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  1. Hello everyone, I'm new here and just trying to find my way around so any helpful advice would be appreciated! I'm a 62 year old mum and gran, loving life but at the moment have some challenges with 2 of my kids going through relationship breakups. I do yoga and meditation but it's difficult to communicate the benefits I find from these practices. I always try to give positive advice and support and just be a shoulder to cry on, wish I could do more!
  2. Hi, Everyone! This looks like a great place to be! I am not on or do not trust Facebook, or Twitter anymore. I keep finding out that there are too many harsh people on those. I want to be with other happy folks. I even tried some Senior forums; I am 53 ? they are not that great either loll. I don't feel 53 at all. I still love cartoons, comic books, etc. my inner child:-). I love doing Art acrylic, watercolor painting, drawing, and multimedia art. I love writing, movies, books, computers, and outdoor activities and animals. I have an awesome cat I adopted named Ginger:-). It's starting to snow which I love. All seasons are awesome! I am happy to see a friendly forum. I am a very spiritual person, also. I have had a lot of stress in my life as well and am doing a lot of letting go. Not always easy, but it's a balancing we are all doing and helping each other and our beautiful planet. So lovely to meet everyone! Lots of love, light, and hugs! This is one of my paintings, I do acrylic pouring also this is my latest. ?
  3. I would like to start a video chat on happy related news and collective tips on how to achieve and maintain a happy day to day life
  4. I've been curious about seeing a therapist as so many of my friends do and say it's absolutely life-changing. So I've heard that there are lots of therapists that offer their services via Skype etc., has anyone had any experience with that? Or any other advice on how to find a good therapist online (or offline!) and generally things to take into consideration. I feel like everyone could benefit from seeing a therapist, but also a bit lost as to where I start. Any tips or experiences would be appreciated!
  5. Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life.
  6. I did the same :( got rid of Facebook, LinkedIn after looking at how unconscious and disconnected the platforms are. Participating in it just for the sake of "work" and network :( also needed a reset after people started falling out of my life as soon i started setting boundaries and started honouring what i really needed.
  7. Hi there! I am new to the forum and a bit nervous. I’m here because I KNOW that I can have a better, happier more joyful existence. I just am unsure as to how to go about that! I’ve been so unhappy lately- with life in general. I am in an awful emotional place- I could use any advice or encouragement. Thanks so much.
  8. I also like to always give my best in each situation and be human. If I'm with my kids I try to be fully present and enjoy the time. But time is limited and I also need to go to work to take care of the living. It's good to rate on feelings because if I wouldn't do it I lack health. Which brings me back to the four burners theory. I don't particularly defend it but it tries to find an explanation on some struggles of work-life balance. Anyhow. I just saw this video here and wanted to share it as I reminded me of the conversation here:
  9. Hi Karen ? I've been away from here for nearly a week. I'm in a bar and having just finished my dinner I started reading a book called 'Breakthrough' by a guy who after Awakening calls himself 'Open' https://www.openhandweb.org/ I suddenly felt a bit distracted and started pondering some of the synchronistic events I've experienced over the last few days - including here a few moments ago - and as I looked across at a mother hugging her child and feeling how wonderful that is, I suddenly felt inspired to come back to this thread. Through the sequence of what I was reading earlier, what I had just observed and felt, followed by reading your reply...I realised that purely through paying attention to the moment in a heart centred way, there is no need to try, control, manage life or even 'do' anything as such. It's all symbolic. Just observe the beauty that flows through and flowers all around you as the unfoldment of our Being in the present moment.
  10. For me , what matters is to feel Human wherever I am , With my Family, friends or at Work . I don't rate success by my Bank Balance or my Job. I rate my success by knowing how I feel. So I dont need to cut off anything as per my life . I only need to build up so that I can give my best at every situation.
  11. This reminds me of the quote: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." However, it's not that easy always. I realised it several times that if I enjoy working too much, I forget about other needs. There exists the four-burners-theory that reflects live as a stove with four burners: family, friends, health and work. The theory says: "In order to be successful l you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful, you have to cut off two.” that really hurts! I'm also not sure what to think about this theory. Any opinions about it?
  12. Life has tough times and patches. I try to focus on looking for the moments in the day that make me feel happy (smiles, laughter, feeling the warmth of the sun, music, nice photos, hugs from my kids) and accept how the day unfolds rather than trying to control it. ❤️
  13. I have both older and younger friends, and I prefer the time I spend with my older friends more I think. They’ve lived through a lot more than the younger people, have more knowledge and experience and just are generally nicer people, I find ? Overall, I appreciate that I can have interactions with people at all stages of life because each of them has something different to offer and contribute, which is so great!
  14. Dear Members! I’m trying to find companions to practice yoga in Valldoreix, Sant CUGAT or even in BCN. Please let me know if someone could’ve the same interest! I love reading, cinema, walking, opera, gardening, dogs, cats and enjoy the life !!
  15. Hi @Emma200904, those feelings might be very confusing for you. I had similar experiences. What helped me was to understand Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This is kind of a life guide. Patanjali describes samsaya as one of the 10 obstacles in the yoga path. Samsaya means doubts. https://www.yogapedia.com/definition/5747/samsaya and it's a natural state of a yoga practice. Practicing non-attachment can be a good method to overcome those feelings. I saw a regular Meditation practice as helpful where I focussed on that. Remember we are not our thoughts. I use the app headspace to keep on meditating.
  16. It's a long journey - a lifelong journey, I suppose. And part of that journey is to experience and deal with setbacks, frustration and the like. Sometimes I would look at my behaviour and wonder how that happened despite my regular meditation practice and the profound changes I experienced in my life. There's no perfection nor guarantee just practice, and I can only practice calm, patience, staying open, mindfulness, kindness, acceptance, ... when I am challenged. It's hard but it's worth it. Isn't it?
  17. Since allmost a year I'm on my way to completely change my mindset about me, my thougts, my view of everything... mostly I can feel the benefits of all of it, but then, like today, I feel, that I start on field number one again. I'ts so hard, to realize, that some negative emotions, built in me over years, I just don't manage to controle... I could't imagine my life without meditation. It's such a gift, there's so much power in it, but it really is a long journey to true happiness and freedom. I hope, I can learn from you and this comunity!
  18. Hi Ali, I think, that being in a depression has no benefit at all. As the eclectic Mom above said: It sucks the life out of you. What can be or is beneficial for a person, is the emotional intelligence that one can gain when gotten over a depression. Understanding and listenting to others worries and sufferings is a great tool for making our relationships more deep and meaningful.
  19. Thank you Calvin! How did you find to meditation? How does it influence your life?
  20. So far depression is sucking the life out of me. Please explain how is it beneficial?
  21. I have read recently the following: 'I have found out that there ain't no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them!'. It made me smile as I recalled some roadtrips I took or flats I shared with some friends...who by the end of it...managed to be out of my life...! So I would somehow agree with that quote...But I thought what are your thoughts about this? What are your experiences? Thank you for sharing!
  22. I definitely learned the hard way NOT to travel with certain friends ever again ? They're still in my life, I just prefer our friendship in smaller doses lol
  23. For me, a gift amongst many I get from my dog Kiko is that she is the best guide into the present moment and pure joy. How can you not laugh and squeak if she launches a toe licking attack, how can you stay self-absorbed when she demands belly rubs, how can you not see the beauty in life when all kinds of adventures unfold while walking her, how can you stay trapped in thoughts when there is a ball to be thrown. :-D
  24. When it comes to how to make friends, I believe we are using the word ‘Friends” too easily and maybe too often. Therefore, little by little, it has lost its meaning. We say things like: ‘Oh, she is an old friend from school!’ when actually we mean she used to be in our class; ‘Oh, he is a friend from work!’ when we mean he is a colleague; “Oh she is a friend I met in an event!’ when we mean she is an acquaintance and so on… A true friend is someone who is there for you in the good, bad and ugly times! And not just for the good! We have all experienced the ones around us when all is going smoothly in our lives and we have the means to pay for dinners and drinks…and when suddenly life hits you with a struggle, those ‘ones’ disappear in nature like ninjas! I once read somewhere: ‘ If you murder someone, a true friend will be there with you to hide the body…without asking any questions!’ Now don’t go murder anyone to see if that’s true!! But you get the idea! Someone who is there for you, comes rain or shine! And distance should not be the issue, time in between we meet or speak should not be the issue, longevity of the friendship should not be the issue. Because there is this chemistry, this deep understanding, a deep respect for one other, no judgements, no dramas and lots of laughter! For me, this friendship is real. And like a rare diamond, you cannot have too many!
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