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  1. Hi Rimi. Have you watched Ven Canda’s talk on YouTube “Peace through Contentment”? I think you would appreciate It🙏
  2. Hello (new here)! Here is my definition: Happiness is finding the beauty in everything. All the people and nature, God. And whimpering to yourself from the sheer enormity of the beauty you can sense in everything. It means that you could know the love that God put into all the bits and pieces of some kind of thing. Or you could see the beauty of someone and it means that you have overcome that negative thinking you did about them. You mend the breakd you have in relationships only to find peace. It means you worked on becoming a well-adjusted person in the world. Happiness is seeing the world different than all the people who do not want to participate. You love life and you LIVE. You do not take like for shame. And you do not take life for granted because you have to live like there is no tomorrow. There is no guarantee that there is a tomorrow. You love life. God let's you in that He loves you, and it brings together all the pieces. It shatters the thought you were only mildly good enough for anyone.
  3. Relative to mindfulness meditation - where does mental activity fit that i would normally be characterized as "creative daydreaming", or "mental problem solving"? My understanding of mindfulness is that i should simply notice past/future non-constructive mental chatter, and then bring my attention back to some present experience (like breathing). But what about "constructive" mental chatter? Where does that fit? Is it possible to meditate on a mental problem, where if i notice that i'm drifting away from the problem, then i non-judgmentally re-focus back on the problem (as i would with breath)? Would constructive problem-solving/daydreaming still be considered mindfulness meditation? What are you thoughts on this? Peace.
  4. Helli, I am new here. Two months ago I became victim to an unjust system. I was accused to a crime I didnt commit and locked up without any chance to prove my innocence. The people from police to prosecutor were all paid off and now I have to pay money to someone who I paid already before the 25th of October. This person keeps sending me threats and ugly messages while taking every penny I earn. I know I will not make the deadline and because of the way things were done I wil end up serving time for something I did not do. All I want is freedom and peace of mind. I have accepted my fate but often wonder why this would happen to me. I am someone who bothers no one and goes above and beyond for those I care for
  5. 7020668528 for those who think they can bring peace into this planet
  6. The Peace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water. And I feel above me the day-blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. by Wendell Berry
  7. Hi everyone how are you peace be with you all........ I'm TheeYogi and I'm on my Intyre path to enlightenment..... What stated this path a life full of pain hurt and anger I was looking for a way out then I found something I found meditation I found crystal healing I found reiki I found the light...... And everyday is still a journey can anyone relate?
  8. I woud like to live my whole life in peace and simple with my spouse after five years. Because some responsibilities are still pending on my shoulder. I want to live life where no tension of money and liabilities. I want to serve my nation for giving support to children and youth to go for the future and also want they keep away from the drugs. I also want to give maximum time for preaching God.
  9. Personally, I think that the way to be at peace and happy in ones skin - is to truly embrace that there is no such thing as tomorrow, or yesterday or even coulda, woulda, shoulda. Our entireties belong in the here and now: the present...our presence is only ever felt in the present, at any single point we are the accumulation of all our memories, experiences and knowledge - you reach this place and your soul will sing. Everything we are, everything we have done, every love, loss, rejection, betrayal, surprise, pain and pleasure we have ever felt is all that we are. We cannot alter what has been, but whatever has been, has gone, and here you are. Accept it. Are you happy, do you feel that if you passed tomorrow (or that your wish to not wake at least was granted) it would be ‘fine’ or ‘ok’? Well, it is and it would be. The rock would still spin. But accept what has led you to here, accept it as it is alone for what it is (nothing) and you are then completely free to take each next step, next try, next laugh or cry without fear, worry or apprehension, your path hasn’t been trodden, your story yet to be told...our lights, our lives are boundless, attracting and repelling energies at all times in order to keep the balance. It’s rather lovely apparently 😬😊
  10. Namaste from Mumbai India,. I am osho Rajesh Mudgal An engineer ,A Osho lover Simple spiritual person believe in celebrating life in every step .. A yogi,meditator & facilities for spiritual activities .. Spreading love & peace unconditionally. Let's spread it to heal this wounded world... Om namah shivay
  11. Hello and welcome to happiness 🌈 I hope our community can help you on your journey for inner peace and happiness. A part from our forum, also have a look at the Magazine where you find lots of great articles, and the Academy where we offer a bunch of courses that might be interesting. Have a lovely week! 🌱
  12. Hello everyone...I am Pablo, a businessman from Guwahati Assam, India. After going through a lot of ups and downs on both my professional and personal life, I am in search for inner peace and happiness. Excited to find this group and looking forward to learning from you all like minded people
  13. Peace and blessings everyone! I am grate full that a site like this exist!
  14. God bless and keep you all. Peace happiness and love. Amen
  15. Hi Jenny, I'm new to this site as well and read everyone's response which is positive and real. Most of us have situations; and if we focus on the situations or problems then we will feel sad about life disappointments which are real. Focus on something positive that makes you smile. To say a daily positive affirmation can help. You can google those. Depending upon your sadness seek medical advise, consult with your doctor for help. When I feel perplex about a situation...my prayer life increases. I don't know your spiritual state, but I believe there is a God. I live in the US and of Christian faith. Through Christ I have peace. Not that I don't have issues, but I have peace. Many blessings!!!
  16. Good morning Dear friends, I'm Brother Yonten & am so pleased to meet you all. May you enjoy peace, happiness, freedom & good health throughout your lifetime ???
  17. That's a good question. I guess to me it means always aiming for peace by controlling what I allow into my life and having tools and strategies in place for the things I can't control that cause me stress. Many things have been proven to help reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, journaling, eating whole foods, being outdoors, having a good network of friends... Of course, it's not always easy to completely avoid stress, but it's definitely doable and it's good for both our mental and physical well-being.
  18. What matters is that some souls are loyal to the mind, not falling into years and holding youth by image saint. Echoes of wisdom by candle’s bright, orchestrated shades between the gentle light. Freedom of the noted speech in poetic rhyme, knowing the love source as delicate humane. Bearing off the longing searching riddle, chosen sacred bride as ever constant middle. Taken old crabbed mysteries into new perspective, cutting strains beyond life’s connective. Holding passion as strength of thought, the bounty of blossom from light of night besought. The firmament of changing peace and its multiple rights, captured reflections through many lives lights. Perplexed synchronicities in stories told, the old in the new forever bold. Torches of bewilderment raised by politics, hushes for the exited lunatics. Not seeing the picture of the text, and inquiring the if possible next. The solitary truth as implacable straight line realm, the wandering horizon of the architected dream. A livelong hour in a little story painted, when the moon swam in full by compassion sainted. The anxiety of that passionate youth, as miracle of knowledge introduced. Grow slowly exquisite spring blossoming dear, the songs of the fairy bird so gently near. Hearts of weary and wonder like the sea, cleansing waters by love’s inheritance to be free.
  19. I have found that by the end of the week my focus has increased substantially. I really do appreciate that space when the mind begins to settle and the thoughts can drift in and out freely without attachment. I found there were some days when it was extremely difficult. Fatigue and business kept me from really sinking in. But I trust it is a process and like any muscle takes time to grow and develop. I would like to continue to incorporate my sitting practice with every moment of my life. While I find it easier to sit and keep focused on my breath, I find at times in my daily life, even when I know it's better for me to just sit still and watch, the pull of the external world and my old habits sometimes pulls me from that peace. Patiently I shall work.
  20. At the dawn of the third decade of the 21st century, the existence of humankind has become highly perilous. We are cutting down our forests, exhausting our fresh water aquifers, and losing our vital top soils. We are stripping the life from our oceans and replacing it with hundreds of millions of tons of plastic waste. We are flooding our environment with toxic industrial chemicals. Our pollution is driving climate change that causes heat waves, droughts, and wild fires that shred the fabric of life on the continents. And we are bringing new generations into the world, millions who require access to the resources of a dignified existence. The scope and breadth of the threats to life are increasing day after day. This is not a sustainable mode of development.Goodreads, alexis karpouzos official siteThe root cause of our ills stems from a mistaken way of thinking. What exactly does this mean? it means that we have been thinking of ourselves mainly as material beings, while denying our spiritual nature. Because we think that we exist as material beings and nothing more, we place first importance on protecting our bodies from harm and prolonging our material existence. Our spiritual nature, if considered at all, is treated as a secondary aspect of our physical being—something not to be taken seriously. To us, the only things that matter are the phenomena that appear in the material world—things that can be seen, or heard, or touched, or measured, but we know that our senses deceive us, the senses are a construction of the brain. What we consider a real world is an illusion. The domination of the positivist and materialist thought leads to irrationality and destruction.IMDB, alexis karpouzos official siteYet where has this approach led us? Has it brought us a sense of happiness and fulfillment? Rather than living each day in a spirit of joyful cooperation, with our hearts filled with bright hope and happy anticipation, we have isolated ourselves from others and viewed them as rivals or enemies. Our thoughts are flooded with suspicion, fear and greed, leading to an endless cycle of war, poverty, starvation, and environmental destruction. Unless we wake up soon and pay attention to our spiritual nature, there will be no future for humanity on Earth.Words are life. Words are light. Words are power. Words are energy. Words are truth. Words can enliven and words can also kill. Words can give hope, or plunge us into despair. People use words to build peace, and use words to make war. Words can create walls between cultures, religions, and nations. And words can also build bridges. The existence of an individual, a family, a community, a country, and our planet is being led to good or to evil through the power of the words we speak. The words we speak are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We, therefore, must be responsible for the words we speak. On behalf of future generations, I hope that each of us will do all we can to speak only bright, light-filled words, so that one day, our descendants will be born into a world filled with light. There is no time to lose. Starting at this very moment, I hope all of us will take a close look at the words we have been using and make constant efforts to fill them with brightness.Amazon, alexis karpouzos official site No one is going to change our lives for us. No one is going to change the world for us. It is time for each of us to recognize the prodigious, creative power that is unleashed by each word we speak, and to consciously speak only words filled with gratitude, encouragement, and good intention. From this moment forward, let us choose words that resonate with love and forgiveness for ourselves and others. We can certainly do it if we take just one step forward. One step at a time, one word at a time, we can uproot the germs of tragedy and of isolation in our consciousness and convert them into waves of happiness and conciliation. For the sake of ourselves, for the sake of Mother Earth, and for the sake of future generations, let us use words that contribute to the positive evolution of humankind on Earth. alexis karpouzos, visual art1.mp4 alexis karpouzos_ The world in the flames.mp4
  21. Truly amazing I am completely in peace enjoying and comfort
  22. If anyone is struggling with depression and anxiety and have reached a plateau with medication, you may want to consider Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). I began my treatment in September 2019 and recently completed my 39 treatments. I must say that it was a very pleasant experience and I believe it made a profound change in my overall mental health. I continued psychotherapy during the treatments and joined a depression support group, which have availed me of tools and practices to maintain a positive outlook and stay the course. Most notably, the practice of mindfulness and the Law of Attraction have added a wonderful new dimension to my life that I can tap into on a daily basis. I have found peace after a long, uphill battle with chronic sadness and anxiety.
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