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  1. Today I clicked onto another members profile who had responded with a like something I wrote yesterday when I signed up. On his profile was a link to an article that appeared in the Guardian Newspaper digging deeper into research that has discovered that humans are at their most miserable at 47 years old, well 47.2 to be precise. Now this may or not be the day it went to press but the day it came into my awareness is exactly 47 years and 2 months to the day when I was born at Kings College Hospital, London. I would be a churlish man to guarantee nothing outside my control could not unexpectedly dissect my life and pose a threat to me or my wellbeing. But as friends will have picked from me throughout 2019 I have experienced recent changes that were traumatic and brought me to a place where I did not recognise people I thought I knew, up from down, true from false. In a dark moment of being alone and very sad I felt as though I may have been the one who betrayed himself. But inside that dark moment and out from that insight. A deep question had flowered within, if 'I' had been the one who betrayed 'myself' then who was 'I' and who is 'myself' since there is only one of me? This was a very important question to ask myself because the answer was nothing that my mind knew or could answer. My mind had been stumped. While my brain shrugged at its lack of knowledge. That realisation resonated with the awareness that has a very strong connection to my gut and my heart, the still, silent awareness at the core of my being. Conscious who 'I' was, I became witness to my mind and mindful of the thoughts that come and go as my brain presents a conceptual understanding of the world around me intended to help me navigate life's path surviving danger and meeting certain fundamental needs. Having awakened to this new found vista of consciousness and allowed my brain enough time to comprehend what it did not itself have scope to have deduced. I found another answer glowing out from the darkness as blatant and as bright as light. Love, self-love will protect against any instance of self betrayal. So I began to practice meditation more and start to change the relationship with myself generating self-compassion, more self-love and a searching enquiry to better understand my needs, to develop a better language related to the needs we all have. If life is dependant on basic needs being met, and those needs are universal and the same for each individual. Then our greater knowledge of our needs is vital to be sensitive and empathic towards our own efforts to meet them and understand what our instincts are doing when we react when they are not being met or something or someone is obstructing us from what we need. So I listen intently to my emotions, guiding me to meet them and this helps me understand more what may be alive in others, who are in conflict with me or others, when something is or is not being done that results in their needs not being met. Knowledge of ones needs lets me see how this drives people to act. They may not know how to say this non-violently, they may just know that their needs are being frustrated and they are blaming the cause of their anxiety. But all conflict results from a need that is not being met. We can learn a language which allows us to be honest and direct with pin point precision of the way we are feeling, what is alive in us, and with practice you can learn how not to blame others or accuse them of wrongdoing and show them what is happening that is blocking you from what you need to thrive and enrich your life and the lives of others willingly. Out of self-love comes compassion and greater empathy I am sure. Essentially I had more growing to do, and as far as I can work out it looks very like the Universe is my best friend too. Because everything being placed on my journey was showing me exactly what I needed to learn the lessons that I needed to know. I am an extremely grateful embodiment of carbon in consciousness. While I am unable to calculate my worth in a material sense, I can be confidently assured in any given moment, that I, like you, am priceless. Anything, including negative thoughts or anyone suggesting otherwise in the direction of worthlessness is not using the language of non-violent communication they most probably just don't know how to speak it. Whether they are conscious of this or not they are abusing you and not willingly sought to enrich your life, and so it spells the end, it is at odds with your true value, they don't have to see it your way, that is their own deficiency, not yours and so this is the time to walk away from their toxicity don't try to steer someone towards a lesson that the universe is very much in command of, forgive them, when you are ready to not feel hurt by holding the hurt, let it go and say a prayer asking the Universe to bless them with the same kind of insight that I feel I have received. Find the life underneath the life situation, the story of things happening to me and don't identify with the ego's fondness for drama and conflict. Let your life love you back to the you you have always been, you are perfect just as you are without conditions attached. And for me personally the most important person who needed to really know this life lesson has been me. Thank you gorgeous universe for the gift of getting more appreciation of living before I die, and for the amazing gift of being me. Xxx P.S they say from here on in - everything starts to look up! ?
  2. In The Happiness Trap, Dr. Russ Harris provides a means to escape the epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression, unlocking the secrets to a truly fulfilling life. Reducing stress and worry Handling painful thoughts and feelings more effectively Breaking self-defeating habits Overcoming insecurity and self-doubt Building better relationships Improving performance and finding fulfilment at work listen free => https://amzn.to/3rbZT8o
  3. ON ABUSE AND "SPIRITUALITY" "You attracted it because you desired it". "If you think there's a problem with another's words or actions, YOU are the one who's confused". "Everything is just your projection. Everything is in your mind". "Clear up your vibration and you'll stop attracting bad things to yourself". "You are too attached to the body. Go beyond the body. It's not who you are." "If you have doubts, fears, resistance, pain, anger, then you must be in your ego and totally unenlightened". "The past is an illusion. Let it go right now!". Ugh. I'm so tired of all this New Age spiritual bullshit. I'm tired of ANY spirituality that doesn't fully honour our messy, unresolvable, first-hand, real-time, embodied human experience. That doesn't bow deeply to the struggle of our raw and tender hearts. That guilt-trips us for our imperfections and shames our limitations. No, it's not always your projection. Yes, sometimes other people really ARE abusive and need to be stopped. No, everything isn't always "in your mind". Yes, your body matters. Your feelings too. No, your doubts and fears are not 'wrong' or 'bad' or 'unevolved'. No, you do not 'attract' abuse through a faulty 'vibrational frequency'. No, you do not deserve to be violated in any way, in the name of Truth, in the name of God, in the name of Love, or IN ANY OTHER NAME. Yes, your boundaries deserve to be respected, your 'yes' AND your 'no' too. No, it's not okay for spiritual teachers to abuse people "for their own good" - to shock them into awakening, to enlighten them, to help them drop their "ego". Teachers that use abuse as a tool are simply abusers, not teachers. I reject any spirituality that dismisses our tender, vulnerable, fragile humanity. I reject any spirituality that shames us for our precious human thoughts and feelings. I reject any spirituality that begins any sentence with "If you were enlightened..." I reject any spirituality that divides self from no self, divine from human, sacred from profane, absolute from relative, heaven from earth, duality from nonduality, material from spiritual. I once saw a popular spiritual teacher addressing a recently bereaved woman. He said, "Your heartbreak is illusory and only the activity of the separate self. One day the separate self will vanish, along with all suffering". And in that moment, I saw a deep, deep sickness and inhumanity at the heart of contemporary spirituality. The invalidation of trauma, the false promises, the power games, the suppression of the feminine. And I vowed to bow to that fucking broken heart as if it were God Herself. Until the end of time. - Jeff Foster
  4. I love the videos about the body in the MBSR course. Becoming one with the body, all bodies are valuable. I have been learning to accept this. I obsess about my body daily, telling myself the importance of taking care of it. The more I think about it the more likely I will go over my calories, Yes I count them. I lost some weight and obsess about losing another 20 lbs. I know what helps is letting go of the judgement of myself and my body. Acceptance is key, self love is key. I am back to doing my mirror exercises. I do exercise most days even if it's a 30 min walk. Today I choose to celebrate my body, and be thankful that I have one with a spirit and a soul. I am ALIVE!!
  5. I've shared an happiness with most I meet . And I'm proud of my self in doing but these many people only seem to share negative stuff .I want people to realise there is a sunshine glow in all our hearts
  6. Hi, I am writing this on my personal experience of a webinar (via zoom) I recently participated to test out while at home. These are 1.5 hour sessions of sound and energy based meditation. Throughout the session all I had to do was to sit and listen, no rational thinking process to grasp any knowledge or concept. Just you and your head phones. The outcome was to experience your natural awareness. After which also, the result is a very calm mind. Focused and stress free to go about my duties. And there was this causeless joy inside me which I don't know how to explain, of which I only wish that you may also experience. One should make up their own judgement on what this is and how this happens but my understanding & realization is that it is pure intuition which did the work. So it is with great humility that I write this to you personally. Not as somebody who has something better to do, but as a friend who wishes you well and respects and values your association. Putting aside what you might think of me and giving way to what joy and calm it might bring to you and your true self. So hopefully you will give it a try. After-all as Einstein said, doing the things day in and day out the same way will not give a different result. You are bound to get the same outcome. If you are interested in it; following is the time table for the upcoming events: (just install zoom and click on the link to join the webinar, then click join meeting and put your name and email) (These are free introductory sessions. There are also Q & A sessions during the webinar) (Try to join 10 to 15 minutes before the session as there is a participation limit due to limitations of zoom platform) For more details about the meditation center, its teacher (Acharin) visit www.nisala.org/teacher and www.nisala.org/events Best Regards, Vindana. Dates & Timings : Saturday 18 April 2020 16.30-18.00 Colombo | 16.30-18.00 Delhi | 21.00-22.30 Melbourne |12.00-13.30 London | 19.00-20.30 Beijing | 13.00-14.30 Berlin | 7.00-8.30 Toronto Zoom link to Join : https://zoom.us/j/95601209943?pwd=QndFV0xHT1FWUFBoVjBGN3laTkdNQT09 Webinar ID: 956 0120 9943 Password: 934183 Sunday 19 April 2020 16.30-18.00 Colombo | 16.30-18.00 Delhi | 21.00-22.30 Melbourne |12.00-13.30 London | 19.00-20.30 Beijing | 13.00-14.30 Berlin | 7.00-8.30 Toronto Zoom link to Join : https://zoom.us/j/96955368196?pwd=cnZjZGxsbmI0clpHamRHUEN3R0Ewdz09 Webinar ID: 969 5536 8196 Password: 830785
  7. I wish health for all of us, which is the most important thing right now. And that we all hang in there and use all the extra time with ourselves to treat ourselves with a lot of self-care and self-love, so that we all come out of the pandemic strengthened and in a positive mood! A bit like being reborn... :)
  8. Hate to break it to you, but Jesus wont come to save you...but the good news is, He did show you how to save yourselves...thinking that Jesus will come down one day and save you is just lazy thinking and lame excuse not to work on your own self. The fact is: All souls live on forever, there is nothing to be saved from, except from your own fears, hate, ignorance, illusions and ego...which always leads to death. You can follow standard christian route: follow the commandments, be obedient, be good, wait on Jesus, grow old... die and be reborn.. Or, you can walk the Christ's talk: master yourself, be great, be glorious, ascend and achieve salvation of your own accord through your own self-mastery. Nobody will raise you to heaven for you, nor will he trow you to hell. All you are doing you are doing to yourself. Don't let any religious people spill some bs that you are sinner, or that you need someone in order to save yourself. You have all it takes, you are enough, you are holy child of God, and God who is your greatest helper is always with and within you. Upon death, all souls return to heaven from whence they came, but this is not what Jesus meant by Eternal Life, yes Eternal Life is the Truth, and we all go on forever, but ASCENSION is the ATTAINMENT of Eternal Life, while still in body, rather than dying. The promised land and eternal life which all the holy scriptures talk about is Ascension, it is to overcome death, it is to raise your consciousness to high heavenly frequency and become one with God while here in flesh. Once you ascended, there is no more death. no more birth, you are your Higher Ascended, Christ-Like, God-Like, perfect Self, a Holy Son of God. And power, life, light, love, wisdom and generosity, compassion, kindness and understanding of Supreme Spirit, becomes your own. This is what Jesus had known, this is why He was Son of God, he lived up to the Truth of His being, he reached that higher frequency of Higher Self, He was God in flesh, and so are you, you just don't know it...yet. So, will you give all of yourself to find the Truth, to know who you are, or will you waste your days waiting on death? For that is what you are doing if you are not seeking the Truth, the Way, the Life, and the Light of your own Being. “Many are called but few are chosen” means that everyone is called but only few care to listen, and only a handful choose to answer the call of God. Question is, what will you do? It up to you, and no one else.. If you don't know what to do, then for the start: raise volume/vibe/frequency through Love to the ------------------------[] max. That's a good start. Cheers
  9. Self loving doesn't a selfish u can't love others truly untill u love ur self ..be ur own reasons to laugh . happier🙂
  10. Hello all! New here! I'm still not exactly sure what this place is, but it seems to have a lot of resources focused on improving well-being, and I'm all about that! 😄 I'm a social work major undergrad looking to explore my spirituality and increase self-awareness through meditation. I look forward to meeting you all. 😊
  11. Welcome. manifestation, meditation and stuff like this were just keywords to me. They are used a lot by people trying to convince others to buy their books or guides to the perfect life. But there is not that one secret which makes your life perfect. It's basically just taking some time for yourself to do nothing but think about your life goals or whatever else comes to your mind. This helps setting new aims and become self reflected. And it can help reducing stress.
  12. None. And all of them. We are safe at any moment, protected by our inner self and one deep, silent yet so powerful true and holistic, and never ending energy. However we are on a journey where we slowly remember it, more and more. Each in his or her intended pace. Until we fully remember it, we have moments where we feel un safe. But that is of course an illusion, a short term “foregetness”. And we take a leap, from remembering and safety to forget and un safety. And it’s ok… it’s ok.
  13. We all have times when we feel down, but depression is about more than feeling sad or fed up for a few days. Depression causes a low mood that lasts a long time and affects your daily life. Depression affects people in different ways. Most people feel sad or hopeless and there are a range of other symptoms. Depression can affect your mind, body and behaviour. You might feel: sad, upset or tearful guilty or worthless restless or irritable empty and numb lacking in self-confidence and self-esteem unable to enjoy things that usually bring you pleasure helpless or hopeless. To overcome that there is a therapy for depression that is Expressive Therapy For Depression
  14. Powerful 2 x Level Deep Guided Meditation Purpose: Pain Relief and Healing Visualization Process Deepener for Relaxation: Counting down NLP Framing Technique + Alpha State Future Pacing Visualization (+Eye Movement) Multiple relaxation triggers and activators used for ensuring the best possible results Audio File Download 60 Days Refund Policy This is a 2 step deepening guided meditation with a clear purpose to access your inner healing resources, to overcome limiting beliefs, to encourage free self-expression and to invite positive and long lasting change. You will notice that I changed at some point to first present tense, to help you envision the process from your own perspective. This material is thought to provide you support in your continuous work toward achieving your dreams, overcoming your limiting beliefs and becoming all you can be, all you want and you know you deserve. It is not a hypnosis, but it may induce a trance like state, but you are at any time in control, you can decide to accept or not to accept the affirmations, you can open your eyes and become fully aware at any time, as you wish. The process works best of you do not overanalyze, and if you repeat it at least 7 times over one month period. for more information click this link https://bit.ly/3cAXGiq Guided Meditation 2xDeep
  15. That's so true! Self love and self acceptance 🙌 💚
  16. Hi Susan. I think a lot of us who make the choice to walk the path of expansion and self-realization start where you did - spending either a little time there or a lot. I am glad you've found your way to a mode of living that more authentically expresses who you are. Congratulations!
  17. Hi! I'm Susan, All my life I have struggled with low self-worth, poor confidence, and not-so-great social skills. For years, I let those feelings overwhelm me and keep me from doing what I wanted. Only after surviving as a perfectionist, and overachiever was I able to find the courage to follow my dreams. And now I'm a writer who specializes in helping others find happiness. I write online articles and have a blog called https://joyamongchaos.com which speaks on how to be happy, become more confident, and solve problems that hinder joy. It makes me happy to help others! That's why I am here with you. My one wish is that I had the courage years ago to do this! I would be honored to encourage anyone who needs it. Thanks, everyone!
  18. Sometimes I used to feel lost in life not really feeling like anything I did mattered or I wasn’t really progressing anywhere. I decided to change my way of thinking and start looking to the future and how I want to build it for my self, I found a guide that helped me along the way see the side of me I wanted to be and help me on my path to achieve great things.
  19. I feel I'm blessed to have majority of things that is necessary to live life happily. I'm sure most of you would say, that it is really a good thing to be contentful. But many a times I realise that I am not at all using my potential to reach greater heights and progress in my career , financial status etc. I tend to loose my enthusiasm once I reach certain targets and take things lightly ahead. I feel I take up things only at the neck of the moment , and repent with the results later, as I know I could have done better had I been prepared to start for the job early . How to keep up the enthusiasm and stay focussed always .? Pls share your thoughts and help me find a solution. P.S. I have attended many self help and personality development programmes.
  20. Self love for me is accepting myself the way I am. No matter who discriminates me on any basis. I feel blessed to have such a self built personality that I don't allow anyone to make me sad and keeping going in the deeper part of the life.
  21. Hi Susan, I wish you all the best with that. I found my own space elsewhere where I am reaching out to myself as much as anyone else. I've been writing for many years myself dealing with similar things. May I suggest considering finding other words for those often oversold as they tend to make those of us that deal with low self-worth, poor confidence and not-so-great social skills recoil from said blogs. That's my greatest tip if your looking to make lasting connections with your intended audience. Many of us do not know the meanings of those words because of the frivolous way in which they are commonly used. That said, I really think your title is well thought out and you come across as very genuine which will see your intentions go a very long way. Nice to of read you. 🙂
  22. If you could give your younger self some life advice, what would it be?
  23. Try something new like self loving lifestyle.
  24. Hi All I am new here. Happiness is such an important issue. I am glad to join the group. Let me introduce my self. I am a chinese grow up in Europe. Having spend more a decade working in financial industry as a derivatives trader, I come to see that money and sucess in career did not makes me a happy person. The opposite is true, I was overworked - had no time for hobbies and Friend. So I quit my job and started to study psychology. Meditation help me to come more and more in touch with life again. I stopped acting as a robot and start to see the wonders of life. I wish all of you sincerly a fullfiling life and looking forward to be connect with you. Nice greetings from Vienna, Max
  25. Dear Dave, Nice to meet you too First of all thank you for sharing your experience with me. Let me begin with answering your question about the study. I did not create the questions by myself. The questions are a collection of validated questions from different universities working on the field psychological well beings, social psychology, and mindfulness research. The two questions about the body weight and size are just control questions, only to check if the study result for self-view has influenced by the body size or not. I agree with you that the textbooks are not sufficient to put someone in a position, that he or can really be a help of others. Also the certificates do not say anything. For me it is just a door opener. I secretly hope that the combination of my formal education as psychologist and my meditation practice and the teaching of my teachers can get me somedays in a position, where I can be really of help for my fellow. But it is still a good way to go I am very sad to hear that you had bad experience with the people in the field. I can imagine that this makes the life even harder as it already is. It puts people in a helpless situation. And this is a situation, one can hardly imagine, if not experienced by him/herself. Instead of being helped, one just loose the confidence and think, even the specialist cannot help me in that situation. I think like every occupation, they are good and bad practioners. It is important not to give up. I really do wish, that finally you will meet the right person, who is able to help you. I would be happy if we can stay in touch. I hope you had a nice time cycling and enjoying the sun 🤠. All the best🙏☘️ Max
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