person that can get enough just by being close and being gentle kind of thing. Long story short - Life's happenings regardless whatever can in some sense rob us of such things. Perhaps that term 'rob' a bit strong as it's only in my self reflection that I have found the power to be here for all my family as they too also seem to get enough from us all simply being present. Alas, I too still have fantasies about meeting someone else who might be able to afford me the interactions that most of us subscribe to being emotionally connected that is in a more inspiring and immune boosting kind of way. I seem to of digressed - my apologies. I guess the point for me is if I took to heart all the the recommendations regarding cutting out negativity out of my life, that would mean leaving my wife, my daughter and grandson whom are all in great need to some extent. I've done a lot of self reflection on such none of which I consider as self preservation but more for the greater good. Perhaps more complex than that but not wishing to write a book. I've come to accept my situation and in doing so have less a need for what more people think is community. The foundations on which today's community is built is based more upon economics than human values with the latter no more than a deceptive sale. So too I think it is the way with people and interactions when it comes to exterior values Vs that which lay within. The time I take out in order to sooth myself is more about letting go of what most strive for. Often it involves allowing myself to experience the pain of my self as well as those I love knowing too that like you, I also wish for that something that feels missing. I don't know really ... grasping at straws myself. I feel it is good to look after self in order to help others but not when it just becomes only about me. Yet it's OK to console ourselves if not always caught in a state of commiseration which too can help ... but many times more a trap. I find the general consensus on happiness can often be like that too. We don't want to preserve ourselves as much as be ourselves. Does that make sense? For me and mind you ... it's been quite a while. Just recovering from heart attack symptoms myself. I'm just winging it here but is mostly why I write and feel as I do. It seems the more we open up and be our true selves the less in need we become ... the less validation we need. Unfortanley most of our online content is all about the need for validation with an algorithm that instills reward and punishment. Very much on a community level but that is another story: How Google, Facebook Turned into Behavior Modification Empires. No link required. This aspect very present in most forums as well. I shower too - but on odd days. 0-0 ... yet my ability to convey the truth in a mindful way seems to be unscathed. Or at least I hope. We have become very much an exterior race. Kudos to you for opening up. I often feel the same way despite my claims but making gains through mindfulness or mindless activities that fall within my own ideals. All the best with your own.
  5. Hi Janeames, I think it's a safe bet that there are many people out there feeling like this. Happiness is not always as others coin it. Being quiet and unobtrusive can be unsettling for those always seeking to be seen and heard. Of course the dynamics are much more complex than that. I deal with loneliness through the practice of acceptance. More so inner work. The latter not so easy when bogged down in low states of energy and emotion. These negative aspects of being for sure inhibit our ability to make substantial connections with other people. Thankfully I have discovered I don't need many people in my life to find substantial peace. Such an insight not welcome in busy groups that thrive on every day clichés of joy and bliss. That said, one or two connections can greatly improve our health and wellbeing. I just practice being myself as best I can be, but not to be better, thriving, successful or anything of those things. The few friends I have had for decades now to which I can count with just a few fingers on one hand, do not go to parties, sing or dance, we just accept the others for who they be, we take heart that we understand the things that others are so quick to disown. I hope this finds you as well as can be. I use nature over all and stay true to myself despite the push to fit in. Practice stillness and you'll come to see that square pegs do in fact fit into round holes without the need to be something or somebody else.
  6. I'm not quite sure if I can offer relevant life advice to someone who survived a time double my age, but I'll try. People want to be happy. So they follow people who are happy and who organize fun events. If you are sad most of the time, don't expect others to make you happy. If you want happiness, you will have to make it yourself. Nobody knows you better than you do. So you can be your own best friend who takes care of you. Care about yourself like you care about others or even more. Comfort yourself with a nice bath, some ice cream or whatever makes you happy. If you like movies, take yourself out to the cinema or go with a partner if you have one. This way you will feel cared for, you will feel respected and that's the moment when you are truly independent and happy. And with your new happy and positive energy you will attract friends. And some of the friends who enjoy the time with you might also be with you in bad times. And these are the ones to keep. Good luck.
  7. It's not like there is a magic secret making your life perfect. It's something very natural, but a lot of people just don't take their time to think. With social media, streaming services, music, television and all this stuff, nobody has to be bored anymore, but sometimes that helps. When I'm waiting for a doctor's appointment, when I go by bus or when I am in similar boring situations, I don't take out my smartphone, but I think. However, I takes notes on my smartphone sometimes. So I think about all kinds of things. What are this week's To Dos? What could I do to make my home even more comfortable? Which life goals would I like to achieve? What could have been going on in the other person's head during the recent dispute situation? And many more. And when I'm done thinking, I've got a good To Do list for the current week, I know my next goals and I'm a little more self-reflected.
  8. I have come to learn a lot about myself in times when I have been alone to do some really truthful self reflection on the choices I have made in my past. I have learned more about myself and what my purpose is here in my life. I have come to welcome peace into my life without apology for having to push others away in my past because those people whom I pushed away did not know or care about what I was going through in a personal way because they couldn't handle rejection. I have come to get over any guilt over saying no to choices that pleased other people more than myself.
  9. Hi everyone! I'm Autumn, and I am new to this community. I am at a stage in life where manifesting and staying positive is everything right now. It is crazy in the world currently, and I found this wonderful meditation, that has allowed me to manifest some pretty awesome things and it has helped me stay afloat. https://bit.ly/3JNH1Et Again, it is wonderful to meet everyone.
  10. Eastern perspective and medicine, beginning in out of date India and China, have commonly regarded body structures and the presence processes occurring inside as resolute. Their phrasing lives somewhere close to plan and ability and recognizes explicit components in the human body, tending to the movement of life energy and, in some sense, guides for that stream that don't come close to actual plans apparent by Western science and prescription. The chakras are the energy networks in a singular's normal field and are responsible for their physiological and state of mind as well as unambiguous social affairs of organs. All basic components of the human not permanently set up by energy that turns in the chakras. These can be portrayed as "whirlpools implied," and in Indian, they are considered "energy detonates" or "wheels." https://www.digistore24.com/redir/437658/Healing77/ The course of energy change happens exactly in these core interests. Crucial energy, close by blood, courses around the meridians in the chakras and drives all organs and structures in the human body. Right when the scattering in these meridians falls apart, the human body becomes powerless to various issues. A shocking insurance procedure, arranged explicitly to battle such stagnation is Chi Gun, an old Chinese methodology for self-recovering which incites the energy networks. Chi Gun assists people with conveying the genuine energy by scouring express districts connecting with the different chakras. There are 49 chakras referred to in the Vedic Canons, seven of which are basic; 21 are in the resulting circle, and 21 in the third circle. According to the Vedis, there are various energy channels provoking different regions from the chakras. Three of these channels are crucial. The first, called "shushumna," is vacant and is moved in the spine. The other two energy pathways, "ida" and "pingala", are arranged on either side of the spine. These two channels are the most powerful in a large number individuals, while "shushumna" stays flat. The seven basic chakras turn at high speeds in the collection of sound individuals yet tone down amidst jumble or with impelling age. Right when the body is in a genial balance, the chakras stay somewhat open. Close chakras can'thttps://www.digistore24.com/redir/437658/Healing77/
  11. You know, it is often said that “Happiness is Free” irrespective of whatever one is going through in life. Well, sometimes, to get happiness and stability in every area of one’s life, there is a price to pay. Mental health, financial and emotional stability and intelligence, regular sleep pattern, balance between work life and social life are some of the problems or issues that are quite paramount these days especially if one follows online conversations on social media. Some people have sought therapy like meditation as a way of escaping from the issues mentioned above. While meditation has worked for some, otters haven’t been that lucky. For those that still want to give meditation a try, Genie Script by Wesley Virgin is by far the best solution or therapy if you like, for the issues we mentioned in the second paragraph of this post. https://bit.ly/3zyWeDN
  12. If you need some manifest happiness quotes to bring happiness into your life, here’s some to start with. “Expect to manifest everything that you want to manifest.” “Ask once, believe you have received, and all you have to do to receive is feel good.” —Rhona Byrne “Manifest what you want into existence by opening up to the Universe. Let it be known!” “We must radiate success before it will come to us. We must become mentally, from an attitude standpoint, the people we wish to become.” —Earl Nightingale “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” —Oprah Winfrey “Speak what you seek until you see what you’ve said.” “If you want to change anything in your life, change the channel and change the frequency by changing your thoughts.” —Rhonda Byrne “You manifest what you believe, not what you want.” —Sonia Ricotti “Eliminate all doubt and replace it with the full expectation that you will receive what you are asking for.” —Rhonda Byrne “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “You are the creator of your own reality.” —Esther Hicks “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” —Willie Nelson
  13. A Healthier You, Inc. Presents A Healthier You Program! A program to help you create healthier habits for yourself. This program is for anyone that wants to build a yoga and mediation practice, add more tools to balance your mind and body, receive information to improve your financial health, and create a healthy lifestyle. The First Cohort begins September 6th, 2022 at 6:30pm-7:45. Classes will be held in Greenbelt, MD, and virtually. This is a 4-week program that focuses on creating healthy habits for your mental, physical, and financial well-being and cultivating changes that benefit a healthy lifestyle. Your investment for this program is $35.00. It includes: Tips and tools to help you create healthier habits Yoga and meditation Free session with a life coach Journaling, reflective activities, and worksheets Community Support For more information and to register visit ahyinc.org! We also offer scholarships! If you need any additional information, please email us at [email protected]
  14. Namaste Every one Life Insurance is Important for self with all family members. Thanks
  15. These are two different questions... 1. I would like others to know, I will probably help them if they ask for it. I got to know many aspects of life - like poverty, wealthiness, failure, success, loneliness, friends and a relationship, ... I also like to think things through. So if there are interesting topics to discuss, I'll be there. 2. The person I'm interested in, already knows it all.
  16. Welcome! We share problems, life advice and try to help each other here.
  17. Everyone needs to be focused and active throughout the day to maintain their busy schedules. I think we should focus on ourselves, spend "ME time" so that we can analyze ourselves and find out more about life. If we spend 20-25 minutes in the morning for ourselves, we can clear the vision.. Follow some morning routines I would like to share my guided visualization with you. This is just a 7 minute audio https://bit.ly/3BMIGIj #MorningMotivation
  18. Are you facing stress and anxiety? Reduce stress & anxiety, Roundglass can help you to restore calmness and serenity to a chaotic life. You don't have to spend time or think about de-stressing. If your stress is spiraling out of control and you need a quick release, Contact Roundglass or follow their tips.
  19. I totally agree with your message because money can make our life easier but can't make us happier!
  20. Found this cool meditation earlier this week that allowed me to explore more of myself - https://bit.ly/3P2MIiY T (delete space between the T and link)
  21. It's really luck to have family or parent who will stand for you and get some basic needs! Foot Slopes Foundation endeavors to improve the quality of life for the children in need. Through multiple services and projects, focusing particularly on children in extreme poverty, we are striving to reduce the illness, child mortality, provide educational opportunities and support community development. We are top-notch Tanzania Safari Tour Operators based in Arusha for Safari in Tanzania, we specializing in Tanzania family Safari Packages, Honeymoon Safaris, Serengeti Great Migration Safari, Photography Safaris, Tanzania Private Small Group Safari, Private Wildlife Safari, Luxury Tanzania Safari Tours & Travel, Mountain Trekking and hiking (Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru).
  22. Life is a journey to your dreams. On this journey we make mistakes, we have good times and bad times and if you find someone, with whom making mistakes is not serious, but okay and fun, then it doesn't really matter if it's a relationship or a friendship. But if I have a choice, I prefer a friendship based relationship.
  23. Welcome! Boredom can be a gift, because you get the time to think about all the things that really matter. Where you would like to go in life, what you would like to leave behind,... And then you have a mission, so you are not bored anymore.
  24. Thank you for sharing this with me. It really mattered to hear about your background and thank you for taking the time to care to relate, it meant a lot. Sorry for the late response; life got in the way and I’m glad today I got around to let you know how much I appreciated this :)
  25. Being an introvert is something awesome cause there's you, maybe alone, with a friend or the love of your life🥰
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