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  1. I've shared an happiness with most I meet . And I'm proud of my self in doing but these many people only seem to share negative stuff .I want people to realise there is a sunshine glow in all our hearts
  2. Big Dream Alert!!!! This is my first attempt at starting a book. Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?Here goes. . .Don’t Be an A*Hole, How to Stop Doing and Saying Things You Regret.I was an A*HOLE. Truth be told, I still am an A*HOLE from time to time. Progress, not perfection. Why am I telling you this? Well, you may be one too. Before you get offended, let me clarify, an A*HOLE is a person who Always Has Overreactions to Life’s Events.Maybe you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “not me.” Before you stop reading this, ask yourself, “do I often say or do things I wish I could immediately take back?” If not, then please go out into the world and share your secrets. Seriously, stop reading and get out there. The world needs you now!For the rest of us, come with me on this journey of curiosity, learning, practicing, and ultimately transforming your relationships, health, and life. I will share my story, struggles, and practices that have changed my relationships and granted me peace.We will explore together -How being an A*HOLE is harming your relationships and your health.Why self-regulation can be a challenge, and why shaming yourself isn’t working.The simple yet effective steps you can take to retrain your brain to respond differently to life events.Being an A*HOLE is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change. Do you want to improve your relationships? Do you want to lower your stress levels? I did, and I have. I will show you how. You are one book away from transforming your life. Come with me, friend.I would love to hear from you! *** I purposefully did not put Mindfulness in the title or description, because I am trying to turn people onto mindfulness that currently do not have a practice or true understanding of what it is.
  3. Hi, I am a 30-year-old with terrible dark circles under my eyes which developed during my long years of depression and psychological problems when I was going through an awful phase of my life after a breakup in a relationship. I am now in a better condition compared to before, but my dark circles are something that just doesn't seem to go away. And they are very deep and indeed make me look horrible. I feel ashamed to go out and it makes me already very self-conscious. Not to mention that I also have a lot of wrinkles under my eye, way more than what a normal 30-year-old would have. However, I have kind of gotten into a habit of looking at myself in the mirror and it does not make me feel as bad as it used to do before. I am trying very hard to accept myself for how I look. I have a friend who is very good and supportive. But his dad almost always comments about my dark circles almost every day we get to meet over video calls. And it is not like advice or suggestion to improve my condition or any criticism. His comments are more of like - rude and offensive. He uses words like -"the dark circles make you look so ugly", "your whole personality is getting destroyed because of your hideous dark circles", and "you will never make any impression with them on your face". Just 3 examples of what he really says when he talks about it. Like, whenever I hear him speak about my dark circles, I always feel so embarrassed, sad, upset and self-conscious. A few days ago, I had my first face-to-face interaction with him (my friend's dad), and all the time, he was so heavily judging me for my dark circles and saying rude things like that. That day I got so much hurt that I did something that I should not have done. I directly said to my friend about the whole conversation I had with his dad, and how bad I felt after the interaction with his dad, and shared every detail about our interaction. My friend instantly went into defensive mode and said that his dad was right, he is very good and can never do any wrong, and that I am overreacting. He did not believe that his dad told me those things. He also said that, even if his dad said those things, it is because "he considers me like his own son".... I did not really understand that. I mean, is it okay for a father to say those sentences to his own son? I did not say any more, because I got to understand that he is my friend's dad after all, and that is a different dynamic. But I ended the conversation by telling him to put himself in my shoes and just try to understand, and that I did not mean to hurt his feelings. I just wanted to open up with him about the situation otherwise it was making my heart very heavy. What he did instead is he started separating from me since that day, and that made me even more sad and depressed. Now I feel really bad. I feel kind of guilty to have opened up about this to my friend because I think this might have hurt our friendship to some extent. At the same time, I am very uncomfortable around his dad. How should I deal with the whole situation? I am just out of clues. I don't know what to do...
  4. Hello all! New here! I'm still not exactly sure what this place is, but it seems to have a lot of resources focused on improving well-being, and I'm all about that! 😄 I'm a social work major undergrad looking to explore my spirituality and increase self-awareness through meditation. I look forward to meeting you all. 😊
  5. Dear Friends, it is well know that meditation has a positive impact on health. Lots of evidenced based studies have been carried out on with promising results. I am carrying out a study as my master's thesis asking the impact of meditation on the six dimensions of psychological well beings: Self-Acceptance, Personal Growth, Purpose in Life, Positive Relations With Others, Environmental Mastery, Autonomy. All of the six dimensions contributes to well being. In addition I am trying to see the change in selfview due to meditation practice (Self as an independent entity vs Self as connected to all beings). If you are interested in seeing the results and helping me to carrying out the study. Please take part of it. It is an an anonymous online study. Meditators and Non-meditators are required for this study. This study requires around 15min. It would be very helpful if you can support in carrying out the study and fill out the questions. The link to the study is https://www.soscisurvey.de/Selbstbild2022/ Nice greetings and thank you, Max
  6. Welcome. manifestation, meditation and stuff like this were just keywords to me. They are used a lot by people trying to convince others to buy their books or guides to the perfect life. But there is not that one secret which makes your life perfect. It's basically just taking some time for yourself to do nothing but think about your life goals or whatever else comes to your mind. This helps setting new aims and become self reflected. And it can help reducing stress.
  7. None. And all of them. We are safe at any moment, protected by our inner self and one deep, silent yet so powerful true and holistic, and never ending energy. However we are on a journey where we slowly remember it, more and more. Each in his or her intended pace. Until we fully remember it, we have moments where we feel un safe. But that is of course an illusion, a short term “foregetness”. And we take a leap, from remembering and safety to forget and un safety. And it’s ok… it’s ok.
  8. Affirming to Tara that she is look strong, confident and perfect when she states " "I find myself now in a state where I can't enjoy all the kind things this new guy is doing to me ..." whilst admirable, is not going to change how Tara feels ... I'm all for being nice BUT you also have to take a stand in this situation and tell him exactly what you just told us. I understand what it's like to be a real victim to being beaten. That's not victim status although can lead to it. It's a cycle. I'm 53 and been through hell with this kind of thing. I was beaten as a child, and went on to become a target for many others and when all else failed I started beating others. I also thought for years to help my daughter and grandson to escape the grips of wife and child beaters and ultimately went on to help setup crisis housing for victims of domestics abuse. The cycle and dynamics at play within this kind of behavior pattern is not something to toy with. I fully hear what your saying Tara and I can't underestimate how laying those boundaries down right now is the best way to go about it. I'm not suggesting this guy is the bad one ... but you would do well to lay those boundaries for yourself. Acknowledge your own feelings here right now and let this guy know. If he is really as nice as he makes out to be then not an issue. In such a case we become more our own problem when holding onto all the stuff that happened to us previously. It took my daughters several tries with the same guy with every episode involving much of the same thing that came before it just like you admit yourself Tara. This is why in my previous post I made sure to include my own vulnerabilities and own my own imperfections because right now your own imperfections with how you really feel can be exploited with all the bubbly talk that does more to make you feel more like someone that needs help when really all you want is to focus on being happy ... being your true self. That's not going to happen if you respond in kind when feeling as you say you do. It's OK to feel as you do (meaning it's understandable) but the only way to move on is to tell others why we feel the way we do. If we hold it in we just keep having a distorted view that leads to an addiction on negative emotion and play the cycle over and over. We also become good play things for others. I can tell you how great you are but means little if your really feeling the way you say. I would much rather cut to the chase and deal with what you and I or anyone else really needs to deal with in these kind of cases. It does not matter how nice this guy is but it does matter how your feeling ... how your really feeling inside regardless of whomever. Dealing with that is a priority and how you deal with that will set the path for what is to follow. When I left all those feeling unresolved (takes a lifetime for many ... myself included) issues unattended and made it about someone else, I just went from one toxic relationship to the other and most of the time is was all me because I just held onto all the unresolved pain. Being nice to others when having to deal with that kind of abusive past -PTSD - or whatever one wants to call it ... is not just about being nice to others. The shame we feel as byproduct or beaten individuals is soul destroying and takes a lot or work to balance. I stand by what I said in my first post above but now sensing more of an issue with how we victims tend to become vulnerable to ourselves in further relations. Hard to explain but feel I have said enough. I am sorry that many of us have had to endure the beatings and chaos that flows as it does. Look inside and love yourself from whatever point you can and work with that. Perhaps your just not ready for another relationship and in some ways is sounds that way to me. Back it off a little but most of all just be honest to yourself as your doing now and also tell this guy how you feel but from your own point of view. We make great targets during this time which is why I'm feeling a little worried for you ... The nice guy routine regardless of genuine or not can really feed the hurt child within in ways that may not be so helpful if we are still damaged. Often I take the stance the many of us can not be fixed, but that is more about others can't fix us, we can only fix ourselves. It also helps to understand that the level or repair need not be as others tell us or whatever self help books portray. We decide the level at which we are more ourselves and that is key to understand. Others can help and the latter is not black and white ... but if we do not take control of what only we can, then the cycle will just keep repeating no matter how many others wish to help. I think I'll back out of this topic now as I've given my best and there is nothing else I can really say that I have not just said. I know about the shame that wells within that keeps us from enjoying life. I also know how the joy and happiness of others can overwhelm us and how we tend to make for good play things for those that love to fix. It's a dynamic that leads to a pattern in ongoing relations and why it works so well in the market place. That's another story but the point is - we got to be honest with ourselves and own the way we feel and choose the path we take. Good luck. Your welcome to PM
  9. Hi Tara ... I have a friend that is Bi Polar. He tends to have a behavior pattern that is to set up situations that often lead into bouts of drama. Rarely does it end well. Now I also have my own labels and would not necessarily just blame his label as many of people without labels can also do the same thing. That said, the passion at which he sets a situation up, and his inability to detach from such calculating, does seem hampered by his instability which can be quite episodic. BOUNDARIES are really important - especially from the start or the start of each new phase. I experience phases with him as after each dramatic session having exhaustively gone through dealing with each of his insecurities, blaming, shaming and various other unresolved psychological issues - He too will often begin with being kind. I have found most people in this category often do. Well it's actually hard to categorize because ego is a complex thing... Subconscious Sabotage: Is what I often tell him he needs to stop doing. And it's often where I start with him when laying down the boundaries. I'm not into cutting people out of my life like chopping the top off a pineapple as that tends to leave a residual hang-up on my end after the fact no matter where I end up. My advice is just to be straight up with the guy and tell him how he is making you feel and to find another way to connect if he wishes the relationship to continue. Like "Hey, just so you know, I get your trying to me nice but the way you constantly keep being overly kind is really starting to bug me. It makes me feel like I am some kind of project that needs fixing, or X,Y & Z - if you don't stop it I'm going to have to distance myself for my own mental health." Say whatever it is that your experiencing and how it's making you feel and that you want it to stop or else X,Y & Z for the benefit of you both. I have chosen to still remain friends - but I pull him up every time he starts setting up a situation I know is not going to end well or anytime he assumes something of me and or others for that matter. Mostly when that assumption is something I know is disabling/disempowering for whom of which he speaks. Always starts off nice then leads into something that is about shaming and blaming. Now whilst my explanation with my friend may differ, he is always overly nice and it too is not something I gel with either. Mostly because of the manipulation that's often woven within it. His bipolar makes if very hard for him but I also have my own issues like most of us do. Boundaries works most of the time and I have to be always on top by constantly making them. This is when most people cut and run and whilst that is OK ... just be careful how you cut the cord for your own sake as much as him. People don't often understand that. Another Key point is My-self. Once a pattern sets and I allow myself to be drawn in, the negative vibes I feel tend to make me more vulnerable (feed his compulsive manner to do as he wills) to the manipulation being played where the toxicity in relationships take the stage. Once I am caught up in it and no longer seeing the imbalance taking place then I just become victim to his drama ... not discounting my own. Whilst I am male and he is male and the friendship is plutonic - just close friends. The behavior is very has many of the dynamics I have had with my wife and children or others that are close to me. The reason I am still close friends with him is because after a lot of work re the boundaries we still both have a lot of good to offer each other and there is a sense of respect. I am one of the very few people in his life that has been able to help him in areas he can not. In return my own compromises to help him be comfortable means I am able to have work on my own issues which as just as disabling for us both and others in my life. Kind of makes me a better person knowing that I have my own issues and it's not just about him. Hard to explain. But biggest advice re relationships in general and with people that tend to make projects out of others that leads to reoccurring patterns is to tell them what is happening and what your prepared to put up with and what you will in turn your willing to give. The latter just an acknowledgment of one's self that keeps it mutually beneficial. It's not healthy if it's only one way or more about pleasing one persons way of being rather than it being mutual. Mutual respect and honestly has to be at the forefront. Niceties can just be a ploy and often is this day and age with people becoming experts in positivity, love and joy. To be sure those aspects are important where a balance is needed but being overly nice is kind of like a flag to something else going on. We are complex beings to be sure. Know what you want out of the relationship, lay down those boundaries as best you can and do it each time before it gets out of hand. If he does not respect and or change what it make you feel those negative thoughts, then I suggest giving yourself some distance in your own way that makes you feel more comfortable. I used boundaries and when that fails, I'll just fade away from that person. I typically leave the door open where eventually they get the message and either stay away themselves or just learn to be more mutual in their dealings with me and I'll often learn new things about myself that can do with a bit of work. Hope some of that is helpful and or makes sense.
  10. Powerful 2 x Level Deep Guided Meditation Purpose: Pain Relief and Healing Visualization Process Deepener for Relaxation: Counting down NLP Framing Technique + Alpha State Future Pacing Visualization (+Eye Movement) Multiple relaxation triggers and activators used for ensuring the best possible results Audio File Download 60 Days Refund Policy This is a 2 step deepening guided meditation with a clear purpose to access your inner healing resources, to overcome limiting beliefs, to encourage free self-expression and to invite positive and long lasting change. You will notice that I changed at some point to first present tense, to help you envision the process from your own perspective. This material is thought to provide you support in your continuous work toward achieving your dreams, overcoming your limiting beliefs and becoming all you can be, all you want and you know you deserve. It is not a hypnosis, but it may induce a trance like state, but you are at any time in control, you can decide to accept or not to accept the affirmations, you can open your eyes and become fully aware at any time, as you wish. The process works best of you do not overanalyze, and if you repeat it at least 7 times over one month period. for more information click this link https://bit.ly/3cAXGiq Guided Meditation 2xDeep
  11. Hi Susan. I think a lot of us who make the choice to walk the path of expansion and self-realization start where you did - spending either a little time there or a lot. I am glad you've found your way to a mode of living that more authentically expresses who you are. Congratulations!
  12. Sometimes I used to feel lost in life not really feeling like anything I did mattered or I wasn’t really progressing anywhere. I decided to change my way of thinking and start looking to the future and how I want to build it for my self, I found a guide that helped me along the way see the side of me I wanted to be and help me on my path to achieve great things.
  13. Fact. There are many people and services that would like us to think we are broken for many selfish reasons. If that's not hard enough, those feelings also be addictive where they can become the only emotions we know. Perhaps better said we cling to our pain because we know nothing else. The good news is it does not have to be that way. We always have a choice and not one of those check boxes either where others make multiple choices and then tell us to pick one. Regarding shame, it’s not our fault the world be that way or it be as you just said. We live in a world that encourages others to cut people out of their lives whom feel ashamed and have low self-esteem because we drag them down. As a result, those kinds of people surround themselves with 'only' things that bring them bliss and joy. They also become addicted clinging to the only emotions they know. They tend to only write about things that make them feel joyful and happy whilst we tend to write about things that make us sad. Rarely do I read articles that are well balanced. Mostly because drugs and drama sells. The happy people only want to hear about happy things, whilst the sad people only want to hear about sad things. Each dynamic makes for popular songs, poems, articles and the like. Movies follow that same pattern although somewhat more deceptive. Boy meets girl, girl meets boy, happy, sad, up & down - woohoo - violence - villain & hero with whatever ideals weaved in-between. Such being the way peoples sting of cords are influenced to swing. Alas, we adopt the pattern of thinking that we must either become anyone of those characters in order to fit in or adopt the belief that we are just too broken and in need of a hero to come along and fix us. Your right about others having their own set of problems. Most don't answer because they are memorized by the same spell of which I speak. But that does not take away how it is that many of us feel so disconnected living in a world like that. That shame you talk about is also projected ... again not our fault. That said, it does not have to be a problem if only one or two take a stand and point that *&^% out. Just because the world is so unbalanced and jacked up on all that does not mean we have to wear it. That's the choice I am talking about. Please excuse my frustration coming out. Sometimes we got to let go of that as well, but helps not to hurt others in that process. Given the amount of articles on cutting others out is it any wonder so many of us walk on egg shells. Laughs out loud. Is a good practice to be mindful. Once you practice it long enough it kind of sticks and other areas of our life – up or down it does not discriminate. Sorry I use too many words. Is a complex world and the way we get sucked in is just as complex. Those are hard core feelings your talking about. Many of us have different circumstances but you can be sure there are many quiet ones out there too afraid and ashamed to find their voice. Good for you! I don't mean to dismiss your feelings by saying you got nothing to feel ashamed about because anyone living in this *&^%ed up being how I just described is understandable that so many of us are regularly cut out ... our reaching out going unanswered. Like I don't know the answers myself and or what you’re looking for. We are all at difference stages within what I call a game with a lot of messed up rules. Some people just want to continue with what they only know re clinging and all that and then others are having trouble letting go. I know I am a bit of both but with the inclination of working towards answers I have previously found that are hard to explain. The take away in that is its not easy to stay on track when we do let go of the pain. I'm probably not making much sense but is always nice to touch base with someone that sounds as if they know some of what I mean. I hear ya is all. A lot of people don't like me talking this way but you know what ... the more I write, the more I like me. Having said that though, I know it's not just about me which is why I cared to reply and reach out at all. Please don't feel ashamed because your taking time to acknowledge what's within. My advice would be we would do well not to dig deep holes we often dig keep it honest as well. Try to write more from your own perspective and not so much of someone else's. That's the other thing about today's digital world. Many of us have become mindless observers and repeaters. Lately I have been writing in an online journal. I kind of gave up on this space because it feels more like a single pick up joint where only the pretty little profile pics grabs people’s attention away from their phones. lol. Seems true enough if you take the time to look around. It's all pretty much base on external dynamics and only those who talk about bubbly things and or self-promoting with claims of being fixers but not posting much else. That said that core focus of this site seems to be based on some really great methods and one's that have helped me a lot. Those courses are finished now, but I guess it's good they have left the platform open for those few that can make real connections. Don't mind all those people, the crowed that leave so many feeling even more isolated simply by their presence. Is like how the city by for many living in it. You seem like a nice person and although I'm not basing that on your image of a green leaf - you spoke up about how you’re really feeling and did so very well. I don't much on most platforms because I struggle to use less than a thousand words. This post consisting of 1150 to be exact. Smiles – All good. If you read this, then you’re a real person and I think your awesome. Keep expressing as you feel best. Nice to of met you. Those that often say we have low-self-esteem don’t understand it’s more a case of how this world and others in it constantly let us down. I just wanted to say I think your awesome and glad you’re it. : ) ~ Dave.
  14. Hello Everyone ! I just want to encourage you to start Your Real Life right now, to start to be Happy and love your Life ! So I wanted to share a bit of my story and hope it will inspire you! Today I remembered how I was a year ago. I was sad, demotivated, I wanted to do a lot of things, to realize my dreams, to change my life and make it better, but I couldn't find the strength in myself to start the transition. l felt like a bird in the cage, prisoner of myself. And one day it was enough, I felt in myself that I couldn't go on like this and it was enough, I reached the point of no return. I saw the time passing and I didn't want to lose more time and live with regrets. So I stopped working, took some holidays, stopped thinking about my life and started to look for advices, experiences of others people on how to do this transition. I found a lot of information, too much information (videos on YT, articles etc.) ! but nothing very helpful. Despite this, I took a lot of notes and I found some authors, coach, motivational speakers very Interesting like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Lise Bourbeau, Russell Brand, etc. So I watched a lot of videos about their selves and their methods but I noticed that the real keys were not in the videos, but and the book, so I bought books*!.....and then the transition to my new life began. Before, reading was not a pleasure for me because I'm an hyperactive person, but I found the way to read everywhere and easier : Audiobooks* !! (I will put the links of the books that helped me a lot down below!). And I focused on these books, and they changed my life forever. Honestly, before I couldn't think that it was possible for me to change myself, but with right tips, the right methods, and a little bit of work on myself I became more confident, more powerful and better in my head and in my body. You can't change yourself in the best way and get impressive results if you're not comfortable with yourself. So after this work on myself, I planned my new life and what I wanted to do, to become. Then, I quit my jobs, changed country and started studies to get the job of my dream. What an adventure !... and it's just the beginning ! So that's a little part of my story to tell you that everything is possible, whatever the time that it takes, whatever your age, your situation, there are always many possibilities to change your life and live your dreams. Trust yourself, stay focus, and never give up. For sure it won't be easy, because if it will be easy, everyone could do it… but You're NOT everyone ! Links of the books that changed my life : - https://amzn.to/3CSLTa3 : Tony Robbins / Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching to Transform Your Life - https://amzn.to/3QVqHEt : Brian Tracy / The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life - https://amzn.to/3wzja5U : Lise Bourbeau / Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self: Finally a Book That Explains Why It's So Hard Being Yourself Love / Julian
  15. Hi Susan, I wish you all the best with that. I found my own space elsewhere where I am reaching out to myself as much as anyone else. I've been writing for many years myself dealing with similar things. May I suggest considering finding other words for those often oversold as they tend to make those of us that deal with low self-worth, poor confidence and not-so-great social skills recoil from said blogs. That's my greatest tip if your looking to make lasting connections with your intended audience. Many of us do not know the meanings of those words because of the frivolous way in which they are commonly used. That said, I really think your title is well thought out and you come across as very genuine which will see your intentions go a very long way. Nice to of read you. 🙂
  16. Very interesting and difficult task 😀 I am not so sure. Actually, I also tend to think like Lizzie. Quoting “Everything happens for a reason”. If I need to give some advice to my younger self: I would like to tell my younger self: “Start earlier in your life with meditation and find your purpose in life.” But I doubt this will work. I started meditation after certain life events. For me I had a stressful job. I need a solution. Luckily due to this problem/suffering, I found my jackpot. Ah. Now a thought just popped up, I have a concrete one for my younger self: My former education was in business administration. Working in the financial industry, makes me to taking decisions always after a “reasonable” calculation. But there are many things in life, which one can’t calculate this in terms of money. Don’t think too much in a materialistic/”reasonable” way. Even it looks like a stupid decision, if your wise and loving heart feels that this is the correct way, then go for it. Nice greetings from Vienna, Max
  17. Try something new like self loving lifestyle.
  18. Hi! I'm Susan, All my life I have struggled with low self-worth, poor confidence, and not-so-great social skills. For years, I let those feelings overwhelm me and keep me from doing what I wanted. Only after surviving as a perfectionist, and overachiever was I able to find the courage to follow my dreams. And now I'm a writer who specializes in helping others find happiness. I write online articles and have a blog called https://joyamongchaos.com which speaks on how to be happy, become more confident, and solve problems that hinder joy. It makes me happy to help others! That's why I am here with you. My one wish is that I had the courage years ago to do this! I would be honored to encourage anyone who needs it. Thanks, everyone!
  19. Dear Dave, Nice to meet you too First of all thank you for sharing your experience with me. Let me begin with answering your question about the study. I did not create the questions by myself. The questions are a collection of validated questions from different universities working on the field psychological well beings, social psychology, and mindfulness research. The two questions about the body weight and size are just control questions, only to check if the study result for self-view has influenced by the body size or not. I agree with you that the textbooks are not sufficient to put someone in a position, that he or can really be a help of others. Also the certificates do not say anything. For me it is just a door opener. I secretly hope that the combination of my formal education as psychologist and my meditation practice and the teaching of my teachers can get me somedays in a position, where I can be really of help for my fellow. But it is still a good way to go I am very sad to hear that you had bad experience with the people in the field. I can imagine that this makes the life even harder as it already is. It puts people in a helpless situation. And this is a situation, one can hardly imagine, if not experienced by him/herself. Instead of being helped, one just loose the confidence and think, even the specialist cannot help me in that situation. I think like every occupation, they are good and bad practioners. It is important not to give up. I really do wish, that finally you will meet the right person, who is able to help you. I would be happy if we can stay in touch. I hope you had a nice time cycling and enjoying the sun 🤠. All the best🙏☘️ Max
  20. Hey Maxxu - just letting you know I got your message and wanted to encourage you to try again. It sucks when making a post and it not going through. I'm confident in what I say but will leave a link to a space I just paid for where I will take up less space. I just want to reiterate what I said in PM by saying out here in the main, I think your going to make a great psychologist. 🙂 I'll check back in the event you manage to get a response through. If not all good. Just continue to use PM. I doubt my presence and essence will make many connections here. That's got nothing to do with self esteem. On the contrary ... more a case of how I feel very passionate in all that I say. I've pretty much reconciled with my family all round. It's out my front door and in society that most of my family are met with resistance. We do pretty good and utilize services in a effective way. Take care and all that ... really hope you get in a response before I go. I'll pm that link as well as leave in the mental health section. If this place had a journal sections I'd probably stay. Funny how the universe works. I kind of figured I'd just be passing through. 😉
  21. Hi All I am new here. Happiness is such an important issue. I am glad to join the group. Let me introduce my self. I am a chinese grow up in Europe. Having spend more a decade working in financial industry as a derivatives trader, I come to see that money and sucess in career did not makes me a happy person. The opposite is true, I was overworked - had no time for hobbies and Friend. So I quit my job and started to study psychology. Meditation help me to come more and more in touch with life again. I stopped acting as a robot and start to see the wonders of life. I wish all of you sincerly a fullfiling life and looking forward to be connect with you. Nice greetings from Vienna, Max
  22. Dear Friends, Your help is needed. For my master’s thesis at the Vienna University, department for clinical and health psychology, I am carrying out a study on meditation. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of the meditation practice on different aspects of psychological well being and self-view. This is an anonymous online study in English. Meditators and Nonmeditators are required for this study. This study will take around 15min. It would be very helpful if you can support me in filling out the questions. Below the link to the study: https://www.soscisurvey.de/Selbstbild2022/ Many thanks for your support🙏❤️ Kind regards, Max
  23. What makes me happy? A walk outside the nature Seeing the sunshine and realising what a wonder it is. Spending time with my children. Childrens are often quite challenging, but if one can be with them totally without checking mind, one start to see what a wonder they are. Beside that quoting a teacher, children are very good Zen teachers 🙂🙂 Meditation practice Working with other Sangha brothers and sisters. Stop chasing after happiness 🤓: One Korea Zen Master said once, once he has stopped chasing after happiness, happiness starts to chasing after him❤️. Wishing you lots of fun in the journey to your self🙏❤️ Max
  24. Maybe let share abit about me, Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything.
  25. What do I say? A limitless entity/being, well I mean we all are, that includes you "The one reading this in your mind" , We are not the subject of inherited information past down generation and generations where these informations start creating their own informations ruling the minds of many today but we are the ones in control of presence, this present moment all things encompassing unity, flow, reason, harmony pretty much everything in this present moment is happening all at once, that which is seen and that which is unseen, love it!! Life isn't and hasn't been the easiest while im trying to float being suppressed by the sheer number of people who are not close to discovering their own limitless self, but I have had a lot of opportunities allowing me to become the person I am today, helping and being part of thousands of peoples lives deeply, experimenting with my own beliefs and the potential of mind and body and guiding people to a better them by dealing with all the challenges we face. I mean im young but I got a whole lot of lives lived through my eyes. All love, I guess im finding better ways to tell this story, "Although our lovable main character, wrapped up in their story of life, he wonders if being at his lowest yet again is helping him search for the answer...the answer to yet another question purposely stimulating the compound matrix of nerves electrifying their brains for what would otherwise bE. JuSt. A. tHouGht." I guess ill need to figure this one out. Hi my name is Mau5e (mouse), nice to have you read the above. im all over the place as you could tell but hey, im sure you know little lot about me'ish. 😜
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