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  1. Stress can definitely have a terrible effect on our physical wellbeing and is the root to a lot of problems. Thanks for sharing 🪴
  2. What's the secret? If we are so able to be healthy and young, why do we get sick? One of the most important reasons is stress! I will now show how stress works, using cells and then people. So, I put cells in a petri dish and I split the group into 2 sets. In one set I put nutrients in front of the cells; in the other I put toxins in front of the cells. I put them back in the incubator and I come back later and take them out; where do you think the cells are in each experiment? when you come back, when nutrients are in the dish, the cells move towards the signals, as positive growth signals. but when toxins are in the dish, the cells move away from the threatening negative signals. So, when a cell sees something that gives growth, they move to the signal, with their arms open to take it in; but if the cells see toxins, then what they do is they move away from the signal and close themselves down! cells cannot be open and closed at the same time! cells cannot move forwards and backwards at the same time. Read more: https://awget.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-question-is-if-we-are-so-able-to-be.html
  3. From eating chocolate to meditating, there is a quick stress-relieving tactic for everyone. Breathe. Slow, deep breaths can help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Listen to Music. Take a Quick Walk. Find the Sun. ... Give Yourself a Hand Massage.
  4. Amelia, life's cycle is all alone traveling path, during this path everyone has to meet and once leave eachothers, yes God has created feelings mind and loving heart but have to be stress free cause nothing is constant have to move ON - so don't feel embraced and upset about the past - present - future.
  5. yeah i got 11..pretty good. no stress .Last year I got 70 and having alots of stress that time. I still remember I was in depression and insomnia attacks. Then I read some books related to mental health and want to improve this then someone suggest me life coaching. Life coaching changed my life after this I have no stress and insomnia anymore.
  6. Hey everyone.... This is my first post where I would like to share my thoughts on getting out of the stress we face at work, at home, etc. During this pandemic each and everyone of us must have faced a mental pressure like "come on leave me alone". Yes we all felt the same. Though everything is back to normal I would like to share some ideas that I had followed to overcome this stress which may help you all at times in future to come out of all the pressures we face and have our own happiness. 1) Planning out a random on spot trip- This is the thing which I loved the most and it really helped me a lot to overcome stress. People who work please make sure you are available on a weekend and students make sure that you don't have school on saturday and all your works are completed. Plan for a nice one day trip the night before. What we did was we planned the night before during our dinner and the next morning we were off to the trip. If there are kids in your house never ever inform them about this trip let it be a surprise for them. Because the surprise that they get along with the unplanned trip increases their happiness and reduces a lot of stress from their school works and also improves their mental health. Well back to the point. Plan for the trip the night before and leave to some nice hill station or a field or a river or some beautiful place nearby. Come out of the concrete jungle we live in for a day. Enjoy yourself. Take nice pictures of the nature you enjoy. Cherish the memories. Make sure you take necessary stuffs like water, food, extra pair of clothing, a camera if you can, cash in hand etc. This way you can get a relief from stress, forget everything for a while, be happy and improve your mental health. 2) Indulge in the things that you love- This is another way that really helped me a lot. I love creating mandala arts so making them really helped reduce my stress. You can indulge in any activity that you love to do say singing, sports, cooking, etc. Literally anything that you like. Working on the things that we love helps reduce depression and stress. 3) Families are First- Stop your works for a while and take a break. Have a conversation with your family. Spend more time with them. Because there is no one more supportive than our parents and family. Have good time with them. 4) Take timeouts- Take regular breaks in between your work. Break in the sense not getting into social media and doing a vigorous swiping or checking on other person's status or texting random stuffs. Breaks I mean are take a break in between your work go outside or to the balcony see the outside world, get fresh air, have a glass of water, come back and start with your work. Getting into social media or anything in mobile increases the stress and makes us even more tired as our eyes are stressed so much by looking into laptops and mobiles. And also sitting in the same spot weakens our spine and creates back pain. So walking out to the porch or balcony and seeing the outside world gives us a quick refreshment, makes us active and gives ability to work even faster, reduces stress both physically and mentally. 5) Get in touch with your buddies- Meet your friends in person or talk to them for a while. Going out with them also helps in reducing stress. 6) Reduce unnecessary anger- It's more like pouring fuel into the fire. It doesn't even help but increases the stress even more. So avoid getting angry and try to solve the issue in a calm manner. So these are some things that I follow to overcome stress and I hope this would help you guys too. Thanks for reading. Have a great day ahead. Be positive and always remember to be kind!!!
  7. Meditation has been helpful to reduce stress and mood swings. Just found new good meditation video from Great Meditation channel: https://shrinke.me/RYmBYe1. Additionally, workout (cardio, gym) in the mornings has helped a lot.
  8. It's all about to enjoy life without stress and Helping others to gain luxury life style, freedom. Expand happiness.
  9. I Am mary a student at the University, passing through had time of emotional stress that is affecting my studies. am really wishing to get a family of my own. going through this it's really not easy.
  10. Hi my name is Mary, am from serra Leone west Africa. am going through a lots of stress in terms of relationship who to trust. also thinking about settling down i want to have a home i can call my own .🙌
  11. There are a lot of things that can affect our memory and ability to remember things; for example not getting enough sleep or being under a lot of stress. However, I would suggest talking to your doctor so you can figure out the root of the problem and find the best solution for you. 🌻
  12. My name is Louis 40years old, It's been 2years my wife took my 11years old daughter and has applied for divorce,it took a year for me to over come my mental stress, since a week I came to know were my wife is staying the most difficult part is this she has started staying with one of my family member, this is made me very much broken,
  13. Hi there. I am tremendously sorry for the loss of your beloved cat. It’s clear she was a huge part of your life, you both grew up together. I am a cat mom myself and currently have a 5yr old who I love with my whole heart and soul. Reading your post made me feel emotional and so empathetic towards what you’re going through. Your cat lived around 18+ years which is incredible! It sounds like she had a very long and loving life with you as her cat mom, and I’m sure you brought her as much joy and love as she brought you. Try not to focus on the loss of your beautiful baby, but think about the joy of her life. Think about all the times you’ve shared with her, each time you have had a milestone and she has been there. The relationship you can build with a cat is phenomenal and truly something to be proud of, because cats can be so very selective with their humans! Im sorry you had to see your cat in the state she was in before she passed, but she is no longer in any discomfort or pain. She is free. Her soul is still very much alive and she will always be with you. Take time to mourn and to grieve because this is a huge loss you are experiencing. You are allowed to feel the way you do, and to take time off from school and whatever responsibilities you may stress over. You are experiencing the death of a beloved, and in this case it can be just as painful as losing a person. I know this will be one of the hardest things you have to do, but do it for your cat, for yourself, for your family, your future, and your future kitties! Cherish all the memories and hold them dear to your heart but do not feel on the loss. This chapter of your life has closed, and soon a new one will open, you must have faith in this process. It’s the circle of life. Regarding your depression and anxiety, do you have a support system for this? Also, remember that pain is TEMPORARY. We are constantly in a state of change, as is everything around us. The deep feelings of sadness will heal with time, I promise you. You have to be strong for your cat baby, and for yourself. Try be kind to yourself, even more so during this time. So nice things for yourself, take time out, listen to music that makes you feel good. I don’t know how this site works yet as I’ve literally just downloaded the app. Yours was the first post I saw, and I couldn’t scroll past it without leaving you a message. I hope this helps in some way. Please take care of yourself. I’m sending you love and healing 💕
  14. A minimum of 30 minutes a day can allow you to enjoy these benefits. A number of studies have found that exercise helps depression. There are many views as to how exercise helps people with depression: Exercise may block negative thoughts or distract you from daily worries. Exercising with others provides an opportunity for increased social contact. Increased fitness may lift your mood and improve your sleep patterns. Exercise may also change levels of chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin, endorphins and stress hormones. My Health Calculator
  15. Hi! I'm sharing a few articles from the Magazine regarding stress management and different ways of dealing with stress and anxiety. Hope you find them useful! 🌱
  16. What are exercises , yoga and food can help to reduce anxiety and stress?
  17. Welcome to happiness 🌱 Why don't you check out the Academy where you can find our free Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course along with many others that you might find interesting. I hope you'll find our community helpful! 🌈
  18. Im new with this i just all need a exercise to make me feel no stress because of the online learning and many more of it so I also need a trainer for me actually im 19 i be 20 this october 4,2001 so to help me feel calm and relaxed is music but i need more exercise. and Im a JHS Student.
  19. What is Food Yoga Food Yoga is defined as, “a discipline that honours all spiritual paths by embracing their core teaching – that food in its most pure form is divine and, therefore, an excellent medium for expressing our unconditional love and purifying our consciousness. “ Food is an integral part of live, it is the first and foremost essential things that helps to sustain life. One can use food as a tool to achieve progress spiritually - maintaining healthy and pure eating habit is a key to successful spiritual life. Food Yoga is all about employing as much techniques possible to make your food pure and healthy and more than that, divine. Food and God In Hindu religion, the practice of offering food to God is very common. The food that is offered to God is referred as, ‘Naivedhya’. The naivedhya is prepared using pure ingredients and are cooked by trained cooks. The naivedhya offering is not same for all the gods, they differ from deity to deity. For example, modhak is offered to Lord Ganesh and urad vada is offered to Lord Hanuman. The neivedhya offered to the Lord is referred as, ‘Prasad’. The prasad is distributed amongst the devotees. Food and Spirituality Hindu religious scriptures prescribe sattvic food for spiritual development. Like men, food too is classified as Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic foods. Depending on their character, foods influence people, sattvic foods promote spiritual leaning whilst food with rajasic qualities boost worldly desires and tamsic food makes you lazy and addicted to senses. Examples of Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic foods Sattvic foods They are the purest form of food. Sattvic foods calm the mind, rejuvenate body, and improves your spiritual inclination. Benefits of Sattvic Foods · They reduce chronic disease risks · Sattvic food helps to lose weight · They promote longevity · Aid physical and mental strength · Are easy to digest List of sattvic foods Below is a list of well-known sattvic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Spinach, Carrots, Celery, Potatoes, Broccoli, Kelp, Lettuce, and Peas. 2. Fruits: Apples, Bananas, Papaya, Mangoes, Cherries, Melons, Peaches, and Guava. 3. Juice : Fresh Fruits Juice, Carrot Juice, Spinach Juice, and Bitter Gourd Juice. 4. Grains: Barley, Amaranth, Bulgur, Millet, Quinoa, Wild Rice, and Maize. 5. Nuts and Seeds: Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Unsweetened Coconut, and Flax Seeds. 6. Oils: Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Flax Oil, Mustard Oil, and Ghee. 7. Dairy products: Cow Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Coconut Milk, and Cashew Milk. 8. Legumes and Beans: Lentils, Moong Beans, Chickpeas, and Bean Sprouts. 9. Beverages: Water, Non-caffeinated Drinks, and Herbal Tea. 10. Spices and herbs: Coriander, Basil, Nutmeg, Cumin, Fenugreek, and Turmeric, and Ginger. 11. Sweets: Honey and Jaggery. Rajasic foods Rajasic food is believed to be stimulating in nature and may cause physical and emotional stress. Too much of rajasic diet may make life imbalanced. Effects of Rajasic foods · It overstimulates the mind and body. · Can lead to hyperactivity. · Contributes to the overexertion of the body. · Can cause stress, and anxiety. · Can make a person angry. List of Rajasic foods Below is a list of popular rajasic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Eggplant, Onions, Capsicum (Bell Peppers), Leeks, Hot Peppers (Chilis), Potatoes, Radishes, Sea Vegetables, Sprouts, Tomatoes, and Cauliflower. 2. Fruits: Dates (dried), Guava, Lime, Lemon, Apple, and Banana. 3. Grains: Millet, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, and Parboiled Grains. 4. Nuts and Seeds: Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Sprouts, and Sunflower Seeds. 5. Oils: Avocado Oil, Hemp Oil, Peanut Oil, and Sunflower Oil. 6. Dairy products: Fresh Cheeses, Cottage Cheese, Egg, and Yogurt. 7. Legumes and Beans: Yellow Dal, Kidney Beans, Navy Beans, and Red Lentils. 8. Beverages: Coffee, Caffeinated Teas, Decaf Tea, and Coffee. 9. Spices and herbs: Asafoetida (Hing), Cayenne, Chili, Black Pepper, Garlic, and Salt. 10. Other: All fermented food, Ice Cream, Olives, Salt, Vinegar, Commercial Almond, Hemp or Rice Milk, all Caffeine. Tamasic foods Tamasic food is not good for body and soul. Intake of tamasic food leads will cause harm to humans in all possible ways. Effects of Tamasic foods · Causes stagnation in thinking · Is a source laziness and lethargy · Results in intense mood swings · Would reduce life span List of tamasic foods Below is a list of well-known sattvic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Mushrooms, Pumpkin, Onion, and Garlic. 2. Fruits: Plums, Watermelons, Avocado, Apricots, and all over-ripe fruits. 3. Grains: Wheat, Rice, extensively refined grains, dried and packaged Pasta. 4. Nuts and Seeds: All old or exposed to light, Chia Seeds. 5. Oils: Vegetable Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Canola Oil, and all older than 1 year or rancid. 6. Legumes and Beans: Urad Dal, Black Dal, Pink Dal, and all canned items. 7. Sweets: Artificial sweeteners, White Sugar and refined sugars. 8. Others: Alcohol, all animal flesh (Beef, Chicken, Fish, Goat, Lamb, Pork, Shellfish), barbecued or blackened food, food with preservatives or synthetic ingredients, deep-fried food, frozen food, leftovers, condiments, smoked food, microwaved food. Knowing what to eat is an important step in practising Food Yoga. Now that you have learnt the same, it is time for you to put it into practice.
  20. I read meditation a few times in the answers already. The toughest part with that advice for me is to actually get up during a phase of intense stress, go somewhere else do the meditation. If I get that part done I am already much better.
  21. Hi everyone! Until recently I have been a true people pleaser and social butterfly. I didn't know how to say "No" without hurting the people around me. I felt guilty to put myself first. Combined with a busy work and study life, there was no time for myself anymore... Without me realising it, the stress affected my physical health and the relationships around me... So I decided to make a change: I did a master with the focus on Happiness Economics and became a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher. The techniques and knowledge I have learned since have helped me to truly love myself and make myself a priority. I was able to stop pleasing everyone around me and as a result create healthy and fulfilled relationships. Anyone else has a similar experience or is maybe still struggling? Would love to hear your thoughts and connect! 🙂
  22. Hi there, I am very excited to join this beautiful community of like-minded people! Until recently I have been a true people pleaser and social butterfly. I didn't know how to say "No" without hurting the people around me. I felt guilty to put myself first. Combined with a busy study (and later work) life, there was no time for myself anymore... Without me realising it, the stress affected my physical health and the relationships around me. So I decided to make a change: I completed a master with the focus on HAPPINESS ECONOMICS and I became a CERTIFIED MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS TEACHER. Now I am coaching individuals and groups to create happy and healthy relationships with themselves and others. What is special about my coaching is that I use customised meditation and mindfulness techniques to support the journey. I am happy to connect with everyone of you! 🙂 What is your story?
  23. It's true that the stress of everyday life such as paying the bills and taking care of a family are often something that can block happiness for many of us. Although money definitely doesn't equal happiness, it helps if at least the worry of making ends meet each month is taken out of the equation.
  24. Hey this is Pratheep. Covid situation made my life completely a mess. At first I lost my job then my relationship got broken and then I was affected by covid and my health was affected. I am going through a lot heartbreak, depression having stress and anxiety so I thought having new friends would help ease my thoughts and I will have someone to talk too... Looking forward to knowing you.
  25. Mental Coaching – Das Unterbewusstsein bewusst machen Höher! Weiter! Schneller! Besser! Diese Qualitäten bestimmen den Sport und unseren beruflichen Alltag immer mehr und fordern extreme körperliche als auch kognitive Leistungen von jedem Einzelnen ab. Enormer Leistungsdruck, Erschöpfung oder Leistungsversagen können die Folge sein. Für Spitzensportler gehört Mental Coaching längst zum unverzichtbaren Bestandteil des Trainings- und Wettkampfprogramms. Es bietet sich jedoch für Manager, Führungskräfte, Ärzte und jeden Einzelnen ebenso an. Mental Coaching unterstützt Sie konsistent die gewünschten Leistungen zu bringen, Stress zu widerstehen und sich dabei auch noch gut zu fühlen. Erfahren Sie durch Mental Coaching die Kraft des Unterbewusstseins und nutzen Sie diese für Ihre optimale Lebensgestaltung. Gedankenmuster steuern unser Leben. Meist fließen die Gedanken im Unterbewusstsein und beeinflussen unser Verhalten und dadurch unsere Lebensqualität. Menschen beschreiben diese Gedanken oft als mentale Blockaden im Gehirn, die die freie Lebensgestaltung und die tatsächliche Leistung beeinträchtigen. Lernen Sie durch Mental Coaching mit Ihren Gedanken umzugehen und diese zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele zu nutzen. Der Umgang mit belastenden Situationen wird durch positive Emotionen erleichtert. Eigenschaften wie Dankbarkeit, Interesse und eine positive Einstellung wirken vorbeugend gegen depressive Gefühlszustände angesichts extremer Stresssituationen. Beim Mental Coaching werden Leistungsblockaden gelöst, Ressourcen gestärkt und alte, nicht mehr benötigte bzw. hinderliche Handlungsschemata abgelegt. Der Coach setzt Methoden und Techniken ein, um Motivation, Stressbewältigung und Konzentrationsleistung zu verbessern und Zielsetzungen sowohl klarer, als auch konkreter zu formulieren. Obwohl jeder Mensch die passenden Antworten für sich selbst bereits in sich trägt, werden diese sehr oft nicht als solche wahrgenommen. Meist liegt es daran, dass der Stress in emotionalen Ausnahmesituationen nicht den nötigen Abstand zulässt, um darauf zurückzugreifen. Ihr Coach stellt mit Ihnen im Mental Coaching diesen Abstand wieder her, wodurch Ihnen der Zugriff auf diese inneren Ressourcen erleichtert wird. IHR COACHING INSTITUT Birkenweg 8 D – 61462 Königstein im Taunus +49 (0)1741614254 [email protected] https://www.ihrcoachinginstitut.de
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