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  1. Welcome to happiness David! We hope you'll find our little community useful, and look forward to 'seeing' you contribute in any forum conversations on the environment and sustainability. ✨
  2. I hope you find our community helpful on your journey ✨ Have a great day!
  3. Dear Worthy Members, Greetings of the day!!! I am Abhinav Sharma, current working as a Freelance CorporateTrainer for a decade or so and I bring on table a rich experiential learning of more than nineteen years spread across different industries and academic institutions. I am a pet lover and a nature enthusiast. I love meeting new people, making friends and learning on the process. Mountains and long drives drive me crazy and a cup of tea in a natural surrounding is like a turbo charger for me. I love being an empath and strongly vouch for a like minded community. Am always there to help when it comes to training & development and over coming obstacles. Do count on me as a friendly neighborhood coach!!! Stay Blessed and Stay Connected ???
  4. At the dawn of the third decade of the 21st century, the existence of humankind has become highly perilous. We are cutting down our forests, exhausting our fresh water aquifers, and losing our vital top soils. We are stripping the life from our oceans and replacing it with hundreds of millions of tons of plastic waste. We are flooding our environment with toxic industrial chemicals. Our pollution is driving climate change that causes heat waves, droughts, and wild fires that shred the fabric of life on the continents. And we are bringing new generations into the world, millions who require access to the resources of a dignified existence. The scope and breadth of the threats to life are increasing day after day. This is not a sustainable mode of development.Goodreads, alexis karpouzos official siteThe root cause of our ills stems from a mistaken way of thinking. What exactly does this mean? it means that we have been thinking of ourselves mainly as material beings, while denying our spiritual nature. Because we think that we exist as material beings and nothing more, we place first importance on protecting our bodies from harm and prolonging our material existence. Our spiritual nature, if considered at all, is treated as a secondary aspect of our physical being—something not to be taken seriously. To us, the only things that matter are the phenomena that appear in the material world—things that can be seen, or heard, or touched, or measured, but we know that our senses deceive us, the senses are a construction of the brain. What we consider a real world is an illusion. The domination of the positivist and materialist thought leads to irrationality and destruction.IMDB, alexis karpouzos official siteYet where has this approach led us? Has it brought us a sense of happiness and fulfillment? Rather than living each day in a spirit of joyful cooperation, with our hearts filled with bright hope and happy anticipation, we have isolated ourselves from others and viewed them as rivals or enemies. Our thoughts are flooded with suspicion, fear and greed, leading to an endless cycle of war, poverty, starvation, and environmental destruction. Unless we wake up soon and pay attention to our spiritual nature, there will be no future for humanity on Earth.Words are life. Words are light. Words are power. Words are energy. Words are truth. Words can enliven and words can also kill. Words can give hope, or plunge us into despair. People use words to build peace, and use words to make war. Words can create walls between cultures, religions, and nations. And words can also build bridges. The existence of an individual, a family, a community, a country, and our planet is being led to good or to evil through the power of the words we speak. The words we speak are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We, therefore, must be responsible for the words we speak. On behalf of future generations, I hope that each of us will do all we can to speak only bright, light-filled words, so that one day, our descendants will be born into a world filled with light. There is no time to lose. Starting at this very moment, I hope all of us will take a close look at the words we have been using and make constant efforts to fill them with brightness.Amazon, alexis karpouzos official site No one is going to change our lives for us. No one is going to change the world for us. It is time for each of us to recognize the prodigious, creative power that is unleashed by each word we speak, and to consciously speak only words filled with gratitude, encouragement, and good intention. From this moment forward, let us choose words that resonate with love and forgiveness for ourselves and others. We can certainly do it if we take just one step forward. One step at a time, one word at a time, we can uproot the germs of tragedy and of isolation in our consciousness and convert them into waves of happiness and conciliation. For the sake of ourselves, for the sake of Mother Earth, and for the sake of future generations, let us use words that contribute to the positive evolution of humankind on Earth. alexis karpouzos, visual art1.mp4 alexis karpouzos_ The world in the flames.mp4
  5. happiness.com und seine Eigentümer möchten darüber aufklären, dass wir für eine „Kultur der Zustimmung“ plädieren und diese als festen Bestandteil unserer Community sehen. Damit wir das in der happiness Community umsetzen können, lies bitte diesen Text. Damit können wir die Welt mit einem reflektierten Verhalten für alle ein bisschen glücklicher und sicherer machen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du in unserem Forum und in unserer Gruppe über eine Kultur der Zustimmung diskutieren würdest! Was bedeutet Zustimmung? Zustimmung ist ohne Zweifel zu 100% wichtig und ein Schlüssel zur Aufrechterhaltung einer glücklichen und sicheren Umgebung für alle! Zuzustimmen bedeutet ein klares, explizites, nicht erzwungenes, informiertes und enthusiastisches JA! Die gegenüberstehende/n Person/en stimmen zu, BEVOR eine Handlung ausgeführt wird. Das gilt für persönlichen Kontakt, aber auch, während man online chattet, im Video-Chat, bei privaten Nachrichten und im Forum. Gilt Zustimmung nur für persönliche Treffen? Nein. Wenn du darüber nachdenkst, merkst du, dass Zustimmung in jedem Aspekt unseres Lebens wichtig ist. Sie umfasst eine Vielzahl von Situationen und ist nicht nur für Gruppen- oder Einzelgespräche gedacht, sondern bedeutet auch: Jede Art von Berührung (einschließlich des Umarmens), das Teilen von Nahrungsmitteln, Getränken oder jeglicher anderer Art von Substanzen, gegenseitiges Fotografieren und auch der Online Umgang miteinander. Manchmal sind wir in der Vorstellung oder Überzeugung gefangen, dass andere dasselbe fühlen oder glauben sollten, wie wir. Und während wir uns mit jemandem unterhalten, stellen wir möglicherweise fest, dass er nicht vollständig überzeugt und noch unentschlossen ist. Dann verwenden wir Wörter, die einen großen Einfluss auf die andere Person haben und sich auf deren Reaktion auswirken. A m Ende sagt unser Gegenüber dann "Ja", wenn er/sie wirklich "Nein" sagen möchte. Versetze dich in die Situation deines Gegenübers: Es ist sowieso nicht immer einfach, „Nein“ zu sagen, besonders wenn es jemand ist, den man gerade kennengelernt hat. Er oder sie möchte dich vielleicht nicht verärgern, keiner von euch möchte die neue / alte Freundschaft verlieren oder auf seinem Standpunkt beharren. Dann wird die Einflussnahme zu einem Problem, ohne dass es der Einfluss-nehmende überhaupt bemerkt. Wir möchten dich deshalb dazu ermutigen, einen Moment innezuhalten und darüber nachzudenken, wie sich deine Aussagen und Handlungen auf die andere Person oder die anderen Personen auswirken können. Zustimmung lässt sich nicht erzwingen, sie muss von Herzen kommen! Warum ist Zustimmung wichtig? Es ist gut, zu diskutieren, warum Zustimmung wichtig ist! Teile deine Erfahrungen mit; negative und positive. Ermutigt euch gegenseitig, eure Gefühle mitzuteilen, unabhängig davon, ob du das Gefühl hast, ausgenutzt zu werden, oder ob deine Gefühle falsch sein könnten. Deine Grenzen auszudrücken und über deine Gefühle und Gedanken zu sprechen, ist eine großartige Idee und kann anderen wirklich helfen, Grenzen zu setzen. Wir alle möchten uns sicher fühlen, und deshalb möchten wir sicherstellen, dass sich alle und ihre eigenen und den Grenzen ihres Gegenübers bewusst sind und trotzdem eine gute Zeit haben. Es ist nichts Falsches daran, andere wissen zu lassen, wo sie stehen! Von einem Tag auf den anderen können verschiedene Situationen auftreten. Nehmen wir an, du triffst jemanden von Angesicht zu Angesicht oder auch nur online – und ihr hattet eine gute Connection. Es war wirklich schön und vielleicht hat euch diese Begegnung etwas spüren lassen, was ihr schon eine Weile nicht mehr gefühlt hattet. Ein paar Tage später, und ihr unterhaltet euch erneut, bist du aufgeregt, aber plötzlich fühlt sich einer von euch beiden nicht mehr so wie am anderen Tag. Was ist los? Vielleicht ist nichts passiert, nur heute fühlt sich einer von euch nicht mehr auf der gleichen Wellenlänge. Das ist ja völlig in Ordnung! Und genauso ist es in der Kultur der Zustimmung. Auch hier gilt, dass die Zustimmung bei jedem Kontakt neu gegeben werden muss. Ein bisheriges Ja kann nun ein Nein sein. Nimm es dir nicht zu Herzen, die Dinge ändern sich. Das ist schwierig und eine weitere Situation, über die wir diskutieren müssen: Wie können wir die Kommunikationswege offen halten, wenn es um Kritik oder Meinungsverschiedenheiten geht? Komm mit in unseren Chat und in unser Forum, um weiter darüber zu diskutieren!
  6. Hello and welcome to happiness! We're glad you found us and hope our community can be helpful on your journey. Please feel free to start a new topic in the forum if you want to discuss any of your newly discovered interests :)
  7. Hi Anna, welcome to happiness ? It sounds like MBSR could be a great tool for the students! I hope you find our community useful on any parts of your journey ? Have a lovely day!
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about you losing your father, grief is something so difficult to go through and I'm sending you lots of strength and positive energy. I hope you can find support in our community, and perhaps you would find our Grief MOOC course in the happiness Academy helpful too. ?
  9. Embracing our oneness with nature be key to our survival. The unity is the invisible Intelligence and is embedded in the rhythms and relationships that observed in nature, we are the work of this cosmic intelligence. What is good for the whole system? On Earth, to the web of life on the planet, what is good for the whole system is good for us all. However, what may be good for a few of us in the short term is not necessarily good for the whole system. Because a few can distort the dynamic, the structure of the whole, by biasing it to work for their immediate benefit, for greed, selfishness and vanity. So, let’s look at the whole system, let us act as if we are part of it—because we are. We are part of nature, and nature is part of the universe. This recognition is probably the deepest guidance we can have. AMAZON, alexis karpouzos official site The open Oneness doesn’t mean that we lose our individuality. The open Oneness means that we are joined together, each of us bringing something to the whole system, we are the whole system, we are all the others. This is what we need to understand; that we can, we must be, one with nature, without losing our individuality. We are not separate mechanical elements outside of nature. Every individual is a complex system running on the same information that orients all of nature. By following the intelligence implicit in the laws of nature we are not losing anything. We are gaining everything, because the secret of our health and wellbeing is to be one within ourselves, and to be one with others. Every event, every action impacts the whole system. If we know that, then we can freely choose to act as part of the whole. Every living system is alive and healthy when all its elements, every one of the trillions and trillions of cells, are working together with and for the whole system. If in the human body there is a group of cells that is out of step, moving on its own, if it just grows and multiplies on its own we have the condition of disease. Every disease is basically a condition where some parts of the body do not cooperate with, are not fully aligned with, the whole. All of us, all of the web of life on Earth, on Universe, must come together to form the symphony of oneness. That is the purpose of our existence. It is our contribution to the world. When we use our mind, our spirit, our consciousness the natural way, the way they were born to be used, we will find our way to oneness in our family and community, on Earth, and in the universe. Alexis karpouzos alexis karpouzos, iam the universe (1).ogg
  10. Welcome to happiness ✨ I hope you will enjoy our community ?
  11. The idea is to reward actions that contribute to the happiness.com vision " A kind, conscious, peaceful and loving humanity " and our mission " To cultivate a safe and supportive community and share tools, practices and experiences that empower everyone to live happy and fulfilled lives " Actions within the happiness.com community which support this will be rewarded with HAPPY Token. Participation in the forum, engaging content reaching out to others are just some examples. What exactly that is and how many HAPPY Tokens are awarded we won't say as 1. we are continually tweaking the settings in the background 2. it changes each day as the number depends on the total amount of rewardable actions and the number of users within the last 24h. I am sure the rest of the happiness.com team has more to add.
  12. Yea I am new here! I am excited to join this community. ? Hey everyone!
  13. And we're very grateful to you and your beautiful contributions within the community. Thank you for your kind words and support. It means the world to us.
  14. Hello everyone. My name is Navy and I just joined this community. I am a seeker of light, and all things spirituality. If anyone likes a good read, I would check out, “The Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle. its important to be present, and I can’t stress that enough. We are so stuck in our heads about the past and future. But all we have is now. If we aren’t creating the lives we keep envisioning for ourselves now, the future will always be just these thoughts without the actions of putting what we want into action now. Time is an illusion, and we are more powerful then this illusion. we must be mindful of our thoughts and actions. Enjoy the little things in the now. Look at what is around you. Focus on your senses, be full of gratitude. if anyone is interested in having deep conversations, wants someone to talk too, whether it’s just to vent, or for advice, or just to explore ideas back and forth, I am here for you all. stay mindful. Focus on your life path. Find yourself. You are not alone. We can do this together. Stay present, and always be the best version of yourself, for you should want to be the change you want to see in the world. You have a purpose. you are more than your thoughts. Let’s embrace our inner soul and manifest the life we desire. all love, Navy☮️
  15. This year has definitely given me perspective on pretty much everything, which I'm tying to see as a silver lining. I think I've learned to appreciate and value things I have been taking for granted previously, and also realised what is actually important for me and my happiness. There has been many not so great moments, and I have had to go through emotions and feelings that I've been fortunate not to have had before. I think it's also made me realise I'm strong and resilient! There have been a lot of great initiatives to bring people together which I think it's such a lovely sign of how so many of us are kind and caring. I've joined live workouts on Instagram for example, and that little community has been so supportive and positive it sometimes really made my day. it's definitely been a huge example of how life throws us curve balls when we think we're in control, and that, as @Tine said, what matters most is us being kind to one another. ?
  16. Hello and welcome to happiness ? I hope you find the forum and our community to lift your spirits - we're glad you found us! Have a great week ✨
  17. A very warm welcome to both of you Yakira & RebLinn! Enjoy the happiness community and happiness itself
  18. Hello, and welcome to happiness! ✨ We're glad you found us and hope you'll find our community helpful on your journey. Sounds like you're already on a good path in finding yourself, who you want to be, and what makes you happy, and I'm sure others will find your introduction inspiring ?
  19. Hi Joe! Welcome to happiness ✨ Please have a look at both the Interest pages and the Magazine where we have lots of content that might fit your interests ? Thank you for sharing about yourself and I hope you'll find our community to be a safe place to connect with likeminded people and both learn and share from experiences. Have a lovely day you too!
  20. Hello, fellow African! Thank you for joining our little community!
  21. Welcome to happiness Hollie! ✨ We're glad you found us and hope you'll find our community helpful on your journey ?
  22. I'm not really great at introductions and interpreting myself postively, I'm a young lost soul with severe anxiety and bipolar issues. I'm am seeking to find and provide happiness for myself and the world. I feel I have so much to show and give but I just need help tapping into happiness. Thanks for being such a great community.
  23. Welcome to happiness, and thank you for your kind words ? I hope you find our community helpful, and please feel free to the Forum to start new conversations if you have any questions or need support from others ✨ You will also find a lot of great resources in the Magazine, there's one article about 11 steps to finding happiness, for example, so make sure you check it out! Have a lovely week! ☀️
  24. Welcome to happiness Tom, and thank you for sharing a bit about yourself and your goals ✨ We look forward to seeing you around the forum, we're a small but welcoming community and a space to ask for advice, share experiences, and help each other out. ?
  25. This a question I got asked, and I'd like to open it up to the whole community to gather more ideas. What's you take on this? My idea would be that there is a subtle yet profound difference. You know - inside your head. When you see your thoughts, there's a distance between the one who sees and what is seen. To me, it emphasizes the experience that you are not your thoughts when seeing them. Here's the take of the 12-year-old Emma I asked about it over breakfast: Thoughts you know are logic, like knowing an answer to a math problem. Thoughts you see are fantasy and memories.
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