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  1. Today we are doing FREE personalized Moon Reading to explore the secret depths of your personality, relationships, and true purpose in life. Comment "ME" down below for your FREE readings.
  2. Hi, I thought I'd start this thread as I feel a bit lost with the Unpleasant Event Calendar. Being asked to focus on unpleasant events every day, I'm not sure what to do with these feelings I am focusing on. I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of this practice is, and if I'm doing it the right way. I've had quite a bad week this week and I'm not sure whether just collecting all these unpleasant experiences and writing them down is really helping. Welcoming any guidance!
  3. I got 20, but I think the questionnaire misses possibly the most important factor, and that is whether you're happy and fulfilled at what you do, or not. My workload, deadlines, responsibilities etc would probably be regarded as crazy to some people. And I would probably question it myself if I didn't find what I do as fun and exciting. I "explored" the idea of "purpose" in depth a few years ago while suffering serious lack of energy levels. The main cause of my energy level was lack of purpose and fulfilment. In short, the job I was at didn't inspire me. It was a means to earn money, and only that, which is not enough to keep me motivated. The stress therefore was resultant and therefore secondary to the lack of purpose and future ambition. Focusing on doing a job for money alone is toxic and sadly not a lot of people realise this. With the current state of what's going on in the world, a lot of people are focusing on money and health - but not in the correct way I feel. (I apologise to anyone who misinterprets what I'm trying to say here. It's not to make light of real anxieties etc). As hard as it may seem (and it can be quite the discipline to get used to), focusing on creating, focusing on looking for opportunities rather than problems, can give back a sense of ownership of one's universe. You become cause again, and not effect of what's going on. It increases your vibe, gives you more energy both mentally and physically. Follow your purpose!
  4. try A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, The Art of Happiness. these are really good books
  5. Hi, my names Andrew. Im new here and for me the journey to my happiness started from rock bottom. But, when I came accross the concept of numerology I looked into my own birth and name chart in great detail. The more I examined in detail my own number the more I began to realize I had a nack for conceptualizing number with purpose, from past to present and future. Furthermore I began to understand what angle numbers mean. Iv been noticing reaping numbers since a teenager and never completely understood the reason for seeing them, Untill I understood numerology. If anyone would like me to do a reading into your numerolgy chat Im open to helping anyone that wants to understand themselvs or maybe discover higher purpose.
  6. Dear Friends, it is well know that meditation has a positive impact on health. Lots of evidenced based studies have been carried out on with promising results. I am carrying out a study as my master's thesis asking the impact of meditation on the six dimensions of psychological well beings: Self-Acceptance, Personal Growth, Purpose in Life, Positive Relations With Others, Environmental Mastery, Autonomy. All of the six dimensions contributes to well being. In addition I am trying to see the change in selfview due to meditation practice (Self as an independent entity vs Self as connected to all beings). If you are interested in seeing the results and helping me to carrying out the study. Please take part of it. It is an an anonymous online study. Meditators and Non-meditators are required for this study. This study requires around 15min. It would be very helpful if you can support in carrying out the study and fill out the questions. The link to the study is https://www.soscisurvey.de/Selbstbild2022/ Nice greetings and thank you, Max
  7. Lol Funny enough. I did read it.... I wasn't even expecting a response. For me this site provides me with an outlet on the days that I am not okay, where my soul feels heavy, to come vent without shame. I guess when I talk to those that know me it doesn't register, cause to them I have a graduated , have a good job, make a living. So I have nothing to complain about... "My shame". That's the purpose and after I let it out the darkness reduces... Such platforms do have value.
  8. Very interesting and difficult task 😀 I am not so sure. Actually, I also tend to think like Lizzie. Quoting “Everything happens for a reason”. If I need to give some advice to my younger self: I would like to tell my younger self: “Start earlier in your life with meditation and find your purpose in life.” But I doubt this will work. I started meditation after certain life events. For me I had a stressful job. I need a solution. Luckily due to this problem/suffering, I found my jackpot. Ah. Now a thought just popped up, I have a concrete one for my younger self: My former education was in business administration. Working in the financial industry, makes me to taking decisions always after a “reasonable” calculation. But there are many things in life, which one can’t calculate this in terms of money. Don’t think too much in a materialistic/”reasonable” way. Even it looks like a stupid decision, if your wise and loving heart feels that this is the correct way, then go for it. Nice greetings from Vienna, Max
  9. Maybe let share abit about me, Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything.
  10. I have come to learn a lot about myself in times when I have been alone to do some really truthful self reflection on the choices I have made in my past. I have learned more about myself and what my purpose is here in my life. I have come to welcome peace into my life without apology for having to push others away in my past because those people whom I pushed away did not know or care about what I was going through in a personal way because they couldn't handle rejection. I have come to get over any guilt over saying no to choices that pleased other people more than myself.
  11. No, it doesn't. It actually becomes more meaningful. When family members are dead, they live on in you, in your mind, in your heart. So now it's your purpose to keep alive your families reputation and to enjoy life for them. Yes, that's the pretty painful phase of misery. We all have to go through it and it feels bad, but it's important, because in this time the memories about the lost one will burn into your brain, so you'll never forget them. It helps to talk to other family members about it, because you share the same feelings. Share your memories with them. I know it's hard, but keep going. Sun follows rain and there will be brighter days.
  12. Hi missa, always think about the positivity in your life. You were born for a purpose and shouldn’t waste your life for anyone. Remember all those hungry and dying people around the world. Remember there are still thousands of people starving and dying because of lack of even water. Compare them with whatever you are facing, compare their miseries with your life and you will still see lots of positive things in your life. If you wish we can chat in person. I am always here to listen to you.
  13. THE HEALING POWER OF LONELINESS Loneliness is not the absence of connection but the full presence of God and a total experience of the Self. It is total "isolation" which is not isolation at all from the perspective of Infinitude. Loneliness contains its own cure, if we are willing to dive in, courageously, or without any courage at all. The dive is everything. Loneliness is utterly misunderstood in our culture, or rather, it is only understood on a very superficial psychological level. Everyone is running from loneliness, keeping busy just to avoid it, never coming to know and taste its sweet and merciful healing nectar. For many, loneliness is an enemy, something shameful to be avoided or covered up at all costs. We reach outwards, habitually, automatically, unconsciously, just to keep our distance from loneliness, just to avoid the deafening silence at the heart of all creation. We fill our time and senses up, addict ourselves to projects, create false personas on social media, try to stay “connected” as much as we can, never letting ourselves rest, to avoid the “void” and the gaping chasm of loneliness. But in its terrifying depths, loneliness is not harmful or shameful at all; it is a highly misunderstood spiritual experience of Oneness with all creation, a full and life-giving immersion in the staggering beauty – and utter horror - of life itself, a deep and timeless connection to all living things. Loneliness is not an emptiness but a full presence and an abundance of life. It is pure potential and freedom and surrender all at once, but as long as we are running from it we will never know its nourishing, healing and transformative powers. Loneliness is not a negative state or some mistake in our being or biology, it is inherent in existence itself, built-in ontologically to our very consciousness and it transcends the psychological story. It is connection, not disconnection. It is wholeness, not lack. Loneliness is a naked spiritual state and subsumes all other states. It is an utter letting go, a paradigm of pure receptivity and perfectly tender openness. It is the ground of being itself, and the base of our subjectivity. We run from it at our peril. Nobody can experience our joys and sorrows for us. Nobody can live for us and nobody can die for us. Nobody can experience our own subjective reality, see what we see, feel what we feel, experience what we experience, love what we love, heal from what we need to heal from. We can act as witnesses for one another but we cannot enter each other’s subjectivity or breathe for each other or process each other’s pain. We exist in utter aloneness and uniqueness always, and this is true even when we are in deep connection and relationship. Our ability to relate authentically has its roots in our profound loneliness, and this is what makes every connection with another being such a miracle. When we run from our loneliness, we run from the miraculous and we run from ourselves. Without loneliness, we exist in utter spiritual poverty, no matter how 'evolved' we believe we are. Loneliness is a journey we must take alone. Like falling in love, or like dying, we must fall, without protection and without guarantees. Loneliness is the artist in the midst of creating something utterly new, the scientist on the verge of a breakthrough. Loneliness is the woman crying out on her deathbed, the child being born, the spiritual seeker kneeling prostrate before the ordinary world, the adventurer forging a new path in the dark forest. Loneliness is a risk, but utterly safe. Loneliness is the heart of trauma but it is a loving heart after all. Loneliness feels like shame and total abandonment from the perspective of the mind but for the soul loneliness is a full encounter with the timeless mystery of creation and an utter celebration of all there is. Loneliness takes us out of our minds. It breaks us, grinds us down to our essence, erodes us back to purity and innocence and beauty, brings us close to death but then rebirths us, stronger and more courageous than ever before. Its terror breaks our defences and, then, vulnerable and soft and open, we re-enter the world, more sensitive to its beauty, more aware of the fragility of form and more tender towards the ache of humanity. We don’t always know if we can endure loneliness, but we do. When we are in loneliness, it is total and all-consuming and even time recedes. Everything disappears into loneliness - it is like a black hole, and we don’t know how long we can survive its ferocious embrace. But we are stronger than we know and we endure it beautifully. Through meeting our own loneliness and letting it touch us deeply, and ravage us, and cleanse us, and renew us, we come to know directly the loneliness of all beings, their yearning for the light, their deep ache for God, their search for home. We recognise others more deeply as ourselves. Loneliness makes us look beyond appearances and touch the depths of the world soul. If we have truly plumbed the depths of our own loneliness, we can never again close our hearts to the loneliness of others, to the yearning of their humanity, to the horror and awe of creation itself. Loneliness breaks us open to a devastating compassion for all things, it matures us spiritually and increases our empathy a thousand-fold. We become more caring, more compassionate, more deeply considerate. We become more able to look into the eyes of another without shame or fear. We become less able to turn away where we see suffering and pain. We value our connections more deeply than ever before. Each friendship is a miracle. Each moment with a family member, or partner, or stranger, takes on a strange new melancholic beauty. We become more fearlessly alive in our dying. We embrace paradox as a lover and a friend. Loneliness is the gravity of love, a sacred pull into the heart core. Loneliness brings with it a sense of rest and contentment, a deep inner happiness and satisfaction. It slows us down to a snail’s pace and breaks our addiction to the clock and to second-hand notions of "success". It makes us less distracted, less restless, less manipulative, more content with the present moment. The black hole in our guts becomes our unexpected church, our solace, our sanctuary and our mother, and the source of all our genuine answers. We listen to our loneliness and it brings unexpected gifts. New creativity and new inspiration pours out of the lonely place inside. New music comes from there, new and unexpected words, new desire and new paths to follow. Loneliness is the source of all great art, music, poetry, dance, and all works touched by authentic loneliness are authentic works filled with truth and humility and the light of life itself. The nectar of God pours through the broken place inside. Loneliness crucifies us yet shows us that we cannot be crucified. We do not lose ourselves in loneliness. We find ourselves there more clearly and directly than ever. Loneliness is the experience of pure intimacy with the senses. It is the erotic experience of being fully alive. It is Jesus on the cross. It is the pulsating ache of a universe longing to be born. It is the end of all things, and a new beginning. It is holding a friend’s hand, not knowing how to help them, not knowing how to take away their suffering, but giving our heart to them totally. It is facing our own death, no promises, no guarantees, no story anymore. Loneliness is the Beloved beckoning us. Those who have let themselves touch the black hole of loneliness, those who have given themselves up to its relentless pull, who have let the darkness penetrate and infuse and shake and reawaken them, are unmistakable beings. They have a depth and a strength of character that others lack. They radiate genuine warmth and understanding. Their melancholy is the fount of their greatest joy. They are not content with surface things any longer. They have been broken but they are playful too, and full of humour. They love the night-time as much as the day, the shadows as much as the light, the wolf as much as the songbird. Their not-knowing is the source of their wisdom. Their spirituality is simple. They hold no dogma anymore. They have become like little children once more. They are poets and artists and wild lovers of the night. Loneliness is the experience of being in a body, but not of a body, and knowing that all things will pass, that all loved ones will die, that nothing lasts, that everything is made of the most delicate substance. Loneliness is a deep and unshakeable awareness of the transience and brevity of things, of illness and endings and new beginnings. Loneliness is a love of the night-time, the shadows and the moon. It is present in every moment and saturates every hour of every day. Once you have tasted loneliness, truly sipped from its sacred fount, you cannot run away from it ever again. You are haunted by it, yet you know it is the friendliest of ghosts. Loneliness opens your heart wider than any other experience ever could. It brings with it youth and innocence. It makes you weep at the sight of sand on the beach, or the sound of a baby crying, or the feel of the morning sunlight on your skin, or upon the contemplation of time itself. Loneliness takes us to our most painful places but helps us fulfil our highest potential. Without loneliness, we are just shells of human beings, frightened skeletons. Loneliness fills us up with warmth from the inside, gives our lives the deepest kind of purpose and direction and meaning. Loneliness makes us realise we are never alone, and we are always loved, despite our imperfections and lack of faith. Loneliness is a religious experience, a lovemaking with the Universe. Loneliness will save you if you give yourself to it totally. It will not separate you from the world and others but will bind you to them more powerfully. Through the dread and devastation of loneliness you will discover that you are more vast and more capable of love than you ever thought possible. You will be shocked at how much life you can hold. The more you run from loneliness, the lonelier and lonelier you will feel, and the more you will fear being alone, even if you are surrounded by people. In loneliness is the utter paradox and mystery of creation. It may be last place you want to touch in yourself, and it may sound like madness, what I am saying to you here. But your loneliness may hold all the secrets to your very existence. You may find that your loneliness is not “loneliness” at all, in the end – it is your umbilical cord to God, unbreakable, infinite, death-defying, a cosmic pathway of love and forgiveness and utter, utter humility. Let your loneliness pierce you, then, and shake you, and nourish you, and let it connect you to the world - and your authentic self - more deeply than ever. - Jeff Foster
  14. Click on this link to learn more : https://amzn.to/32QEhBF Nearly every time you see him, he's laughing, or at least smiling. And he makes everyone else around him feel like smiling. He's the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and a hugely sought-after speaker and statesman. Why is he so popular? Even after spending only a few minutes in his presence you can't help feeling happier.If you ask him if he's happy, even though he's suffered the loss of his country, the Dalai Lama will give you an unconditional yes. What's more, he'll tell you that happiness is the purpose of life, and that the very motion of our life is toward happiness. How to get there has always been the question. He's tried to answer it before, but he's never had the help of a psychiatrist to get the message across in a context we can easily understand.The Art of Happiness is the book that started the genre of happiness books, and it remains the cornerstone of the field of positive psychology.Through conversations, stories, and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. Together with Dr. Howard Cutler, he explores many facets of everyday life, including relationships, loss, and the pursuit of wealth, to illustrate how to ride through life's obstacles on a deep and abiding source of inner peace. Based on 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations mixed with a healthy dose of common sense, The Art of Happiness is a book that crosses the boundaries of traditions to help readers with difficulties common to all human beings. After being in print for ten years, this book has touched countless lives and uplifted spirits around the world. Nearly every time you see him, he's laughing, or at least smiling. And he makes everyone else around him feel like smiling. He's the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet, a Nobel Prize winner, and a hugely sought-after speaker and statesman. Why is he so popular? Even after spending only a few minutes in his presence you can't help feeling happier.If you ask him if he's happy, even though he's suffered the loss of his country, the Dalai Lama will give you an unconditional yes. What's more, he'll tell you that happiness is the purpose of life, and that the very motion of our life is toward happiness. How to get there has always been the question. He's tried to answer it before, but he's never had the help of a psychiatrist to get the message across in a context we can easily understand.The Art of Happiness is the book that started the genre of happiness books, and it remains the cornerstone of the field of positive psychology.Through conversations, stories, and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. Together with Dr. Howard Cutler, he explores many facets of everyday life, including relationships, loss, and the pursuit of wealth, to illustrate how to ride through life's obstacles on a deep and abiding source of inner peace. Based on 2,500 years of Buddhist meditations mixed with a healthy dose of common sense, The Art of Happiness is a book that crosses the boundaries of traditions to help readers with difficulties common to all human beings. After being in print for ten years, this book has touched countless lives and uplifted spirits around the world.
  15. Work can be stressful, but if you don't want to burn out, what you really need is a better attitude about stress. The approach I find most useful, and the one I recommend in these pages, is a practice called mindfulness. Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgementally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment.
  16. To me it's definitely important what furniture and home goods look like too, I think it helps to create a home you love and feel completely relaxed and comfortable in. However, I wouldn't choose something that I thought looked really good if it didn't also fulfil its' purpose; like a beautifully designed but terribly uncomfortable sofa. 😅 Home decor is really fun, and there are so many ways to go about it too. You can find lots of cool pieces on auction sites or second hand, and when you put them next to those slightly random things you're not even sure where they came from (or why they're still there), you see them in a different light! There are lots of fun IG accounts about home decor to get inspiration and figure out what you like and don't like, and also, if you're a bit of a handy Andy, pages that show how you can upcycle or revamp items to make them feel like brand new. ✨
  17. @Sallu I am not sure if your request matches the purpose of this page. It sounds to me like there is some sexual interest hidden. I might be wrong, so please elaborate what you are looking for especially why your friend would have to be female, because @Ajaydavenport said "Hi".
  18. I learned a little about Ho'oponopono last year. When I discovered that due to the interventions of social brainwashers, sorry did I say that out loud I mean school teachers who encouraged me to vest the administration of my life and awareness in the custody of my mind. Essentially a long, interesting but altogether misleading education of rules, heirachy, customs, discrimination, bias, evasion, exploitation, and so much emphasis on the past and future have me the credentials to go out into the world not as myself but an eager conditioned young man oscillating between egoic survival, subconsciousness, and other parts that apparently could work but either I belong to a species whose default existence was to walk around like a high spec car and in my whole life I would use about 20% of its potential if the test results showed signs of genius. Determined to make the most out of my life I sought purpose and willingly offered my body and intellect to enterprises who had a trajectory that was a fit with areas I was interested in. Not passionate, I never found passion in education because I do not posses a passion to conform. Long story short some years of decent traction and headway culminated in work at an advertising agency. Where quite simply all sense of purpose that is enhancing life and enriching lives was a stackable offence. I managed to remove myself after getting embroiled in narcissistic envy, highly manipulative nepotism and carried on arguing with them until I prevailed in the condition that I take all details of how I wounded false pride to the grave with me. I drifted anxiously trying to blend in with the public at large but found little that inspired me to destroy another hectare of the natural world, squeeze yet more endangered creatures into oblivion or choke the oceans satisfying people who no longer eat at tables with bird feed thar doesn't leave you with guilt other than the single use plastic lying in your hand. Where was I Ho'oponopono yes I discovered one of the most joyful looking declarations ever written down when it was suggested. That my block from purpose being the result of the Irish Sandwich switch that happened at school when our minds were issued the keys to our Kingdom. And there sat a brain on a throne ordering the now out of order system in directions another aspect of me had no place to be. The advice was direct and swift. That brain of yours enjoying making all the decisions is an imposter and not sovereign of you. No the brain is your servant and not all that trustworthy at best. The mind is but a whisk to beat your eggs a utensil a guage that informs the master of his regions and lands. It took some time to sink in, and more yet to wrestle the temporary regent in waiting before the true I, the still vast one returned and restored order and synchronicity to the system, we began mostly unlearning the doctored propoganda that was veneered into memory keeping an archive but deleting the conditioning to clear the outward apertures to receive in the present. Ho'oponopono forgiveness, and a sign of right intention whenever it is heard written and thought.
  19. Hi all...I am new to everything going on in my life right now...but I am experiencing something that I believe is an awakening. I know in my heart there is purpose for my new thoughts, visions, feelings etc. But I have no idea how to go about it all. It is overwhel.ing. my husband's battling some very bad "things" and needs help, and I am now experiencing what he is, but not in the same way. I do not fear it, as much as they try...I am driven to figure out how to banish it to save my family that is falling apart. I feel that time is of the essence. Pictures turn to movies and I am drawn to certain people and places that look different to me...I feel that it is bigger than I thought and that there is an unresolved situation that I am to figure out and bring peace and justice for. Wherever I am lights shine noticeably brighter...I asked God gorguidance and I know he is here with me. Nothing is of coincidence anymore, but as things become clearer they become more complicated if that makes sense. I physically feel drained, foggy, nauseated and in immense pain, but I keep going. I have to. I need some insight and help...if anyone could take the time because I am alone during this journey and trying to make sense of this feeling that my child and husband are in danger and much more...
  20. Hey ya'll, I'm new here but wanted to introduce myself. My name is Cary Jack and I'm the founder of The Happy Hustle, whose mission is to educate, inspire, and entertain, while reminding you to enjoy the journey, not just the destination, as you Happy Hustle for a life of passion and purpose. From successful entrepreneurs to spiritual masters, I interview an array of powerful guests on The Happy Hustle Podcast to help you transform your dreams into a reality. Through courses, events, and content, I hope to instill more balance and fulfillment in your life while putting the Happy back in your Hustle! If you want to check out the podcast, you can go to www.caryjack.com/podcastin! This is one of my favorite episodes with Daoist Priest and Kung Fu Master Wu Dang Chen all about the Purpose of Life :) Would love to connect with you all on social media @cary__jack on IG! Love and light fam!
  21. Here's what I did - it doesn't replace friendship immediately, but it gives structure and something to look forward to. I joined a Sangha, which is meeting online, but I'll meet all these people IRL one day. There are also activist groups that meet regularly, which combine the sense of belonging with a sense of purpose which I love as with everything that is going on in the world, I can feel helpless, and those groups give me back my sense of agency.
  22. We live in a universe that can be seen and experienced from many different perspectives. We therefore need to look at the universe from many different angles. Everything and everyone is a form of the universe being expressed in a particular way. In other words, each one of us can say with absolute certainly “We are the Universe!” Since we are the universe, each one of us provides a valuable perspective that complements the contributions of everyone and everything else around us.Each of us is the universe being expressed in a particular location in a specific way. We’re all part of the same moving and evolving cosmos, but the view of it is unique from each of our respective locations. This suggests that the universe is not only omni centric, but that it is also multiperspectival – there are many different, and equally valid, viewpoints on this. Each one of us is a cosmic laboratory within which we can discover the secrets of the universe. We speak in various ways, we are each the universe having become aware of itself in our own unique way. The insights that the universe has many different perspectives and is both cosmic and personal has great transformative potential, and is worth reflecting on deeply. AMAZON, ALEXIS KARPOUZOS OFFICIAL SITE Creativity and Modern Science Creativity and Theory of relativity In Einstein’s theory of relativity, the notions of events (space and time simultaneity), mass and energy equivalence (special relativity), space expansion (big bang) as well as space and energy-mass equivalence, are introduced. General theory of relativity combined to quantum mechanics leads to the emergence of the whole universe from zero and absolute nothingness. Such “emergence – creation” of the universe from zero does not take place in space or time, since both are identical to the universe, space as energy expansion of the vacant space and time as a measurement unit of movement and change. Hence, the event, as “something” that takes place, and since it takes place, creates space, time and matter – mass – energy, constitutes a novelty of the theory of relativity which suggests that the world is eternally being created and is not static and perpetual. Creativity and Quantum mechanics In quantum mechanics, the term “creativity” is amplified, since natural events form the constant transition from possibility to reality, according to the ontological probabilism of the Schrödinger equation. The completion of the quantum theory through the concept of the Grand Unified Theories, and especially through the yet incomplete superstring theory, reveals that at the micro level of creation of sub-atomic particles or space, motion literally comes prior to Being and objects are forms of a motion which suggests a constant transition from possibility to reality. In non – linear physics of complex systems, the term “creativity” does not simply correspond to the initial emergence of the universe (big bang) or to the sub-atomic scale processes described by quantum mechanics, the Grand Unified Theories and the superstring theory, but is expanded to all aspects of nature: i.e. physical – chemical, ecological, psychological – mental aspect. So, through the non – linear physics theory, macroscopically viewed beings are constructed, holistic forms of motion, in order for the whole to gain a non reducible (therefore the whole is constantly being produced) ontological meaning which characterizes the operation of the part. Combining the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity, it could be stated that modern physics abolishes the customary perception concerning the natural phenomena, which were concerned as a constant transformation of a fundamental substance. On the contrary, the contemporary description of the natural world by physics and mathematics corresponds to Morphodynamics, i.e. the description of the world as creation of all cosmic shapes from a zero point, on all cosmic levels. From this point of view, zero is understood as the absence of shape, while the notion of an unshaped eternal substance is weakened and does not seem to be able to be justified by the evolution of scientific thought. The “beings” and their “substance” are assimilated to forms of movement that have already been created or that are being created, and constitute motion inside motion. Creativity and Non-linear and Chaotic systems Physics of chaotic systems attributes a mathematical description through bifurcation theory to the notion of creating cosmic shapes, according to which when a physical system tends to critical situations, it develops new structures of existence and function through atopic interrelation and information processes in an unpredictable manner. Generally speaking, it could be suggested that new structures of existence and operation, that resemble to a virtual form scaling on the physical system and tuning its parts in order for the whole to gain meaning and being as a whole and not as a simple result of microscopic processes, are formed and created inside nature. This means that the world is revealed as information apart from being matter and energy. This procedure of creating cosmic figures seems, or is, indeed capable of being considered as a kind of expression of a “cosmic discourse”, of “cosmic words” and “cosmic sentences” in the sense of which, the fact that is indicated, is constantly supplemented by the fact that is about to be indicated. Ιt can be stated that the arrow of time, which is introduced by cosmic functions (thermodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, big bang, information procedures, Markov procedures, etc.), corresponds to an irreversible and irrevocable direction of a cosmic “sense” which is constantly being created and enriched. Hence, what came to birth from zero point, even if it is corroded in the future, has contributed in order its corrosion does not correspond to a cosmic situation similar to the one existing before its creation. In other words, birth and corrosion make the future always asymmetric towards the past. By this point of view, even if the whole universe reaches zero point at a time, this does not mean that zero point after the creation of the world is similar to zero point before it. Possibly, time equals to an unchangeable and irrevocable “cosmic memory” and to a development of cosmic correlations which can never be eradicated even if the world and the universe die completely off. Creativity and living systems – Networks – Relationships `Over the past thirty years, a new systemic conception of life has emerged at the forefront of science. New emphasis has been given to complexity, networks, and patterns of organization leading to a novel kind of ‘systemic’ thinking. `The view of living systems as networks provides a novel perspective on the so-called “hierarchies” of nature. Since living systems at all levels are networks, we must visualize the web of life as living systems (networks) interacting in network fashion with other systems (networks). For example, we can picture an ecosystem schematically as a network with a few nodes. Each node represents an organism, which means that each node, when magnified, appears itself as a network. Each node in the new network may represent an organ, which in turn will appear as a network when magnified, and so on. In other words, the web of life consists of networks within networks. At each scale, under closer scrutiny, the nodes of the network reveal themselves as smaller networks. We tend to arrange these systems, all nesting within larger systems, in a hierarchical scheme by placing the larger systems above the smaller ones in pyramid fashion. But this is a human projection. In nature, there is no “above” or “below,” and there are no hierarchies. There are only networks nesting within other networks. ‘ ` The realization that systems are integrated wholes that cannot be understood by analysis was even more shocking in physics than in biology. Ever since Newton, physicists had believed that all physical phenomena could be reduced to the properties of hard and solid material particles. In the 1920s, however, quantum theory forced them to accept the fact that we cannot decompose the world into independently existing smallest units. As we shift our attention from macroscopic objects to atoms and subatomic particles , nature does not show us any isolated building blocks, but rather appears as a complex web of relationships between the various parts of a unifield whole.’. Cells are parts of tissues; tissues are parts of organs, organs parts of organisms; and living organisms are parts of ecosystems and social systems. At each level the living system is an integrated whole with smaller components, while at the same time being a part of a larger whole. Ultimately – as quantum physics showed so impressively – there are no parts at all. What we call a part is merely a pattern in an inseparable web of relationships. Therefore, the shift of perspective from the parts to the whole can also be seen as a shift from objects to relationships.’ All living systems are networks of smaller components, and the web of life as a whole is a multilayered structure of living systems nesting within other living systems – networks within networks. Organisms are aggregates of autonomous but closely coupled cells; populations are networks of autonomous organisms belonging to a single species; and ecosystems are webs of organisms, both single-celled and multicellular, belonging to many different species. What is common to all these living systems is that their smallest living components are always cells, and therefore we can confidently say that all living systems, ultimately, are autopoietic. However, it is also interesting to ask whether the larger systems formed by those autopoietic cells – the organisms, societies, and ecosystems – are in themselves autopoietic networks.’ From objects to relationships – Throughout the living world we find systems nesting within larger systems. While mechanistic science concentrates on reducing things to basic material building blocks, the emerging holistic paradigm recognizes that systems are integrated wholes whose properties cannot be reduced to those of smaller units. The two fundamental themes of this systems view of life are the universal interconnectedness and interdependence of all phenomena, and the intrinsically dynamic nature of reality. Systems theory accepts neither the traditional scientific view of evolution as a game of dice, nor the western religious view of an ordered universe designed by a divine creator. Evolution is presented as basically open and indeterminate, without goal or purpose, yet with a recognizable pattern of development. Chance fluctuations supposedly take place, causing a system at a certain moment to become unstable. As it ‘approaches the critical point, it “decides” itself which way to go, and this decision will determine its evolution’. The theory of general systems recognizes two principal phenomena of self-organization: self-renewal, ‘the ability of living systems continuously to renew and recycle their components while maintaining the integrity of their overall structures’; and self-transcendence, ‘the ability to reach out creatively beyond its physical and mental boundaries in the processes of learning, development, and evolution’ [4]. He argues that adaptation of species through genetic mutation (genotypic change) is only one side of evolution. The other is creativity: the development of new structures and functions of ever increasing complexity, independent of environmental pressure, as a manifestation of the potential for self-transcendence inherent in all organisms. Creativity and society On anthropological level, the term “creativity” gains an extended level since it is revealed that the human is not a simple creation of a cosmic process, but has got a sense of belonging and co-creates in collaboration with Thought, its forms, its meanings and mental contents, the feelings and the emotions of theories, institutions, etc., which are not raised on the level of simple biological or physical – chemical processes, even though they are directly related to them and are produced by one another without being identified and without losing their self – efficiency. The world and the human are being co – created and co – produced in a two-way relationship, a feedback relationship that is unfolded as Time. It may be stated that cosmic creation from zero point or the absolute nothing of the cosmic forms of existence, is identified to a connected to time, ontologically unpredictable and innovative course of the world towards the asymmetric and the unique, through constant physical symmetry disruptions. Thus, the world is constantly enriched ontologically by a neo – innovation that renders the future asymmetric to the past. The arrow of time means that literally the world and the cosmic forms of being are constantly created from zero point and the absolute nothing and “return” to the latter, recreating it. Creativity of Unity / Multiplicity Our Universe exists as a unified field or whole. Creative energy swirling as atoms, giving rise to molecules, forming galaxies, stars, planets, mountains, rivers and the bodies of all living beings. If this is so, why do we not “see” the world this way, experience our lives for the miracle it is? Forests, lovers, galaxies, flowers, rivers, mountains, moons and countless living beings- our Universe moves and dances as each of us. Born of Earth, animated by solar winds , we are the children of evolution’s story, Nature’s emergence on the stage of cosmic history. Birds calling, hurricanes swirling, bees passing by, waves crashing on beaches, leaves waving hello from a neighbor’s tree. All flowering into this moment, creative expressions of our sacred totality. Waiting, just waiting, for our minds to quiet, our hearts to open and our eyes to see… Our physical bodies function as a harmonious whole, all the cells and systems working together as one, in synch with the surrounding world. We breathe in oxygen given to us by the trees, drink water from lakes and springs, take in materials from trees and plants that grow in the earth, their leaves gathering energy from our local star, the sun. Every moment of our lives, whether we are aware of it or not, we live in unity and intimate connection with the creative wisdom of the natural world. Thinking and behavior that is in tune with Nature’s wisdom is more compassionate and holistic than the mechanistic ways of complex civilizations. All it requires is mindful observation, curiosity, a creative imagination and a peaceful heart. Transformation of Thought And Evolution of Consciousness The challenge for humanity now is to transform and transcend our fractured views of the world, to shift paradigms, to return to a more wise and holistic understanding of ourselves and our place in the Universe. A change in thinking and behavior will result naturally from a change of heart. As Einstein put it, “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” Once enough of us open our minds and collaborate together, there’s a good chance we’ll find many of our problems can be solved quite easily. By aligning our species with the wisdom of Nature (and our own hearts), the health of our planet and communities could be restored. We just need to recognize our interdependence with the rest of the Universe, be more generous and grateful, care about one another, re-evaluate our priorities and change the way we think. The whole Universe pulses with complex interconnections and a mysterious beauty far beyond our imaginations. There’s a deeper truth that our limited conceptions ignores- that the Universe is not something that exists outside of us. You and I are creative living expressions of ALL that is. We are born of atoms forged in the heart of long gone stars, energized now by the photons of our local sun. Kept alive by the nutrients and air of our World. We are Life manifesting as people, mountains, rivers and trees. Seeing this deeper truth and experiencing our connection to the Universe is the beginning of wisdom. Sharing that wisdom with others- and using it as the foundation for redesigning the human systems that we build together- is how our world can be re-created and transformed. alexis karpouzos, twitter45.mp4
  23. For me it means a period of reflection and meditation on the purpose of God send Christ Jesus to die for every man kind and also it is a period of receiving and given out of gifts cause Jesus Himself was a gift to all mankind
  24. Thank you, @Kolzo for your input. Yes, there are different factors at work and here's a little spoiler - we are working on several more questionnaires to look at the issue from different angles. ? There are different types of stress. Usually, we decide between acute and chronic stress. Acute stress can even be healthy as it gives our organism a jump-start now and then, but if it turns into chronic stress, the stress hormones can cause wear and tear. Even chronic stress might not necessarily be that harmful. For me, the distinction is in the agency I have on the matter. The stressful act of finishing an exciting project over several months with little time versus a few days of "having to function on someone else's terms" makes a huuuuge difference - at least for me. I remember I read a study - I think it was mentioned in the edX course "science of happiness" - regarding "purpose". The results suggested something like that: people could be unhappier than others, but if they had a higher level of purpose, their overall perceived life satisfaction was higher. This connection makes a lot of sense if I reflect at my own experience. I guess the next question is whether the "pleasant" stress also releases less long term damaging hormones and/ or if people are easily able to switch into the relax and recover mode.
  25. Reality in it's purest form is nether good or bad, it just is. 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. So 90% of our emotional pain is created by US. "What we resist persists". If we are not at a place of acceptance over the things we are POWERLESS to change, we create more of what we don't want (emotional pain) Without sadness there is no happiness Without pain there is no joy Without bad days there are no good days Without darkness there is no light Everything is a DUALITY. This means one does not exist without the other. The key is to see the value in the things that appear to be negative. Example... How do you know when your having a bad day? If you had a bad day everyday, would it be a bad day? NO, it would be a normal, flat and boring day. So would I be right in saying, the only reason you know your having a bad day is because you've had a good day to compare it to? YES, it's the only reason why we know we are having a bad day it's because you had a good day too compared to. So how do you know when you're having a good day? If you had a good day everyday it would become normal flat boring. It would go to the same place as if you had a bad day every day. So the only reason you know you're having a good day because you had a bad day to compare it to. So the gift to having a good day is actually a bad day, because if I took away all your bad days you'd automatically lose all your good days. How you might ask? It's because if you was in in really high positive emotion every single day, that positive emotion would slowly fade gradually over time and the positive emotion would become normal flat and boring. No you can see the value in a bad day, you can then become grateful and happy to have a bad day. The gratitude and happiness changes the bad day and the resistance drops to it because you are leaning into it and not leaning away from it. It's not something you want to get rid of, it's something that carries a lot of value in your life. Imagine being a place where you can be grateful and happy to have a bad day? WOW "This is a very simple valuable tool" This analogy works the same with negative emotion. Every emotion carries value and purpose. if you can see the value in any emotion you can become grateful, happy for it and move towards it, which dropped the resistance and takes away 90% of the emotional pain ucreate. Do you agree or disagree?
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