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  1. Glad to be part of this community. Peace and love to you all. 🌸 (RUNAKKO).
  2. It is well Phil 😊. Continue to hold on, there is a season for everything. No situation stays the same, tables are bound to turn in due time. May peace find you, may you be revived, and strengthened in the Lord. Soldier on my brother 🌸
  3. HI Everyone, great to join a forum of like minded people. I'm trying to get on the path to peace and happiness through meditation and getting to know people who's aim is to find peace (It's a struggle for me, but I will get there) Phil
  4. We are praying that the war and bas happenings will come to an end, and finally live with peace. 😇 Be strong, we are praying for the safety of everybody! 🤗
  5. Welcome! I'm for world peace too, but I guess it's not going to happen, because as soon as some country lowers it's weapons, some other country will use that to it's advantage. So it's complicated. Unfortunately, lots of civilians suffer from war and I hope, your life can go back to normal soon.
  6. Hello everyone 👋❤️😊. I'm Irina. I'm from Ukraine. It is war here for now😔. Death and distractions😭. I am looking for friends who are for world peace. Take care of yourself ❤️.
  7. Take me for instance, I come from a well off family, went to university and got 2 degrees from my time there! But something in me couldn’t bare going into the corporate world give my whole life to that! I found that I would eventually be miserable if I don’t do something different. So I said to myself; how about I take a few years to myself, with no eventual savings, or anything that would give me security outside me being a living soul and seeing if I could survive. So I pack the little clothes I could, and left everything behind, from friends, family to romantic relationships, I mean everything including all my life accomplishments. And I went away to figure out if I could make a life without conforming to the norm. And to cut the long story short, it was the best thing I have ever done, and i did this at 26 years old, and I’m now 30 years and I can’t imagine a life with the blended masses. I am completely content with knowledge, and I love quiet and boredom doesn’t exist to me, because nature has become my world and it’s educational to my benefit and also, I find peace in learning.. and having the right desires that have pushed me to be healthy in my thoughts and even down to my actions and things that excite me are simply eating vegetables, water, learning to grow myself even more into inner peace and inner satisfaction … I then challenged myself back into the normal world, reconnect with my family and the ways of this world to see if I can bring my world into this way of life, but wow all of it is loud and it really tastes bitter to my inner being, from the conversations people like to talk about, it’s all draining and full of problems and strife or meaningless things like Instagram and tik toks that I find boring… I allowed myself to watch Netflix with family but most of it promotes greed, lust and sexual desires that take us away from truly being. Obviously I’ve left out so much.. but maybe that can give you a more insight to why I think the way I do. So I’m really struggling to remain in this way, and my family are so attached and holding on to me so much that, I hate to hurt their feelings and go live next to the beach and mountains away from the city by myself but I have this huge craving to never come back this time. So that’s scares me, hence I’ve come on this app. Hoping to meet people to maybe talk about stuff like this, haha so cool to have had you ask the question you asked… Also I find it good for me to finally say it to myself that I’m ready to exist and go live off grid for good. And I haven’t met people who are like minded, in the past I was ok with that. But I think it would be even better if I had a community of people like me around me but better a partner to walk with but apart from that super content … with just me. And don’t get me wrong, a dinner by myself at a cool restaurant, ahhh amazing times at the beach all afternoon, movies at a cinema with a great movie showing like DUNE or something by myself has been wonderful but it’s not my reason for joy. Knowledge is. And when I do get to meet someone and have a conversation after 4 months of no interactions and by that I mean a real intentional conversation , the day I do… it’s very special and I appreciate it more because it’s not something I have placed a great deal of depends on but it has because a mere moment in time… There’s nothing that compares to when everything is quiet and it’s just me and my surroundings, and I’m alone in my thoughts, because of all the knowledge and understanding I’m at my most peace and enjoyment and it’s hard to give that up! Because for me it’s a real reality …
  8. We can keep it alive by not assuming peace to be boredom. To train the mind through knowledge and that truly transforms and renews the mind to understand that peace are inner states that come through proper knowledge and knowledge, not external things. We can not rely on “going out for movies, dinners, value on cars, or things because things are physical experiences that only please us for the moment. Anything that comes from the external world cannot be the reason to maintain and keep our state alive. By the way, you are super involved on this app, and that’s a very commendable trait and says a lot about who you are, and I respect you for it and you are relatively a great human! So keep helping people and engaging these helpful conversations! Many thanks!
  9. I disagree. I think that problems distract people from adapting a long state of mind of peace and joy. Better to have a life governed by a more healthy inner state and less by the negative aspects that stem from outside circumstances. And problems prevent us from maintaining such a strong mental state long term. I think focusing on my inner peace, joy and love based on knowledge that trains my mind to be in an inner state of peace naturally without finding comfort in external things is what makes me alive. And would love to eliminate my external problems because they always come in between my love for peace and quietness of mind and life. I’m okay with problems but it should be like 10% problems and 90% peaceful state. So I can enjoy even the little things like going for dinner and so on.
  10. Hi Tine, By Alternative Health I mean practices that are beneficial to health and does not involve taking prescription drugs. I am currently practising guided meditation and hypnosis for 30 mins in the morning and night. And I notice that the things that bother me before no longer bother me. I feel more content and at peace. I am also recieving abundance in all areas of my life, home, work and business. Especially now when there are so much negative news around with the media talking about cost of living crisis. What crisis? I wish people will discover meditation and hypnosis to manifest what they want. That's what I mean by alternative health and wellbeing.
  11. Dear Community, Hello, I am Sorai, a soul of the sky who came to Earth to experience, and share in new ways. I value love, peace, happiness, exploration to name a few. Love to talk with friends and would like to make new friends around the world for 1 to 1 chat as well as here on the forum. I like to talk about interesting things mixed with philosophy/spirituality, such as self-cultivation and happiness cultivation. I practice Shen Shing Famen Qigong, Zen Meditation, Aikido, and Taekwondo. Some questions to spark our discussion are: • You can do anything at all in existence; what do you do? • What do you like to watch, listen to, read, or do for hobbies • You take a walk or ride anywhere, whether normally accessible to humans or not. Where do you go? I would walk the sky and make love. Also walk the depths of the ocean and the oldest and most lush forests. Maybe try a walk in the desert I like Shark Tank and am re-reading Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
  12. Being in Love. The whole world is magical, joy love and peace spring up from deep inside the earth and inside me, life is like the sky
  13. The inner peace is the piece that has always been missing, people have tried numerous ways to find it, but only some seemed to have found it. Allow....please allow me to make it easier for you.
  14. It's been all my life I'm one who is friends with the town the good bad n ugly our peace officers and the ones who aren't but opposite I have always been the good guy the one to talk to when your down and so I get some shady characters I use to be in the bar night . And by the chance I dot like you them you've done something pretty damn bad most likely should and lied to me I can't stand neither they both go hand n hand ass bags
  15. I’ve been meditating off and on for a couple weeks but for the past week I’ve been doing 20 minutes regularly every morning and evening. The benefits are almost unreal to me. I mentioned this in a previous post but I’ve always been a hardcore skeptic, and meditation does sometimes have some “new-age” baggage attached to it. But after practicing it for a little while I honestly feel so content and at peace, I feel like I have superpowers. I was so depressed and anxious and now I feel like nothing can faze me. I feel physically more relaxed and I’m not carrying as much tension as I used to. I’ve never understood religion or spirituality but I imagine this is how born-again Christians must feel. I understand why some people gravitate so much toward the spiritual side of it, and I feel like I don’t have as much anger towards religion as I used to. I’m fully aware I could be experiencing a “honeymoon phase” but I’m truly hopeful and I feel like meditation may be changing my life.
  16. How can we measure the connection between dreams and success? Most of us are continually dreaming about some type of success in life. It can be a dream not related to material wealth, but to inner peace, gratitude, and being kind when ideas contradict ours. When people say: "you are a dreamer" what it mean? I would interpret it as a positive or negative statement?
  17. You're very welcome and I apologize for the rant lol I honestly understand where you're coming from. I've been the person people liked to "unload" on. Don't feel too obligated that you unable to protect your own peace. Remind yourself it's ok to be selfish and put yourself first if necessary. Those who truly appreciate you will respect your time, space, and energy🙂
  18. To heal from one situations and another is to deeply realize ourselves only with these words , i am sorry for all i have done to every person we need to say it.Although it wont solve everything, but at least it will grow the peace in our heart
  19. I'm a Nicheren Buddhist. I help people heal and find peace, based on Buddhist principles. I sometimes get very drained. Emotionally exhausted. How can I lift myself from this state?
  20. Hi all...I am new to everything going on in my life right now...but I am experiencing something that I believe is an awakening. I know in my heart there is purpose for my new thoughts, visions, feelings etc. But I have no idea how to go about it all. It is overwhel.ing. my husband's battling some very bad "things" and needs help, and I am now experiencing what he is, but not in the same way. I do not fear it, as much as they try...I am driven to figure out how to banish it to save my family that is falling apart. I feel that time is of the essence. Pictures turn to movies and I am drawn to certain people and places that look different to me...I feel that it is bigger than I thought and that there is an unresolved situation that I am to figure out and bring peace and justice for. Wherever I am lights shine noticeably brighter...I asked God gorguidance and I know he is here with me. Nothing is of coincidence anymore, but as things become clearer they become more complicated if that makes sense. I physically feel drained, foggy, nauseated and in immense pain, but I keep going. I have to. I need some insight and help...if anyone could take the time because I am alone during this journey and trying to make sense of this feeling that my child and husband are in danger and much more...
  21. I was a bit curious to discover more as you say living a neutral life means ´without focusing on positive or negative thoughts' but then a few lines down say 'But only that let go off all negative thoughts and focus on positive actions.' So, I wonder what pure neutral living means – not focusing on either negative OR positive? Perhaps by either not focusing on negative or even positive thoughts, part of what you're advocating is the calm and peace the silence of 'not thinking' bring to the mind? I certainly see that as one of the clear benefits of living a neutal life and something I try to practise. Sure, it's nice to revel in the moments of joy, but not 'chase' them so much. It seems similar to the Buddhist principle of equanimity where your mind stays calm and peaceful, even when you are facing challenging situations/discussions. Would love to know more about the techniques you suggest!
  22. There are different ways to achieve balance and peace of mind. I already said in one of the topics that the financial side concerned me first of all. I have children and I began to actively explore opportunities for crypto currency. I have never been an expert in this area, but the lockdown gave me time to understand that this path is quite real.
  23. People have changed, no one cares, no one cares, it is hard to survive in this world.Everyone wants to be happy, what is happiness and word of mouth,The person holding the hand will also see how much money you have in your pocket😁There is nothing to do. Mother of peace is dead.
  24. My whole life since my childhood I never had felt any warmness of love and acceptance ,since then I was struggling to love my self and I had a low self esteem.I was afraid to create strong relationship bonds and getting closer to people because on my mind I always thought that I Will always be rejected,feeling unloved and betrayed.My life changed when I encountered Jesus Christ through God,developing a personal relationship with God allowed me to surrender and heal from my past experiences,I started to open up my heart and I felt an unexplainable love with a warm feeling that I never felt ever since.My life changed and I began to love God;myself,my loved ones as well as other human beings,it was that easy hence my heart was flowing with living water and filled with love..I am still in the process of healing and God is still restoring and manifesting..It Is all possible with God..Your life could change for the better forever..Allow God which leads to light,joy,peace and love..If you really wanna know about true love try this God who loves you even when you dont ....I still have more to share..Be blessed..
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