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  1. First of all, this is no critique of anyones lifestyle. I would just liketo share my thoughts and get some opinions and experiences. My motivation: I hate factory farming, where animals are suffering under bad conditions. And when I really think animal suffering through, I see that human made animal suffering could be avoided if humans would live the vegan lifestyle. Of course animals would still be eaten by other animals and would still starve to death in nature, but it would still make a big difference. My current situation: I'm not a vegetarian and I'm not a vegan yet, because I ate meat, fish, milk products, honey and eggs for all my life and a lot of traditional family recipes contain this type of ingredients. And since I was taught things like "fish is good for me" as a kid, it's hard to totally forget about that. But since vegan food is a part of "normal food", naturally, I eat vegan multiple days of the week. And when I eat meat, I look for good farming conditions, because I don't want animals to suffer more than necessary. When it comes to clothing, I still use real leather stuff I bought years ago, because it is very long-lasting compared to synthetic alternatives in my experience. My priorities are: 1. Health 2. little suffering 3. environmentally friendly My progress: I got used to have soy milk or oat milk in my coffee. I eat less meat and more baked beans. Doubts: Since my first priority is health, there is already a problem with missing vitamin B12 in vegan milk. The only effective way to get vegan vitamin B12 is eating nutritional supplements, which doesn't look very natural to me. It feels a bit wrong, because appearently, the human body is not meant to eat vegan only. While cows, horses and many other animals are able to generate vitamin B12 from plants, humans are not. I mean, you can probably feed a tiger plants and keep him alive with supplements, but it would be wrong, because the tiger is meant to eat animals, right? I still try to find the right way for me, but it's complicated. In my opinion torturing animals is wrong. If you have to lock them in, give them space to move as natural as possible. But even vegan products can be bad for the environmentand animals (palm oil). So unfortunately doing the right thing is a lot of work. I would have to read all the ingredients and check all the working conditions in every step of production from everything I buy, to do the right thing. I would love to read something about other lifestyles, your ways to do the right thing and maybe some advise and solutions to help me find my way.
  2. Transit Of Planet Saturn 2020 Saturn the planet of justice and discipline will transit to its own zodiac capricorn on 24th january 2020 and will remain in this zodiac for about two and a half year.The transit of this planet in its own sign is like coming back home and its benefic results can bring miracles in life whereas its malefic effects can be disasterous. It will retrograde in capricorn from 11th May till 29th September and after this will become progressive again. This transit of Saturn will have different impact on different zodiacs according to the moon sign. Many will have sade sati or Dhayiya. Saturn gives results according to the karmas and its placement in the birth chart.
  3. In answer to the question , I'm a father of three. Hi all . Came across this site and thought why not sign up . Just something quick to share if it's OK. In June I suffered a serious accident at work. Since doing so I'm now having therapy to help with PTSD , so far so good. But my main drive into helping myself recover from my injury is something my father told me on his dying days , is in life you just have to get up and get on no matter what , because if not then what is the point. He thought an illness for eight years with this mindset . I try and keep this in mind when I'm feeling low . May 2023 be the kindest yet for everyone 🙏
  4. I was a Captain in the Police Force. Evidence against high up political figures were found and they told people it is a conspiracy of a extremist group and every 4 in 5 people in police department is a member of this group. So, we were hunted one by one with no evidence to support these claims. There were severe abuses that last about a year for me and I wanted to quit but my father signed a paper that if I quit, I would owe an amount which is impossible for me to pay. After a ridiculous claim, I was sent to disciplinary committee. I had video proof against it but I still got the punishment. After a week later, second one was made. I told my mind to people responsible in public. Had a small nervous breakdown. I was sent to psychiatric evaluation. I was given 3 months paid leave and given a position with smaller responsibilities. One of the highest ranking officers told me of regret for my condition and offered to talk. When I got there, he ripped my new assignment papers, called me a traitor, gave me a resignation paper to sign. He said if I don't sign it, he would make whole department fuck me one by one. I idioticly curled up to a ball and began screaming. Conversive episode it seems. Abuses got worse and I have severe CPTSD from the ordeal. Worst part is I am having rage episodes which I break stuff to relieve pressure on my head. I tried many professional help which helped only little. I am at a point I want to take my own life because I am nothing but a burden to people around me.
  5. Oh my GOD 😦 I can hardly believe this!!! Please message me! I’d like to speak privately if that is ok with you. I’m so very sorry for what you are going through right now. Sending you love and warmth during this crucial and brutal time for you friend. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with you as well. And do not take your life. Pray! Pray everyday!! To whom ever it is you believe in!! No judgement here! I hope to hear from you.
  6. Maybe I am not at fault but it is so hard to live with these symptoms. My wife was scared I was gonna go after their lifes during my episodes but I have never hurt another human being seriously in my entire life. Still I understand it may be scary to live with someone who is suffering from CPTSD. I am alone. I can't focus on anything as it triggers panic attacks, so I can't work. I feel out of place for this world.
  7. When in the world grows the dark cold and the empty desolation, then going back where one starts from. Do you recall the longing of our wishes? It is time, rise up to meet the heaven, to kiss the stars, to wrap your arms around the light. Don't forget, at least, above us, stars shine, tiny pieces of heaven that overflowing with generosity and absorb our tiredness. Every heart's a star within, that echoing the bliss of eternity, every star's a aflame heart that holds our hand. And, Every life dwell in the bosom of the love, echoing the bliss of eternity, ringing as a heavenly gong the holy song, the song of love wherewith even hell had thrilled and the grief ignites, and the eager souls lean to hear with awe.
  8. Thank you and a very Happy New Year to you too! Glad that you reached this forum, I am sure you will find various points of view, opinions and advice to get some clarity. In my opinion, you have to put yourself on priority, and make choices that suit you, if that means finding another job, or even changing jobs, do it, and feather your nest. The world would have you believe that that is a selfish and self centered thing to do, but if you don't put yourelf and your family first, who will?? If the job was enough and you were able to manage within it well and good, but since you yourself feel the lack, you have to reconsider your time commitment to them and make changes. Start applying for different jobs and put your wishes out in the universe, you never know what could turn up and this feeling or unrest is pushing you towards your destiny and a better way of life. Don't ignore it, do what you should and do what it takes to make the changes. Good luck, I am sure it will all work out for you!!
  9. The landmark forum seems to have a special formula to live a fulfilled life by clearing up the past and creating your own new future on a blank canvas. It's not about changing or fixing something, but about transformation. You get a guideline to have authentic communication that opens up new possibilities. People who stopped talking with each other or had issues with each other for years, started talking again. What is important in the process is to enroll people. That is the tricky part. Why you indeed can make some magic happen in a just 3 days workshop and would wish that everyone around you will also get this experience, you need to enroll people into this. This not only creates commitment, but it also shows the power that everyone self owns. I was never in my life forced that much to get into communication with my social groups. And once I did it, I realized that it opens up many more things. So, I finally felt happy to get into this space. I wondered if anyone else was doing the forum and had similar experiences, and what would be the best way in life to integrate it. I'm practicing yoga and meditation, what can become a quite lonely activity. So, I clearly see a need to get into communication to be completed and happy as we are human-beings living in social structures. I also see happiness.com potentially bridging here the gap. So, I saw here a perfect match in enrolling people and be in communication
  10. Thank you . We are all on our own personal journeys. It will definitely take a lot to bring me down . This life has so much to offer everyone , and everyone deserves a chance to be happy. 🙏🙏
  11. Sanjay we all face this issue at some stage in life. I do not know y you feel anxious but meditation will help you out. I have seen so much difficult phases in life but always one think kept me positive was a thought that still some good is still left in me... Only those are secured who are in graves. Life is like this only...
  12. Hi, I am a 30-year-old with terrible dark circles under my eyes which developed during my long years of depression and psychological problems when I was going through an awful phase of my life after a breakup in a relationship. I am now in a better condition compared to before, but my dark circles are something that just doesn't seem to go away. And they are very deep and indeed make me look horrible. I feel ashamed to go out and it makes me already very self-conscious. Not to mention that I also have a lot of wrinkles under my eye, way more than what a normal 30-year-old would have. However, I have kind of gotten into a habit of looking at myself in the mirror and it does not make me feel as bad as it used to do before. I am trying very hard to accept myself for how I look. I have a friend who is very good and supportive. But his dad almost always comments about my dark circles almost every day we get to meet over video calls. And it is not like advice or suggestion to improve my condition or any criticism. His comments are more of like - rude and offensive. He uses words like -"the dark circles make you look so ugly", "your whole personality is getting destroyed because of your hideous dark circles", and "you will never make any impression with them on your face". Just 3 examples of what he really says when he talks about it. Like, whenever I hear him speak about my dark circles, I always feel so embarrassed, sad, upset and self-conscious. A few days ago, I had my first face-to-face interaction with him (my friend's dad), and all the time, he was so heavily judging me for my dark circles and saying rude things like that. That day I got so much hurt that I did something that I should not have done. I directly said to my friend about the whole conversation I had with his dad, and how bad I felt after the interaction with his dad, and shared every detail about our interaction. My friend instantly went into defensive mode and said that his dad was right, he is very good and can never do any wrong, and that I am overreacting. He did not believe that his dad told me those things. He also said that, even if his dad said those things, it is because "he considers me like his own son".... I did not really understand that. I mean, is it okay for a father to say those sentences to his own son? I did not say any more, because I got to understand that he is my friend's dad after all, and that is a different dynamic. But I ended the conversation by telling him to put himself in my shoes and just try to understand, and that I did not mean to hurt his feelings. I just wanted to open up with him about the situation otherwise it was making my heart very heavy. What he did instead is he started separating from me since that day, and that made me even more sad and depressed. Now I feel really bad. I feel kind of guilty to have opened up about this to my friend because I think this might have hurt our friendship to some extent. At the same time, I am very uncomfortable around his dad. How should I deal with the whole situation? I am just out of clues. I don't know what to do...
  13. Hello, I hear you, and I feel your pangs. No one wants to be told something negative, especially about their looks. But first.. do you love what you see everyday and are you happy wiht who you are, or are you already struggling with a negative self image and self doubt? The way I deal with stuff like this is twofold. One I silently thank the person for pointing out something that I could improve (I mean how many people probably think worse and don't say it out loud- he is being a messenger here, and I always say, don't shoot the messenger) When you look from a different view point even criticism and negative feedback is actually a lost way of sharing feedback with you about what you can improve and change to make your own life better. So have you considered dealing with the dark circles? With products and remedies as openly available and not 'beauty secrets' any more, why not go enjoy some pampering and make them better? I was told I was dark, had very non traditional looks, was thin as a stick and guess what I took all those stones and built bridges with them and today people compliment me for the very things I was "given pointers to improve" That could be a positive turn to what you are otherwise seeing as a negative attack/ interference. Not enough peole appreciate those that have the courage to speak up, rather than gossip behind our backs..its not always easy but in the end its the people who help us by telling us what is wrong that set us so much further on our journeys..if we choose to take things with that spirit. If you look at how your reaction upset him, you can perhaps see his intent was not to hurt you. Even those who want to do good aren't always able to say it all sugar coated and nicely the way we want to, but its upto us to take the message and separate the feelings from blocking the message that the universe is giving us through such willing channels. Good luck and I hope it all goes well for you!
  14. In my 20s and 30s I used to be someone that tried to cram as much as possible into my day: I'd feel guilty if I didn't squeeze those 24 hours dry! ? More recently I've felt the desire to slow things down and simplify my life: if I can't do something, no worries, it can wait. I've learnt to savour moments through living a quieter and simpler life. I researched this more for an article for the magazine and have found that there are many benefits to living a simple life. City life can be exciting, but I've realised I'm happier in a quieter city without noise and distractions, or out in the countryside walking in nature or being by the sea. I've also decided to reduce my consumption as part of living a more simpler life. I've never been one to have the latest iPhone model, but I've reduced clothes shopping, especially after seeing how much pollution the textile industry causes. All in all, I feel that my simpler life is bringing me more happiness. Part of me has even been thinking of simplifying things further and looking for a quiet place to live in the countryside with some self-sustainability (maybe not just yet LOL). I'd love to know if anyone has done something similar and how it went. I imagine it could be hard work also. Also what else have other people done to simplify their lives and how has it affected them? ?
  15. I live my life as a neutral type because I feel stable and calm in every situation. Neutral life is practical but it can happen only by some awakening to spiritual journey.
  16. I was a bit curious to discover more as you say living a neutral life means ´without focusing on positive or negative thoughts' but then a few lines down say 'But only that let go off all negative thoughts and focus on positive actions.' So, I wonder what pure neutral living means – not focusing on either negative OR positive? Perhaps by either not focusing on negative or even positive thoughts, part of what you're advocating is the calm and peace the silence of 'not thinking' bring to the mind? I certainly see that as one of the clear benefits of living a neutal life and something I try to practise. Sure, it's nice to revel in the moments of joy, but not 'chase' them so much. It seems similar to the Buddhist principle of equanimity where your mind stays calm and peaceful, even when you are facing challenging situations/discussions. Would love to know more about the techniques you suggest!
  17. As for me growing up into my 20’s wasn’t that good for me I’ve been under estimated By people that is called family look at me like I wasn’t Going to amount to anything now I put those thoughts aside because God put me where I want to be I’m happy that I’m able to wake up every day to see my kids I’m in school and my journey is just going to get better for me staying happy is a my strategy And i like listening to music and ima keep on dancing’ for fun i don’t wanna live my-life Angry Miserable Ima keep being me …
  18. I had never heard of the concept of neutral life, but I think what you're saying makes a lot of sense. 🌻 I especially like the part about focusing on the positive, which is something I always try to do. And when you struggle to find something positive, or to hold on to it, you try and keep a neutral mind. It also connects with another thing I value a lot, which is to stay calm, and I think that ties in with the notion of leading a neutral life too 🌈
  19. Hey kimoto. The sea sounds nice. I'm happy you are taking some time for things that nurture yourself as much as you nurture others. I love the lake and anywhere with trees. I feel peace in nature. I do tarot and work with the moon. I love astrology. I have several crystals. I am currently trying to learn meditation skills as well as working with my chakras. I try to help others, sometimes it's just through something I feel I need to share from my life, or something to encourage them along their way. I am still working to be the best version of me and hope that along the way I can inspire or uplift another. I can imagine the sea and the way the waves sound as they wash up on the sand. I can understand why you'd love it there.
  20. My name is Luis, I live in the north of Mexico. I've been teaching Physics and Math over 35 years and have found this activity as a way to help students get into the knowledge of science and its relation with daily life.
  21. I think it is important to look at this from all the different point of views. You told us about your's already. Her point of view is having a boyfriend who spends most of the time with a different girl and she is complaining about that. And if she cares about him, she would like to know what's going on in his life and of course she doesn't like to be excluded or to be used for sex only. In her position she should probably end the relationship and look for someone who loves her as much as she loves him at the moment if she is confident enough. His point of view is probably pretty great, since he has 2 jealous girls fighting for his attention. But he is neither confident enough to end his current relationship nor to start a relationship with the girl he spends the most time with, which is you. So she is haveing sex with him hoping for a real relationship and you are gigivng him a lot of attention (maybe) trying to get into a real relationship with him. So both of you are used and none of you is confident enough to make him decide. But ironically you dont even fight him, but you fight each other.
  22. Hello there daisy, your post sounds as though i could have written it myself, i also am alone a lot but saying that it is by choice, my hobbies-interests are biofield tuning forks, colour light therapy, i love crystals, my pets, i try to help people feel better within themselves whenever i can, i only have a handful of people i call friends, i get them to have a foot spa bath -natural face masks, all feel good nurturing stuff, give them crystals, i don’t do social media facebook etc i like being my own private person, although i share feel good things with everyone if they show true interest, such as my tuning forks crystals colour light therapy, all self taught, i have rune stones, oracle cards-books, mostly based on moon phases, coz i have strong feelings towards the moon, i usually meet people who are in need of something when i walk when i’m living at the ocean, i feel empathy very strongly, so when i meet someone who is troubled i find they open up to me, i just speak positive happy things to them, and encourage them to feel good about themselves, then i share books if they are interested in borrowing, i meet at beach to walk with them if they want to, i sense when people are hurting or lonely, so i just say hello to them, then i find that i seem to see that person unexpected at shop or beach at different times of day when i decide to go for a walk or stop to have a drink, but alas i am not at the ocean at the moment but i am working to get back there as soon as possible coz this is where i feel my best and able to support others as well as myself, i feel as though i have come home whenever i live by the ocean, but my country friends and hubby don’t have the same feelings or love as i do for the sea,, so i’ve decided i will live at the seaside and visit every few wks for a week or two the small country town i now live in, i lived by the ocean most of my young life up until my 30’s, this just about sums up who i am, thank-you for letting me share,, i’m too old now to just live for not upsetting people by going to the ocean, so now i will make me happy, put myself first for a change even though i don’t want to upset others, but i feel my health suffers lots when i am away from the beautiful sea and all it’s moods,,, kind regards to all, k.
  23. Hi Monae. I am 60 years old and it just occurred to me that I have to learn to be my own best friend. I’ve been so critical and hard on myself all my life and I suffered depression since I was three years old. I am working on myself and my depression has lifted. I am learning to love myself and when I do the emptiness disappears. I will look forward to reading your comments. All the best to you, Pamela
  24. Last year when i was in depression and this is the main reason of my mental health someone suggest me for life coaching to feel free from depression and improve mental health as well. Life coach helps you to feel free from depression and improve 1 your mental stability. He should deal with your mental health and improve this.
  25. It takes courage and determination to grow up and become who you want to be.When people try to say anything about who you are,don't believe them.Don't give them a chance to decide how your life will be for you.You are the driver of your own life and nobody has no idea of what you go through.Nobody will make you happy and important than yourself.Believe in yourself and be your biggest fan even when nothing seems to work.Don't give up and don't be afraid to do mistakes rather have the zeal to try new things and learn from your failures.Let no one look down on you,speak for what you know is right and learn to say no for what will ruin you. You are blessed.You are more than you think you are.You are a winner.You are an overcomer.Be what you can be.Be You.Be disciplined.Love your self and in everything,put God first.
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