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  1. You know, many of us have thought the same thing, is your mind just a product of certain emotions. But, there`s really nothing, just emotions to make us behave in a certain way. Well, if that`s so, we`re all just dead bodies, moving around with no purpose, just certain processes to make us re-produce. I have another take on it, we`re all the product of energy. I mean, the universe began with a sun, energy, then when the energy cooled down, it formed mass, and because the sun was so heavy, it collapsed under it`s own weight, and why we have gravity also, because of the momentum this caused. I think energy, which the first sun consisted of, is a little living; the reason why we`re living also. If you look at someone closely, in their eyes, you can see this light. It`s the reason we`re living, and not just bodies, walking around. We lived before DNA, we`re all sons, of this energy, sort of. LIke God`s sons. The soul isn`t from DNA, anyways, I`m just making a point. The soul get`s transfered, in another way, before birth. That`s why they spent billions on researching also, without finding genes linked to the personality.Anyways, I just wanted to share my take on it, it`s a popular thing now to think there`s nothing in the soul, they say "nothing", among western people. I always knew I felt real, to me it`s just nonsense to think there`s nothing. I think they fall under their own irrationally also, because they still care about others, wants to have sex, and so fourth; what`s the point then, if there`s nothing. Exactly, I wouldn`t like care about others, or talk to them, if there`s nothing. I`d just be under my own reflexes then, and not in control of myself, and spending life in society.My point is, I think energy is living a little. The whole universe, is living. The thing, we all consists of. What`s your take on it? We feel a "self" also, which also could just be a trick from nature, to make us feel real. But, I don`t think so. Science knows we have a soul. scientist says so, and they struggle with this "self" also, they can`t understand why we have it, because in their minds, we`re just brains ... Happy Holidays!
  2. I was a journalist at the top of my career with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation when depression and PTSD took hold. I thought my life was over, but I found purpose and self-worth again by volunteering in a school in rural Nepal, 18 months after the earthquakes which claimed 9000 lives. I still have some bad days, but I now live a life of passion and purpose. I love supporting others and lifting people up. Every person has a story to tell and amazing potential.
  3. Hello to all. I am new, just wanted to say hi to the community and let everyone know that I am here searching for, purpose, guidance and also to help anybody that crosses paths with me during my journey. I hope this is a place for collective enlightenment and a place for collective healing as well and if so I will be glad to have joined this platform. Good day to all and blessings for everyone.
  4. Hi, I'm Amelia. I hope that through this platform, I can find a partner who suits me and spends my life together. Here's some info about me and what to expect from a future partner: Personal information: I am 35 years old, 170cm tall, hold a master's degree, and I am the CEO. Appearance characteristics: I have an ordinary appearance and a well-proportioned figure. Interests: I love the outdoors, especially hiking and photography. I also like to read, watch movies, enjoy the charm of music and art. Values and attitude towards life: I value family, be honest and trustworthy, and pursue my career. I hope to grow together with my partner and realize the ideals and goals of life together. Partner Requirements: I am looking for a partner who is between the ages of [partner's age range], regardless of education or occupation. In terms of character, I hope she is gentle, kind, understanding and tolerant, and willing to share the joys and sorrows of life with me. Purpose of blind date: I hope to find a partner who supports and respects each other and is willing to build a stable and happy family with me. If you are interested in my requirements and expectations, please contact me at: +1 (818) 688-6263
  5. Hello I know I can't be alone in this, but it seems like life becomes something of a horrible cycle between your bed at home and your seat at work, and any semblance of joy you end up killing, be that drinking too much coffee, too much wine, too much of a game etc, just so you get that feeling of control, or a flicker of joy. What's even worse is you attach yourself to people or things, and that almost becomes your purpose, but because of the low energy of your life mixed with the high expectation 'this thing' or person, who will somehow overcome all of life's misery, instead makes you feel flat upon contact with the enemy when you realise there was little to be gained, nothing but the hole in your stomach and black tar on your brain. I sit here now, my children asleep, listening to the sounds of cars driving by and sometimes the heightened chatter of passers by. Yet within me I feel that horrible sinking feeling that with each passing second, the world becomes further and further away from my reach.
  6. Hi there, I would say you should try meditating! I recently started and I’m amazed at how great it’s been. It could definitely help you get in touch with your soul’s purpose. Also, it may sound strange but go on YouTube and watch spiritual videos. I just found Christina Lopes and she has a great series of videos about getting in touch with your higher self. I have realized I am going through a spiritual awakening and it’s so cool! Best of luck. 🙂
  7. Hey everyone, newby here! One thing about me (and biggest reason I'm on here) is I have lost joy in almost everything for the past year. Feel like I have zero purpose and don't take pleasure in much of anything anymore, well except my dogs Hoping to have some positive conversations and insights from others who may be experiencing the same. I have been trying meditation, but not quite picking it up. I'm starting to delve into visualization techniques, but just starting a book on the subject. So again, just seeking positive vibes and input from others and hopefully I can return the positivity as well!
  8. Hi, my name is Tracy. It is a pleasure to be here. Last night I discovered that I am quite a Lightworker. I have lived in darkness for so long and have questioned my purpose. I can honestly say that I have a clearer understanding about why I am here and why I life has been a struggle. I want to continue growing, healing, and learning about who I am. I feel I finally have purpose and am able to accept the reasons I went through so much in life.
  9. Hi, in my view, the purpose of meditation is to enjoy inner feelings like love and contentment, rather than physical sensations like heartbeats and breaths. From personal experience, I believe that these sensations are meditation triggers, that can be replaced. Personally, when I meditate on an inner feling, my brain starts to care less about sensory input like bodily sensations. For me, listening to music that triggers the desired feeling, often makes it easier for me to enter the meditation state. All the best!
  10. Hi one and all. It’s a pleasure to join your group. I am coming into alignment with my life purpose which is supporting the dying holistically and spiritually. I am currently gaining as much knowledge as I can in this area and am doing your course on grief. I am interested in making new friends and contacts in the group too with resonant souls. I am from the U.K. but happy to engage with souls from anywhere in the world. Much love and many blessings Louise
  11. Happiness is a state of being that everyone aspires to achieve. It is the feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction that arises from within when we are in a positive state of mind. Happiness is often associated with the fulfillment of our desires and the attainment of our goals, but it goes beyond that. True happiness is a state of mind that is not dependent on external circumstances or material possessions. It is a feeling that arises from within and is independent of external factors. Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be difficult to define, but it is generally understood to be a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and contentment. It can be experienced in a variety of ways, from a fleeting moment of joy to a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Research has shown that happiness has numerous benefits for our health and well-being. Happy people are generally more resilient to stress, have stronger immune systems, and live longer. They are also more creative, productive, and successful in their personal and professional lives. There are many factors that contribute to happiness, including our relationships, our work, our health, and our personal values and beliefs. However, research suggests that there are some common characteristics and practices that are associated with greater happiness. These include: Cultivating positive emotions: Focusing on positive emotions such as gratitude, joy, and kindness can help to increase feelings of happiness and well-being. Building strong relationships: Having close, supportive relationships with family and friends is a key factor in happiness. Pursuing meaningful goals: Having a sense of purpose and working towards meaningful goals that align with our values and interests can bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Practicing mindfulness and self-compassion: Being present in the moment and treating ourselves with kindness and compassion can help to reduce stress and increase happiness. Engaging in physical activity and healthy habits: Regular exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet are important for physical and mental health, and can also contribute to feelings of happiness. In conclusion, happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is essential to our health and well-being. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for happiness, research suggests that cultivating positive emotions, building strong relationships, pursuing meaningful goals, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and engaging in healthy habits can all contribute to greater happiness and fulfillment in life.
  12. I can help anyone achieve their direction and purpose, but cannot help myself.
  13. Something happened to me that I have to talk about. I had the worst nightmare in my entire life. I was at my own funeral and I was watching myself be buried and I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish in my life. It was as if I wasted my whole life. When I woke up I was filled with fear and panic. It led me down the path I am today, one with a clear vision and a plan of action that I take daily. Part of my journey is sharing my vision with others so that they can also live the life they want to live and be the person they need to become. I created this guided meditation in the hopes it would help someone, in it you get to discover your vision and purpose for the first time in your life and learn an entire new way of seeing. It's extremely powerful so please make sure you are in the right mindset before you try it alone the quiet of your room.
  14. I hope this reply finds you well. We are here on earth for a very spasific purpose. This is why you can't figure out whats next. The best thing to do is look deep within yourself and find that child like soul feeling, ya know that one in the chest that none of us wanted to let go? Well, turns out, we weren't supposed to! That feeling IS your soul, your higher self trying to direct you .. along with guardian angels. That feeling also shows up when we get to do things we long for. Right? Well, that's another thing we are missing ! We gave up our true desires because the world has made it almost impossible to do so. See what they are doing to us yet? They are literally taking over our minds and how we use them. (The world/society). All in all, I say, yes, you will need a job but find one that fits your family and finances, but if you really want to feel your soul again, feel and find your true purpose here, take all free time and work towards only having to do the thing you love. If that thing isnt enough for Financial comfort alone after making it happen, add other outlets that you can make income. not saying the road won't have misery, but the end result, well, let's just say, nothing compares!!!!!!!! . Please contact me if you would like me to further my explanation. God Bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️
  15. Hello, to all who are looking forward to becoming the best being they picture themselves. I can say it is not an easy road, there will be sleepless nights, days where you can't stomach anything, crying out of the blue, but we are not in this alone. REMEMBER we are NOT in this alone! There's nothing wrong with asking for help, we all don't have it together so why act like it. I'm not ashamed to say I have a therapist, but let's be real they are not always a phone call away, so we have to seek out ourselves. One place I love to visit is Pinterest for inspirational quotes, I seek out to friends/family who I feel that I can trust, and vent. Greatness requires a lot of focusing on yourself and tuning away the distractions so let's seek it together. I'm always here for anyone who wants to open up.
  16. I'm trying to find my place in this world people say things like " psst I say this in a humbly proud way" " she's the most tolerant,understanding kindest person I know" I live by a code of honour Honesty,Forgivness no matter the hurt caused,but most of All HEART I love mother earth her people I can somehow draw out Trust in people towards myself as a vessel for a higher purpose this is sometimes overwhelming as my Empathy seems to overflow I'm starting to try and master my emotions I used to infact still do CRY at the kindest acts,hurt painfully feeling everything and everyone around me I see never mind feel their stress their angst,Anger,stress ect you'll know what I mean I am desperate to help but I experience extreme burnout!!! Not good I know ended up in hospital yesterday I'm looking,seeking people whom understand this pull of call it faith,call it universe call it source it just is!! I hope someone gets me here many labels bar the true one Giving in all its forms but in my infancy in discovering who I am this is a recommendation so I hope I've done her proud by reaching out to see is this me any advice welcome I understand more than anyone" if we All shine like the Stars 🌟 we represent we are one collective sending positivity and love and peace into our world trying to make it remain Neautral and mirror Heaven on Earth" in all heart ❤️ and kindness Claire Margaret 💜 🌟
  17. Today we are doing FREE personalized Moon Reading to explore the secret depths of your personality, relationships, and true purpose in life. Comment "ME" down below for your FREE readings.
  18. try A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, The Art of Happiness. these are really good books
  19. Dear Friends, it is well know that meditation has a positive impact on health. Lots of evidenced based studies have been carried out on with promising results. I am carrying out a study as my master's thesis asking the impact of meditation on the six dimensions of psychological well beings: Self-Acceptance, Personal Growth, Purpose in Life, Positive Relations With Others, Environmental Mastery, Autonomy. All of the six dimensions contributes to well being. In addition I am trying to see the change in selfview due to meditation practice (Self as an independent entity vs Self as connected to all beings). If you are interested in seeing the results and helping me to carrying out the study. Please take part of it. It is an an anonymous online study. Meditators and Non-meditators are required for this study. This study requires around 15min. It would be very helpful if you can support in carrying out the study and fill out the questions. The link to the study is https://www.soscisurvey.de/Selbstbild2022/ Nice greetings and thank you, Max
  20. Lol Funny enough. I did read it.... I wasn't even expecting a response. For me this site provides me with an outlet on the days that I am not okay, where my soul feels heavy, to come vent without shame. I guess when I talk to those that know me it doesn't register, cause to them I have a graduated , have a good job, make a living. So I have nothing to complain about... "My shame". That's the purpose and after I let it out the darkness reduces... Such platforms do have value.
  21. Powerful 2 x Level Deep Guided Meditation Purpose: Pain Relief and Healing Visualization Process Deepener for Relaxation: Counting down NLP Framing Technique + Alpha State Future Pacing Visualization (+Eye Movement) Multiple relaxation triggers and activators used for ensuring the best possible results Audio File Download 60 Days Refund Policy This is a 2 step deepening guided meditation with a clear purpose to access your inner healing resources, to overcome limiting beliefs, to encourage free self-expression and to invite positive and long lasting change. You will notice that I changed at some point to first present tense, to help you envision the process from your own perspective. This material is thought to provide you support in your continuous work toward achieving your dreams, overcoming your limiting beliefs and becoming all you can be, all you want and you know you deserve. It is not a hypnosis, but it may induce a trance like state, but you are at any time in control, you can decide to accept or not to accept the affirmations, you can open your eyes and become fully aware at any time, as you wish. The process works best of you do not overanalyze, and if you repeat it at least 7 times over one month period. for more information click this link https://bit.ly/3cAXGiq Guided Meditation 2xDeep
  22. Very interesting and difficult task 😀 I am not so sure. Actually, I also tend to think like Lizzie. Quoting “Everything happens for a reason”. If I need to give some advice to my younger self: I would like to tell my younger self: “Start earlier in your life with meditation and find your purpose in life.” But I doubt this will work. I started meditation after certain life events. For me I had a stressful job. I need a solution. Luckily due to this problem/suffering, I found my jackpot. Ah. Now a thought just popped up, I have a concrete one for my younger self: My former education was in business administration. Working in the financial industry, makes me to taking decisions always after a “reasonable” calculation. But there are many things in life, which one can’t calculate this in terms of money. Don’t think too much in a materialistic/”reasonable” way. Even it looks like a stupid decision, if your wise and loving heart feels that this is the correct way, then go for it. Nice greetings from Vienna, Max
  23. Hi Maxxu, I'll open up some more because I like the way you talk - not looking for advice but happy to engage with you. Forgive me as I wish to give some advice of my own but again because I like the way you speak and want to help. My take is no doubt bias but could still help. Who is not bias ... perhaps that is our purpose to deal with such things. Any ways: Nice to meet you. I won't wish you success (🙂) given your findings with such an ideal to which I have come to the same conclusion. That said I find those terms always creeping back into my speech which says more about our conditioning. Education is where it begins. That said, I do wish you all the best with your personal endeavors. I apologize that I am unable to fill out the questionnaire. May I ask, did you design that questions? I understand you will have to read many text books and give back answers to show that you have read everything and then be expected to repeat everything back in the order it was delivered; more or less I hope that when you become a psychologist that you will develop your own understanding towards helping others rather than relying on those textbooks. I've been on the other side of psychology full time most of my life and I can tell you those practicing whatever whom rely on such findings to questionnaires and the text books that are altered to keep up with them do not end up being much help to those that really need it; those often being the true cost of other peoples success. Jump through the hoops to be sure, I'm just saying that in my extensive gutter education that your not going to get the answers to helping those who become the by product of success (" money and sucess in career did not makes me a happy person") - and I agree for the my disclosed reasons. It's all exciting when still at an age to soak all that excess of information up with all kinds of systematical approaches that can be called upon now having all the answers ... how tall, how heavy, what diet, what country, what demographic and so on. Eventually you will find yourself unlearning it all so that you can actually be of help instead of just being a repeater in system where people are taught to respond. Conditioned people make for easy clients in a conditioned workplace endorsed with conditioned practitioners who hang their conditioned certificates proudly of a conditioned wall. Good working conditions - eh ... don't become one of those. Do jump through the hoops but if you actually want to make a difference ... be prepared to buck the system. Ensure you at the very least become a clinically approved (although you'll have to work harder to come up with your own way of helping people which again will see you unlearning much of it all) ... is often the same with many professions, but 100% the case with and in the healing industrial zone. Anything under clinically registered will see you also being churned up in a system as much as the byproduct you end up with. Trust me I know. General Practitioners (GP's) can practically overwrite a registered psychologist's hard work with a tick and flick. Most of your supporting letters will not get the reignition they deserve. So may times I have had that conversation with therapists who meant a lot to me. If you manage to work your up to being clinically registered you will not have to sign off with specialists that are taught to fix people problems to type of medication and dose. You will be less restricted and more able to work with diagnoses according to the both the so called science and eventually and more important your experience and the skill you develop in listening to clients. The latter way way more important that 'How Tall' - 'How Fat' and so on. I'm not suggesting science does not help, but your entering into a marketing industry that does way more damage than it does good. Burn out rates are high when resisting the pressure to simply become a BOT to which you yourself seem to regonsize having read another post of yours elsewhere in the forum. It's all sunshine and roses with accolades until someone actually wants to help within such great working conditions base on finely tuned programming. Yadda yadda ... I'm gladdened that you feel the way you do with all things excess and success. I feel the same way too. It's a hard pattern to break given the amount of focus on abundance and bliss. Regrettably for me I find the wellness community to be as fallibly as the medical industry. For this reason I rarely fit in and in most cases pushed to the side. In fact I don't know how long I will last here but thus far have kept my posts pretty tame. People run from discomfort as much as they are taught to reject negative feelings. I also struggle to play along with social expectation or give way to peer pressure. I've been kind of blessed with a very unique background that will ensure if there is such a thing as 'coming back' that I will be better prepared. Actually that might negate the purpose of living at all where again the focus on making people accountable for both purpose and contribution equates to the same fallibility as excess and success. This be often be where the by-product of such conditioning are pressured to fit-in or be rejected as no more than undesirable states of low vibrations. Alas this is how we end up with an imbalance with cliché answers - It's all sunshine and roses from there. 🙂 My experience ... although I have to head out on my push bike to better focus later on. The last 10 years since 2012 I have literally had close to one hundred and fifty psychotherapy sessions. Maybe more since I started having more of them. I started my psychotherapy sessions to the tune of once every six weeks on a government subsidized plan. Later this was changed to once every four weeks and then about three years ago when attacked in a road rage incident I ended up getting funding to meet with a psychologist once a week for over a year. Now we have gone back to once every two weeks. It's worth noting during this time I was attending with regularity as someone that knows how to make his sessions work. Due to my previous experience before this last decade I had actually already had couple of previous decades in the system with a very complex story. I did not receive my certificates (chuckles at that) labels which you wont find hanging on some wall, until I was in my 40s. You know I'd love to continue filling you in within the context of your propose vocation ... which Kudos to you ... sounds like it really is a vocation. But I really need to start cycling and grab some sun before it gets to high. Catch up with another friend in the flesh who like me is often on the receiving end of your intended profession. Unfortanley he tends to end up on it involutory. Probably the biggest difference between me and him, but I respect the guy because I understand. His mother recently dispatched herself tragic end which ended in a ball of flames. The extend to which I extrapolate meaningful information is often rejected and banned in many places because it includes challenging information that makes the conditioned feel uncomfortable and thus termed as negative. I tend to like journaling. Not sure how long I will be here. I'm at a cross roads myself and being mindful as can be with such revelations. I go get be some of that stuff for free that awaits out my front door and hope maybe we can chat another time but understand if too much. Again ... wishing you all the very best. Seems to be me you have nailed those terms that fail on so many. If you read any of my other posts you might note that my Dad hails from Singapore and lives in Australia. He used to be a psychiatrist and work at one of the local mental health hospitals. I could say Step Dad but not into that lingo. He did his best. At any rate he gave up psychiatry because the church we were all attending way back then. (Assembly of God during the 70s during a extreme period of evangelical tents popping up all over the country courtesy of America) Basically he was told/conditioned and agreed that psychiatry was the work of demons doing their bidding for Lucifer. He become a GP in a country practice. We kids were all shipped off to various homes for troubled children. That's kind of that in a nutshell. The movies (projectors) they showed at church with people getting their heads chopped off if they did not take the mark of the best did not help. They were pretty weird times that I don't think today's generation would know about if people like me did not write about them. At least in terms of those kind of cults. Just saying I got plenty of experience when it comes to psychotherapy. 🙂 Righto ... three smiley faces is enough for today and we don't want to traumatize anyone reading. hehe. Maybe catch up later? Have a good evening/afternoon and all that. later... you can call me: ~ Dave.
  24. Maybe let share abit about me, Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything.
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