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  1. Welcome @Sandra-1940, ? What a beautiful idea to call for the artists in the community. I draw and sometimes do sculptures or jewellery. @Gee thanks for sharing. I am looking forward to seeing more of the creativity shared here. ❤️
  2. Unfortunately my job does not. I am in search of a job that I find fulfilling as well as does some good for the community at large.
  3. I agree. I am in my 20s and do not find happiness from having a bunch of things. Life is more than that, but I loose a connection with other people. I live in a loud and busy community of diverse people. So I am learning ways to practice mindfulness.
  4. Hi everyone ? Stumbled upon this seemingly by accident (we know everything happens for a reason). I've been floating through a fog of not really feeling as though I 'belong' anywhere, although knowing that the last 5 years that all that I've been going through was to bring me here. I feel everything in an amplified state, see more than I should and hear what's not been said. II'm so happy to have found this community. I feel like ive come 'home'....... I look forward to connecting with and sharing a lil bit of myself with others. Love and Light ?
  5. Yay! Hi @Julesy8 Welcome to the happiness community! ??✨
  6. Hi Janey, welcome to the happiness community! I live in a very big, very popular city in Europe and more often than not, I find myself craving silence. I'm currently in Switzerland where I take a forest/nature walk every day and just listen to nature. The trees, the falling leaves, waterfalls, birds, the occassional cow bell. It's wonderful, really! I'm sure you're not alone! Lots of tree huggers and silence seekers here ?✨
  7. Haha just joking!! I'm new to most of this. I never thought a year ago I'd be going through any of this or "digging" so deep into myself. I never really even knew how far apart from my soul I was until my awakening was triggered. It's been very intense, confusing and lonely. Recent life changes I have felt compelled to make out of what seems like nowhere (as people who have "known me" would probably put it) have made me feel like I'm going crazy. After lots of research, coaching and self work I finally know I'm not completly crazy lol. I have also found that I am not alone which is wonderful news! I've never opened my mind to this type of stuff before and the onset of everything seemed out of nowhere. Now im trying to just go with the flow and see where the universe is trying to guide me. That's not too easy for a person like me who has had a habits of overthinking and questioning everything in life. Trust and faith has never come easy to me in my life...and now here I am. I am pleased to have found this community and nice to meet you all and hopefully many others to come ??
  8. Hi Alison and Joyce! Welcome to the happiness community! What do you both like reading? I read pretty much anything I find interesting, from self-help books to semi-romantic novels (sometimes ?). I really like yoga too, but I don't always make time to go, and music is a thing I can't live without. Happy to 'meet' you both. ?
  9. Hello to all, joined the group, to find community, open minded friends and just to enjoy some good conversation. ???
  10. Hi you two! So good to have you engaging in our little young community! what are your hobbies jigna? What are you passionate about that you want to bring in the world?
  11. In our community, we planted about 100 trees two years ago. The trees were already several years old and almost 2m high on average. It was both a huge financial and labour intensive endeavour. Besides planting a tree, it also needs to be taken care of if the environment isn't perfect. In our case, this would have meant regular watering, mulching, water management until the roots are deep enough to reach the sparse water resources. Most trees in the end died. What I am trying to say is "yes! Plant trees!" and yes, think of taking care of them as they take care of us and yes, use alternatives like hemp too. It's one huge problem that calls for many many different solutions.
  12. Hi Joyce. Welcome to the happiness community ? In my opinion, positive advice, support and a shoulder to cry on is PLENTY. Many people don't have that in their family relationships, and I hope and am sure your children greatly appreciate that in you.
  13. No, we are based in Barcelona, Spain. We have two English guys in our team :) @Calvin77 who is in charge of the magazine and @BrettVallance who takes care of the Academy. @Candy from South Africa and @Lizzie from Sweden are doing most of the Community work you see here so far. Then there is @Tine, @Bjoern and myself and a few developers in China :)
  14. Welcome @HappyJon! I hear you. Politics can be so stressful, and it seems we are stumbling from crises into crises and all of it is so existential. The news are not helpful either, as they are mostly adding oil into the fire. I am glad you found your way into our small young community here. We just started a couple of months ago, so I am really happy you joined us and hopefully will bring in some of your positive and happy energy Besides our own Happiness Magazine there is another good magazine called Positive News just like you, they are based in England - you might that refreshing for a change
  15. Hey Angie, as @chirasree says, you are definitely not alone! Glad you have found the site and our community: we are all here to support each other :)
  16. Esperança does great work in Barcelona handing out food, clothing and other necessities to Barcelona's homeless community, every weekend of the year. If anyone would like to help out or contribute, please send me a message and I'll be happy to give you more info ?
  17. Hi Däniker and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Happy to see meditation is bringing you great progress... and yes, we all have those bad days where we think negatively again – same here! We are all here to help and learn from each other and share ideas, so value your comments! If you're interested more in meditation you can find some great articles in our magazine such as different meditation styles and ways to develop a regular meditation practice. Welcome to the happiness.com community. Look forward to chatting more with you!
  18. Hi, I am Purr, from Sunny Sydney, Australia. I write a happiness lifestyle blog: taoofjoy.blogspot.com. so I was looking for community forums of the same topic, to share. Nice to meet you all, speak soon. P.
  19. It was really nice! What happens is, that those kinds of Events are completely different than other "Marketing" Events. It would have felt weird going too proactive to other visitors to "oblige them" to get us to know or running around to show off with happiness.com. On this event, it has been important to communicate with the people when they came to the stand by themselves, or start a conversation with them once they showed an interest somehow. But that´s totally cool! We´ll have a diversion in the Events which is nice as well, depending on the audience that is around. The Spanish, English, German thing may lead to confusion, I agree. If Spanish people from an older generation (mine basically and older ;) ) sign up, not all of them speak English or do not feel comfortable doing so. If they anyways signup and want to be part of the community, do we answer them in Spanish? Otherwise, we lose them
  20. I wanted to start my answer with "I am not much into yoga" then I remembered that I attend a weekly yoga class ? So I might have to reassess that. The two days I spend at the Barcelona Yoga conference were in the free area. So I can't comment on the quality of the paid part. Having a free area that not only has food trucks and shops but also a small stage that offered music was a nice touch, which I thought reflected the values of a conscious community well. There were also free Yoga classes offered for those who can't afford a ticket. My favourite time was when the music played at the free stage - some Bhajans to sing along and be joyful. I had some inspiring, deep conversations which also highlighted to me that conscious gatherings and shangas create an atmosphere of openness, safety and support that is hard to find elsewhere but which the world needs. So it was a much-appreciated opportunity to recharge my batteries there.
  21. This is very interesting and something I was thinking of too: I'm currently seeing English, German and Spanish language due to the people I have become friend with and the settings they have. If you speak the language fantastic, but not all of us will. Wonder if we have any settings for newsfeed languages preferences aside from only selecting to see happiness.com in English/German. The issues of a building a global community ??
  22. Thank you for your input ? Yes, we do support polls. However, I am not sure how to do it exactly. If you have an example what to ask the community we can try to set it up with @Lizzie's help? It's normally easier if you have something tangible. @Calvin77 usually posts the Instagram content on the site too, right? Could you post some of the BYC pictures too?
  23. I was very happy to see people approaching us as soon as they read the roll-up! I thought, wow, these are types of people I would love to see as part of our little community. The curious, the adventurous, the seeker. I do tend to agree with Yvonne about the Spanish though. Although BYC attracts a fairly international crowd, majority of the people still spoke Spanish and I found it particularly hard trying to explain what it was. What will we do with the list of emails we collected? Maybe a nice thank you note and an invitation to sign up should be sent some time this week, or early next week? I must say I felt very proud to see the happiness.com logo boldly displayed on the sponsors banner at the entrance of reception. Thank you Yvonne and everyone for setting up a super cozy and nicely branded stand. @Tine Does happiness.com currently support a poll function? And can we post as happiness.com in the newsfeed? Although I love the weekly news and magazine article, I think there could be more interaction or content from us as well. Maybe sharing the instagram post on the newsfeed and creating a discussion around it is already enough.
  24. One of the main takeaways for me is that conscious community means that the people I spoke to are conscious about how they use their time and be here now often means to favor real-life interactions over those online. If it is online it needs to be worth it. Another time-consuming site just won't cut it. I feel it for myself if I have fallen into the "facebook-trap" and afterward feel how it has eaten up my attention, sold it for advertising money and I have only lost time to otherwise be alive. What does this mean for happiness.com? For me, it means that if people log in to make it worth their time and attention. Yes, we need a call to action, we need to motivate people to commit and engage and at the same time we need to make sure we respect their time, that if they invest time and attention it's worth it, that there's a real connection, vulnerability, support not just some scrolling through updates.
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