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  1. Happiness is not only the postive emotion to feel and look for. According to a research in the field of Postive Psychology, there are other positive emotions that can be pursued too in order to make our mental health better each day. Today we must try to experience at least one emotion from this list - Gratitude, Serenity and Hope. I'll start with gratitude. What about you all?
  2. Welcome to happiness Jeremie, we're glad you wanted to join our community ✨ I think many can relate to feeling unhappy with how they look, a lot of people struggle with body image issues. I think it's so important to try and focus on feeling better about yourself from the inside, and make your headspace a loving place to be. Look after yourself with nutritious foods, physical activity, but also by doing things that makes you laugh or puts a smile on your face. Personal growth and finding that self love and gratitude is a journey, and hopefully you can find our community a helpful tool. Feel free to check out the Academy and Magazine for courses and articles that you might be interested in. Have a great week! 🌈
  3. Reality in it's purest form is nether good or bad, it just is. 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. So 90% of our emotional pain is created by US. "What we resist persists". If we are not at a place of acceptance over the things we are POWERLESS to change, we create more of what we don't want (emotional pain) Without sadness there is no happiness Without pain there is no joy Without bad days there are no good days Without darkness there is no light Everything is a DUALITY. This means one does not exist without the other. The key is to see the value in the things that appear to be negative. Example... How do you know when your having a bad day? If you had a bad day everyday, would it be a bad day? NO, it would be a normal, flat and boring day. So would I be right in saying, the only reason you know your having a bad day is because you've had a good day to compare it to? YES, it's the only reason why we know we are having a bad day it's because you had a good day too compared to. So how do you know when you're having a good day? If you had a good day everyday it would become normal flat boring. It would go to the same place as if you had a bad day every day. So the only reason you know you're having a good day because you had a bad day to compare it to. So the gift to having a good day is actually a bad day, because if I took away all your bad days you'd automatically lose all your good days. How you might ask? It's because if you was in in really high positive emotion every single day, that positive emotion would slowly fade gradually over time and the positive emotion would become normal flat and boring. No you can see the value in a bad day, you can then become grateful and happy to have a bad day. The gratitude and happiness changes the bad day and the resistance drops to it because you are leaning into it and not leaning away from it. It's not something you want to get rid of, it's something that carries a lot of value in your life. Imagine being a place where you can be grateful and happy to have a bad day? WOW "This is a very simple valuable tool" This analogy works the same with negative emotion. Every emotion carries value and purpose. if you can see the value in any emotion you can become grateful, happy for it and move towards it, which dropped the resistance and takes away 90% of the emotional pain ucreate. Do you agree or disagree?
  4. Practising gratitude is definitely a vital part of happiness 🌈
  5. People who believe in happiness constantly practice gratitude are the one to be here
  6. Hi, I'm new to this. I meditate regularly (primarily mindfulness meditations) and I also do visualizations and affirmations. I practice gratitude too. I'm looking for people with growth mindset who are on their journey to self-actualization. Let's talk here :) one love
  7. I went through something that made me feel similar to how you describe, and what eventually worked for me (as simplified as it sounds) was to choose every day to be positive, to be in a good mood, and to be happy. It didn't/doesn't work every single day, and some days it took a looot of effort, but I really felt like I didn't want what had happen to take away that happy/positive side of me. I did things that made me feel good, that made me laugh, and things that I knew was good for my body and my headspace. I focused on myself, my wellbeing, and practised a lot of gratitude - for example finding 3 things to be grateful for each day. I hope this can be helpful, and look forward to seeing other suggestions and advice on how to overcome a struggle and find happiness again ?
  8. Hi, David. You're definitely not alone! I often a take social media hiatus for the same reason. It elevates my states of dissatisfaction and I go days and weeks without feeling good, especially the Instagram devil haha As soon as I take a break though, I notice how I slowly begin to open up and blossom again and live in gratitude rather than fear, frustration and lack. I, too, rely on social networks to communicate with my friends and family as most of them are scattered all over the world, so I can't ignore it completely, but it helps me a great deal knowing there are other platforms I can visit to replenish my soul needs ☺️ I'm so glad you've joined us and find this community helpful. If you haven't already done so, may I suggest browsing the happiness Academy? There might be a course or two that interests you. Some of them are free I look forward to hearing more from you in the days and weeks to come.
  9. At the dawn of the third decade of the 21st century, the existence of humankind has become highly perilous. We are cutting down our forests, exhausting our fresh water aquifers, and losing our vital top soils. We are stripping the life from our oceans and replacing it with hundreds of millions of tons of plastic waste. We are flooding our environment with toxic industrial chemicals. Our pollution is driving climate change that causes heat waves, droughts, and wild fires that shred the fabric of life on the continents. And we are bringing new generations into the world, millions who require access to the resources of a dignified existence. The scope and breadth of the threats to life are increasing day after day. This is not a sustainable mode of development.Goodreads, alexis karpouzos official siteThe root cause of our ills stems from a mistaken way of thinking. What exactly does this mean? it means that we have been thinking of ourselves mainly as material beings, while denying our spiritual nature. Because we think that we exist as material beings and nothing more, we place first importance on protecting our bodies from harm and prolonging our material existence. Our spiritual nature, if considered at all, is treated as a secondary aspect of our physical being—something not to be taken seriously. To us, the only things that matter are the phenomena that appear in the material world—things that can be seen, or heard, or touched, or measured, but we know that our senses deceive us, the senses are a construction of the brain. What we consider a real world is an illusion. The domination of the positivist and materialist thought leads to irrationality and destruction.IMDB, alexis karpouzos official siteYet where has this approach led us? Has it brought us a sense of happiness and fulfillment? Rather than living each day in a spirit of joyful cooperation, with our hearts filled with bright hope and happy anticipation, we have isolated ourselves from others and viewed them as rivals or enemies. Our thoughts are flooded with suspicion, fear and greed, leading to an endless cycle of war, poverty, starvation, and environmental destruction. Unless we wake up soon and pay attention to our spiritual nature, there will be no future for humanity on Earth.Words are life. Words are light. Words are power. Words are energy. Words are truth. Words can enliven and words can also kill. Words can give hope, or plunge us into despair. People use words to build peace, and use words to make war. Words can create walls between cultures, religions, and nations. And words can also build bridges. The existence of an individual, a family, a community, a country, and our planet is being led to good or to evil through the power of the words we speak. The words we speak are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We, therefore, must be responsible for the words we speak. On behalf of future generations, I hope that each of us will do all we can to speak only bright, light-filled words, so that one day, our descendants will be born into a world filled with light. There is no time to lose. Starting at this very moment, I hope all of us will take a close look at the words we have been using and make constant efforts to fill them with brightness.Amazon, alexis karpouzos official site No one is going to change our lives for us. No one is going to change the world for us. It is time for each of us to recognize the prodigious, creative power that is unleashed by each word we speak, and to consciously speak only words filled with gratitude, encouragement, and good intention. From this moment forward, let us choose words that resonate with love and forgiveness for ourselves and others. We can certainly do it if we take just one step forward. One step at a time, one word at a time, we can uproot the germs of tragedy and of isolation in our consciousness and convert them into waves of happiness and conciliation. For the sake of ourselves, for the sake of Mother Earth, and for the sake of future generations, let us use words that contribute to the positive evolution of humankind on Earth. alexis karpouzos, visual art1.mp4 alexis karpouzos_ The world in the flames.mp4
  10. Hallo!! Ich schreibe gerade meine Masterarbeit über das Thema Dankbarkeit und Lebenszufriedenheit und würde - wenn ich darf - einen Link zu meiner Befragung teilen. Ich würde mich freuen wenn möglichst viele Glücksinteressierte mitmachen und sich 15 min Zeit nehmen oder ihn an Freunde weiterleiten. Ich denke das Thema geht gerade in dieser Krisenzeit uns alle an vielleicht kommt auch nochmal das Thema Dankbarkeit mit seinen positiven und negativen Facetten neu ins Rollen https://www.soscisurvey.de/danke2021/ Vielen lieben Dank!!
  11. Years ago I began to struggle with recurring depression. I read books, went to therapy, and tried many things to get myself out of it. Over time, I discovered that there were many things I could do to feel better, but I would often just forget (or not want to do them). So I made myself the "I don't feel good and want to feel better" checklist which I could refer to when I felt badly. I've never shared it before, but figure this might be a good place (sorry it's super long - I was going to attach it as a pdf, but couldn't attach pdfs here) The "I Don't Feel Good and Want to Feel Better" Checklist Oftentimes, when you don’t feel good, you have a hard time listening to the positive voice. As a result, you may be tempted to think that "something is wrong” - with your life, with your relationships, or maybe even with the world. Before jumping to the conclusion that you need to quit your job, abandon your partner, or go hide in a bunker, review this list to see if there’s something more internal that you can do first. * Have I had good posture recently? (TED talk Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are) * Has the rest of my physiology been positive? (facial expressions, type and quantity of movement) * Have I done anything that gets me moving in an excited / animated way? (dancing, a sport I like, etc) * If I’ve been doing anything that’s been negatively stressing myself, can I be a little kinder or more gentle to myself in some way? * Are there any things (responsibilities, etc) that I’ve been taking on myself that really aren’t mine (either because they’re unnecessary, impossible, or belong to someone else)? * Have I gotten enough sleep? (quality and quantity) * Have I eaten mostly healthy food recently? (lots of vegetables and low sugar) * Have I had enough water to drink? (impacts mood, fatigue, etc) * Have I exercised recently? (worked up a sweat, did some resistance training) * Do I have any physical pain or soreness that I need to handle? (foam rolling, other) * Have I been meditating regularly? (or doing a meditative activity) * Have I regularly been doing an intentional gratitude practice? * Have I been outside in the sun and fresh air? * Do I remember Why I want to be positive and have I pondered that regularly? (Simon Sinek - Start with Why) * Even if I am planning to leave or change my current situation, have I fully accepted the present moment exactly as it is? (Eckhart Tolle) * Have I been doing breathing exercises regularly (Wim Hoff)? * Have I chosen an exciting purpose or a goal that I’m moving toward? * Can I just consciously make the choice to be positive? * Have I been having fun and enjoying things without being too serious? (Listen to music, eat good food, etc) * Have I remembered that challenges are actually good in the long run, and therefore not allowed myself to get upset by things I perceive as making the world worse?
  12. I've been dealing with depression on and off, especially in these times! I read some article about practicing gratitude and writing a gratitude journal. It really helps me!
  13. I always wanted to know the habits that entrepreneurs followed to make most out of the day. Thus I asked 82 entrepreneurs who worked in different sectors, countries and were at different stages of business, to share a habit they followed to be at the best shape, and this revealed the following 8 habits. I have listed habits with the percentage of entrepreneurs endorsing them: Listening - 3.7% Gratitude - 4.9% Reading - 6.1% Proactiveness - 8.5% Perseverance - 11.0% Meditation - 11.0% Morning Routine - 18.3% Planning - 22.0% Both Planning and Morning Routine - 3.7% Other Habits - 11.0 % Though it can't generalize the lifestyle of entrepreneurs throughout the world, as we must respect the degree of randomness. This short survey concluded that entrepreneurs prefer to getting a positive start of the day and give weightage to planning to face the daily grind. If you want to read details, list of entrepreneurs, and infographics, you can visit: https://www.goodvitae.com/8-habits-for-entrepreneurs/
  14. I like that this topic has led to a discussion Well, in my opinion, the emotion of gratitude is also derived from love. I give an example to show my point of view. You might be grateful for owning a new phone that you bought recently. But think about why you appreciate a new mobile device. You might want more stable and clearer video calls with your friends and loved ones. Such video calls are in fact expressions of love. Or you might want to be able to play more resource-intensive games. I actually see gaming as a way of expressing self-love; after all, you appreciate yourself for your skills. This is almost what I wrote before, but try to think of something that you are grateful for, that doesn't have its roots in love.
  15. So true. I find one more reason for happiness is when I show/feel gratitude for everything in my life
  16. Hello @Yvonne, That's a complex and challenging situation. First, I'd like to differentiate between the situation you describe and an overall need to feel more gratitude. Regarding a gratitude practice, you have the tools and experience and if you are aware that it would be beneficial to dedicate more time to those practices again and make then a priority you already have given yourself all the answers. You can trust your inner wisdom. ? What I hear regarding the concrete situation you describe is that you do not want to receive the favour given to you and that's ok! You do not have to. Given our social structures and interconnectedness, rejecting a gift can be challenging as we also reject the social obligations that might come with it. Giving a gift and experiencing rejection is hard too that can be acknowledged and at the same time, resolving this for the other person is not your responsibility. Maybe that's something for you to consider. Perhaps your unwillingness to accept the gift and be genuinely grateful is that you do now want the expectations that might be connected to the present—the conditions under which it's given. A gift - like our love - is best given unconditionally, and in reality, it often isn't that easy. ❤️
  17. I am really grateful for many things in my life: like my health, my family, my job, the food, the air, my upbringing, people around me... But lately, I noticed that I'm grateful only for selective things and I'm a bit confused and sad about it. It happened that there is a person who did something for me what was really nice but that I didn't ask for it and I also need to admit that I didn't really want. However, the fact that the person dedicated a lot of time and effort into this I could at least appreciate. But somehow it felt wrong for me. Like lying. So, I preferred not say anything. However, the person noticed it and got disappointed. It's like someone gave you a gift that you don't really like but at least you can pretend that you would like it. Or the fact that someone is giving something to you. I was wondering if this was my ego who overruled my actions and I could not figure out how to change it. So, I decided to be really open about it and tell it to the person like I feel. That I'm ashamed that I can't be grateful for this. However, this was completely the wrong thing I realized as I put myself in a victim role and it didn't improve it for the other person. So, I'm just confused and I'm looking for answers how I can stop my behavior and be more grateful. In the past, I did a lot of gratitude practices like journaling, lotus of gratitude but somehow I stopped it because I had other priorities. I feel I need to restart them again. But I'm not really sure if this would resolve the situation. Did anybody else experienced something similar? If yes, can you share some advice?
  18. Today is the last day of my 4th week. I want to share with all a part of my Mid-way Self -Assessment, on the specific incident that stands out in my life related to work in this course. It was one night that I was going through the pain in my cuff muscle and feeling cold and finding difficulty in getting sleep. My sweetheart asked me if I need anything. She went to the kitchen and brought the hot waterbag filled and placed on my feet. It gave me such a relief, it warms my body, the pain seems to slowly go away and I went to sleep in no time. Next morning at breakfast I said ‘Thank you’ to her, sincerely looking at her eye. Her eye immediately got filled with tears. This emotional experience and reaction made me realise the appreciation & gratitude people deserves for the extra mile service they have done towards me. I have learned to practice more showing kindness and compassion with this course so far. I’m so happy about big changes happening in my life.
  19. I couldn't agree more. As I wake up from the illusion of endless growth, the need to have more/ "better"/ newer/ trendier things experiencing sufficiency is so rewarding. It brings and abundance of peace and gratitude to my life rather than an abundance of things.
  20. you MUST believe in order for it to be. Send out what you want to be served. Service your frequency with clarity of intentions that what you ordered is on its way. Imagine holding it, smelling it, feel the energy of having it. Know that whatever you ordered is for your highest good. May you fulfill the orders of all you desire. Happiness is gratitude. Happiness is knowing you can soothe your thoughts into a better feeling flow. Have a wonderful joyful day! ~evie~
  21. I believe that it depends on what you mean by luck. Because looking at the context, it seems like with luck you wanted to express the gratitude you feel for being in Barcelona. If that is the case, you can always allow yourself to feel lucky, because there are always reasons to feel grateful. So yes, luck is a choice. Yet, personally I believe that it doesn't really matter if one was born in lucky circumstances or not. We cannot change the circumstances that we where born with. Therefore, it's a matter of what kind of use we make out of life rather then what kind of life we posses. Worrying about what we cannot change will bring us to unhappiness. Focusing on what we can change and, if we have the courage, take on the journey in changing it is what can bring us happiness. Looking at your example, it didn't really matter where you came from (Germany). What mattered is the decision you took to go to Barcelona in order to lead the life that you want to live. Being able to do that, to have courage to take a step no matter the circumstances is where real freedom and therefore happiness lies in.
  22. Happy Earth Day! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the earth essentially being 'closed' to humans, this year's Earth Day seems to be a quiet one. Each year, millions of people are estimated to participate in environmental action to address the massive challenges facing the earth. Last year's theme was plastic pollution, while this year's focus is climate action. Earth Day celebrations would usually include community tree planting initiatives, beach and other cleanups, national park or forest visits, and other outdoor activities. This year, although most celebrations were cancelled, some are still holding virtual events. Earthday.org is going digital with a full programme of activities for anyone interesting in joining. Although the pandemic is severe, tragic and scary for many, to me it also appears as a great reminder of what's at stake in the fight for our planet. The lockdowns have seen skies clear of pollution, wildlife returning to deserted places, and greenhouse gas levels reducing drastically as travel, commuting and other industries come to a halt. Venetians claim they haven't seen clear water in Venice's canals in approx. 60 years! In previous years, I loved being outdoors, preferably barefoot, doing a mindful walk, earthing/grounding, and taking deep breaths while sending love and gratitude to Mother Earth. This year I find it a bit sad not being able to do that, being on complete lockdown, but I encourage everyone who can leave their homes for an hour to do just that! Connecting with the earth and being out in nature is proven to have very many health benefits. What will you get up to today to celebrate and honour our beautiful, abundant Pachamama? Whatever it is, let us all on this 50th Earth Day anniversary, during this incredibly unique time in our lives, take time to reflect on our choices and acknowledge and take responsibility for our actions related to the earth and the climate. Remember also: "The earth is not an endless deposit of resources to exploit." Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash
  23. Yes! ? We should all show our bodies love and gratitude instead of focusing on what we consider to be flaws and imperfections.
  24. Here's a link to the earth gratitude project and eZine Online classes from Insight Meditation Center LA The online offerings from the Spirit Rock Meditation Center
  25. This morning, I decided to weigh myself, got on the scale, finally after running for some weeks. LOL. I had gained about 8 pounds, now the goal was to lose 8 pounds. I kept going over my calories. I tend to be overly concerned about things I can't change, instead of focusing on the things I can. Anyway, I decided to shift my mindset from disappointment to gratitude. I lost the weight before I can lose it again. I also did not gain back all the weight I lost. That is something else to be grateful for. I thought about how I looked and felt late 2019, I smiled. I still have time to get the rest of the weight off this year. There was a time when subconsciously I would shame myself but today, I decided that I would not waste my time torturing myself. I also decided to think about my choices and focus on the now.
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