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  1. Welcome to happiness Jennifer ✨ How amazing that you've been able to help and heal others with your abilities. I hope you find our community helpful, we're glad you found us!
  2. Welcome to happiness ✨ I hope you find the site and our supportive little community helpful on your journey ?
  3. Hey Jack, Mindvalley is such a powerful community and I have dabbled in a few of their free online courses before. Always had an enlightening experience with all of Mindvalley's materials. Thank You for sharing that :)! I am going to try to connect my blog to this site so it starts to automatically load each Sunday I post :)! Peace and Love, Amanda
  4. Newbie energy in the ?! ? How is everyone tonight? I just found this place & so far it looks great in theory, but I'm still trying to find my way around, so please bare with me as I adjust. ? I have been hoping to find a like minded community such as this one for a very long time! I live in a teeny tiny small East Texas town, so not a whole heck of a lot of people interested in this mindset unfortunately, but hey who knows what plans God has in store, this could very well be the next open door! ?
  5. What is within the happiness.com mission can be shared ? "cultivate a safe and supportive community and share tools, practices and experiences that empower everyone to live happy and fulfilled lives"
  6. Just wanted to introduce myself and looking forward to connecting with many beautiful people who have made their way to this community ? I'm a producer / director currently living in London, but feeling the urge to move on to new pastures, so who knows??! I'm really interested in all things energy and keen to delve more into the healing aspect. Qualified yoga instructor and Level 2 Reiki and would love to connect with people with similar interests. Amy x
  7. Welcome to happiness ✨ I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope you find our community helpful on your journey. Sending you lots of positive energy ??
  8. So sorry to hear, Alison. There's a whole little community here you can reach out to. Happy to have you join happiness.com and I wish you all the very best.
  9. Hi there went through alot so trying not to run from community
  10. Hello everyone, deep peace, I am new here. I am sending out positive energy and hoping to stay connected with this community, and to meet kindred spirits.
  11. Hello! Welcome to our little community! It's lovely to have you. I love travelling too! I'm actually going on a solo adventure to Bali next week and I'm VERY excited. I've always wanted to go to Bali, but never really had the chance to do so. What's been your favourite destination so far?
  12. Major health problems has forced major lifestyle changes and with it my story has changed--went from doing 10Ks, rock climbing, hiking, volunteering and working in community garden to becoming a quadriplegic in a motorized chair seemingly overnight. I had a 'premonition, if you will, from childhood that I knew I'd end up in a wheelchair and people were surprised that I was so okay with it even though it happened sooner than I had anticipated and I don't ''look back.''..' I've feel like I transitioned well into this change, however depending on people have been to toughest change some of the time since I was THAT person that could be called on in a time of need. Anyway, I'm learning to accept help with grace more and more, remembering the feelings it gave me when I lent someone a hand. I'm generally 'happy,' but feel I could be happier. Look forward to participating and get away from making my story about my quadriplegia playing the central role in my life. .
  13. I love your story! I also have long been interested and practiced though sporadically holistic and alternative health options. Makes so much more sense to me than most modern Western medicine. Did you take the online mindfulness course here? I'm also starting Reiki training in February with a local master and very excited. I think this is going to be a great community!
  14. Hey Paul! Welcome to the site. Sorry to hear your 2019 wasn't a happy time: seems the same for a lot of people (me included!). But, yes, when you are at rock bottom you can only go up. Hope you find some support and ideas from our community that can be useful to you. :)
  15. Greetings to all, I love to connect and share, looking for a positive outlet and community. One Love Healingsista x
  16. Interact more with people eye to eye rather than online. Connect with the art community in my new town. Dedicate part of my time to volunteering and charity. Plant some trees to counteract the global warming. Create art. Spend time with my canine best friend. Listen more intently to my love. Make new friends. Connect with Unitarian Universalists. Explore Fitchburg.
  17. This is the hardest and the greatest lesson! It’s amazing how strong you are and enthusiastic to find this community, register and share all this story... medical qigong association Aeizoon Pyr in Facebook can help you to find answers that u need
  18. Hi all, I am happy to have found this website and community. I look forward to deepening my meditation practice and meeting new people along the way. I am currently in Riyadh. If anyone is close by, reach out!
  19. Yes this is normal. Try 'Life After Loss' with Louise Creswick on Facebook. She is well-ualified and runs a grief and loss community (closed so that it is private) with free resources, activities, personal messaging and an opportunity for one to one support when these dreams offset you. I think dreams are a natural part of trying to work out what has happened. There is not end point to grief - it can appear absent and then be triggered off (which is what these dreams appear to be doing). It is good to reflect on them - see if they seem to be helping to learn anything. It may also be worth looking at if there are are common themes which keep coming up - as these could be the gates through which you may be able to resolve some of the haunting that you feel. Be kind to yourself x
  20. I can suggest a resource on Facebook - Life After Loss with Louise Creswick. She supports people who are trying to come to terms with grief and other forms of loss. They have a closed community with free resources, healing activities and any time you are really struggling; you can contact her for a one to one.
  21. My name is Mel. I am excited to be here and I hope that this community will help guide me on my journey. I have recently been through many years of mind games and hurt, which has crushed my soul. I am beginning a new chapter of healing and self empowerment to awaken my spirit. Too much time has been wasted. I want to learn to trust again, to find my happy place, and welcome your inspiration and stories to help me find it. ?
  22. Welcome to happiness Rosi! Well, a great first step is introducing yourself here ? The forum is also a great place to find interesting conversations on a bunch of different topics, and you can also start a new topic if you have something you want to share or a question to ask to the community. Then there's the magazine, which is frequently updated with interesting articles about wellbeing, happiness, mental health, and a lot of other stuff. You can also check out the Interests page that we're currently trying to fill with information. Anything there that you're interested in you can add to your profile, and you can also find other members who are interested in the same thing. ? If you have any questions about the site just send me a message and I'll be happy to help!
  23. Hey all. Ive just joined as really like the idea of a like minded community. Been on my self healing journey for 20 years in one way or another and have had lots of different experiences and learned many things along the way. Id love to get to know people and their journies and even more so find out if there is anyone local to me! Love N ?
  24. Coping with loss, grief and loneliness during the holidays. Most people associate grief only with death, forgetting that we can grieve very many things that could include breakups, divorce, moving cities, being estranged from family members, death, friends or family in prison, etc. Many of us don't choose to be alone. Still, not everyone has a family to go to, and not everyone can afford the travel expense of visiting family members who live far away or abroad, while others have lost family or friends in other ways. The best way to overcome this feeling of loneliness during the holiday period, I found, is to allow yourself time to grieve and be sad. To feel and delve deep into those feelings that we so quickly want to avoid. Journaling is a fantastic tool to help process and release emotions if you don't feel like talking to anyone about it. A lot of us also have expectations of how the holidays should be, based on past experiences — expectations which leave us disappointed and frustrated when not fulfilled. Taking care of ourselves is essentially our own responsibility, and a great way to feel better and do better is to do things that make us feel good. Sleep more, eat healthy as often as we can, work out even for 20 minutes a day (if available to you), sit in the sun, read, meditate, go for a walk. For many people, pride, fear, timidness or shame prevents them from reaching out and asking for help. Please know that you're not the only one feeling these emotions or going through the grieving process, and it's totally ok to reach out and let people know your struggle. Open yourself to offers of help or invitations to events, even if you don't feel like going at all. It might be a blessing in disguise. Most importantly, find and do things you LOVE and that bring you joy. Most of us have time off work from the end of this week. Use that time to HAVE SOME FUN! Be it something you've always wanted to try, or something you haven't done in a looooong time. Just do it - as the ol' Nike saying goes. The holidays don't HAVE to be lonely. You do have a choice, and there's a lot you can do to heal and evolve. So, for anyone feeling lonely, lost, sad or emotional, this is for you. You're not alone. There's a bunch of people in this little community who'd be happy to lend an ear or a shoulder, I'm sure. I wish you all the best possible holiday season. For more on this topic, please check out this week's featured article in the Magazine.
  25. Hi EYC, what a difficult situation you are in. Well done for reaching out, there are many people around the world that will be in a similar situation, look at things with objective eyes, and treasure the small moments of happiness however the appear. Sometimes time apart con solidify feelings for each other, or confirm them. If it Is the end, then don't stress too much. Yes it will hurt, even the very best breakups hurt, but it will get easier. Work on yourself over the Christmas season, find out what you want. Joining this community is a great start.
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