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  1. Yes... motivation is important in our daily life. It helps to change behavior, attitude and gives strength to see positive in any negative situation.
  2. I know I can speak about writing until I annoy even the most patient person. It obviously is more than a passion to me. Dean Kansky said: "You know, the Greeks did not write obituaries. They only asked one thing after a man died: "Did he have passion?" But I can’t plot. Why can’t I plot? Probably because I am as calm as lake water. I can’t imagine bad things happening to good people. I can invent plenty of reasons I can’t write conflict, but it’s very much in demand in the literary world. I am as calm as a lake I do not want to boast, but I am in the period of my life in which talent will bump in experience and something beautiful is about to happen. So I decided to turn my stories into meditations - since they are mainly "fluff stories filled with nothing but pleasantries..." Good thing is I write so well, that even when I describe drying paint it is interesting. Once upon a time, German tales began with “In the old times, when wishing was still effective…” They were folk tales, told around the fire by one generation to another, they were full of mystery, drama, magic, sensuality, fury, and other adult themes, and they were not necessarily associated with children. Just like myths, fairy tales have become the foundations of some of the best movie scripts and fantasy romance books on the market. So I am working on a free podcast of meditations based on fairy tales for grown-ups - oh your stars and garters, and why the heck not?
  3. For one, there are PLENTY of therapists and many with openings in the area, as well as several with sliding scale options. Second, life coaching and psychotherapy are often in the same fee range. Third, since 2017, the Controlled Act of Psychotherapy prohibits non-trained persons, including life-coaches, from interventions that are effectively psychotherapeutic in nature, even if the coach in question never uses that term, and always carefully calls themselves a coach and not a therapist. The Controlled Act of Psychotherapy became law in 2019. The life coaching boom referred to in the article link above looks more like opportunism: people figuring out how to make money on other people's mental health needs, without ethically referring a client to mental health workers. Supply, demand, capitalism. It's called 'niche marketing' or 'finding your tribe'. It's a business and profit margin growth strategy.
  4. Hey Everyone, I'm new to this platform but look forward to spreading my positive light and insight to those that need a beacon of hope and inspiration for life. Feel free to reach out and lets spread some happiness.
  5. Alright, thanks. I was imagined it like a sports coach: "Come on, do 5 more pushups!", "Come on, do something for yourself today." Well, I'm not happy all the time. There are things making me happy, things making me sad, things making me worry, but generally, I'm doing good and I am where I'd like to be in my life right now. I agree that information and other people's experiences are helpful, which is pretty much the reason why I'm here. So I like your idea of helping others by sharing information and insights.
  6. Hi suedseefrucht and thank you! Regarding life coaches, first thing is they are not supposed to give you advice. Insights, guidance or information, but not advice since it is up to the client to decide what action to take after a coaching conversation. If they give advice, they are called mentors or advisors. I agree that happiness comes from within yet it is surprising how miserable a lot of people have been by seeking happiness from the approval of others. Experience varies, beliefs varies, knowledge varies. Some people may need support, others don't, but not just being happy but other goals in life as well. So, I guess you are one happy person? If so, I am happy for you
  7. If "in love" means, you both love each other, if he doesn't want own children, if there are things you like to do together on a regular basis and if he is okay with being alone in the end of his life, it can work long-term. I don't mean to break your spirit, but these are the things I would think about first. Now to the positive stuff: In my opinion, life is not about being society conform. It's about making mistakes and making the best of what you've got. And if he is the person who makes these things enjoyable and fun, there is nothing wrong with spending time with him.
  8. Welcome! I'm looking forward to your lots of topics. From my point of view, "life coaches" try to sell "the one, simple, magic secret to a happy life" for money. But since the "secret" is to make the happiness yourself, independent from other people, you don't need a coach for that. But feel free to change my mind. I like this forum where people can just share life advice for free.
  9. Most welcome and thanks for the welcome too Regarding interests, I love learning. I consider myself a lifelong learner so I do love to read books or learn online courses particularly related to personality development, finances recently and happiness, of course. A little bit of blogging. I hope to create a life coaching online platform someday. My personal project that takes a lot of my time recently. How about you? What kind of art you do and games you play as well as any other interests, if any.
  10. Manifestation is all about taking your time to think about what you would like to do. I wanted to live with a nice job and a girlfriend. So I studied for school, I studied for my bachelor's degree and I kept focussing on what I wanted. So even when something went wrong, I didn't give up, but I tried my best to find another way to succeed. That's how I got the job I wanted. So there are good days, there are bad days, things go wrong, but if you really want something, you can make it work. Success doesn't mean not to fail. Success means to continue after failing. I tried the same for love, but you can't plan love - no matter how hard you try. So I focussed on myself, I made me happy, I took care of my wishes, I accepcted things I can't control and finally I was pretty much happy with myself. And right after that I found a girlfriend. So be your own best friend and never forget: YOU are the most important person in your life (until you get children).
  11. It was a really tough jounery I know it was not easy to do But spiritual awakening really helps you live your life.
  12. try A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, The Art of Happiness. these are really good books
  13. Yes it is worrisome. But as I've noticed with life. It's peaks and valleys
  14. It's hard to explain in a little post like this how much the natural world has helped me in life. Simply going for a walk among the trees or sitting quietly by a river has carried me through an awful lot, often without me truly realising how much it had helped. I just always felt a little better for being outside I suppose, and didn't think too much about it until I read this fascinating article. Anyway, to cut a long story short... Learning about the very real physiological and psychological connection all humans have with nature, promoted me to share some of my experiences of the natural world with as many people as possible. Particularly with those who might be struggling. So I went out filming the sights and sounds of nature so everyone could experience the same relief as I have felt. If you are interested you can view my videos here More importantly though, I am interested to hear if nature has had a significant impact on anyone else out there? Do you feel a little better when you are able to get out for a while? Peace & Love 😍
  15. Yes and this comes with life experience. If we feel pain as a kid, we cry, we try to fix the problem and move on. The more experience we build up, the more often we skip the part of crying and go straight to fixing the problem.
  16. Dear Friends, it is well know that meditation has a positive impact on health. Lots of evidenced based studies have been carried out on with promising results. I am carrying out a study as my master's thesis asking the impact of meditation on the six dimensions of psychological well beings: Self-Acceptance, Personal Growth, Purpose in Life, Positive Relations With Others, Environmental Mastery, Autonomy. All of the six dimensions contributes to well being. In addition I am trying to see the change in selfview due to meditation practice (Self as an independent entity vs Self as connected to all beings). If you are interested in seeing the results and helping me to carrying out the study. Please take part of it. It is an an anonymous online study. Meditators and Non-meditators are required for this study. This study requires around 15min. It would be very helpful if you can support in carrying out the study and fill out the questions. The link to the study is https://www.soscisurvey.de/Selbstbild2022/ Nice greetings and thank you, Max
  17. I interpret the message in this way: the ultimate goal is to be as happy as possible, at all times. However, feelings of suffering should be dealth with, as they are a signal that tells that you are focusing on what you don't want instead of what you want. For example: if you have lost your job, and focus on the fact that you have less money than before, you are unhappy. If you ignore that feeling you will not be unhappy anymore, but you haven't dealth with the cause of the suffering. It's like taking a pill to get rid of stress-induced headache, instead of curing yourself by reducing the stress. However, if you look through the feeling of suffering, and reveal what you want, you focus on how a new job would impact your life. In this way, you have transcended unhappiness into happiness.
  18. People who can truly enjoy misery and be happy about it are psychopaths in my opinion. But I like the text anyway. If you look at something from the total point of view, it becomes easier to accept misery as a part of life and moving on becomes easier.
  19. SECRET OF LIFE ENJOY MISERY ALSO THE SAME WAY LIKE HAPPINESS WHOLE LIFE & CREATION IS ALTERNATE HAPPINESS & MISERY O Learned and Devoted Servants of God, The human being is reluctant to miseries and enjoys the happy situation. The human being can be compared to an ignorant child, who enjoys the sweets only and is reluctant to chillies. Hence, such a human being is ignorant. The grown up adult enjoys both sweets and chillies in the meals. Similarly, a realized soul enjoys both happy situation and miseries in the life. Therefore, it is only ignorance, which is the inability of art of enjoyment. God created this world with happiness and misery. People enjoy the cinema, which contains both pleasant scenes and tragic scenes. Similarly, people enjoy both sweet dishes and hot dishes in the meals. People enjoy the day and night. People enjoy the hot summer and the cold winter. The whole life and creation is full of alternating happiness and misery. If a person can enjoy both happy times and miseries in the life, he is equal to God. You may say that God enjoys the creation from outside. God also enters the creation in the form of human incarnation and enjoys both pleasant times and miseries in the life span. We see this truth in the life history of Rama and Krishna. Therefore, if you always crave for happiness only and reject miseries, it is unnatural and also ignorance of a child. The knowledge of the Gita preaches that you should enjoy even a top most misery, which is the time of death. If you enjoy both miseries and happy situations, you are in a continuous state of enjoyment. You think that continuous enjoyment comes only through continuous times of happiness in the life. It is not correct. You get bored if you are served only with sweet dishes in the meals. Boring is misery. Therefore, misery is inevitable like summer after winter and winter after summer. The Indians denote happiness through cooling. The foreigners represent happiness through warming, which is heat. Therefore, the happiness to one is misery to the other. What is the reason? The foreigner is mainly exposed to winter, which bores him. Therefore, for a foreigner, the heat is happiness. The Indian is mainly exposed to summer and therefore, cool atmosphere is happiness to him. This is a practical proof that the enjoyment is not confined to happy scene or tragic scene only. This also proves that you can enjoy both happiness and misery. Therefore, it is ignorance to ask God for removal of misery and sanction of continuous happiness. Happiness should lie in the process of enjoyment. Whether it is misery or happiness, you will find real happiness in the process of enjoyment of both. The happiness neither lies in the sweet dish nor in the hot dish. The happiness lies in the process of eating the dish, which may be hot or sweet. If this secret of life is known, you will never pray God for removal of problems and tensions. You will enjoy the problems and tensions and hence, there is nothing to pray God for something. Your prayer to God must be due to your attraction to Him for His excellent personality. Your praise of God must be based on your love for His divine personality. But, today we find most of the people praying God for sanction of continuous sweet dishes. Therefore, the desire for something gets smashed if you know the secret of this concept. Hence, there is no meaning in wishing somebody for a happy new year because continuous happiness bores and leads to misery only. The aspiration for continuous happiness through out the year is based on foolishness and ignorance. On the New Year, you must pray God thinking His divine personality and get attracted for His divine quality. You must at least achieve one of His basic qualities, which is enjoying both happy scenes and tragic scenes in the creation. On the Telugu New Year day, people generally take sweets and sour items mixed as offering of God (Prasadam), which shows the same concept of enjoyment of both happy and tragic movements in the life. This is the divine knowledge in nutshell present in all the divine scriptures of all religions. This is essence of the Gita preached by Lord. He enjoyed continuously in His life and even in the last situation, when He was shot dead by a hunter. This is essence to be learnt and practiced by every human being in this world. By Shri Datta Swami Universal Spirituality for World Peace
  20. Dear Light Workers Hope this holy message finds you well. Greatest holy news never before revealed to our mankind in thousands of years, amidst of this world crisis. We have found the One True Creator, The Source of All, not the messenger but the source himself who heals people with his dynamic supreme vibration. He has been calling light workers to reconnect back to the Source, at the same time, cleansed negative energy and fulfilled inner soul with ultimate happiness and Joy. Now as the world is in crisis, we are calling for international light workers to reconnect with him and help save this world together with our human collective power of happiness and joy. You are kindly invited to experience this amazing supreme vibration yourself. With his holy mercy, in case you come across folks who need help with depression, anger, fear, or being harm by demons or dark energy, we can arrange for a distant healing from the source as well. The miracle cure is instant in most cases. This is the charity mission so it is totally free and will arrange service on first come first serve by advance reservation only. We plan to open a session for foreigners on every Sunday 6 p.m. (Bangkok,Thailand). Limited 20 cases/session If interest, please make a reservation in advance by sending email to [email protected] Please note: The reconnection to the source is one time only. After that we would like you to live your life happily and help sending positive energy to save the world together with other light workers around the world. No Course, No Practice, No Meditation, No membership fee Totally free of charge Required good internet connection/WIFI as we use zoom meeting, Communication in Thai, English Session time approx 2 hrs depends on participants and discussion. Warmest regards, AdminCreator [email protected] HighFrequencyTrack82.ogg Attached is the high frequency vibration directly from the supreme creator during the last session on 18 September 2022 Bless you all with joy and happiness HighFrequencyTrack82.ogg
  21. This is a place to exchange experiences, to share life advice and pretty much anything related to happiness. This place is what you make of it. You can be very active and discuss a lot of topics or just read other people's stories.
  22. So you are talking about becoming the person you would like to be by changing your mindset? I know it sounds meaningless because we've heard it a thousand times, but it's important to be yourself. Translated to real life it means to accept yourself, to accept what you like and to care about yourself. I, as an example like watching movies and series and I like PC gaming. Some people didn't accept that. They told me to go outside, to go out at the weekend and not to waste my time in front of a screen. So I was ashamed of liking what I like. And when I was asked, what I did or what I like to do, I just answered "nothing" or "i don't know". That felt pretty bad, because I was told, my wishes were wrong. But actually your wishes are the only thing that really matters. Admit what you like, don't let anyone stop you from doing it and make it awesome. For example, I got myself a nice PC, a great 5.1 surround speaker system and a projector to make the most of what I like and it makes be really happy. Don't get me wrong. I still got a good job, I still go outside and I still meet with people. But if you do what you love without letting anyone ruin it, you are happy. And people notice your happiness and if you share your favorite things to do with others, you might find like-minded people to make it even better.
  23. You sound like you have come to the same point as me. I first found Esther Hicks lectures on YouTube and I really liked what she says. I still haven’t fully accepted the channeling part of her work but the way she explains certain concepts is helpful. Other teachers online who call the law of attraction b.s. still seem to teach the same concepts in a different way. I hope to learn from real life people how they’ve used law of attraction to build their lives intentionally.
  24. Welcome. manifestation, meditation and stuff like this were just keywords to me. They are used a lot by people trying to convince others to buy their books or guides to the perfect life. But there is not that one secret which makes your life perfect. It's basically just taking some time for yourself to do nothing but think about your life goals or whatever else comes to your mind. This helps setting new aims and become self reflected. And it can help reducing stress.
  25. Well said!!! Really... Daily meditation practice should be a part of your life to live life peacefully and happily.
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