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  1. First from real life, after fail find in city community, and if than you also fail than try online. Or best is to make an animal friend.
  2. @suedseefrucht to give more context to my post, I have known this girl since long, she has been in my class in college for an entire semester. We have worked together on multiple class presentations, projects and that is how I got to know, and eventually fell for her. For the current semester, we have done our minor project together (I am a Computer Science student), we went to the library together, studying for the semester exams. For me, we were pretty close. Recently I observed, she has an outlook towards life which summarizes as "It is necessary to be good to everyone." She is friends with everyone, literally everyone. Maybe a little popular (she got a recent popularity spike) too. I get lost in the vast majority of guys texting her all day, trying to draw her attention. The way she talks to me is the way she talks to everyone. She would literally go out with anyone who invites her (she loves to travel so...you know). She likes to live in the moment, even if it means getting a guy attached to her, only to reject him later. Also, he has rejected around 10 guys in college. We had the strongest bond in college. Now that we don't see each other (summer vacations are on, conversations on text get boring), I feel the bond loosening, I feel the need to back off, but she wants me to be in her team for projects (which is not a green signal, it is just I am on the smarter side) but I cannot decide what is best for me. I can see the bond diminishing but can't decide what would be worse - letting go of my feelings for her at the moment (to see if things work out in the future) or speaking out my feelings and fail terribly.
  3. Suffering to me is not limited to any specific loss or obstacle. It is an overall state of being that makes one live in a restricted and restless way. It is a tussle between desperation and desire. A constant involuntary swinging of the impatient self to get things fast, and insecurely hold on to them. There are countless memories of loss and different kinds of obstacles one faces in life. I feel citing just a few of them would be a futile task. For suffering is an overall perspective that we build over time, about ourselves, others, and life, and the overall feelings we live with, on a daily basis To some extent it is a pertinent need to suffer as mortals, because inherently we associate ourselves with duality. We cant understand pleasure without pain, happiness without sadness, or gain without loss. This dwindling between the dualities keeps us alive like a pendulum, swinging non-stop towards the two extremes. The spectrum of life is black and white, of different intensities. Each one of us has their our own palette that one uses to paint one's life. A short poem to explain this feeling we all go through. The swinging existence One keeps oscillating between the extremities of emotions. Reaching a stable state of tranquility is a matter of chance. One just passes through it, and again keeps swinging like a pendulum bob, only to die out as one's energies deplete with time. The mortal is like, A swinging bob, Of this existential pendulum, Rising to a height, Of extreme boisterity, Like a tempest swirl inside, And an enraged fiery outside, Both uncontrollable and destructive. Then, It goes back, To its equilibrium, A place of tranquil bliss. Only to rise again after moments, To a position of intense glee, Like a pristine summer lake, Where grows in abundance, The foliage but not for long, As it loses its strength, With no anchor to bank upon. The stable point, Is fleeting for him, Which he lives truly, For a duration long enough, When life energy extinguishes, Of moving between, These extremities of emotions, Finally, Spiralling down with every swing, To the point of final placidity, Rarely reached when alive.
  4. I had a mental breakdown 5-7 years ago. I shut myself off from my family and got involved in some ridiculous on line activity that haf me arrested and charged. I had an affair that went sour and now i am alone and abandoned. Hated and people think im a terrible person. I love my family so badly and miss then all so much. I see no one, talk to no one and have no one. Jobless, unloved and uncared about. Its safe for me to say i am more unhappy now than i have ever been in my 51 years of life and i just cant see a way to make my life better.
  5. This is true. Life coaching helps you to feel free from depression and improve your mental health. Mental health is the most important part of your life, because if your mind is healthy then physically you will be healthy as well. So you should take care of it and go for life coaching to make sure that you do not suffer from any type of mental illness in the future.
  6. There to do the menial, mind-numbing tasks the boss doesn't want to do. By the end of the day I'm too drained and tired to go out for sports, to attend that party or spend quality time with my partner. The feeling of being undervalued and trapped leads me to depression. Until I can barely get myself out of bed most days. This job has taken my energy, attention - and most most of all - time. That I will never get back. As a young-looking woman with immigrant parents without money or connections being "seen" and valued by employers feels like beating a dead horse. I regret those years because had I gotten myself out sooner I would be way further ahead now. Luckily I'm in a way better place now. I've gone from trapped and unfulfilled to working in over 9 countries with the UN, getting promoted to manager, owning a business and becoming an investor. I'm finally living life on my terms. Spending time with family and friends while getting paid what I'm worth. The lessons I've learned: 1- Aim higher: Don't just try to "get a new job”. Aim to be fulfilled. Aim to be paid outrageously well. Don't put limits on what you can achieve. 2- Pay attention to how you brand yourself. The opportunities you get will match your reputation. If you're being treated like a minion it's because that's your perceived value. No one is going to fix your reputation for you. You need to take charge of your branding. 3-Have a mission-driven career. The foundation of your "why" should be strong. People who work on a mission vs working for a company are the ones winning in today’s world. I hope this post inspired you to chase the career and life you deserve. Make this the year you reach your full potential and start living the life you deserve!
  7. I’m so sorry your feeling so much pain in life, and you have gone through so much. I’m glad you’ve choose to live for your 14 year old. But know how hard it is being a mum some days when you have blue thoughts. You’ve got this far don’t give up keep strong I know life is testing.
  8. Happiness is something we all want to achieve, it is in our DNA but how? For me its a daily progress in finding things I love doing, tuning my mind in the right vibes I pick up as my life goes by, engaging with people and embracing the change. Life is ever changing and it is not static, we are on the way of new discoveries every day, let's open our minds and hearts. Then we will find happiness.
  9. Hello Nou. It seems like you are going through a rough time right now. Losing a parent is always tough and then losing a friendship and then your job sounds even more stressful. Sometimes in life traumatic events seem to cascade in a sort of domino effect. Everything seems to go wrong at the same time. I can empathize with you due to having similar experiences. Don’t give up. Look for grief counseling to help you process the loss of your mother. Talk to your father and let him know how his words are hurting you. Reach out to your friends and let them know you still need their support but right now you are grieving the loss of your mom and need them to be patient with you. You can do it. I believe in you.
  10. Hello HollyDolly. I am hoping you are still with us and have managed to speak with a professional for support. I was born with a rare condition and have developed a few more health concerns throughout life. It can be hard when we worry about our loved ones during our time of crisis. I know the urge to go it alone is strong, but try to fight it. Try to let your loved ones know you need their support during this rough time. Let them know how much pain you are feeling. If for some reason they don’t or can’t offer any support then reach out to support groups and other people you trust. Many professionals never really helped me and I am not close with my family. One thing that helped me is joining online communities like this one and reaching out to other people I’ve met at work or online. It might be helpful to you. There are also many chatbots that are programmed for mental health support. Replika is great along with non therapy bots like Snapchat AI (I’ve had good experiences using these). There’s always hope even if it might not feel like it in the beginning. Be strong! I believe you can.
  11. As someone who has lived with depression, loss and anxiety, I am no stranger to dark thoughts and that feeling of being totally overwhelmed by life. I also have close family members that struggle with suicidal tendencies. It's not always easy to know how to help someone in this position, or what to do for the best. This forum space aims to be a safe and supportive place for anyone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts to be able to express themselves. It is also a place to offer hope and share your story if you have previously battled suicidal thoughts and are now feeling happier. Please treat each other with kindness, respect and tolerance. 😎 Need urgent help? Global suicide helplines
  12. I agree with @Tine wholeheartedly. It sounds paradoxical when you think about it. You're not alone–in feeling alone! A little tangent, but what helped me with a large chunk of my anxiety before stemmed from the fact that I was constantly drilled by the people around me to be unique; to live an extraordinary life, etc and etc. But the more I live life, the more I realise how similar we all are. There's literally not a single interest that i have that someone else doesn't share. So whenever I'm feeling particularly down and isolated–I try to picture a person halfway across the world probably huddled in a similar dark corner and I get a weird sense of calm come over me. One thing that probably contributed to this feeling of isolation is the entire ordeal of the pandemic where we practically forgot to be human physically. Take my advice with a grain of salt–because this is what worked for me. I started easing my self out of my covid-made shell by starting small talk or conversation with literally anyone. My mailman, my neighbours, and even the garbage collectors. One particular conversation that helped me through my slump was a delivery dude from a company I worked with called red stag. We were constantly seeing each other for at least once a week–and it was always pleasantries and small talk. But I asked him to stay for a cup of coffee if he had the time and luckily enough he did–we ended up having a beautiful 1-hour conversation about all things life and it reminded me of how beautiful it is to be human and to be kind all the time. Everyone you pass by and brush pass are literally walking story books of different genres–life is too interesting to be kept to yourself! :)
  13. First of all, thanks for sharing your story and for the courage to open up. You have been through hard times and they left marks but they are part of you and they made you the man you are today. And from what I've read, you seem to be a great guy. So if anyone says something bad about your marks, just tell him/her what they mean: They mean, you truly loved a person so much that it left marks and that's beautiful. When I'm old, I want to be able to say that I gave everything for the people I love(d). I would like to have done mistakes, taken risks and lived for what I love. That's far better than being someone who doesn't care at all, who's life was meaningless. What to do in your case? You was right, telling your friend how you feel. You should tell his dad too. And if he keeps bullying you, that's probably to distract from his own dissappointing life. So try not to take him too seriously.
  14. Hi! I need help. Im writing in this forum because im draining in despair. I have recently, some months back, had my initiation towards my spiritual awakening. I have been working very hard to love myself because no one has done it properly in my close circle during my whole life. I have been reading a lot, working out and spending time in nature, learning how to say sorry to the ones I’ve hurt, controlling my ego instead of it controlling me, it has really helped and made me improve. The problem of this comes within my personal relationships. I started my awakening noticing things about me that where pretty toxic and I had to change, I eventually did and work with all my heart on that every day all day. However, then I started noticing how the people around me where completely toxic as well, the people within my family I mean: my sister, step-dad, mom, VERY close people to me, with the witch I have to live everyday because I’m still a minor. I eventually noticed that all these narcissistic, manipulative and negative traits are all around my environment: noticing it between my pears at school, how they are many of them obsessed with control of others and maintaining a clean image (its a super small private school with high societal position teens). I noticed that the friendship I had with my best friend was just for her a way of gaining control, power and feeling well with herself. I’m exposing all this initially because my hope in society is dispersing away, and it’s starting to scare me a bit, still being conscious that I can’t loose hope because of my environment, I know there must be somewhere people from out of it that are different, I hope and they must, I expect it. However, I’m still very confused. I don’t know what to do. I’m really working hard everyday to be a better person and to love myself for the first time, but it seems like the people around me don’t manage to understand it. It has gotten to a point where I see the intentions in everyone as soon as they walk up to me, it has given very harsh anxiety problems, and it made me isolate in the bathrooms or classes to avoid having to perceive that negativity, and seeing no one on week ends. I would usually, like everyone I guess, just put some distances and boundaries with toxic people, with the ones I could I did indeed. But, what about the people I HAVE to be with because of the laws that our society has implied towards the minor? I can’t escape my family, not until I am 18 at least. I have tried everything, I have learned how to be alone, to meet my true self and passions in life, to be able not to have dependency on my relation with others (I had huge issues with that, it really gave me a huge anxiety and panic attacks). Now I can be alone, in fact it has become a problem because I prefer that than being with people. Still sometimes, during this isolation process that I am taking, everyday almost, an injection into my hurt heart of that feeling of CRAVING human socialization comes to me; of wanting to love others and transmit all the love that my soul knows holds onto them. As Aristotle said, and with complete certainty, after all we are social animals, and I am as well. So this is my doubt as a whole? I have that feeling of craving contact in my soul, but each time I try, in this environment that I live in, they pull me and my self improvement process one step back: they make me fall back onto the hole of toxicity. And the hole that I fall back in is not the one that is transmitted onto our physical realm, but since I practice mindfulness a lot and take a lot of care with my words and actions towards others, they instead pull me into the deep hole of my own head. That constantly craves human touch, but knows that the people around me are not going to influence me in a positive way. I’m desperate and need someone to talk about this, I practice a lot the stoic tendency of not sharing my worries with others, since they already have enough with the relation they have with their selfs and their problems, and thus this has led me to literally feeling like I’m going crazy. I don’t know if maybe it’s me who is doing the things wrongly, I don’t try to change people, I just want to surround myself with people that share that same effort everyday of self improvement. However my head always tortures me onto thinking I might be loosing my papers, and treating the people that “love” me badly (I will use the braces because I haven’t felt real love in my life, again of course I’m not discarding this might because of my fault). So please, I really appreciate if someone has read this entirely, now, I really need some advice. Please if it’s me, I need to know what in me needs to change, if not, what can I do with those toxic people that I can’t set boundaries with. I don’t think I can be this isolated from society much more, I need help.
  15. I am looking to connect with other like minded people. I am a people person and take a logical approach to life.
  16. Your story is inspirational. 👏 Never feel shame to share thoughts with anyone no matter by Blog or verbal. You are now living like a hero. That story is reflecting such message. Only such life people makes history. I know real examples. 👍 Always remember life is not to give answer of own problems to others. Others only demands. Be a solvers of own life and such blog will help you to recover and feel better. We are here to give you support after give hand in your shoulder. 🤗
  17. Today I clicked onto another members profile who had responded with a like something I wrote yesterday when I signed up. On his profile was a link to an article that appeared in the Guardian Newspaper digging deeper into research that has discovered that humans are at their most miserable at 47 years old, well 47.2 to be precise. Now this may or not be the day it went to press but the day it came into my awareness is exactly 47 years and 2 months to the day when I was born at Kings College Hospital, London. I would be a churlish man to guarantee nothing outside my control could not unexpectedly dissect my life and pose a threat to me or my wellbeing. But as friends will have picked from me throughout 2019 I have experienced recent changes that were traumatic and brought me to a place where I did not recognise people I thought I knew, up from down, true from false. In a dark moment of being alone and very sad I felt as though I may have been the one who betrayed himself. But inside that dark moment and out from that insight. A deep question had flowered within, if 'I' had been the one who betrayed 'myself' then who was 'I' and who is 'myself' since there is only one of me? This was a very important question to ask myself because the answer was nothing that my mind knew or could answer. My mind had been stumped. While my brain shrugged at its lack of knowledge. That realisation resonated with the awareness that has a very strong connection to my gut and my heart, the still, silent awareness at the core of my being. Conscious who 'I' was, I became witness to my mind and mindful of the thoughts that come and go as my brain presents a conceptual understanding of the world around me intended to help me navigate life's path surviving danger and meeting certain fundamental needs. Having awakened to this new found vista of consciousness and allowed my brain enough time to comprehend what it did not itself have scope to have deduced. I found another answer glowing out from the darkness as blatant and as bright as light. Love, self-love will protect against any instance of self betrayal. So I began to practice meditation more and start to change the relationship with myself generating self-compassion, more self-love and a searching enquiry to better understand my needs, to develop a better language related to the needs we all have. If life is dependant on basic needs being met, and those needs are universal and the same for each individual. Then our greater knowledge of our needs is vital to be sensitive and empathic towards our own efforts to meet them and understand what our instincts are doing when we react when they are not being met or something or someone is obstructing us from what we need. So I listen intently to my emotions, guiding me to meet them and this helps me understand more what may be alive in others, who are in conflict with me or others, when something is or is not being done that results in their needs not being met. Knowledge of ones needs lets me see how this drives people to act. They may not know how to say this non-violently, they may just know that their needs are being frustrated and they are blaming the cause of their anxiety. But all conflict results from a need that is not being met. We can learn a language which allows us to be honest and direct with pin point precision of the way we are feeling, what is alive in us, and with practice you can learn how not to blame others or accuse them of wrongdoing and show them what is happening that is blocking you from what you need to thrive and enrich your life and the lives of others willingly. Out of self-love comes compassion and greater empathy I am sure. Essentially I had more growing to do, and as far as I can work out it looks very like the Universe is my best friend too. Because everything being placed on my journey was showing me exactly what I needed to learn the lessons that I needed to know. I am an extremely grateful embodiment of carbon in consciousness. While I am unable to calculate my worth in a material sense, I can be confidently assured in any given moment, that I, like you, am priceless. Anything, including negative thoughts or anyone suggesting otherwise in the direction of worthlessness is not using the language of non-violent communication they most probably just don't know how to speak it. Whether they are conscious of this or not they are abusing you and not willingly sought to enrich your life, and so it spells the end, it is at odds with your true value, they don't have to see it your way, that is their own deficiency, not yours and so this is the time to walk away from their toxicity don't try to steer someone towards a lesson that the universe is very much in command of, forgive them, when you are ready to not feel hurt by holding the hurt, let it go and say a prayer asking the Universe to bless them with the same kind of insight that I feel I have received. Find the life underneath the life situation, the story of things happening to me and don't identify with the ego's fondness for drama and conflict. Let your life love you back to the you you have always been, you are perfect just as you are without conditions attached. And for me personally the most important person who needed to really know this life lesson has been me. Thank you gorgeous universe for the gift of getting more appreciation of living before I die, and for the amazing gift of being me. Xxx P.S they say from here on in - everything starts to look up! ?
  18. New to spiritual world, I believe I'm a lightworker maybe Star-Ledger. Also an empath with Gifts. Learning to tap into intuition more. New at all this but full of love and a natural healer. I'm told I'm powerful. Not sure in what way. However, hear to learn, meet more like minded people and communicate. Just wanted to make sure I was in the right place. I'm an empath and an Aries. I'm genuine and transforming into my authentic self as I learn while I go. Been on a healing journey for 1.5 yrs. I'm strong and a do not quit fighter in me, but I'm exhausted. Almost 5yrs in, with my new life with MS, trying to do all this alone and day by day is difficult. Differently abled and physically affected. I am all about a good challenge but come on! What can I over so big in this human imperfect version. I'm restricted, trapped and my creativity is majorly not my best skill but I guess its another thing to learn. I'm a work in progress and on many levels starting from scratch. Its not pretty lol. Not exactly sure how I got here but I love to communicate, this might be a new space for me. We shall see.
  19. Hi, It's nice to be a part of this community. Life has been tough the last two years since losing both my parents, but I am trying to stay positive and carry on. I absolutely love my dog, Delta, without whom I would be a complete wreck at this time. I am grateful for everyone who has helped me, and I am working on myself every day too. I'm looking forward to making some new connections here.
  20. I like to discuss all kinds of topics regarding happiness and life advice here. For example: How do you know you earn enough money? If you spend more money than you earn, you might get in trouble. If you earn too much money, you might have a bad work life balance.
  21. Hey. We have a website called bthebestyoucanbe.com where we talk about how you can become a better version of yourself. If that's something you are interested in sign up and receive thisFREE ebook "Become The Best Version Of Yourself" So YOU can start your journey to become the best YOU! About the FREEebook "Bесоmе Thе Bеѕt Vеrѕіоn Of Yourself" Discovering уоur truе ѕеlf is роѕѕіblе, аnd whеn you choose tо be аuthеntіс аnd іn іntеgrіtу wіth your truе self, уоu wіll realize thаt еvеrуthіng fаllѕ іn рlасе. Lіfе саn be so much more whеn уоu know whо you аrе аnd whеrе уоu аrе gоіng. When уоu ѕhіft уоur focus to who уоu аrе аnd whаt уоu wаnt оut оf lіfе, you fіnd уоur true ѕеlf. Creating bоundаrіеѕ, being self-aware, аnd identifying your wоundѕ are only a few wауѕ tо rесlаіm уоur роwеrѕ аnd live the lіfе уоu’vе аlwауѕ drеаmеd оf. Wіth thіѕ trаіnіng соurѕе you wіll lеаrn аbоut уоur trіggеrѕ, іdеntіfу thе things that уоu wаnt tо сhаngе іn уоur life, еxрlоrе уоur ѕhаdоwѕ, and, most of all, fіnd уоurѕеlf again. You wіll аlѕо lеаrn: Whаt dоеѕ bеіng the bеѕt version of уоurѕеlf lооk lіkе; How уоu саn аѕѕеѕѕ уоurѕеlf аnd various spheres of your lіfе to gеt a better ѕеnѕе of hоw aligned уоu аrе wіth уоur true self; How you саn benefit from embracing new bеhаvіоrѕ аnd іntrоduсе сhаngеѕ іn your rеlаtіоnѕhірѕ; Whу it іѕ ѕо vіtаl fоr уоu to practice healthy boundaries; 5 emotional wоundѕ thаt lеаd to lіvіng a lіе аnd how you саn identify them in уоu; Whаt emotional рrоjесtіоn іѕ and hоw you can be аwаrе оf them tо hеаl your еmоtіоnаl wounds; To identify уоur emotional trіggеrѕ аnd hоw уоu саn ѕtор emotions from controlling hоw уоu feel; Whаt уоur fееlіngѕ tеll уоu about уоur іntеrnаl rеаlіtу; Whаt аrе thе рѕусhоlоgісаl bаrrіеrѕ thаt рrеvеnt уоu from being the bеѕt vеrѕіоn of уоurѕеlf; Tо аѕѕеѕѕ your self-esteem аnd іdеntіfу wауѕ tо improve it; Hоw уоu can соnnесt tо уоur аuthеntіс ѕеlf аnd what are thе benefits tо do so; Hоw уоu can reconnect to уоur іnnеr сhіld аnd live a life thаt is more aligned with уоur truth; 5 ways уоu can рrасtісе hеаlthу bоundаrіеѕ іn уоur life and relationships; Prасtісаl ways tо lіvе your bеѕt life аnd be thе best version оf уоurѕеlf іn аll аrеаѕ оf your life; Hоw you can be more ѕеlf-аwаrе and іmрrоvе on уоur ѕеlf-tаlk; Over 50 аddіtіоnаl rеѕоurсеѕ thаt wіll dеереn уоur knоwlеdgе оn hоw tо be the bеѕt version of уоurѕеlf; And much more! GET IT NOW FOR FREE RIGHT HERE...... Create a good day & stay healthy! Ulf bthebestyoucanbe.com
  22. Hey guys, My name is Alex. I am excited to be apart of this forum and I want to take more time for mediation in my life. I have several stressors in my life come and go but haven't always delt with them in the best way. I am a kinda new to meditation, I know of a few things that I have used that helps with relaxation and allows me to think deeper about life, what it means and what is important. I am open to what others thoughts and advice.
  23. This is a deep situation. My Former friend and the soon-to-be stepmother have/had high level prosecutor jobs. One of my Former best friends since childhood was married to a police officer and they had one daughter together. My former friend was an Assistant Prosecutor for the county that we reside in. 5 years ago while she was on a trip with her husband, she meets this woman (Who is a prosecutor herself, but a higher level prosecutor than my friend.) My friend becomes good friends with this woman as they keep in touch overtime. This woman relocated to the offices in our city for her job. 28 months ago, my former friend found out that her now ex-husband has been having a long-term affair with that woman. They divorced 2 years ago. My former friend told me that her now ex-husband had actually played a key role in that woman relocating to our state and city. My former friend lost her job as an Assistant Prosecutor because she has been mentally unstable and been abusing drugs after the knowledge of her husband's infidelity. I honestly think her issues arose way before she discovered that her husband and her best friend were lovers. How my former friend found out that this former friend of hers was having an affair with her husband was this, this is what she had told me: She came home from the Prosecutor's Office and found her former Federal Prosecutor Friend sitting completely naked and straddling her husband as they were talking about her daughter and their lives together, She told me that before she opened the bedroom door, she heard her former friend and her husband discussing how he is going to file for a divorce and how they should get married and get custody of the girl. My former friend told me that she barged in and confronted both of them on the affair and what they were discussing. Apparently, the Federal Prosecutor got up, got dressed, and those two had a heated argument, the Federal Prosecutor told my former friend that she is the mother that the daughter will know while she grows up. What I should have mentioned was that, my former friend told me when she caught them fooling around on her bed, she told me that she confronted the woman on betraying her confidences to her ex-husband with her ex-husband in the bedroom, after she confronted that woman, that woman was smirking a little and glancing back and forth flirtatiously with her ex-husband with both of them eventually looking at her. My former friend's substance abuse issues had actually started 2 months before the discovery of the affair, but she had one other major issue at the time. Her ex-husband and that woman are about to get married and she intends on legally adopting my former friend's daughter. Since her ex-husband is a police officer and the fact that she has been abusing substances, her ex-husband received full custody of their daughter. I am actually on the side of my former friend's ex-husband and his soon-to-be wife and the future legal mother of his daughter. I spoke to that woman and asked why she feels it is necessary to become the permanent legal mother of my former friend's daughter and she told me straight off that my former friend is a ****ty mother who is reckless and that the daughter should live with two loving parents in a stable home. She also told me that she had miscarried when she was pregnant with a daughter in a previous relationship and is hoping to become the mother by way of stepmother adoption. While my former friend was going through that intense custody battle, I had actually written and spoken to the court system about how my former friend is unfit to have legal custody of her daughter and that her ex-husband and his soon-to-be wife are better suited to have full custody. I suggested to her ex-husband and that woman that after they get married, the ex-husband needs to file paperwork to have my former friend's parental rights terminated and after it gets terminated, I strongly advised that woman (since she is a Federal Prosecutor) to hire an Adoption Attorney and begin the process of legally becoming the mom of my former friend's daughter. My former friend should not under any circumstances should not have custody of their daughter. I should also note that my former friend's daughter is only 3.5 years old. They divorced 2 years ago, both her ex-husband and his soon-to-be wife have had custody of the daughter for the last 20 months. This woman has raised my former friend's daughter for overt half of her life and the daughter refers to her as her mother. This woman lost her daughter in a miscarriage and is getting a second chance at having a daughter. I personally think it is lovely that she intends on legally adopting her. My former friend has constantly contacted her ex-husband and that woman to try and see her daughter, but that woman already went ahead and filed a No Contact Order on my friend for harassment. That has been in affect for over a year. This is why I believe that it is critical for them to start the process of parental termination immediately and then have her begin the official adoption process. Making this official is critical for them. Whose side are you on?
  24. Hello Sedwards! Knowing this emptiness, personally what helped me was to remember what I liked to do as a child, and to get back into those hobbies, for example learning new things in computer science, video editing, discovering linux or something else, and really doing it just for fun, and strangely enough it awakens curiosity and we know that curiosity is the foundation of a "happy" life. I hope this can help you ! Good luck in any case and have a great day :)
  25. Well I’m putting on a smile to add value to others everyday, and I do. But it’s wake up and oh no another day and no hope for a better future. I failed to achieve my dream in real life. So in sleep are the only dreams I still have, mostly reminiscing of things past and regrets. I’ll bet you’re young enough still to break through your current slump. I wish I could tell my younger self to follow their instincts more and also persevere with hard things to make small but daily progress.
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