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  1. Meditation offers a wealth of benefits that millions are seeking. By incorporating this practice into your daily routine, you can effectively reduce stress levels, enhance focus and concentration, and attain a deeper sense of inner peace. Whether you're a beginner or experienced, various meditation techniques cater to different needs. How often do you meditate?
  2. Most of us feel stressed from time to time, and with the situation in the world being how it is at the moment, those feelings of stress might be heightened. Since many people are spending all their time at home, or at least a lot more than usual, we might be struggling to deal with stress in the way we usually do. I, for example, definitely use the gym as a big stress relief and haven't been able to go for over a month now. What is your best stress relief? What do you do when you feel stressed? Let's share our tips and help each other out ?
  3. What are exercises , yoga and food can help to reduce anxiety and stress?
  4. Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management. Research confirms these personal experiences with music. Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious. To induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz), a person may need to devote at least 45 minutes, in a relaxed position, listening to calming music. https://youtu.be/xeHjonbT1UY
  5. Hi, I am writing this on my personal experience of a webinar (via zoom) I recently participated to test out while at home. These are 1.5 hour sessions of sound and energy based meditation. Throughout the session all I had to do was to sit and listen, no rational thinking process to grasp any knowledge or concept. Just you and your head phones. The outcome was to experience your natural awareness. After which also, the result is a very calm mind. Focused and stress free to go about my duties. And there was this causeless joy inside me which I don't know how to explain, of which I only wish that you may also experience. One should make up their own judgement on what this is and how this happens but my understanding & realization is that it is pure intuition which did the work. So it is with great humility that I write this to you personally. Not as somebody who has something better to do, but as a friend who wishes you well and respects and values your association. Putting aside what you might think of me and giving way to what joy and calm it might bring to you and your true self. So hopefully you will give it a try. After-all as Einstein said, doing the things day in and day out the same way will not give a different result. You are bound to get the same outcome. If you are interested in it; following is the time table for the upcoming events: (just install zoom and click on the link to join the webinar, then click join meeting and put your name and email) (These are free introductory sessions. There are also Q & A sessions during the webinar) (Try to join 10 to 15 minutes before the session as there is a participation limit due to limitations of zoom platform) For more details about the meditation center, its teacher (Acharin) visit www.nisala.org/teacher and www.nisala.org/events Best Regards, Vindana. Dates & Timings : Saturday 18 April 2020 16.30-18.00 Colombo | 16.30-18.00 Delhi | 21.00-22.30 Melbourne |12.00-13.30 London | 19.00-20.30 Beijing | 13.00-14.30 Berlin | 7.00-8.30 Toronto Zoom link to Join : https://zoom.us/j/95601209943?pwd=QndFV0xHT1FWUFBoVjBGN3laTkdNQT09 Webinar ID: 956 0120 9943 Password: 934183 Sunday 19 April 2020 16.30-18.00 Colombo | 16.30-18.00 Delhi | 21.00-22.30 Melbourne |12.00-13.30 London | 19.00-20.30 Beijing | 13.00-14.30 Berlin | 7.00-8.30 Toronto Zoom link to Join : https://zoom.us/j/96955368196?pwd=cnZjZGxsbmI0clpHamRHUEN3R0Ewdz09 Webinar ID: 969 5536 8196 Password: 830785
  6. hello guys and gals. i have always had a problem getting to sleep. if you are interested in a more relaxxing sleep try Kim's Background Music on youtube. Tell me what you think? here is the link....
  7. Hey everyone.... This is my first post where I would like to share my thoughts on getting out of the stress we face at work, at home, etc. During this pandemic each and everyone of us must have faced a mental pressure like "come on leave me alone". Yes we all felt the same. Though everything is back to normal I would like to share some ideas that I had followed to overcome this stress which may help you all at times in future to come out of all the pressures we face and have our own happiness. 1) Planning out a random on spot trip- This is the thing which I loved the most and it really helped me a lot to overcome stress. People who work please make sure you are available on a weekend and students make sure that you don't have school on saturday and all your works are completed. Plan for a nice one day trip the night before. What we did was we planned the night before during our dinner and the next morning we were off to the trip. If there are kids in your house never ever inform them about this trip let it be a surprise for them. Because the surprise that they get along with the unplanned trip increases their happiness and reduces a lot of stress from their school works and also improves their mental health. Well back to the point. Plan for the trip the night before and leave to some nice hill station or a field or a river or some beautiful place nearby. Come out of the concrete jungle we live in for a day. Enjoy yourself. Take nice pictures of the nature you enjoy. Cherish the memories. Make sure you take necessary stuffs like water, food, extra pair of clothing, a camera if you can, cash in hand etc. This way you can get a relief from stress, forget everything for a while, be happy and improve your mental health. 2) Indulge in the things that you love- This is another way that really helped me a lot. I love creating mandala arts so making them really helped reduce my stress. You can indulge in any activity that you love to do say singing, sports, cooking, etc. Literally anything that you like. Working on the things that we love helps reduce depression and stress. 3) Families are First- Stop your works for a while and take a break. Have a conversation with your family. Spend more time with them. Because there is no one more supportive than our parents and family. Have good time with them. 4) Take timeouts- Take regular breaks in between your work. Break in the sense not getting into social media and doing a vigorous swiping or checking on other person's status or texting random stuffs. Breaks I mean are take a break in between your work go outside or to the balcony see the outside world, get fresh air, have a glass of water, come back and start with your work. Getting into social media or anything in mobile increases the stress and makes us even more tired as our eyes are stressed so much by looking into laptops and mobiles. And also sitting in the same spot weakens our spine and creates back pain. So walking out to the porch or balcony and seeing the outside world gives us a quick refreshment, makes us active and gives ability to work even faster, reduces stress both physically and mentally. 5) Get in touch with your buddies- Meet your friends in person or talk to them for a while. Going out with them also helps in reducing stress. 6) Reduce unnecessary anger- It's more like pouring fuel into the fire. It doesn't even help but increases the stress even more. So avoid getting angry and try to solve the issue in a calm manner. So these are some things that I follow to overcome stress and I hope this would help you guys too. Thanks for reading. Have a great day ahead. Be positive and always remember to be kind!!!
  8. Is it true what experts say about massages, that they reduce stress?
  9. Exploring the Physical Benefits of Yoga Welcome to our forum discussion on the remarkable physical benefits of yoga, inspired by the insights from Gyan Yog Breath, a renowned yoga school in Rishikesh offering transformative yoga teacher training in India. Yoga, beyond its spiritual essence, offers a multitude of positive impacts on our bodies. Let's delve into this enlightening conversation! Posture Perfection: Yoga helps improve posture by strengthening core muscles, leading to better spinal alignment and reduced strain on muscles and joints. Breath Control: The practice of pranayama (breath control) in yoga enhances lung capacity, oxygenating the body, and promoting cardiovascular health. Muscle Strength: Asanas (yoga poses) from the yoga teacher training course engage various muscle groups, building strength evenly across the body while decreasing the risk of imbalances. Flexibility Enhancement: Regular practice, as taught in yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, gradually increases flexibility, relieving stiffness and reducing the likelihood of injuries. Mind-Body Connection: Yoga fosters a profound connection between the mind and body, aiding in better awareness of bodily sensations and promoting mindful movement. Stress Reduction: Through relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga diminishes stress hormones, leading to lowered blood pressure and overall well-being. Boosted Energy: Engaging in yoga often increases energy levels, leaving practitioners feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. Improved Balance: The focus on balance, emphasized in yoga teacher training courses, enhances stability and coordination, reducing the risk of falls, particularly beneficial as we age. Join us in this dialogue about the tangible physical benefits of yoga, drawing insights from Gyan Yog Breath's holistic approach to yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. Share your experiences, questions, and revelations as we collectively uncover the wonders that yoga, taught in such reputable institutions, brings to our bodies. Visit Gyan Yog Breath to further explore their renowned yoga teacher training courses. Let's enrich our understanding and celebrate the transformative power of yoga together!--- gyanyogbreath.com
  10. Many people may not realize the negative effects of stress and anxiety on their body and mental health. The best way to reduce stress is to learn about its causes and how to manage it. One way to reduce stress is through meditation. Meditation can help you relax and develop a more positive outlook on life. If you get reduce your stress anxiety you must to need mental health services.
  11. Happiness is a state of being that everyone aspires to achieve. It is the feeling of joy, contentment, and satisfaction that arises from within when we are in a positive state of mind. Happiness is often associated with the fulfillment of our desires and the attainment of our goals, but it goes beyond that. True happiness is a state of mind that is not dependent on external circumstances or material possessions. It is a feeling that arises from within and is independent of external factors. Happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be difficult to define, but it is generally understood to be a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, and contentment. It can be experienced in a variety of ways, from a fleeting moment of joy to a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose. Research has shown that happiness has numerous benefits for our health and well-being. Happy people are generally more resilient to stress, have stronger immune systems, and live longer. They are also more creative, productive, and successful in their personal and professional lives. There are many factors that contribute to happiness, including our relationships, our work, our health, and our personal values and beliefs. However, research suggests that there are some common characteristics and practices that are associated with greater happiness. These include: Cultivating positive emotions: Focusing on positive emotions such as gratitude, joy, and kindness can help to increase feelings of happiness and well-being. Building strong relationships: Having close, supportive relationships with family and friends is a key factor in happiness. Pursuing meaningful goals: Having a sense of purpose and working towards meaningful goals that align with our values and interests can bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Practicing mindfulness and self-compassion: Being present in the moment and treating ourselves with kindness and compassion can help to reduce stress and increase happiness. Engaging in physical activity and healthy habits: Regular exercise, good sleep, and a healthy diet are important for physical and mental health, and can also contribute to feelings of happiness. In conclusion, happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is essential to our health and well-being. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for happiness, research suggests that cultivating positive emotions, building strong relationships, pursuing meaningful goals, practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, and engaging in healthy habits can all contribute to greater happiness and fulfillment in life.
  12. When all energy, which all mass today, consists of, popped up in the middle of an empty space, it collapsed under it`s own weight. Since it collapsed, we have gravity, because of the momentum the collapse creates. This gravity, acts like a pushing force. So when mass formed, which is energy cooled down, it formed planets. Over time, since the enviroment was stable, this pushing force, formed a will. Life starts with a will, and over time, the necessary traits was formed by adapting to the enviroment. Since life is self-sustained, it needs energy, and proteins, which it got from plants. I`m not saying energy, is living, but it acts, as this pushing force. So, everywhere in the universe, where the enviroment is stable, and you have plants, life will form. We`re all sons of energy, sort of. When energy just popped up in empty space, it formed mass, because it had orbits, a little like electrons, around a proton. When these orbits cooled down, it formed different mass, but it also formed gravity from the explosion. Since energy can`t be destroyed, when black holes gather mass, it collpases, into a new sun again. When it get`s heavy enough. And since all energy just popped out of nothing, it can happen again. So, life is basically a will, adapted to the surroundings. Why can`t we see aliens yet? Because, it`s been around 14 billion years, and still, no aliens have developed the necessary technology to find us. The reason, may be that we`re hindered by the speed of light, after all. As things travels faster and faster, it get`s heavier, so maybe there`s a limit. A final limit. Black mass, and black energy, haven`t been proven yet. Their best theory, is that galaxies stay together because of the gravity black matter gives off, but I have another take on it. It`s actually gravity from old energy. When suns burn, the energy, get`s old, a little like when your heater at home. It stays around planets and hold it together, beyond just the gravity the planets gives off. Can we live forever in this marverlous universe? No, contrary to the popular belief that the body ages, it`s actually the soul, that ages. You can see it on people, who stays normal all their lives. They only get grey hairs. It`s actually the soul that ages, so if you are under alot of stress, smoke, do alot of physical work, you age faster. The real reason we can`t live forever, is that the cells, which make up your soul, can`t be replaced. Otherwise, it wouldn`t be you anymore. So they age. The soul isn`t a spark, it`s cells in the brain-stem. The brain itself, is only for a little higher level of thinking, while the brain-stem holds your soul, your emotions, feelings, the will, the control over body, and so fourth. It`s not part of the brain, it`s only called the "brain"-stem. It`s under the brain itself, more like a muscle, that makes movement possible. The universe itself, is infinite in all directions, So it`ll never collapse as it expands. If dark matter, actually existed, it would have to be infinite also, which doesn`t sound logical; an infinite amount of something. So, what is energy really, which all matter consists of? Well, it`s not easy to say. It`s warm, it`s bright. It can be turned into mass, it can never be destroyed. Hope you like my writings, I`ve been thinking alot, over the years 😉
  13. Hi. I’m a coach. Have a book on coping with stress. It seems everything starts with worry. Think about the days or worried about it why. Some things we can’t do anything about so I worry about it. Another exercise is to write down all these things that you stress about. Is it due to fear, insecurities, the unknown lack of resources. When she start to understand why you’re stressed on things you can start to change them. If it’s just overall anxiety and feeling of nervousness that is subconscious and it comes from Maury so when you start analyzing your feelings you have a better understanding of how you could start living with less stress
  14. @elastic man, stress levels may drop with meditation. Additionally, it can lessen the effects of stress-related illnesses like fibromyalgia, PTSD, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Better focus from regular meditation may lead to an improvement in memory and mental clarity.
  15. Hey guys, I wanted to start by wishing you all a happy new year! I'd also like to apologize in advance about my english as it isn't my first language so sorry for the mistakes here and there. I got on this forum in a pretty random way, but I am a firm believer that you always end up where you need to be. I am here to maybe get some guidance, some help, some vision from other people. Sending my questions in the universe and maybe see things a different way. It's going to be a long read, but here is my story. I have 2 degrees from University, one in Physical Education teaching and one in Physical Activity science applied in sports training. During the process of getting that, school and work put a lot of pressure on myself and I dealt with depression and anxiety from all of it, I had some very dark days. I found help, found ways to deal with it all, and even through the darkest days of my life, I kept hoping that things would get better and that I would be happy in the end. I am now 30, I am father to a healthy little girl of 16 months, I am owner of a beautiful house. I work out a lot to deal with my demons and help me get motivated and keep pushing. I work as a Phys Ed teacher and also work part time as a trainer in a prep school program to help me get some more money. As fun as my job are, there is no stability in the line of work I am in. Every year, I am thrown to a new school and even though I am ready to work full time, even more than full time, there is no opportunity for me to do so. I always get the "leftovers", and it's going to be a while before I get to be full time. I am not here to ask for sympathy or to complain, I kinda knew that already, but I didnt think it would be that bad. All of it has put a lot of financial stress on me every year and I dont know what to do. When I work, I am able to get some good money and get my head out of the water, then it goes back to having no opportunities and I start sinking again. I even went to work with a moving and transport company this summer to help me make it through. All of it leads to a lot of questioning from me about life. What do I do, if I try to find other random jobs to help me out, they often dont want to hire me because they know I have my teaching job. Some want me to put teaching aside but I'll make 3-4x what they offer when/if full time. I sometimes think about doing something else, but what do I do? I thought about national police here in Canada, but that asked me to be 4 months away from my daughter. Do I go back to school in something else? If I do that then it really doesnt help with the financial stress that I already have. I feel a bit lost. I have everything I need to be happy but I have a really hard time enjoying life because I am always in financial stress and work wise, I dont feel satisfied, and also feel handcuffed. I feel like I am using like 60% of my potential and it really affects my mood. I really dont know what I am hoping to find on this forum, but maybe some wisdom from someone who went through something similar, or different views from different people, ideas, could help. Even if you have read everything and dont have anything to reply, I appreciate it. Thank you all
  16. @TajAgha123 With mental stress, do you mean stress caused by your mind? As stress is the body's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or thoughts. Stress is the body's method of reacting to a condition such as a threat, challenge or physical and psychological barrier. A quick first help is conscious, long and deep breathing for a couple of minutes. If you have chronic stress it can cause severe bodily problems. In that case I recommend a more thorough intervention - for example MBSR (meditation-based stress reduction).
  17. I experienced by myself that mental stress can be very dangerous. And if the mental stress is too heavy it affects my whole energylevel and at a mental breakdown I won't get up from bed. People like me (maybe I explained more what "people like me" are in a seperate topic) can't reduce the mental stress with meditation or similar directly. we need an outlet to relieve stress. In my case it's blogging. And our societies should be more serious with mental stress and health.
  18. I'm trying to find my place in this world people say things like " psst I say this in a humbly proud way" " she's the most tolerant,understanding kindest person I know" I live by a code of honour Honesty,Forgivness no matter the hurt caused,but most of All HEART I love mother earth her people I can somehow draw out Trust in people towards myself as a vessel for a higher purpose this is sometimes overwhelming as my Empathy seems to overflow I'm starting to try and master my emotions I used to infact still do CRY at the kindest acts,hurt painfully feeling everything and everyone around me I see never mind feel their stress their angst,Anger,stress ect you'll know what I mean I am desperate to help but I experience extreme burnout!!! Not good I know ended up in hospital yesterday I'm looking,seeking people whom understand this pull of call it faith,call it universe call it source it just is!! I hope someone gets me here many labels bar the true one Giving in all its forms but in my infancy in discovering who I am this is a recommendation so I hope I've done her proud by reaching out to see is this me any advice welcome I understand more than anyone" if we All shine like the Stars 🌟 we represent we are one collective sending positivity and love and peace into our world trying to make it remain Neautral and mirror Heaven on Earth" in all heart ❤️ and kindness Claire Margaret 💜 🌟
  19. A great news for all of you who are stress-ridden and have no way to resolve the issue!! In order to learn the Techniques on How to Identify and Relieve Stress, you should take this amazing online course provided by Contractor Casual Academy. The link to the course is: https://sso.teachable.com/secure/1350641/checkout/4218706/unload-techniques-on-how-to-identify-and-relieve-stress
  20. Exercising / working out might help. Working out reduces stress while training and helps you relax after, because you are exhausted and it burn calories...
  21. Supporting someone with anxiety requires understanding, empathy, and patience. Here are some steps you can take to provide effective assistance: Educate Yourself: Learn about anxiety disorders, their symptoms, and common triggers. Understanding what your friend or loved one is experiencing can help you provide more informed and compassionate support. Listen Actively: Encourage open communication. Let the person share their feelings and thoughts without judgment. Sometimes, just having someone to talk to can be incredibly helpful. Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their anxiety as real and valid. Avoid downplaying or dismissing their emotions. Let them know you are there to support them. Be Patient: Anxiety can be overwhelming, and recovery takes time. Be patient with their progress and setbacks. Offer Practical Help: Assist with tasks that might be difficult for them, such as running errands or attending social events. This can help alleviate some of the stress and pressure they might feel. Encourage Professional Help: Suggest seeking therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can provide appropriate strategies and tools to manage anxiety effectively. Respect Their Boundaries: While your support is crucial, it's important to respect their need for space and time alone when necessary. Practice Relaxation Techniques Together: Encourage relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. You can even do these activities together to make it more enjoyable. Engage in Positive Activities: Encourage participation in activities they enjoy and that promote well-being. Engaging in hobbies and interests can help distract from anxious thoughts. Avoid Enabling: While it's important to be supportive, avoid helping them avoid situations that trigger anxiety. Encouraging gradual exposure to these situations can promote long-term coping skills. Be Mindful of Language: Use language that is positive and supportive. Avoid telling them to "calm down" or implying that they should just "get over it." Stay Connected: Keep in touch regularly, even if it's just to check in. Knowing that someone cares can make a significant difference. Model Healthy Coping: Demonstrate healthy coping strategies in your own life. Your behavior can serve as a positive example. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: Encourage them to avoid using alcohol or drugs to cope with anxiety, as these can exacerbate the problem. Emergency Plan: If their anxiety becomes overwhelming or they're in crisis, know the signs of a severe anxiety attack and have a plan for seeking immediate professional help. Remember that you are there to support and encourage, but you are not a substitute for professional help. If their anxiety is severely impacting their life, encourage them to seek assistance from a mental health professional. Your role is to be a caring and understanding friend or loved one during their journey towards managing anxiety.
  22. Char, I think your project of starting a mental health wellbeing garden is a wonderful idea. Gardening can have many benefits for people who are struggling with mental health issues, loneliness, or isolation. Here are some thoughts and scriptures that relate and offer support and encouragement to your project: Gardening can help people practice acceptance, gratitude, mindfulness, and hope. It can also reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and anger. It can improve mood, self-esteem, creativity, and cognitive function. It can foster a sense of connection to nature, to others, and to God. Gardening can be a way of expressing God’s love and care for His creation. It can also be a way of receiving God’s love and care for ourselves. God is the ultimate gardener, who planted the first garden in Eden and who makes everything grow according to His plan. Some scriptures that can inspire and motivate you and the people who will join your garden are: Psalm 1:3: “He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Isaiah 58:11: “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.” John 15:1-5: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-9: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.” Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” I hope these thoughts and scriptures will help you get your project underway. I wish you all the best in your endeavor. May God bless you and your garden abundantly. 😊 Sincerely In Christ, Katherine Stephenson
  23. I feel comfortable in internet surfing and it gives me stress-free relief but i think gamers are very stress-free.
  24. Meditation is a wonderful practice with a wide range of benefits that can positively impact different aspects of our lives. By taking a few moments each day to meditate, we can experience reduced stress levels and a greater sense of calm. Our focus and concentration improve, making us more productive and present. Hope this helps.
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