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  1. It's great reading these and seeing what other people do. I actually just woke up to anxiety for no reason. Usually it has an obvious reason. The odd thing about it is that any little thing can trigger it so I had to deal with this a lot, and with Covid it went nuts. But I havent used any benzos in a long time using the following techniques. For me I use Focusing on the senses, which is basically a mindfulness meditation I try to find what thought or feeling is causing the issue and nullify it. There usually is something in the back of your mind. The subconscious can be your worst enemy or your best friend. I get mad. Your body is triggering a fight or flight, stop the flight- start the fight. Get mad at your anxiety, tell it to fuck off. Think of it like a storm that will pass. It usually does within 30 min, 60 min for the bad ones. Improve your life. Work towards a goal you care about and get out of bad situations. Environment and situation are much larger factors thsn I realized. I just finished a big project and I feel like I accomplished something I care about so my anxiety has been better lately, I think that's a huge reason why. Do things for others. It makes you feel good about yourself and stop bad feelings like you deserve this. You don't deserve it, nobody does. Do things for you. I work 7 days a week and noticed I started to get worse as time went. I stopped doing anything fun for myself and just worked all the time. Cortisol is bad for you and you need to play to keep cortisol away. Believe. Knowing that you can stop it is a huge part of the puzzle and can help you get off of medication. Your mind works just as good without the side effects. I watch anxiety meme, funny animal videos, Staying away from social media. buy 1 lottery ticket... I got a lot of these, I've struggled with it pretty bad for years and finally starting to see some relief. Now, I can stop a panic attack with my mind in 5 min sometimes and they happen less frequently. You get better at it overtime.
  2. I'm proud of you too my friend, keep shining your happy light no matter how dark it gets out there, It can get discouraging, never loose faith, and keep shining your light bright for all to see. you see, us humans have a negativity bias, its hardwired from our ancestors, where they relied on that fight or flight response for survival, most of us are hardwired to notice the negative and then it sticks to us, and we bitch about it, giving it more of our attention and energy, the more people complain about something the more energy attracts their complaints to them, giving them more to complain about, vicious cycle really. WE can reverse this with gratitude, noticing and savoring all the good you see and feel in life, creating positive neural pathways, or "Happy Habits" Luvzzz Darja D*star
  3. I'm friendly to strangers, but I don't fake happiness. Yes, life, the world and people can be beautiful and nice, but also really terrible, cruel, unfair and bad. Some people just don't care, but I do and that's hard and heavy. If I would stop being empathic, ignore all the terrible things and smile all day long, that would probably make me a psychopath.
  4. Today we are doing FREE personalized Moon Reading to explore the secret depths of your personality, relationships, and true purpose in life. Comment "ME" down below for your FREE readings.
  5. English is not my first language, so I hope I got this right: There was something wrong with your colon, the doctor repaired it and now he keeps an eye on it every few years. You are affraid, there might be cancer, which could kill you and you was thinking about suicide. So from a medical point of view, everything is under control and you don't need to worry. The point of living is making the best of what you've got. So if you've got a daughter, spend time with her, share your knowledge and experiences with her and help her making her life better than your own. That should make you pretty happy as a mother. Maybe you can calm down your fear of death by remembering you have been dead before. You have been dead before your birth and somehow you "survived" it and you don't even remember anything bad from before your birth. So it couldn't have been too bad, right? But you will probably not die any time soon anyway. You have a lot of time to enjoy all the great things of life. You can hug your daughter, eat a cake or an amazing pizza, go on vacation and much more. Life is full of opportunities waiting for you to seize them.
  6. I’m so sorry your feeling so much pain in life, and you have gone through so much. I’m glad you’ve choose to live for your 14 year old. But know how hard it is being a mum some days when you have blue thoughts. You’ve got this far don’t give up keep strong I know life is testing.
  7. Happiness is something we all want to achieve, it is in our DNA but how? For me its a daily progress in finding things I love doing, tuning my mind in the right vibes I pick up as my life goes by, engaging with people and embracing the change. Life is ever changing and it is not static, we are on the way of new discoveries every day, let's open our minds and hearts. Then we will find happiness.
  8. As for me growing up into my 20’s wasn’t that good for me I’ve been under estimated By people that is called family look at me like I wasn’t Going to amount to anything now I put those thoughts aside because God put me where I want to be I’m happy that I’m able to wake up every day to see my kids I’m in school and my journey is just going to get better for me staying happy is a my strategy And i like listening to music and ima keep on dancing’ for fun i don’t wanna live my-life Angry Miserable Ima keep being me …
  9. Big Dream Alert!!!! This is my first attempt at starting a book. Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?Here goes. . .Don’t Be an A*Hole, How to Stop Doing and Saying Things You Regret.I was an A*HOLE. Truth be told, I still am an A*HOLE from time to time. Progress, not perfection. Why am I telling you this? Well, you may be one too. Before you get offended, let me clarify, an A*HOLE is a person who Always Has Overreactions to Life’s Events.Maybe you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “not me.” Before you stop reading this, ask yourself, “do I often say or do things I wish I could immediately take back?” If not, then please go out into the world and share your secrets. Seriously, stop reading and get out there. The world needs you now!For the rest of us, come with me on this journey of curiosity, learning, practicing, and ultimately transforming your relationships, health, and life. I will share my story, struggles, and practices that have changed my relationships and granted me peace.We will explore together -How being an A*HOLE is harming your relationships and your health.Why self-regulation can be a challenge, and why shaming yourself isn’t working.The simple yet effective steps you can take to retrain your brain to respond differently to life events.Being an A*HOLE is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change. Do you want to improve your relationships? Do you want to lower your stress levels? I did, and I have. I will show you how. You are one book away from transforming your life. Come with me, friend.I would love to hear from you! *** I purposefully did not put Mindfulness in the title or description, because I am trying to turn people onto mindfulness that currently do not have a practice or true understanding of what it is.
  10. I’ve had 3 dogs and 1 cat in my life time. I miss having a little cuddle buddy to come home to. Im actually in search of a new puppy to adopt. I’ve even visited a few shelters recently in hopes to find my new love buddy.. can’t stop watching these cute videos..
  11. I think when one reached a certain level of maturity, one will agree that our own life is 100% our responsibility, our own making.
  12. I think it’s what u make it, but Lao what your parents form u into as you grow up also.
  13. First of all, thanks for sharing your story and for the courage to open up. You have been through hard times and they left marks but they are part of you and they made you the man you are today. And from what I've read, you seem to be a great guy. So if anyone says something bad about your marks, just tell him/her what they mean: They mean, you truly loved a person so much that it left marks and that's beautiful. When I'm old, I want to be able to say that I gave everything for the people I love(d). I would like to have done mistakes, taken risks and lived for what I love. That's far better than being someone who doesn't care at all, who's life was meaningless. What to do in your case? You was right, telling your friend how you feel. You should tell his dad too. And if he keeps bullying you, that's probably to distract from his own dissappointing life. So try not to take him too seriously.
  14. Hi, I am a 30-year-old with terrible dark circles under my eyes which developed during my long years of depression and psychological problems when I was going through an awful phase of my life after a breakup in a relationship. I am now in a better condition compared to before, but my dark circles are something that just doesn't seem to go away. And they are very deep and indeed make me look horrible. I feel ashamed to go out and it makes me already very self-conscious. Not to mention that I also have a lot of wrinkles under my eye, way more than what a normal 30-year-old would have. However, I have kind of gotten into a habit of looking at myself in the mirror and it does not make me feel as bad as it used to do before. I am trying very hard to accept myself for how I look. I have a friend who is very good and supportive. But his dad almost always comments about my dark circles almost every day we get to meet over video calls. And it is not like advice or suggestion to improve my condition or any criticism. His comments are more of like - rude and offensive. He uses words like -"the dark circles make you look so ugly", "your whole personality is getting destroyed because of your hideous dark circles", and "you will never make any impression with them on your face". Just 3 examples of what he really says when he talks about it. Like, whenever I hear him speak about my dark circles, I always feel so embarrassed, sad, upset and self-conscious. A few days ago, I had my first face-to-face interaction with him (my friend's dad), and all the time, he was so heavily judging me for my dark circles and saying rude things like that. That day I got so much hurt that I did something that I should not have done. I directly said to my friend about the whole conversation I had with his dad, and how bad I felt after the interaction with his dad, and shared every detail about our interaction. My friend instantly went into defensive mode and said that his dad was right, he is very good and can never do any wrong, and that I am overreacting. He did not believe that his dad told me those things. He also said that, even if his dad said those things, it is because "he considers me like his own son".... I did not really understand that. I mean, is it okay for a father to say those sentences to his own son? I did not say any more, because I got to understand that he is my friend's dad after all, and that is a different dynamic. But I ended the conversation by telling him to put himself in my shoes and just try to understand, and that I did not mean to hurt his feelings. I just wanted to open up with him about the situation otherwise it was making my heart very heavy. What he did instead is he started separating from me since that day, and that made me even more sad and depressed. Now I feel really bad. I feel kind of guilty to have opened up about this to my friend because I think this might have hurt our friendship to some extent. At the same time, I am very uncomfortable around his dad. How should I deal with the whole situation? I am just out of clues. I don't know what to do...
  15. I do not hope to be approached about god. I want to make that apparent. I am a huge advocate for nature, yet I do not have the ability yet to travel to car-distance hikes, lakes, mountains, valleys, rivers, oceans. I want to scuba dive again. I want to go on car trips. I want to travel. I grew up as a TCK, travelling the world wherever my two parents, both international teachers, got a job. It has it’s ups, but it has it’s downs too. Since I’ve always been surrounded by similar people in my childhood years, I have learned to ignore these traumas I’ve suffered through, seeing them as “normal”. As a result, I’ve forgotten all the highs of my life travelling, and I hope to attempt “van-life” down the line, in my mid-20s to remind myself of the beauty of travel. I hope to drive from town to town, spending a few weeks between each, then settling in a location for a month or two, living out of the van, working in different diners around the world to help fund the next weeks and to learn the stories of the local regulars that dine at the diners. I am a photographer and a poet. I’ve recently picked up a film camera after a year-long hiatus from photography, learning poetry. I mainly shoot black-and-white. Photography helps me follow wherever my eyes leads me to. I mainly use poetry as a means to describe pent of feelings. — What keeps us warm during winter? The weight of the heat trapped beneath this shirt, this sweater, this jacket, on the crowded bus is but the weight of my anxiety. — Now I need to think of a catchy title for this post. Honestly, I think I just want to be heard. Sharing my goals holds me accountable in a way. I am neither spontaneous nor planning. I am neither creative nor intuitive. But I am hyper-aware of my spontaneity whenever is does occur, and my surroundings if anything stands out. I am no stranger to chance or faith or coincidences, whatever you call it. It scares me whenever it happens, and it feels like I’m losing control of my life.
  16. I don't really know you, but from what you've told us, I can understand them. On the one hand, I think it's fair that terrible behavior has terrible consequences. On the other hand I believe in forgiveness and I don't want people to suffer forever. Since your family is important to you now, you can keep trying to show it by being friendly, by apologizing, by caring about their feelings, but in the end it's up to them if they do or don't forgive you. If they can't forgive you, you can still start over. Of course your family will always be a part of your life but you can still enjoy life with friends, by pursuing hobbies, with a new girlfriend, ... Life is not perfect, but if you accept what you can't control and if you try to make the best of what you've got, you can make is pretty nice. Good luck.
  17. There are a lot of things that make me happy, but some of my favourite things include spending time with family and friends, being outdoors in nature, travelling to new and interesting places, experiencing different cultures, reading and learning new things, listening to music, and spending time on creative pursuits. I think it's important to find out what makes you happy and to make time for those things in your life. For me, happiness is a state of mind that comes from within, so no matter what is happening around me I can find moments of happiness if I look for them. I hope you can find things that bring you happiness as well!
  18. I had a mental breakdown 5-7 years ago. I shut myself off from my family and got involved in some ridiculous on line activity that haf me arrested and charged. I had an affair that went sour and now i am alone and abandoned. Hated and people think im a terrible person. I love my family so badly and miss then all so much. I see no one, talk to no one and have no one. Jobless, unloved and uncared about. Its safe for me to say i am more unhappy now than i have ever been in my 51 years of life and i just cant see a way to make my life better.
  19. I'm a guy with a girlfriend, so my point of view is different, but here is what I think about that: Her boyfriend probably became an important aspect of her life. So if you talk about each other's newest activities he is part of some of them. As someone being in a relationship, it can be helpful to talk to a friend about it for a second opinion. If you would like to change the topic, think about what you talked about before her relationship or what you have in common.
  20. Hello, my name is Joey and I am asking for individuals to participate in an interview with me. I am currently a college student and am taking an ethnographic research methods class. In this class, I am researching how mindfulness meditation impacts mental health. If comfortable, I will ask some questions about your personal experience with mindfulness meditation and ask various questions about how it impacts your mental health and how it helps with daily life. After interviews are done, I will talk with you about different ways to keep all of this information only with me. If you have any questions, feel free to post something or reach out to me via the email below. If you want to participate with this, please contact me at [email protected] and feel free to ask any questions before we start. Thank you.
  21. Just posting to say hello everyone out there also looking to find peace and a place to just keep confidence up. Not really sure what to say about myself. I am 40 years old, married, I have 2 daughters, one 17 and the other just 2 months old. So I am very busy and of course sleep deprived LOL. I would like to just connect with like minded people to help support each other navigate all the tricky stuff life and our own minds throws at us. So check out my profile; most of it is complete and feel free to drop me a message or respond here if you think we are on similar journeys. Thanks!
  22. I think it's hard for millionaires to find real friends and relationships who are not just after their money. And if they can't get appreciation by their friends because of that, they try to feel good and being respected by spending the money for status symbols. But when they start trying to show off with their expensive status symbols, they start comparing with other rich people and there will always be someone with a more expensive status symbol, so in the end they will be unhappy even though they have a lot of expensive stuff. That's why I don't tell people about how much money I've got. When I'm asked, my answer will be "Enough". This way, nobody gets jealous and nobody wants to be my friend just for the money. But comparing with others is a problem to me. Generally I think comparing is a good thing, because it can inspire me to improve my life. But on the other hand it can ruin my happiness, because there is always someone better than yourself. So I try to stop comparing sometimes, I try to be proud of what I achieved and to make the best of what I have.
  23. At 62 I work 2 part time jobs and love connecting with the people in those places. We truly are all in this life together!
  24. I like to discuss all kinds of topics regarding happiness and life advice here. For example: How do you know you earn enough money? If you spend more money than you earn, you might get in trouble. If you earn too much money, you might have a bad work life balance.
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