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  1. Hey Maxxu - just letting you know I got your message and wanted to encourage you to try again. It sucks when making a post and it not going through. I'm confident in what I say but will leave a link to a space I just paid for where I will take up less space. I just want to reiterate what I said in PM by saying out here in the main, I think your going to make a great psychologist. 🙂 I'll check back in the event you manage to get a response through. If not all good. Just continue to use PM. I doubt my presence and essence will make many connections here. That's got nothing to do with self esteem. On the contrary ... more a case of how I feel very passionate in all that I say. I've pretty much reconciled with my family all round. It's out my front door and in society that most of my family are met with resistance. We do pretty good and utilize services in a effective way. Take care and all that ... really hope you get in a response before I go. I'll pm that link as well as leave in the mental health section. If this place had a journal sections I'd probably stay. Funny how the universe works. I kind of figured I'd just be passing through. 😉
  2. What do I say? A limitless entity/being, well I mean we all are, that includes you "The one reading this in your mind" , We are not the subject of inherited information past down generation and generations where these informations start creating their own informations ruling the minds of many today but we are the ones in control of presence, this present moment all things encompassing unity, flow, reason, harmony pretty much everything in this present moment is happening all at once, that which is seen and that which is unseen, love it!! Life isn't and hasn't been the easiest while im trying to float being suppressed by the sheer number of people who are not close to discovering their own limitless self, but I have had a lot of opportunities allowing me to become the person I am today, helping and being part of thousands of peoples lives deeply, experimenting with my own beliefs and the potential of mind and body and guiding people to a better them by dealing with all the challenges we face. I mean im young but I got a whole lot of lives lived through my eyes. All love, I guess im finding better ways to tell this story, "Although our lovable main character, wrapped up in their story of life, he wonders if being at his lowest yet again is helping him search for the answer...the answer to yet another question purposely stimulating the compound matrix of nerves electrifying their brains for what would otherwise bE. JuSt. A. tHouGht." I guess ill need to figure this one out. Hi my name is Mau5e (mouse), nice to have you read the above. im all over the place as you could tell but hey, im sure you know little lot about me'ish. 😜
  3. What makes me happy? A walk outside the nature Seeing the sunshine and realising what a wonder it is. Spending time with my children. Childrens are often quite challenging, but if one can be with them totally without checking mind, one start to see what a wonder they are. Beside that quoting a teacher, children are very good Zen teachers 🙂🙂 Meditation practice Working with other Sangha brothers and sisters. Stop chasing after happiness 🤓: One Korea Zen Master said once, once he has stopped chasing after happiness, happiness starts to chasing after him❤️. Wishing you lots of fun in the journey to your self🙏❤️ Max
  4. Maybe let share abit about me, Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything.
  5. Please don't mind my quirky sense of of expression. I really mean no harm and like many others wish to make positive connections. Yesterday I read this website's article on how nostalgia can console and aging heart (my take) and noted the mention how various clinical practices are wary of said states of mind. I'm no expert on nostalgia but the essence of that article rang true enough for me. I only mention this stream of thought like so as to introduce an old poem I wrote some time ago that draws upon a time in my life where during adversity I was able to connect with a form of happiness that always been with me. I share this now: Perhaps not your average take on nostalgia but for me, many of my past recollections to do with personal associations that bring me peace are typically experienced through adversity. I only just found this poem this morning looking for through my large collection or personal photos hoping to find a positive association wishing to share another scenic image which typically yields for me a form of peace. I am hoping to get back into the practice of likewise photography in the near future but for now content to use online text. I don't like taking up space so don't suppose I will be hear for long as the inactivity is kind of making me stand out more then I like so perhaps will opt for a blog. Anyhoooows ... while I am here this for me rates as a share. You know, if I heard Eckhart Tolle correctly, I beleive it was a park bench him when he connected with that something within. I remember him distinctly talking about a similar experience that makes me think of how many times my homeless past offered me similar states of mind to much of what he went on teach. Heads Up! - I'm not saying I'm Jesus Christ. Laughs out loud because we got plenty of Messiah Complexes in this selfie age and I recoil from all of them. To be sure I struggle like every other human re my ego and I'm pretty sure it's woven into my text but I do try to be mindful of such things. I'm no guru on any of these things and in fact do not like self professed or glorified people. I don't do well with audiences because of such things and feel sad the way other people hold up popular people and then sell and profit kind of thing. Yet again I am sure we are all guilty of doing the same things on a personal level because is how we are pretty much conditioned to think and feel 24/7 But enough of that before that objective side of me if pegged as cynical. Any form of discomfort is shadow banned. How's that for perception management? Rhetorical Back to the love and light not being as it's always perceived. I finish this post with my take on nostalgia: "...on how nostalgia can console and aging heart ..." 3rd sentence in my above opening. I find as one grows older the distance between such spiritual connections (which I pretty much feel consciousness awakening/deeply felt mindful/'less' experiences are) grows more distance due to intolerance. Yet adversity seems to be ageless and the age factor in my spiel here is not quite right for me as I struggle to grasp with what I am really trying to say. Like I can see how it is that many people blinded by unconsciousness in the waking world only have their first spiritual insight only when their bodies start degrade to a point beyond their control as is inventible. Much of my quirky satire in my previous post includes this same take in the healing and well being industry. In fact much of it is based on avoiding the inevitable. But back to intolerance which and can often be expressed in terms of age but more so time under stress. The latter clinical but more often understood. The connection between time under stress and an aging heart is what I sense I am aiming for when attributing the solace that can drawn when looking back on whatever association. Despite being raised in a very religious surrounding that whilst did more damage than good for quite some time, I had this intrinsic connection with some kind invisible light despite the many who seemed unable to foster me. That said I was still prone to fall victim to another side of myself that played it's part as no more than byproduct in a very toxic system. That part of me is still very caught up in that world where it takes a lot of skill and focus NOT to identify with the many labels; we all have them and many they be. That's my morning share. Now I am off for a simply bicycle ride to catch up with a friend similar but not quite like me. Like minds do not always have to be a thing. hehe little chuckle at that one. Best to remain open no matter what and be accepting of everyone regardless of this world of boxes. Less is best in a world of excess. Quality over quantity but without the contention for that which does not fit. From this square peg ... peace out. 😉
  6. Sorry you can't come in because your not positive enough! Wow. Are we really living a world like that? We love solving problems but no negatives allowed? Hmmm ... Houston, I think we have a problem! No wonder the numbers don't add up. There seems to be something missing? In fact, there seems to be a LOT missing! So how do we solve this issue of over abundance and inequality? Dar da da daaa ... do not fear; happy smiley is here. 🙂 ... Put on this cape and at the fist sign of discomfort "Cut and run!' I mean if anyone makes you feels sad, your mum, your dad, siblings or long time friends, the only way to solve the problem is to cut them out of your life and spend the reset of eternity blaming them for the world's negativity. You must only ever contemplate with a smile and smother yourself in excess. If your not thriving but only surviving then you must of done it wrong. Is there anyone else in left in your life that you can reject? Yes you must get rid of them too ... you should of rejected them first. Silly you. No matter, I have a link and a book that will solve all your problems. It's all about positivity and holds all the secrets to living a life of success. 1st and foremost you will manifest money!!! Yes, that is right ... you will finally have all you need to attract others like yourself. Every page is chapter is full of glorious revelations that will see you continue to thrive with each turning of the page. We guarantee that you will burst at the seems with joy and bliss that you really won't need anyone but people will want to be around you because that want to be like you. You'll be ecstatic no longer having to worry about others as you now just wear people like trinkets to show off your new authentic self. Hell ... you'll be able to make more success from the sales own books. Just remember to also reject anything or anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable. At the first sing of negativity we must extinguish with the shield of positivity. Just be sure when dispatching of others you do it love. Yet another secret. Do this and you'll never be wrong. Yea yea ... I know ... I'm just another one trying to sell another book. Sigh ... Here's to a glorious day in the trenches. A kid who knows a thing or two about the law of attraction ... It's all in the expelling - Breathing in mind, not continually rejecting as we do in this todays world of excess and quick fixes - Needles and pills in mind. I'll have an IV of todays vits and minerals please!\ Sometimes life is too short and other times its not short enough. Life simply does not exist without either dynamic. At least not outside of books or someone else's workshop. Be your own author and resonate as you must. Don't let others dictate your frequency. We might exist in a pool but we are all unique. Have a fantastic day. 🙃
  7. I use to play guitar quite a bit when in my youth. Learning difficulties made it hard for me but I just played anyways for quite a few years pretty much mastering the same songs until a point my OCD gave way to the Native American Flute. Although a different set of harmonics, the latter instrument game me an opportunity to play much more at easily still allowing me to feel the vibrations through my body as I played. I used to love that about the guitar. I'm sorry I can't quite remember the exactly number of key frequency. Numbers are also something that confuse me like words. Chuckles at the irony. That said I'm pretty sure it was earthy enough. I miss my flute as I passed it on. I got a little too self conscious with it as I live in a very cramped community and on that level I am very private. I've only just returned to taking time out in a way that allows positive energy in. On that note I apologize if my tone has been hard on the ears. Without using any instruments or making any noise, I have an ability to sit quietly and simply take in the sea breeze and lapping waves. I live on the edge of a coastal region. At other times I'll just sit among the trees. I've been using biannual feed back techniques so long that I actually miss the silence when out walking. I beleive there is a term today for activities without ear buds - Naked Walking. I think I first head it when I used to be a runner - Naked Running. Of course with clothes on. That's not to say people nude down at the beach do not vibe as well. I can't really say as I've never tried that yet. Please forgive the lengthy text if not your thing. It's very early here. This morning I got up at 3am as still adjusting to a new routine. Actually ... sunlight has been a thing for me of late. I find this probably my number one asset when it comes to resonance. I used to do sungazing although do not recommend it. Sky gazing is much less risk but yields as much benefit. Is not hard to get lost at the right time of day, in the right position with face towards the sun and some binaural beats. But like I say, I also value silence when doing such things. Is kind of a balance act so I don't get too lost but that said I also enjoy the experience of being lost. Hard to explain. Jon Kabat-Zin and Eckhart Tolle are authors that help keep me grounded in this respect. I also like Alan Watts but find I do better having to repeat his lectures and or come back to them after a while. In fact I often do this with all three of those authors. Again ... sorry to go on. 🙃
  8. I've written bits of stories and poems - I find it hard to get into the right mood for it or to begin but always enjoy after I have done a bit - trying to establish more of a routine and to not procrastinate! I did a bit today I believe expression is essential. Recently I learnt that it is ok not to be good at a hobby and to unlearn some of the self-consciousness that can hold me back, it has been a positive step in trying new things and losing a bit of fear of failure or fear of not meeting expectations.
  9. It seems like a lot of us struggle with saying no, and fearing to disappoint others we end up disappointing ourselves instead. Self love and self care is still something we tend to not prioritise enough, and we worry it will be considered selfish to put ourselves first. I'm still working on it, but getting better at finding a balance, and saying no and respecting my own boundaries when I need to. 🌈
  10. Today I learned the term Emotional Hygiene. When and why has our physical health become more important than our mental health? I googled it and found a Ted Talk of a guy who talks about what emotional hygiene is and why we all need to practice emotional "first aid". When we get sick or injured, we do everything we can to heal and get better, so why don't we do the same when we're emotionally hurt? Failure, rejection, and loneliness are all real issues that create deep psychological wounds and makes us believe things that aren't necessarily true. Our minds are very hard to change once we become convinced of something, and when our self-esteem hurts we begin ruminating. Many studies show that when our self-esteem is low, we're a lot more vulnerable to the hurt of failure, rejection, stress and anxiety. Why then don't we treat ourselves with compassion in these moments of hurt? In this video, Guy Winch says to battle negative thinking by forcing yourself to concentrate on something else until the urge passes. Protect your self-esteem, change your responses to failure, and take action when you're lonely. But what if your loneliness or low self-esteem is related to some other issues such as Social Anxiety Disorder?
  11. It's not like there is a magic secret making your life perfect. It's something very natural, but a lot of people just don't take their time to think. With social media, streaming services, music, television and all this stuff, nobody has to be bored anymore, but sometimes that helps. When I'm waiting for a doctor's appointment, when I go by bus or when I am in similar boring situations, I don't take out my smartphone, but I think. However, I takes notes on my smartphone sometimes. So I think about all kinds of things. What are this week's To Dos? What could I do to make my home even more comfortable? Which life goals would I like to achieve? What could have been going on in the other person's head during the recent dispute situation? And many more. And when I'm done thinking, I've got a good To Do list for the current week, I know my next goals and I'm a little more self-reflected.
  12. I have come to learn a lot about myself in times when I have been alone to do some really truthful self reflection on the choices I have made in my past. I have learned more about myself and what my purpose is here in my life. I have come to welcome peace into my life without apology for having to push others away in my past because those people whom I pushed away did not know or care about what I was going through in a personal way because they couldn't handle rejection. I have come to get over any guilt over saying no to choices that pleased other people more than myself.
  13. Eastern perspective and medicine, beginning in out of date India and China, have commonly regarded body structures and the presence processes occurring inside as resolute. Their phrasing lives somewhere close to plan and ability and recognizes explicit components in the human body, tending to the movement of life energy and, in some sense, guides for that stream that don't come close to actual plans apparent by Western science and prescription. The chakras are the energy networks in a singular's normal field and are responsible for their physiological and state of mind as well as unambiguous social affairs of organs. All basic components of the human not permanently set up by energy that turns in the chakras. These can be portrayed as "whirlpools implied," and in Indian, they are considered "energy detonates" or "wheels." https://www.digistore24.com/redir/437658/Healing77/ The course of energy change happens exactly in these core interests. Crucial energy, close by blood, courses around the meridians in the chakras and drives all organs and structures in the human body. Right when the scattering in these meridians falls apart, the human body becomes powerless to various issues. A shocking insurance procedure, arranged explicitly to battle such stagnation is Chi Gun, an old Chinese methodology for self-recovering which incites the energy networks. Chi Gun assists people with conveying the genuine energy by scouring express districts connecting with the different chakras. There are 49 chakras referred to in the Vedic Canons, seven of which are basic; 21 are in the resulting circle, and 21 in the third circle. According to the Vedis, there are various energy channels provoking different regions from the chakras. Three of these channels are crucial. The first, called "shushumna," is vacant and is moved in the spine. The other two energy pathways, "ida" and "pingala", are arranged on either side of the spine. These two channels are the most powerful in a large number individuals, while "shushumna" stays flat. The seven basic chakras turn at high speeds in the collection of sound individuals yet tone down amidst jumble or with impelling age. Right when the body is in a genial balance, the chakras stay somewhat open. Close chakras can'thttps://www.digistore24.com/redir/437658/Healing77/
  14. Namaste Every one Life Insurance is Important for self with all family members. Thanks
  15. Don’t forget to pause and take a break. We deserve a break, and that is self care. Our mind and heart needs to rest too.
  16. Hi everyone, I'm new to this so please bare with me lol. I recently just graduated from college with my bachelor's degree and I have been having a hard time finding a job. I've noticed that I wasn't my usual self and I felt like I should be doing more than what I am. So, I have started doing something that has really helped me improve and that is yoga and meditation. Something called Genie Script is what helped me with meditation because I had never done it before, but I can say it has helped me so much. I wanted to let others know what has helped me stay positive minded and happy. Here a link to Genie Script if anyone is interested. bit.ly/3sJ6uHQ
  17. Evening all and thanks for accepting me to this group. my name is Lucy and I have been on a journey of self discovery for the past 5 years now, but only just starting to feel it now in the past year. my mind has been opened and I am on a journey to help others and offer support through trauma. I’m not trained as yet but have a lifetime of experience with it unfortunately. love and light Lucy x
  18. That’s a good practice. Doing a self affirmation everyday would really help to lift ourself.
  19. hy everyone i am missa here is my story in 2019 i talk to a boy who is from my country but not in my city this is accidential friendship in the start but then.goes on in a toxic and fastly relation which is end by my side because of he is not loyal and just want his desired full with me without my consent .because of all this i am in depression and worry about my future .help me out i want to move on and sstart my carrier and also wants a happy marriage soon so that i can heal and recover my self .right now my situation is worse i am totally empty mind with overthinking
  20. So do I.. not even self proclaimed "friends" ever stay for me.
  21. Lower distrust in relationships with your peers and do not play safe. Do not have a self-label that seperates you from others, instead have a label that connects you with others.
  22. I would tell my younger self to be nicer to my sisters and parents 😅 I would also say that everything happens for a reason that will make sense later on. And when you're in a friendship or relationship that you know is not good for you, don't be afraid to move on. There are so many more people you will know that are 1000 times better for you!
  23. Hi Lesedi! I'm from Mexico and thanks for sharing what you are feeling, you are not alone in this journey. I'm also dealing with self acceptance and overthinking. What I've learned in my journey is that accepting our disorders liberates us from this disorder. There's always a cure!
  24. You're right, words can be understood in different ways and they can make you feel better or worse, depending on the way you chose. Ignoring words doesn't have to be bad though, because there is bad advise too. I'm not quite sure, if feeling superior is a good or a bad thing. It can make you lazy, but it also means self-confidence. It can motivate you, because you think you can expect more from yourself than you can from others. Trying to prove your superiority to others is bad though, because it makes you a poser. A gentleman never tells. (Or in german english: The gentleman enjoys and remains silent.)
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