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  1. I believe that being happy, content and at peace with your surroundings can bring lots of positivity in one's life. We have to consciously make efforts to be in this state for as long as it is possible. We know that we can control ourselves only so accept everything and everyone else as it is and work towards making your own life a happy and peaceful one, daily. Just see how we can make it better for ourselves and for the benefits of others as well. This positive feeling makes us stronger day by day. The ultimate goal of any person's life is to live it well so keep full faith in God and work towards making your life a fulfilling one. We have to make positive progress in all areas of life. Keep yourself in high spirits always! God bless!
  2. I'm trying to find my place in this world people say things like " psst I say this in a humbly proud way" " she's the most tolerant,understanding kindest person I know" I live by a code of honour Honesty,Forgivness no matter the hurt caused,but most of All HEART I love mother earth her people I can somehow draw out Trust in people towards myself as a vessel for a higher purpose this is sometimes overwhelming as my Empathy seems to overflow I'm starting to try and master my emotions I used to infact still do CRY at the kindest acts,hurt painfully feeling everything and everyone around me I see never mind feel their stress their angst,Anger,stress ect you'll know what I mean I am desperate to help but I experience extreme burnout!!! Not good I know ended up in hospital yesterday I'm looking,seeking people whom understand this pull of call it faith,call it universe call it source it just is!! I hope someone gets me here many labels bar the true one Giving in all its forms but in my infancy in discovering who I am this is a recommendation so I hope I've done her proud by reaching out to see is this me any advice welcome I understand more than anyone" if we All shine like the Stars 🌟 we represent we are one collective sending positivity and love and peace into our world trying to make it remain Neautral and mirror Heaven on Earth" in all heart ❤️ and kindness Claire Margaret 💜 🌟
  3. Big Dream Alert!!!! This is my first attempt at starting a book. Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?Here goes. . .Don’t Be an A*Hole, How to Stop Doing and Saying Things You Regret.I was an A*HOLE. Truth be told, I still am an A*HOLE from time to time. Progress, not perfection. Why am I telling you this? Well, you may be one too. Before you get offended, let me clarify, an A*HOLE is a person who Always Has Overreactions to Life’s Events.Maybe you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “not me.” Before you stop reading this, ask yourself, “do I often say or do things I wish I could immediately take back?” If not, then please go out into the world and share your secrets. Seriously, stop reading and get out there. The world needs you now!For the rest of us, come with me on this journey of curiosity, learning, practicing, and ultimately transforming your relationships, health, and life. I will share my story, struggles, and practices that have changed my relationships and granted me peace.We will explore together -How being an A*HOLE is harming your relationships and your health.Why self-regulation can be a challenge, and why shaming yourself isn’t working.The simple yet effective steps you can take to retrain your brain to respond differently to life events.Being an A*HOLE is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change. Do you want to improve your relationships? Do you want to lower your stress levels? I did, and I have. I will show you how. You are one book away from transforming your life. Come with me, friend.I would love to hear from you! *** I purposefully did not put Mindfulness in the title or description, because I am trying to turn people onto mindfulness that currently do not have a practice or true understanding of what it is.
  4. Hello Everyone, I’m new and glad to be here amongst beautiful people. Peace and Love always
  5. Just posting to say hello everyone out there also looking to find peace and a place to just keep confidence up. Not really sure what to say about myself. I am 40 years old, married, I have 2 daughters, one 17 and the other just 2 months old. So I am very busy and of course sleep deprived LOL. I would like to just connect with like minded people to help support each other navigate all the tricky stuff life and our own minds throws at us. So check out my profile; most of it is complete and feel free to drop me a message or respond here if you think we are on similar journeys. Thanks!
  6. You're quite a scientific! Quite a long read, I have to admit I only read the first part... but thank you for sharing. In my opinion, simply the fact, we are part of nature. So, going back or connecting to nature is like going home; there's comfort and peace...
  7. Hello AtlasVistas and nice to meet you too! Thank you for the message Natural world, you mean, in nature? There is something about nature that brings peace and joy in us, I think...
  8. It's hard to explain in a little post like this how much the natural world has helped me in life. Simply going for a walk among the trees or sitting quietly by a river has carried me through an awful lot, often without me truly realising how much it had helped. I just always felt a little better for being outside I suppose, and didn't think too much about it until I read this fascinating article. Anyway, to cut a long story short... Learning about the very real physiological and psychological connection all humans have with nature, promoted me to share some of my experiences of the natural world with as many people as possible. Particularly with those who might be struggling. So I went out filming the sights and sounds of nature so everyone could experience the same relief as I have felt. If you are interested you can view my videos here More importantly though, I am interested to hear if nature has had a significant impact on anyone else out there? Do you feel a little better when you are able to get out for a while? Peace & Love 😍
  9. Equal Entertainment and Monism with God Even if somebody scolds Me, I do not get angry at all. In fact, I enjoy the scolding like a hot dish in the meal or like a tragic scene in a movie. God has created this world filled with happiness as well as misery, just as a movie is filled with both comic and tragic scenes or as a meal is filled with sweet and hot dishes. The opposites are to be enjoyed alternately. Any one thing continuing for a long time invariably leads to boredom. The Veda says that before creation, God alone existed. In that state, there was no second item and no changes at all. So, the state was boring. Therefore, God created this world for His entertainment, to get rid of boredom. God equally enjoys both the misery and the happiness that exist in His creation. He is like the eater enjoying his meal consisting of both sweet and hot dishes or like the spectator enjoying the movie having both comic and tragic scenes. Attaining this God-like state of equally enjoying both comedy and tragedy in the world is called yoga (Samatvaṁ yoga..., Tulya nindāstutiḥ..., Sukhaduḥkhe same...—Gita). Equal enjoyment does not mean that both comedy and tragedy are equal or that they are one and the same. The two are clearly quite different; they are opposites. The enjoyment or the entertainment obtained from both is the same. When you see a pot and a piece of cloth, the two items are different. The pot is not the cloth and the cloth is not the pot. But the process of seeing both is one and the same. If we want to achieve monism (Advaita) with God, we must at least achieve this state of equal entertainment in our lives while living in the world. As far as creation is concerned, we cannot create even a single atom, let alone creating the whole world. Neither can we control or destroy the world. In these three aspects of creation, control and destruction of the world, we can never achieve monism with God. This important concept is clearly stated in the Brahma Sūtra (Jagadvyāpāra varjyam...). We can at least try to enjoy this world like God who enjoys both comedy and tragedy and obtains the same entertainment from them. You can neither purchase the food materials nor cook the food. Your friend has purchased the food materials and even cooked the food. He has offered to let you eat the food along with him. Can you, at least, eat the food, equally enjoying both the sweet and hot dishes like your friend? If you cannot do even that much, how can you claim that you are equal to your friend? Can you not achieve oneness with him at least in the aspect of eating with equal enjoyment? When you cannot achieve equality with your friend in even a single aspect, where is the question of oneness or monism between the two of you? If you can equally enjoy both the sweet and hot dishes in the meal like your friend, you can at least claim equality or similarity with your friend in that one aspect of eating. On the basis of that one commonality, you could claim oneness in a loose sense. Similarly, if you can equally enjoy comedy and tragedy in the world like God, you could claim monism with God, in a loose sense. But remember that such loose monism is confined only to the single aspect of equally enjoying the world and not in the aspect of creating, controlling or destroying it. You can say that you have monism with your friend in the aspect of eating the food but you must also say that you have dualism with your friend in the aspects of purchasing the food materials and cooking the food. If you do not have even this one similarity in the aspect of eating the food, then you have no right to utter the word monism with your friend. If you are unable to attain similarity with God even in this one aspect of equally enjoying the world, you are an ordinary soul. Such an ordinary soul is totally different from God. It does not have even a single similarity with Him. A realized soul, who has attained this one similarity, is called a yogi. Such a yogi alone can claim monism with God in an approximate sense, based on this single similarity. The greatest surprise is that the Advaita philosopher claims monism with God in a strict sense, in the case of an ordinary soul! Of course, monism with God is possible in the case of a specific soul(like Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Sai Baba etc) who has been selected by God to become an Incarnation. In the Incarnation, God merges with that particular soul perfectly. But even in the case of the Incarnation, the perfect monism that exists between God and the soul is only to the extent of our imagination. Beyond the limits of our imagination, a dualism between God and that soul remains. Owing to this extremely subtle dualism, God can even withdraw from the soul in whom He has merged, at any time! The realized soul attains partial similarity with God in the single aspect of obtaining equal entertainment from the world. This state is called partial union or partial yoga with God. The Incarnation has full yoga (union) with God, to the extent of our imagination. One must remember that even in the case of an Incarnation, God can withdraw from the Incarnation’s soul. So, there is dualism between God and soul even in an Incarnation. Of course, that dualism is beyond the limits of our imagination. - By Shri Datta Swami www.universal-spirituality[.]org Universal Spirituality for World Peace
  10. SECRET OF LIFE ENJOY MISERY ALSO THE SAME WAY LIKE HAPPINESS WHOLE LIFE & CREATION IS ALTERNATE HAPPINESS & MISERY O Learned and Devoted Servants of God, The human being is reluctant to miseries and enjoys the happy situation. The human being can be compared to an ignorant child, who enjoys the sweets only and is reluctant to chillies. Hence, such a human being is ignorant. The grown up adult enjoys both sweets and chillies in the meals. Similarly, a realized soul enjoys both happy situation and miseries in the life. Therefore, it is only ignorance, which is the inability of art of enjoyment. God created this world with happiness and misery. People enjoy the cinema, which contains both pleasant scenes and tragic scenes. Similarly, people enjoy both sweet dishes and hot dishes in the meals. People enjoy the day and night. People enjoy the hot summer and the cold winter. The whole life and creation is full of alternating happiness and misery. If a person can enjoy both happy times and miseries in the life, he is equal to God. You may say that God enjoys the creation from outside. God also enters the creation in the form of human incarnation and enjoys both pleasant times and miseries in the life span. We see this truth in the life history of Rama and Krishna. Therefore, if you always crave for happiness only and reject miseries, it is unnatural and also ignorance of a child. The knowledge of the Gita preaches that you should enjoy even a top most misery, which is the time of death. If you enjoy both miseries and happy situations, you are in a continuous state of enjoyment. You think that continuous enjoyment comes only through continuous times of happiness in the life. It is not correct. You get bored if you are served only with sweet dishes in the meals. Boring is misery. Therefore, misery is inevitable like summer after winter and winter after summer. The Indians denote happiness through cooling. The foreigners represent happiness through warming, which is heat. Therefore, the happiness to one is misery to the other. What is the reason? The foreigner is mainly exposed to winter, which bores him. Therefore, for a foreigner, the heat is happiness. The Indian is mainly exposed to summer and therefore, cool atmosphere is happiness to him. This is a practical proof that the enjoyment is not confined to happy scene or tragic scene only. This also proves that you can enjoy both happiness and misery. Therefore, it is ignorance to ask God for removal of misery and sanction of continuous happiness. Happiness should lie in the process of enjoyment. Whether it is misery or happiness, you will find real happiness in the process of enjoyment of both. The happiness neither lies in the sweet dish nor in the hot dish. The happiness lies in the process of eating the dish, which may be hot or sweet. If this secret of life is known, you will never pray God for removal of problems and tensions. You will enjoy the problems and tensions and hence, there is nothing to pray God for something. Your prayer to God must be due to your attraction to Him for His excellent personality. Your praise of God must be based on your love for His divine personality. But, today we find most of the people praying God for sanction of continuous sweet dishes. Therefore, the desire for something gets smashed if you know the secret of this concept. Hence, there is no meaning in wishing somebody for a happy new year because continuous happiness bores and leads to misery only. The aspiration for continuous happiness through out the year is based on foolishness and ignorance. On the New Year, you must pray God thinking His divine personality and get attracted for His divine quality. You must at least achieve one of His basic qualities, which is enjoying both happy scenes and tragic scenes in the creation. On the Telugu New Year day, people generally take sweets and sour items mixed as offering of God (Prasadam), which shows the same concept of enjoyment of both happy and tragic movements in the life. This is the divine knowledge in nutshell present in all the divine scriptures of all religions. This is essence of the Gita preached by Lord. He enjoyed continuously in His life and even in the last situation, when He was shot dead by a hunter. This is essence to be learnt and practiced by every human being in this world. By Shri Datta Swami Universal Spirituality for World Peace
  11. Hello, I'm new here too. I hope here I can find peace of mind.
  12. my technique is to litterally sit and talk to God and suddenly i find peace and smiling. i have other techniques that i put them on an audiobook and you can have it here. https://www.etsy.com/ca-fr/listing/1303142683/pleine-conscience-et-meditation-livre
  13. You are most welcome and thank you for answering. It does not happen often, but your nailed if to me. That's exactly how the game is played. I appreciate the condolences. Warmly received. TY. Allow me before I take my final leave to acknowledge those moments that made a positive impact on me. I'll just say there was good experiences were good people in the field that made for good synergy. Rapport is an art in a conveyor belt society that is a mutual experience that goes far beyond the scope of the written word. I struggle with words using more than most people can digest but that's OK. I like taking the time to find mindful ones and care with how I hold each thought that comes from such things. I will most likely continue being my own audience in a ... naval gazing ... capacity. I'll just be sure to take my head out of my bum at the end of each session and reengage with those I love. Humor is something I find helpful yet given that ferocity at which many authors and influences write about things, I do beleive this world is beyond repair. That's why fixing and curing are as shallow as profiling. However ... Sharing ... that's entirely another thing. Thanks for doing that so well. I left a trail in PM without expectation as fading is also ok. Some of the best experiences are those that come and go. Attachments can quite limiting. I only continually engage with the people where it's naturally mutual as opposed to economically driven. As soon as it becomes about personal gain I'll naturally gravitate away. This new space I found whilst not devoid of said algorithm is much is less about the profiling. Less selling, promoting but to be sure a lot of outpouring which is find by me. Anyways ... have left contact details and pleased to say It was nice to make a real connection. Thanks for the well wishing ... I go look at my naval now and make my first post. Peace be with you and yours. ~ Dave.
  14. Please don't mind my quirky sense of of expression. I really mean no harm and like many others wish to make positive connections. Yesterday I read this website's article on how nostalgia can console and aging heart (my take) and noted the mention how various clinical practices are wary of said states of mind. I'm no expert on nostalgia but the essence of that article rang true enough for me. I only mention this stream of thought like so as to introduce an old poem I wrote some time ago that draws upon a time in my life where during adversity I was able to connect with a form of happiness that always been with me. I share this now: Perhaps not your average take on nostalgia but for me, many of my past recollections to do with personal associations that bring me peace are typically experienced through adversity. I only just found this poem this morning looking for through my large collection or personal photos hoping to find a positive association wishing to share another scenic image which typically yields for me a form of peace. I am hoping to get back into the practice of likewise photography in the near future but for now content to use online text. I don't like taking up space so don't suppose I will be hear for long as the inactivity is kind of making me stand out more then I like so perhaps will opt for a blog. Anyhoooows ... while I am here this for me rates as a share. You know, if I heard Eckhart Tolle correctly, I beleive it was a park bench him when he connected with that something within. I remember him distinctly talking about a similar experience that makes me think of how many times my homeless past offered me similar states of mind to much of what he went on teach. Heads Up! - I'm not saying I'm Jesus Christ. Laughs out loud because we got plenty of Messiah Complexes in this selfie age and I recoil from all of them. To be sure I struggle like every other human re my ego and I'm pretty sure it's woven into my text but I do try to be mindful of such things. I'm no guru on any of these things and in fact do not like self professed or glorified people. I don't do well with audiences because of such things and feel sad the way other people hold up popular people and then sell and profit kind of thing. Yet again I am sure we are all guilty of doing the same things on a personal level because is how we are pretty much conditioned to think and feel 24/7 But enough of that before that objective side of me if pegged as cynical. Any form of discomfort is shadow banned. How's that for perception management? Rhetorical Back to the love and light not being as it's always perceived. I finish this post with my take on nostalgia: "...on how nostalgia can console and aging heart ..." 3rd sentence in my above opening. I find as one grows older the distance between such spiritual connections (which I pretty much feel consciousness awakening/deeply felt mindful/'less' experiences are) grows more distance due to intolerance. Yet adversity seems to be ageless and the age factor in my spiel here is not quite right for me as I struggle to grasp with what I am really trying to say. Like I can see how it is that many people blinded by unconsciousness in the waking world only have their first spiritual insight only when their bodies start degrade to a point beyond their control as is inventible. Much of my quirky satire in my previous post includes this same take in the healing and well being industry. In fact much of it is based on avoiding the inevitable. But back to intolerance which and can often be expressed in terms of age but more so time under stress. The latter clinical but more often understood. The connection between time under stress and an aging heart is what I sense I am aiming for when attributing the solace that can drawn when looking back on whatever association. Despite being raised in a very religious surrounding that whilst did more damage than good for quite some time, I had this intrinsic connection with some kind invisible light despite the many who seemed unable to foster me. That said I was still prone to fall victim to another side of myself that played it's part as no more than byproduct in a very toxic system. That part of me is still very caught up in that world where it takes a lot of skill and focus NOT to identify with the many labels; we all have them and many they be. That's my morning share. Now I am off for a simply bicycle ride to catch up with a friend similar but not quite like me. Like minds do not always have to be a thing. hehe little chuckle at that one. Best to remain open no matter what and be accepting of everyone regardless of this world of boxes. Less is best in a world of excess. Quality over quantity but without the contention for that which does not fit. From this square peg ... peace out. 😉
  15. My Journey? Hmmm - That's actually a bit too cliché for me but will use what works for others in an attempt to be heard. More often than not I find this world more a place in which people do time. I think now think of Eckhart Tolle and his lectures on the subject: If I may share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgj7u86e4wc Perhaps not for everyone. I do tend to find him easy on the ear and have spent a more than a few years being open to his core message with respect to here and now. I think I prefer to deal with depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges through the process of dis-Identifying. Commonly known in Eckhart's circle as dis-Identifying from the mind. Apparently key to becoming present. I make now claims either way but can only say what works for me and share what I see. Quote: "Simple but now easy" Reminds me of Jon Kabat-Zin whom I first came across on YouTube doing a presentation at Google. The quote that just came to mind somewhere from his book 'Wherever you go there you are.' I sense a sadness in him when watching him now but he handles it well. He is his own master of course with his own box of tools. I'd say that source of sadness comes from the irony of having talked at Google and they being what they are. Can be summed up in an article 'Father of virtual reality: Facebook and Google are dangerous 'behavior-modification empires' resulting from a tragic mistake' Jon tried his best and still does today with the odd online meet and greet. I know his has made a positive influence on me. Me ... I'm a sponge and whilst have a failing memory and struggle cognitively when out and about in a world not designed for me, things that resonate with me tend to last for life. Although this can be said for both negative and positive experiences. For me, I am not into cutting people out of my life on a whim because some article claims that's how I will claim my prize. I find such doctrine as it be, a tact like perhaps what google does when assimilating the knowledge of great speakers like Jon then creating an algorithm to hook people in. Everyone promoting themselves behind a veil of excellence and success sold in many other likewise terms. Kind of like how western society adopts and twist other cultures, religion and philosophy. Why not throw into the mix domination and control? Smiles because it's all so challenging that anyone that talks on such things in todays world is quickly such down in a finely tuned machine that sees automated robot responses from humans all over today's info tech world. Indeed, depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges abound. Just to be clear, I'm not looking for advice myself. Most of my take and approach is also very challenging but not so much for me. It just fly's in the face of main stream ideals as peddled from the machine. I'm acutely aware though of how my own resistance works against me which is why I find the likes of Tolle, Zin and Watts very compelling. That said, I don't find watts as soothing at Eckhart and Jon. He is a little more blunt but still I find enough gold in his sharing to be helpful for me. Grain of salt until it hits a home run, but then I much prefer revisiting such insights until I can either acknowledge them as my experience or not. I don't care much for the dramatic music played in the background and images pasted over the top. That's more part of the trap the Tolle often talks about and even Watt's himself. Much irony abounds in as much at Jon talking at Google and again it being what it be. In that regard the lycra , iconic images and drama used to profile peoples self promoting journeys is also something I recoil from. Smiles again ... no wonder I prefer small groups. arrr ... Now I think of the Life of Brian. Don't ask how I got there. hehe. I also don't take myself too seriously but also keep things true enough for me when creating my own script. I have no purpose that fits into another group ideal although many would propose in their daily speech. "What do you do for a living?" As if to imply I must be 'doing' something in order to live or whatever. "Keeping Busy?" all the way into the new age group that also ask many questions of others "What have you contributed?" Different dynamics, same patterns. The use of exclamations marks following claims of stillness and peace. Tis a crazy world to be sure full of irony at every turn. Yet there are snippets to be had in every irony to be had. "You shall know them by their fruits." The latter being from a book I consider and no more than a book, yet rings true enough. I don't always throw the fruit out either just because it does not look pretty or not pitch perfect in taste. Sadly it seems out culture today is steering more toward said irony more and more. So sad indeed that it's nice to a section like this in a happiness forum that appears to be open to such things. Each to their own of course. This is my world view from what I have seen, experienced and see and seeing. Although it's worth noting such revelations can be hard to cope with. Especially in a world programmed with such an inherent need for validation and approval. Time for some gardening and to quickly share a pic of what keeps me out of such a chaotic and shallow world - more so what keeps me grounded, brings me solace and peace: Is not about the end result but about the experience. Instead of cutting people out of my life on a whim and gong form relationship to relationship, I make friends with that which does do not use open its mouth or take photos of itself: Again ... we all find happiness in our own way. 🙃 Takes more than a fancy profile, well constructed answers to text book questions to build trust in a world of deception. How's that for non-neurotypical? Oh the labels! ← Notes* first exclamation mark. Well done on the drama. Oh how they hand those labels out and how people cling to them. Forgive my candor here but true enough for yours truly. Such is a bit of an epidemic from what I can see. I choose to be none of them but like so many others jump through the hoops in order that I may have the right to live. But yea ... whatever works. I burnt out the sensor on my wife's camera taking the image bellow. It was cheap tiny compact affordable at the time to replace with the newer one - but how lost I was in the taking of that shot. It was an experience which makes this one of so many years later still my favorite. When I am doing well I enjoy taking these kinds of photos. I find much of the essence in the talks given by those I named above in images like these. I'm only just starting to get back into a cycle where I am considering sharing more of these experiences. Minus my world view of course. These kind of shares tend to convey more in a way that's more digestible. That said, writing in our own way from the heart as we see and breathe is also therapeutic. This is why I am often more my own audience but open to all minds. Even those that are not like mine but get the gist of being more open to those that resonate. I'm just not into cutting out people as commonly sold nor all the other aspects of today's selfish algorithm. This makes me a target by being so open, but then I also get to meet real people otherwise isolated by the things of which I highlight. I'm all for those on the fringes - for all those who have been rejected - yet get the boundaries that others use to reason when taking a less painful route. Until next share - have a nice day.
  16. Yea that's a hard core story. I've seen many go this way with my brother being one of them. Sadly it does not help when so many of us are taught to cut others out of our life when the going gets tough. Rejection is a terrible and soul destroying thing. This is why I advocate peace and acceptance above all as today's front line of happiness. Those said services can help but in the end it is up to us. Writing about it can help when not impeded by those who would cast our pain aside. Well done on sharing as you have. Being mindful in the here and now is what I find helps. All those ifs and buts tend to keep us down. I suggest just focusing on what works for you and you continue to live on. Do not let others tell you what you should say or how to think. Advice is well meaning but I have learned its far better to go with our hearts when we learn to be open to our own personal truth. Your own advice shows how much you have grown having been able to express such pain yet worked on through it. Thank you for sharing as today I will be sure to talk to my family keeping this in mind. Great share. This has made me more mindful for the day. You do what you feel helps you. Sounds like your on the right track. Regards ~ Dave.
  17. OK - Understood. If not for how we link songs and use the messages to convey for us I might perhaps be in a position to better understand. I'm different like that. It's a nice tune to be sure. I find true resonance comes from within. For those into science I beleive the revelations on the human body and resonance come from the Vagus Nerve. The vagus nerve helps to regulate internal organ functions, such as digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate and so on. There are many ways to activate this nerve. Music is certainly one of them. I typically use vibrations without all the words to find a resonance that rings true enough for me. Humming actually brings me a lot of pleasure but more so peace. I say use whatever works.
  18. Hi Janeames, I think it's a safe bet that there are many people out there feeling like this. Happiness is not always as others coin it. Being quiet and unobtrusive can be unsettling for those always seeking to be seen and heard. Of course the dynamics are much more complex than that. I deal with loneliness through the practice of acceptance. More so inner work. The latter not so easy when bogged down in low states of energy and emotion. These negative aspects of being for sure inhibit our ability to make substantial connections with other people. Thankfully I have discovered I don't need many people in my life to find substantial peace. Such an insight not welcome in busy groups that thrive on every day clichés of joy and bliss. That said, one or two connections can greatly improve our health and wellbeing. I just practice being myself as best I can be, but not to be better, thriving, successful or anything of those things. The few friends I have had for decades now to which I can count with just a few fingers on one hand, do not go to parties, sing or dance, we just accept the others for who they be, we take heart that we understand the things that others are so quick to disown. I hope this finds you as well as can be. I use nature over all and stay true to myself despite the push to fit in. Practice stillness and you'll come to see that square pegs do in fact fit into round holes without the need to be something or somebody else.
  19. Hi Rica, I'm also new here. Your my first response. I find being my own audience helps me open up in a way that offers up opportunities for real connections as opposed to today's algorithm which I find is anything but me. I wish you all the best in finding a voice that helps you and others find real peace.
  20. I see a lot of racism in all you said, just give them chance , live your own best , stay away from them, your peace of mind matters, in as much as they don’t need you around doesn’t mean no one want you , this group of people, give them their space , you will see your peace of mind.
  21. You can be alone in peace without being lonely and enjoy your own company and enjoy the solitude.
  22. I have come to learn a lot about myself in times when I have been alone to do some really truthful self reflection on the choices I have made in my past. I have learned more about myself and what my purpose is here in my life. I have come to welcome peace into my life without apology for having to push others away in my past because those people whom I pushed away did not know or care about what I was going through in a personal way because they couldn't handle rejection. I have come to get over any guilt over saying no to choices that pleased other people more than myself.
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