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  1. Welcome to happiness Jeremie, we're glad you wanted to join our community ✨ I think many can relate to feeling unhappy with how they look, a lot of people struggle with body image issues. I think it's so important to try and focus on feeling better about yourself from the inside, and make your headspace a loving place to be. Look after yourself with nutritious foods, physical activity, but also by doing things that makes you laugh or puts a smile on your face. Personal growth and finding that self love and gratitude is a journey, and hopefully you can find our community a helpful tool. Feel free to check out the Academy and Magazine for courses and articles that you might be interested in. Have a great week! 🌈
  2. I meditate daily. In 170 days following the Vipassana retreat, I only skipped two days so I guess I can say it's every day. Some days it's only 3 minutes, sometimes it's 30. Right now, I am focusing on loving-kindness mediation. I am also doing the 7 minute workout a few times per week, but there's definitely room for improvement when it comes to self-care regarding exercise. Another big part of self-care is creativity and reading. I do one of them almost daily.
  3. well @Angechi sorry about what you are passing through. Honestly it happens a lot if you have spent with someone a long time. You kind of feel connected. But about the negative energy, it comes from you and not the men you meet out there. You are still holding your past. Though your mind says your over it but still your heart is sinking. You have to allow positive energy in yourself first. Learn to love yourself first before loving anyone else. So heal your inner self first, then the better will come to at last. I will give you a tip. Well as for me I have learned to rely on things that I love to avoid boredom. I love watching movies, cooking and listening to music so you can do too things that you love most and at the end of the day you will learn to explore more new things about yourself that you did not know. It really helps. Hopefully you'll heal soon.
  4. Well done Noopor. You are on the right track. I feel really happy to hear that you could move on successfully and yes I resonate with the fact that Self-Love is the best medicine. I am also practicing the same since last 2 years. Best wishes for an abundant life.
  5. Thank you for sharing your story and your personal experiences with love and breakup 🙏 Self love is a powerful thing!
  6. In my experience the more I learn the more I feel sad because I get to know and understand things that I would be otherwise blissful without knowing. It's really about what you are learning. If it's seeking knowledge about self help you might end up happy but seeking general knowledge always leads to some sadness if I'm not wrong
  7. @Kingdomaire I too realised that in most situations of suffering, my thoughts and reactions were what caused the suffering in the first place... Like you, I learned the importance of self compassion and patience and it's a wonderful thing! I'm working through a Byron Katie book called "I need your love - is that true?" and it gives a very practical yet profound workaround for dealing with thoughts. It's been a great help to me. I think that self-love, patience and acceptance of ourselves as we are are some of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and those around us, and I'm so happy to hear that many of us are doing just that. Thank you for sharing ✨
  8. @BradyB It's good to read your replies, and I see that you are open to our feedback. That in itself is already a remarkable skill. Listening with an open heart is also one of the greatest gifts we can give. Regarding being a good person, no matter how hard we try to be good and do good, there are always moments where we won't live up to that - sometimes minor, sometimes spectacularly. Expecting never to fail might make it much harder to forgive ourselves and learn from the experience. Be kind to yourself. We are all human. Practices for Self-Compassion or the R.A.I.N. meditation are beneficial here.
  9. One very thing about seeing things as they are, is to have seen through everything about yourself. So that there's no way for this observer (yourself) to escape undetected. It is this inner awareness of yourself that once I says "drop it!", you would respond "Got it!". When that happens, you need not have to observe, the observation comes to you! Hence without this awareness of knowing the self that "constantly want to act", you are just observing through your own tinted glasses. This includes the act of wanting to detach as well.
  10. this is the best time to know yourself more. Talk to your inner self and dig out more within you. When you will focus on your own self then many new talents and skillls you can find about you. You can also do things which you could never do because of lack of time. Its the best time to manifest positive energy and enlighten yourself. stay safe and healthy
  11. @BeingBre your partner who suffers from depression is still in there, she is still the same person, she needs your help to remind her of her great qualities that depression fogs our brain and wants to make us forget. Our brains with depression give us false messaging about our true selves, and traumatic events that have happened to us can take away our self-love, and make us feel unloveable and make us withdraw and isolate. But we need connection with others and we need our people to help us feel connected to them and with consistency. We also need some levity from the heaviness we have been carrying - laughter and fun, plan things to look forward to. Help generate the seratonin our brains lack. For example, my husband learned from me that sunflowers brighten my mood so much- he started bringing one home picked fresh from a co-worker’s own garden when he told her about me. An old friend of mine sends me funny text messages constantly. She also mails me thoughtful little gifts. Another old friend wrote me handwritten letters reminding me that I have support, love and friendship and I am valued. I can empathize with your struggles to support and feel connected to your partner- my husband has gone through the same for 11 years with me. From day one that he met me, my major depression had just started less than a year before. He did not know many times if he was strong enough for how bad it was for me back then and for years. But when he finally made the choice to be my partner to defeat this and always help me to keep it at bay, and when a few amazing friends stuck by my side continuously through it all - until then, all of my self-work to help myself develop mental strength like no other was not sustainable. We cannot do this alone. And as my husband and few unwavering friends see now- my light and new love for life was worth the support and time they found for me. My relationships are stronger for all of this. Love and friendship heals. There is no greater gift than giving light to someone in the dark. That is why I spend my free time giving my new light to strangers that I like to call new friends. Also please know you don’t have to fix anything, just listen, let her vent, give hugs, give smiles, reach out to her especially if she is isolating. I am always here for support. Chat with me any time.
  12. Thank you for sharing. I feel similarly when it comes to virtually all of my family members. I have not been open with any of them about many aspects of my true self for fear of their harsh judgment and criticism. That fear causes me to project even further into the future by predicting that if they did meet me with such harshness, I would inevitably have to further distance myself from them to protect my own energies and remain authentic to myself. I am focusing on working on remaining my authentic self especially in the face of fear. I am focusing on learning how to meet people as they are in the present instead of predicting their reactions and responses based on my past interactions with whoever they were doing those times. While at the same time preparing myself for worst case scenarios, remembering how I must be true to myself and adjust relationships/energy exchanges accordingly.
  13. Hi Svenja, and a big welcome to happiness! 🌱 I hope you find our community helpful on your journey to self love, here are a few articles that you might find interesting:
  14. It is both a blessing and a curse. As empaths we are very attuned to the world and people around us, which makes us good friends, good listeners and sensitive to others needs/problems. On the other hand, we can get too involved by taking on the emotions and negative vibes from those same people. It can be physically and emotionally draining so self care and setting boundaries are very important. Carrying stones for protection against negative energy is very important. Amethyst, hematite and selenite are great options. Lots of rest, meditation, grounding and creating a “bubble” of protective positivity around you will help to repel the negative energy from attaching itself to you. Being an empath/HSP is a gift but you have to practice self preservation so that you don’t deplete your own needs and emotional well being. ❤️
  15. Accept yourself first and start from there, Ask your higher self for guidance, there is no problem without a solution in this world. Some of Joe Dispenza teachings will help, if you stick with it;) good luck 👍
  16. As a person that has battled depression for many years, along with anxiety and PTSD I believe that I may be able, finally,, to see all experiences, challenges, difficulties, obstacles and so forth as gifts. I regard myself has a person that walks a spiritual pathway. I also regard myself as a person that has experienced extremes, for example going from a British Army Marksman (I entered the Army straight from school) to a Reiki Practitioner and Spiritual Healer, and Medium, with 26 years in Spiritualism. So for me, I've experienced (as lots of us do, I'm not special) polarity/duality, exploring myself on many levels, physically (in the Army) mentally, through deep soul searching, emotionally and spiritually (in meditation, self reflection. Exploring the extremes of myself, really getting to know myself, at many different levels of being. As I look at life from a spiritual perspective, I do see this (difficult and challenging) life as a gift, an opportunity to come here to this world, enter into the density of the physical form, experience cold, heat, hunger, limitation, isolation, separation , deprivation, love, connection, interaction, joy, bliss and everything else beyond and in between. As I believe that the universe (multiverse) is divinely and intelligently orchestrated. I really do feel that this (and every) life , along with everything we experience within them, is a gift, a gift in the sense that it provides us with the opportunity to really get to know ourselves., each other and to be able to truly empathise with others, having suffered ourselves. We are the brave souls that took the opportunity to really have our metal tested, be forged in the fires down here on the earth, ultimately to return to our true home in the spirit realms, richer and finer through experience, knowing ourselves better than ever before. Life, and everything we experience in it, really is a precious gift! Many applied, but not all were accepted, to return to Earth and assist our earth be uplifted and freed from the clutches of those that would rather see us perish. We are the Light Warriors, here to assist in the ongoing Ascension process, and we will ultimately be triumphant. Life is a gift and one that, at soul level at least, we are very grateful for. Yin/Yang, dark/ light, positive/negative, polarity,/duality ~all necessary to generate movement, momentumand growth, all through experience. Our sensitivities and our self awareness is a gift also, for all the same reasons, as difficult as that may be at times.A great servant once said, and I agree entirely " The Meek shall inherit the earth" Our time is coming friends! Hang in there for just a little while longer, great changes are just around the corner I (very strongly) feel. Namaste.?? The image below is my design that I've drawn out after being inspired with it. I'll be giving it the Pyrography (wood burning treatment) soon ?
  17. Suffering to me is not limited to any specific loss or obstacle. It is an overall state of being that makes one live in a restricted and restless way. It is a tussle between desperation and desire. A constant involuntary swinging of the impatient self to get things fast, and insecurely hold on to them. There are countless memories of loss and different kinds of obstacles one faces in life. I feel citing just a few of them would be a futile task. For suffering is an overall perspective that we build over time, about ourselves, others, and life, and the overall feelings we live with, on a daily basis To some extent it is a pertinent need to suffer as mortals, because inherently we associate ourselves with duality. We cant understand pleasure without pain, happiness without sadness, or gain without loss. This dwindling between the dualities keeps us alive like a pendulum, swinging non-stop towards the two extremes. The spectrum of life is black and white, of different intensities. Each one of us has their our own palette that one uses to paint one's life. A short poem to explain this feeling we all go through. The swinging existence One keeps oscillating between the extremities of emotions. Reaching a stable state of tranquility is a matter of chance. One just passes through it, and again keeps swinging like a pendulum bob, only to die out as one's energies deplete with time. The mortal is like, A swinging bob, Of this existential pendulum, Rising to a height, Of extreme boisterity, Like a tempest swirl inside, And an enraged fiery outside, Both uncontrollable and destructive. Then, It goes back, To its equilibrium, A place of tranquil bliss. Only to rise again after moments, To a position of intense glee, Like a pristine summer lake, Where grows in abundance, The foliage but not for long, As it loses its strength, With no anchor to bank upon. The stable point, Is fleeting for him, Which he lives truly, For a duration long enough, When life energy extinguishes, Of moving between, These extremities of emotions, Finally, Spiralling down with every swing, To the point of final placidity, Rarely reached when alive.
  18. Thank you @neuguru After adding my reply to this topic, I kept pondering the words "simple life" as my life didn't become simpler, but there's a certain quality of contentment, ease and happiness to it that I didn't know before and having fewer expectations, attachments and desires are areas were things became simpler. I'd add: piece by piece replacing self-doubt and anxiety with self-compassion and kindness.
  19. Over the last week, I've been introduced to some extraordinary tools that have been absolutely vital in my own personal pursuit and I'd like to share these tools with you. What does happiness truly look like? For myself, I am happy in improving my life at the moment. That has been my main focus right now. I'm still struggling to define what sorts of actions make me happy, but for now, diving into my psychology and doing the things necessary to improve myself, brings me happiness. For example, I'm just now getting into a program that is going ot help me pay back my college loans that are currently in default. The whole program will take 9 months to get me out of default status and a further 2 years to eliminate my owed debt entirely. I often find myself being impatient with this, however. 9 months is a long time and I really want to get back into school, I'm looking to take up welding as a profession. Enter the first tool I've recently learned Patience. A lot of the things that bother me are not in my control at this moment and that's ok. The general idea is to try to moderate your emotional investment. The hardest part of every journey is the very beginning and often times we tend to quit just before hitting the knee of the growth curve. This is because we emotionally exhaust ourselves and by the time we are just a few days, a few weeks maybe, away from that knee of the curve, that we just simply are drained completely and just quit. But had we taken the time to apply the principles of patience, the return would vastly outweigh the initial investment. So if you are struggling with this area like I do. Try asking yourself these 3 questions, apply them to your own specific circumstances. 1. What does a lazy approach look like in this endeavor? Could be school, a relationship, work, self actualization, maybe you're depressed and anxious and you're just wanting those results. So ask yourself, what a lazy approach would look like. To be lazy would be to do nothing, right? You're not putting in the effort, you're not doing the work etc. 2. What does an impatient approach look like in this endeavor? We all get impatient. It's only natural. We want results and we want them now. But that is a double edged sword. You can end up causing more harm than good. Maybe you're trying to take on ALL the tasks, maybe you're trying to cramp ALL the information, trying to do ALL the work. But you have to allow yourself to moderate how you invest your energy. Take the time to do each step, apply each step, learn each step etc. 80-90% of the emotional labor of any endeavor is going to be in those beginning phases and you're not going to see much growth. You'll see tiny bits of growth here and there. You gotta learn to appreciate those tiny growths and stop looking at the end result as an ends to a means. 3. What does a wise approach look like in this endeavor? So exactly what does this mean? How do we know what a wise approach is? It's actually pretty simple. A wise approach is giving yourself the time to grow, even when the growth doesn't seem to actually be there. Find it, appreciate it, enjoy it. Are you working towards that great relationship that's going to last the rest of your life? Are you writing a book that could change humanity? Are you starting your own business? Are you doing personal development? Any of these things and more are going to take time. It's going to take consistent effort on your part and your job is to try to make the best of the hardest parts of that journey. Ask yourself a few follow up questions. 1. Would this endeavor be worth it, if it took 4x as long as you initially planned? 2. Would this endeavor be worth it, if it took 100 to 1000 times the emotional investment as you planned? If you're working on something like meditation, mastering your emotions, chasing that wonderful relationship, starting your own business, writing a book etc. The answer to both of these questions should be yes. It is absolutely worth the investment because when it comes time to reap the rewards, it's going to be far surpassing anything you had conceived. If the answer is no, perhaps you're either not invested and maybe that project isn't for you, or perhaps it could be your own neurotic mindset, getting in your way. You have to be the judge on that. Moving forward there are 5 simple things that you need to stop allowing to influence your happiness. Just bear in mind, this works hand in hand with the previous tool. Results aren't going to be immediate and that's ok. 1. Your past We all have a past and it can sometimes be pretty murky at best. This includes things others have done to hurt you, things you've done to hurt others, things you've done to hurt yourself, bad choices and mistakes, all the things that made you who you are. You are not those things, you are you. So stop labeling yourself with the ghosts of the past. 2. Your relationships This could be friendships, relationships, family etc. This doesn't mean that any of these things were bad or are bad. Maybe you've had wonderful relations with pretty much everyone you know. It's still equally important to not base your happiness around those relationships. Relying on others to provide our happiness for us is a very clingy and neurotic way of living and chances are, it will ruin that relationship. 3. Your own limited beliefs Have you ever criticized yourself? Said "there's no way I can do that"? Having realistic expectations of what you expect from life is good, but when you begin to say you cannot because of past experience or because of some arbitrary limitation you put on yourself, it becomes an issue. Say for example, you're an introvert that wants to make friends. A stereotypical label that you might put on yourself is that it's not in your nature to make friends or that you can't have friends because of that introverted nature. Let go of that. Maybe you think you won't get that job because you view yourself as a failure. Maybe you feel like you won't get that job because you're not good enough. Maybe you feel like your business won't succeed because you're not a good leader. Whatever it is that you put on yourself. Maybe you think you can't succeed because of your physical appearance or your gender or your skin color. All of these are self defining labels that cause so much detriment in our lives. 4. Other people's opinions of you Just as equally as the way we label ourselves, if we allow others to tell us who we are or what we can be, it is that same detrimental outcome as if we had labeled ourselves, because we are in a sense. We accept the labels that other people put on us. The goal is to stop doing that. Even when they do so with good intentions. 5. Money We all know that money makes the world go round. But the illusive chase of just money is a cold and primal way of living often leaving a person to appear as cold and heartless. I'm not saying to just go and quit your job or that money is evil. What I'm saying is that money shouldn't be the ONLY motivator in your life. It's reasonable to want to be capable of sustaining yourself, a family, having the possessions you want and all that. Just don't be so focused on it that you lose sight of everything else. It's the easiest, fastest track to a toxic life. So that's it! Now the only objective left is to find what actually makes you happy. Go out and try new things, pick up a new hobby, give it 4 weeks. Be patient and approach it as though you want to enjoy it, because that is the purpose of this whole endeavor after all. Not everything is going to strike your fancy and that's ok, at least you tried and now you know.
  20. Qi Gong are today seen as a healing or Fitness practice With some spiritual aspects. But what they do not know is that Qi gong from old times was what is called Cultivation practice. Yes the energy will rise within the body, but only if there is a true master you learining from. In todays society there are a lot that is called Qi gong but trully is something false and actually harm you more then it it does good. Qi energy is for self cultivation of mind and body. As a Falun Gong practitioner we also cultivate energy, but instead of Chi energy we cultivate Gong energy, and it is a high energy cultivation path. I stay away from Qi gong since it is so much negative if one does not have a true teacher. But if you only are after Chi energy for healing purposes i would say tai chi would be ok for you to try, but do Your Research before you start, because it may be that the teacher does not him/her self hold the energy needed to benefit you
  21. This is so true and important to remind ourselves of 🙏 Self love all the way 💚
  22. I do hope i have added this in correct area of the forum If Admin feel it is in wrong thread it is of course ok to move this thread Brief Introduction to Falun Dafa Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced practice of Buddha school self-cultivation, founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the practice’s master. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundation of practice. Practice is guided by these supreme qualities, and based on the very laws which underlie the development of the cosmos.” Master Li’s teachings are set forth in a number of texts, among which are included Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, The Great Perfection Way of Falun Dafa, Essentials for Further Advancement, and Hong Yin (The Grand Verses). These and other works have been translated into over forty languages, and are published and distributed worldwide. The focus of Falun Dafa practice is the mind, with the cultivation of one’s mind and thoughts, or “Xinxing,” being singled out as the key to increasing Gong energy. The height of a person’s Gong is directly proportionate to that of his Xinxing. The concept of “Xinxing” encompasses the transformation of virtue (a white form of matter) and karma (a black form of matter). It also includes forbearance, discernment, and abandonment—that is, forsaking ordinary human desires and attachments, and managing to endure the most trying of ordeals. Much is encompassed by the concept. Falun Dafa also includes the cultivation of the body, which is accomplished by performing specific exercises. One purpose of the exercises is to strengthen the practitioner’s supernatural abilities and energy mechanisms by means of his or her powerful Gong force. Another purpose is to develop many living entities in the practitioner’s body. In advanced practice, the Immortal Infant will come into being and many abilities will be developed. The exercises of Falun Dafa are necessary for the transformation and cultivation of such things. A comprehensive mind-body cultivation system such as this requires both self-cultivation and physical exercises, with cultivation taking priority over exercises. A person’s Gong simply will not increase if he or she merely does exercises while failing to cultivate Xinxing. The exercises are thus a supplemental means to achieving spiritual perfection. Falun Dafa involves the cultivation of a Falun, or “law wheel.” The Falun is an intelligent, rotating entity composed of high-energy matter. The Falun that Master Li Hongzhi plants in a practitioner’s lower abdomen from other dimensions rotates constantly, twenty-four hours a day. (True cultivators can acquire a Falun by reading Master Li’s books, watching his 9-session lectures on video, listening to recordings of his 9-session lectures, or studying together with students of Falun Dafa.) The Falun helps practitioners to practice automatically. That is, the Falun refines the practitioner at all times, even though he or she isn’t performing the exercises at every moment. Of all practices made public in the world today, only Falun Dafa has managed to achieve a state in which, “the Fa refines the person.” The rotating Falun has the same qualities as the universe, and is the universe’s miniature. The Buddhist Falun, the Daoist Yin-Yang, and everything of the Ten-Directional World are reflected in the Falun. The Falun provides salvation to the practitioner when it rotates inward (clockwise), since it absorbs a great amount of energy from the universe and transforms it into Gong energy. The Falun provides salvation to others when rotating outward (counter-clockwise), for it releases energy that can save any being and rectify any abnormal condition. Being in the presence of someone who practices thus benefits a person. Falun Dafa “brings a person to a state of wisdom and harmonious existence. The movements of the practice are concise, as a great way is extremely simple and easy.” Falun Dafa is unique in eight ways: 1. A Falun is cultivated, rather than an energy elixir. 2. The Falun refines the person even when he or she is not doing the practice’s exercises. 3. One’s primary consciousness is cultivated, such that it is the person him or herself who obtains Gong energy. 4. Both mind and body are cultivated. 5. The practice consists of five exercises, which are simple and easy to learn. 6. The mind is not used to direct anything, there are no associated risks, and Gong energy increases quickly. 7. Location, time, and direction are not of concern when exercising, nor is how one concludes one’s exercise session. 8. Protection is provided by the master's Fashen, so one needn’t fear harm from malevolent entities. The teachings of Falun Dafa are thus completely unlike those of conventional practice methods or those that are based on the development of an internal elixir, or Dan. Falun Dafa practice begins at a high plane right from the outset, thus providing the most expedient, fast, ideal, and precious means of practice for those with a predestined connection or who have been practicing for years using other means but failed to develop Gong. When a practitioner’s Xinxing and the strength of his Gong reach a certain height, he or she can attain an imperishable, adamantine body while still in the secular world. A person can also achieve the “unlocking of Gong,” enlightenment, and ascension of the whole person to higher planes. Those with great determination should study this upright teaching, strive to achieve their ultimate rank, elevate their Xinxing, and forsake their attachments. Only then is spiritual perfection possible. May you cherish it—the Buddha Fa is right before you. Since I, Amanaki adding this info that come from the Falun Gong official site, this thread is not my own Words. and when questions is asked, it would be good if they are asked in a respectful manner, and letting me be able to answer Your question in a respectful manner back to you There are many rummors out there about Falun Gong, But if you want more true answer about this form of practice i would advie to read about Falun Gong or Falun dafa as it is also know as. on this two sites (hope it is ok to add website links here, if not Admin can remove the links) https://en.falundafa.org/index.html https://en.minghui.org/
  23. When we seek happiness many People seek it from wordly belongings, like fancy cars, losts of Money or fame. But true happiness comes from within our self. When realizing that no wordly belonging can make us permanently happy, we start to seek within Our self. To find that the virtue of good living comes from being honest, having compassion for others. and to take little notice of Our own "status" in society. because none of what we gain here in physical life can be taken with us to the next life, or to what meets us when we die. Only two things will follow us. Our karma and Our virtue. So to be sure as little karma as possible follow us, it is good to live by the universe Law of Truthfulness, compassion and forberance . Do you have any thought about true happiness in Your life?
  24. I am 56. I would not say I am not still learning, but there are some useful bits of wisdom you accumulate along the way. I think some of us, (I am pointing a finger at myself), learn the hard way. The one about other peoples opinions rings true for me. I spent many years living for approval of others and being depressed. I started living for my own inner approval and the majority of my depression went away. I am not saying that works for everybody because sometimes depression is chemical or situational. However I do think giving credence to your own inner being makes a big difference. Someone in their fifties once told me to drink more water. Now that I am in my fifties I will say to the younger generation to drink more water. Your value as a human being does not depend on abilities. I wish I had learned a lot earlier that I exist and am worthy of at the very minimum, my own self respect. There can be no demands or expectations of this lifetime that can change how I respect myself. And if I imagine some unconditional being in the ether, whether I believe in a deity or not, I can generate my own unconditional self acceptance without the need of outside acceptance. That's just me. It's how I get by in this life and love myself. Alternatively you might find that energy in nature, or the earth, or physical activity, or your own brand of spirituality. I know no one answer works for everybody.
  25. Hello to you all, I'm Stefanie Lehrter a systemic Coach und a Meditation Teacher from Cologne, Germany. I just found this Community and I really like it. One of my passions is to help people to achieve their goals and become more happy, more self-esteemed and more satisfied with everything they do. Another passion is to spread kindness in interactions and to show people that we can act like a team and don't have to feel like contrahents. So to me this community seems to be a perfect place to be. In my free time I like to do sports and go for long walks with my dog. Or do more relaxing and creative things like reading, writing, playing my Guitar or just try out new creative things. I'm always interested in new ways of sustainabilty in daily life, individual ways of becoming more happy, grow healthy und supportive Relationships in daily life and of course in Worklife. And, probably not surprising, I'm also interested in all the insights of scientific research relating to all of that. My English is not perfect (especially not the written part), so please be lenient with me if there are some misspellings or incorrect grammar. ;-) Oh and one more thing: I just wanna tell you right away that I am very busy at the moment, so I can't say how often I can participate in this Forum. Maybe an answer from me will take a little time, so please don't be upset if it does. For now have a great day everyone and enjoy all the happy moments that come along today! All the best Steffi
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