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  1. Bad Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results Free 30 Days Audiobook for you If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again not because you don't want to change, but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. Here, you'll get a proven system that can take you to new heights. Click Here: to Know about how to Change Bad Habits Clear is known for his ability to distill complex topics into simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work. Here, he draws on the most proven ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible. Along the way, listeners will be inspired and entertained with true stories from Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, life-saving physicians, and star comedians who have used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field. Free 30 Days audiobook Learn how to: Make time for new habits (even when life gets crazy) Overcome a lack of motivation and willpower Design your environment to make success easier Get back on track when you fall off course And much more.
  2. Maybe let share abit about me, Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything.
  3. Hello. For me, it is to be close to things, people and activities that bring joy or meaning to my life. 😁
  4. hello all ! i met someone over two years ago. before even noticing physical attribute i fell in love with his energy as soon as he sat dowm before me . it was like a vortex of familar energy calm but strong it settled me down almost putting me to sleep. once i saw the face to the energy it was unbelievable he was like something i dreamed into the world . every time my roommate would bring him by the instant we locked eyes it was intense and overwhelming we would just stare for a second as time went on I noticed a push-pull dynamic there were brief periods where he would be in and out of my life we would play The blocking unblocking game on Facebook mainly me in the start I always sensed he would come back I always trust that he would be back when he did leave for short periods of time out of my life during those times I felt anxiety and missed him we weren't really close friends at the start but I felt like I known him my whole life and maybe lifetimes before I never read about twin flames or soul mates during our separation I would read up you know trying to put in my symptoms of our connection and twin flame came up it seemed like the perfect description of what was going on. anyway I recall a time where we sat down in my bedroom and I felt this heavy energy around us it was almost like falling into a vortex and it was strange I remember hearing something outside of my mind saying I known you four lifetimes or something along those lines I can't remember exactly what it was was almost like I went into a deep meditation for a second and I have no recollection but I'm glad it was just intense energy imagine The vortex around us things will fall over for the following weeks there's lots of energy high vibrations I just recall him making me like so happy I knew I could trust him I knew when we would fight it was coming out of a place of love and it's more like constructive criticism we didn't talk much but it was like me to look at each other and we just know what was going on she said to me before I know you better than you can imagine which is strange because you know we never really spoke. I remember first in the beginning I picked him up from his home and as soon as I got in the car I felt the Simpson pieces usual almost onto meditative state I'm a thought crossed my mind saying you feel like home I have no clue what the word home men and apparently walked eyes he was staring at me through the rearview mirror. as a relationship got stronger the energy got more and more it's like I just knew him so well without actually knowing him she would always come around at the right times he would always answer my messages when he did it's like he knew what was going on with me there were times where I knew it was going to run with him I would sit there be like he's making coffee and I would message him he could home you know sitting by the coffee maker there were signs from the universe almost as if the universe is writing to me and bold italics like like home there are times where he would say I'm not home right now or you know I don't feel at home and I would feel a sense of I love you I'm associated with that word that's at the universe word in bold italics you would leave items to my house and it's almost a bold italic moment of I'll be back in always to come back we have similar personalities but the same time very Jane Yang push and pull type of personalities movie with this degree we would just agree he had qualities lilacs I had qualities that he lacks only had say mirror in qualities but they said it always came from a place of he cared I was in an abusive relationship at the time I met him and then he abusive relationships we both were on drug addicts once I met him my life started clearing up it became clear to me I needed help the idea of maybe a life with him in the future cat crossing my mind and you know that wasn't the right reason to go to rehab about a year or year-and-a-half later I can go to rehab we hung with the same circlebut I felt like I know him I whole life I may be like times before I never read about since lanes or soulmates during our separation I would read up yo trying to put in my symptoms of our connection and twin flame came up its seem like the perfect description of what was going on. anyway I recall a time where we sat down and my bedroom and I felt the heavy energy around us it was almost like falling into vortex and it was strange the I remember hearing something outside of my minds saying I know you for lifetimes or something along those lines I can't remember exactly what it was theirs almost like I went into meditative state when receiving these messages . I would receive these messages often when with him . There was a time I drove to pick him up and the minute he got into the car and instantly felt at peace as usual and a thought came outta no where almost like a loud o feel at home . I didn't get recoginize the meaning of home in twin flame relationship at the time . About a month in my energy was going hay wire things were falling off the walls and at times when we walk together it was like a magnetic pull toward each other . Symbols became almost metaphor or a secret language like home when used between us vibrated with I love you and car became a symbol I have no clue what that symbolized but he would see a car and say that's beautiful almost as I'd speaking to me directly or he would tell me what needed to be fixed with his car like it needed fuel and I would be hungry or it would be overheating or he'd tell a about about a car and I'd be dehydrated almost as if speaking to me . Me and him both struggle with addiction I was in a abusive relationship (now my ex boyfriend) at the time my boyfriend father of our son was natrually insecure around him and I spent most time with other men . He would act weird and intimidated even though there was nothing pervceivable being done . I could tell at glance what he was thinking about other people or situations around us he would make a joke that sounded like normal but it was funny to us . Once he entered my life changes started happening rapidly for the betterment of my life and spiritually development . People who were not true to me disappeared . People didn't like us together they would instantly get defensive (those who weren't good for me or him ) . I lost people i ended up getting evicted he never would give me easy advice or baby me he would make sure I got the lesson or overcame a struggle . My child got taken temporary I lost my home my belongings and at some point my mind . Between the drugs and the situations things got what seemed like worse at the time...and I wanted to give up. He literally was the only person who could cheer me up or I could trust . Looking back I now discovered a pattern of codependent nature of me so there was a lesson In that. Eventually his finances and his car became a struggle he started going down hill to and our connection became strained both feeling negative energy and emotions. It was harder and harder to see each other every time we would make plans the oddest thing would happen as if preventing us the universe itself . I started to not understand him as much . We did have sex once and my intuition became so strong and my sense of him that and the drugs did not Mix with that almost causing a pshychosis because my vibration and the messages were in mean spirit . We became more and more distant after . I remember knowing a immense separatation was going to occur . He started seeing someone as I was off and on with my boyfriend at the time and he never really spoke about her . He became distant . I have no clue if he knew all these things were happening on. Concious level like I did. He did aknowledge once or twice he knew me better then I thought or he would somehow know what was going on iny life and would tell me things about how I needed to do something in order to better my life . I was so sure god meant for us to be but the signs stop coming the connection stopped. I stopped feeling his energy I almost forgot who he was as a person . He started avoiding me Eventually rehab was my only choice I departed for flordia two months ago . We spoke the whole way there now I am in halfway and loving being sober I still discover little lessons in ur relationship daily and no matter what I can't seem to forget him or worry I can sense his energy mildly and he went of the grid. He won't text back old friends who were in our circle can't get him on text or social media which gives me hope he to has let go of that life . He was only using with me at the time I was his main source and he was mine. It did become toxic in that sense . I just hope we're in separation and that I wasn't crazy and god has a plan for us . I know deep down he loved me and I know with each and more clear day and clarity what I felt was real but now I question it. The obsession is lifting but I can't forget him or thank him enough for all he did for me and my growth spiritually and as a individual . He did ask my friends how I was doing at rehab so he did care but the silence makes me feel like we never had anything and it was in my head when I get to dount I have no I'll will towards him it's a unconditoonal love . There are sonsa I listen to that he used to play in the car that was almost like he was speaking to me . We had common music tastes and personality wise he has qualites I didn't and I had quality he didn't but much alike emotionally and on th same journey's .same things happening around the same time. Qualites that clashed and ones that mended and coincided. Ones he pointed out in me that he also had but wasn't aware once that started happening that's when tension and resentment arose when we would give eachother honest cristicism about parts we couldn't see In ourself . Shared the same mental health issues depression . Bipolar ect. I almost could read his mind I knew when he was gonna text me or knew he was drinking coffee id wonder what he was doing and bang he would text me saying having coffee almost as if the universe was verifying I wasn't crazy . When I'd pick him I could feel my energy briding to his house . Before the separation I would drive to our friends around the corner and I'd hear loud as say vibrations of distress getting louder as you'd get closer . Could be insanity but I was the most magical intense relationship and beneficial to spirtial growth i ever found in any connection . I'm sad it's no longer I always imagined us healthy sober and clear . The times we were well slept and properly caring for ourselves we were perfect and understanding of one another up until a drug would enter our bodies then it went well to hell ..I'm not fully understanding this relationship or twin flames soulmates ecr so any advice input ect. This distance pulls at my heart more then my mind but keeps me motivated but it hurts .trying to let go is easy. Moving on isn't something I'm trying to do I need to focus on me and my recovery just for today but anytime a male comes in or I get an attraction god takes them out of my way . All advice welcome Thanks for helping me clear this . Namaste
  5. Don't worry I also have the same issues when I was facing life hurdles and many ups and downs that's why I have insomnia then I decided for life coaching and now I am easy and live happy life. You should go to become life coaching because life coaching is to improve your mental health and also finish your depressed level.
  6. Hello Mand! I think it is great you are starting your journey. I think meditation could be made simple, like trying to paying more attention to simple life tasks, like driving, cleaning the house, and gradually you will feel more connected to the present (it may not look like meditation, and more like mindfullness but it all comes to the point of enjoying more or be aware of present). Keep pushing and finding what works best for you. There is not one correct way to do it.
  7. I know a few people who were/are are pretty lonely. Every now and then I was lonely too and I wasn't in a relationship until I was 25 years old (I'm 27 now) even though I don't think I'm ugly or havinga weight problem. My problem was thinking my happiness would depend on other people and I thought I needed a girlfriend to become happy. Unfortunately, this mindset is very unattractive and unhealthy fora relationship. I hope, she can learn to be proud of herself for what she's already achieved in life and she can take care about herself by following her dreams. I know it sounds sad to go to the cinema or on vacation alone, but if that's what makes her happy, she should do it - no matter if she has friends or a relationship. And when people see how she is enjoyig life, they will be a lot more attracted to her. And when she doesn't need a partner to make her happy, she is a lot more independend and confident in a relationship. She can also try to visit her friends far away. It doesn't have to be every week, but a little social contact can change a lot. And by the way... You are an amazing dad.
  8. Hello I am new to this forum today but I would like to comment on this topic. About half my life ago I was married to my first husband at the time. He was 18 years older than I but he made me laugh every day, until we actually married then came this shift that he "made" me cry every day. I had decided as a young girl that once I married I would stay that way and I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in sadness so I decided one day that I would stop crying and BE HAPPY! I had to consciously choose to be happy and the more I chose it the happier I became! Before marrying this man I was an upbeat positive person and have continued to be so sinse I made that decision to be happy so many years ago. So I'm here to tell everyone that yes you can choose your mood and you can choose to be happy or sad or anxious or any other mood this world has to offer. You just have to change your mind and make the decision. Doing so may take a little practice but once you master it you are all the better for it. The only thing in this world that you can truly control is yourself!
  9. HI! My name is Anna, found this site for accident (though there are no accidents, right?))) I practice positive well-being for quite a long time, I meditate, doing yoga, use positive affirmations, journalling an so on. Recently I started a course on Coursera "The science of well-being", and realized, how much I love positive psychology. Even starting thinking about starting a career in this field. I don't have enough like-minded people in my off line life, friends who would be on the same page with me. So this forum is a tresure box for me. Hoping to find new frieds here.
  10. Very helpful forum to those in need of life coaching. thought this might help also in our forum who seeks therapy and coaching here's the link: <a href=“https://equineguidance.com”> Somatic Equine Therapy and Coaching</a>
  11. You have made me very curious with your description of the neutral life. I didn't know the term yet and couldn't imagine anything about it when I first read it. Neutral life - that sounds strange at first, because my focus is on a happy life. But basically it is almost the same - a life free of false ambition and optimisation madness. With a watchful eye on the positive things. That also seems to fit with one of my ways of only worrying about things I can change or influence. It keeps me away from a lot of brooding and fretting....
  12. Sometimes in life we feel that everything are going right into the places. And we didn’t noticed that we are getting overwhelmed and getting overly confident until another trial comes in the way and we are not aware that it’s trying to destroy us again. And we caught off guard. The path that we have climbed are now slowly collapse until we feel that we come back to the rut again. We might feel lost again and don’t know how to start back again. But no matter how severely our set back feels we should keep the light of hope burning. Get up again, pull ourselves together and be redirected back to the right track again. We might fall but still have the chance to stand up and bounce back again. Life has up’s and down’s we should know how to stand up again, fight and keep moving until we reach goals in life. We might get lost along the way and we thought that we lose everything and is back to zero again but NO! We lose something but we also gained much better a lesson that will make us stronger. No matter how much we fall the most important thing is we are ready to rise and start back again.
  13. Hey everybody! I wanted to share a cool online cohort-based meditation series exploring the themes of relationships, livelihood and money in the context of mindfulness and Buddhism. It is an 8-week series starting next Sunday! There are some really amazing meditation teachers involved such as Chan Master Guo Gu. Let me know what you think! Dharma-Gates.org/building-a-beautiful-life It's offered on a donation-basis, and is designed for young people ages 18-35.
  14. I want to ask you if you were ever being in relationship what we're the reason for breakups Have you ever tried to bring her or him back in life? have to ever came across any moral that you need to tell the world. I am here to listen it.
  15. Hi Tara-- So how did it work out with "Mr. Perfectly Nice"? Are you still seeing him or did it end? Something sends my spider senses on alert when someone is overly nice...kind...attentive I get suspicious. Don't trust it. Been burnt too many times to just go along with anything. = Self Protection to avoid being mislead & ultimately hurt again So I want proof. A guarantee. So then... the tests to see if the kindness is genuine?...Can I trust it? Scary to trust...to let the guard down... to be vulnerable. When we've been abused early on in life as kids ... teens... it screws up our inner gps such that our inner guidance system (intuition & feelings) can be messed up & our self esteem & feelings of worthiness can be damaged...but it doesn't mean0 irreparable. Journalling out my feelings & connecting with divine guidance helps me. Divine guidance always speaks to me in kind ways...like a sweet loving parent might. Would love to hear an update!!
  16. Hi there. I am tremendously sorry for the loss of your beloved cat. It’s clear she was a huge part of your life, you both grew up together. I am a cat mom myself and currently have a 5yr old who I love with my whole heart and soul. Reading your post made me feel emotional and so empathetic towards what you’re going through. Your cat lived around 18+ years which is incredible! It sounds like she had a very long and loving life with you as her cat mom, and I’m sure you brought her as much joy and love as she brought you. Try not to focus on the loss of your beautiful baby, but think about the joy of her life. Think about all the times you’ve shared with her, each time you have had a milestone and she has been there. The relationship you can build with a cat is phenomenal and truly something to be proud of, because cats can be so very selective with their humans! Im sorry you had to see your cat in the state she was in before she passed, but she is no longer in any discomfort or pain. She is free. Her soul is still very much alive and she will always be with you. Take time to mourn and to grieve because this is a huge loss you are experiencing. You are allowed to feel the way you do, and to take time off from school and whatever responsibilities you may stress over. You are experiencing the death of a beloved, and in this case it can be just as painful as losing a person. I know this will be one of the hardest things you have to do, but do it for your cat, for yourself, for your family, your future, and your future kitties! Cherish all the memories and hold them dear to your heart but do not feel on the loss. This chapter of your life has closed, and soon a new one will open, you must have faith in this process. It’s the circle of life. Regarding your depression and anxiety, do you have a support system for this? Also, remember that pain is TEMPORARY. We are constantly in a state of change, as is everything around us. The deep feelings of sadness will heal with time, I promise you. You have to be strong for your cat baby, and for yourself. Try be kind to yourself, even more so during this time. So nice things for yourself, take time out, listen to music that makes you feel good. I don’t know how this site works yet as I’ve literally just downloaded the app. Yours was the first post I saw, and I couldn’t scroll past it without leaving you a message. I hope this helps in some way. Please take care of yourself. I’m sending you love and healing 💕
  17. LOVE is such a beautiful experience one should have once in their whole life time Do you believe in love? Tell me your story how you fall in love and how it worked out for you.
  18. Twenty years ago my grandpa died and ten years ago my dad almost died. I took people for granted who were there for all my life. I got to know people who care for their disabled family members 24/7. I took health for granted sometimes.
  19. Yeah you are right life coaching have many benefits and as well as its a best way to improve your mental health. And a life coaching is to improve people lives. I know very well its benefits when I was suffering from depression and lose my mental stability than someone tell me for life coaching then I joined coaching training and now I lived my life happily.
  20. I recently seen a very thoughtful process of let go of your embarrassment,ego and whatever it comes before resolving any problem with your spouse,girlfriend,friends,parents or any relationship in your life.It taught me in the end when you look back at these moments only happy heart that matters. Tell me how you resolve Your problems or anger with your special ones.I am all ears to listen your stories.
  21. I love the message in Sonja Lyubomirsky's research paper (and in her book The How of Happiness), which suggests that general life circumstances are only responsible for 10% of our base happiness level, whereas our actions (how we interact with the world) are responsible for 40%. (The other 50% is inherited in our genes.) While these figures may be a little optimistic, the message is clear - our happiness is not generally dictated by our external circumstances. I personally found that gratitude (learning to appreciate everything good in my life) has made me so much happier. By writing a daily gratitude journal for a week or two, where we write down at least three things we are grateful for each day, it helps us to focus on the good rather than the bad. And that is sooooo important. As the quote attributed to Einstein (which he probably never said) goes: “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”
  22. Mental health is most important part in your life. You should take care of it. If you want to improve your mental health you should go for life coaching. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  24. Suffering to me is not limited to any specific loss or obstacle. It is an overall state of being that makes one live in a restricted and restless way. It is a tussle between desperation and desire. A constant involuntary swinging of the impatient self to get things fast, and insecurely hold on to them. There are countless memories of loss and different kinds of obstacles one faces in life. I feel citing just a few of them would be a futile task. For suffering is an overall perspective that we build over time, about ourselves, others, and life, and the overall feelings we live with, on a daily basis To some extent it is a pertinent need to suffer as mortals, because inherently we associate ourselves with duality. We cant understand pleasure without pain, happiness without sadness, or gain without loss. This dwindling between the dualities keeps us alive like a pendulum, swinging non-stop towards the two extremes. The spectrum of life is black and white, of different intensities. Each one of us has their our own palette that one uses to paint one's life. A short poem to explain this feeling we all go through. The swinging existence One keeps oscillating between the extremities of emotions. Reaching a stable state of tranquility is a matter of chance. One just passes through it, and again keeps swinging like a pendulum bob, only to die out as one's energies deplete with time. The mortal is like, A swinging bob, Of this existential pendulum, Rising to a height, Of extreme boisterity, Like a tempest swirl inside, And an enraged fiery outside, Both uncontrollable and destructive. Then, It goes back, To its equilibrium, A place of tranquil bliss. Only to rise again after moments, To a position of intense glee, Like a pristine summer lake, Where grows in abundance, The foliage but not for long, As it loses its strength, With no anchor to bank upon. The stable point, Is fleeting for him, Which he lives truly, For a duration long enough, When life energy extinguishes, Of moving between, These extremities of emotions, Finally, Spiralling down with every swing, To the point of final placidity, Rarely reached when alive.
  25. Hi I am nigam I always welcome new people I like to talk to them I am a good listener. I am always curious about the moments which make the people think that yes it was a miracle that can't be happen but it does really happen. I am a destiny lover I believe half is what we makes our life and the other half depends on destiny. so here I want to ask your story of miracles (the moment you never think about and it surprises you) welcome you all what's your story?
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