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  1. Hey guys, I wanted to start by wishing you all a happy new year! I'd also like to apologize in advance about my english as it isn't my first language so sorry for the mistakes here and there. I got on this forum in a pretty random way, but I am a firm believer that you always end up where you need to be. I am here to maybe get some guidance, some help, some vision from other people. Sending my questions in the universe and maybe see things a different way. It's going to be a long read, but here is my story. I have 2 degrees from University, one in Physical Education teaching and one in Physical Activity science applied in sports training. During the process of getting that, school and work put a lot of pressure on myself and I dealt with depression and anxiety from all of it, I had some very dark days. I found help, found ways to deal with it all, and even through the darkest days of my life, I kept hoping that things would get better and that I would be happy in the end. I am now 30, I am father to a healthy little girl of 16 months, I am owner of a beautiful house. I work out a lot to deal with my demons and help me get motivated and keep pushing. I work as a Phys Ed teacher and also work part time as a trainer in a prep school program to help me get some more money. As fun as my job are, there is no stability in the line of work I am in. Every year, I am thrown to a new school and even though I am ready to work full time, even more than full time, there is no opportunity for me to do so. I always get the "leftovers", and it's going to be a while before I get to be full time. I am not here to ask for sympathy or to complain, I kinda knew that already, but I didnt think it would be that bad. All of it has put a lot of financial stress on me every year and I dont know what to do. When I work, I am able to get some good money and get my head out of the water, then it goes back to having no opportunities and I start sinking again. I even went to work with a moving and transport company this summer to help me make it through. All of it leads to a lot of questioning from me about life. What do I do, if I try to find other random jobs to help me out, they often dont want to hire me because they know I have my teaching job. Some want me to put teaching aside but I'll make 3-4x what they offer when/if full time. I sometimes think about doing something else, but what do I do? I thought about national police here in Canada, but that asked me to be 4 months away from my daughter. Do I go back to school in something else? If I do that then it really doesnt help with the financial stress that I already have. I feel a bit lost. I have everything I need to be happy but I have a really hard time enjoying life because I am always in financial stress and work wise, I dont feel satisfied, and also feel handcuffed. I feel like I am using like 60% of my potential and it really affects my mood. I really dont know what I am hoping to find on this forum, but maybe some wisdom from someone who went through something similar, or different views from different people, ideas, could help. Even if you have read everything and dont have anything to reply, I appreciate it. Thank you all
  2. Keeping your mind active is key to mental health as we age. In fact, there's a field of science dedicated to just that: brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain's capability to constantly re-wire itself - to alter its connections. Without neuroplasticity a person's brain would not be able to properly develop from birth into adulthood. While neuroplasticity does lessen with age, it never completely stops. A person can encourage their brain to be 'plastic' regardless of their age. This improves memory, allows for better processing of information better, and even lessens anxiety, stress, and depression. There are several nutritional supplements that can help with neuroplasticity. There are also simple non-dietary ways to keep the brain neuroplastic. Reading - especially fiction - helps. Continuing to learn also helps. It almost doesn't matter what a person is learning, as it's the process of learning new things that makes the brain stronger. This article has a lot more on the topic: https://brighter-health.com/neuroplasticity-improves-memory-learning-and-more/
  3. I'm trying to find my place in this world people say things like " psst I say this in a humbly proud way" " she's the most tolerant,understanding kindest person I know" I live by a code of honour Honesty,Forgivness no matter the hurt caused,but most of All HEART I love mother earth her people I can somehow draw out Trust in people towards myself as a vessel for a higher purpose this is sometimes overwhelming as my Empathy seems to overflow I'm starting to try and master my emotions I used to infact still do CRY at the kindest acts,hurt painfully feeling everything and everyone around me I see never mind feel their stress their angst,Anger,stress ect you'll know what I mean I am desperate to help but I experience extreme burnout!!! Not good I know ended up in hospital yesterday I'm looking,seeking people whom understand this pull of call it faith,call it universe call it source it just is!! I hope someone gets me here many labels bar the true one Giving in all its forms but in my infancy in discovering who I am this is a recommendation so I hope I've done her proud by reaching out to see is this me any advice welcome I understand more than anyone" if we All shine like the Stars 🌟 we represent we are one collective sending positivity and love and peace into our world trying to make it remain Neautral and mirror Heaven on Earth" in all heart ❤️ and kindness Claire Margaret 💜 🌟
  4. Meditation is great for reducing anxiety and stress. You should take a look at the 'Meditation' topic in this forum for a lot of information on the different types of meditation (I myself prefer a type called mindful meditation). As far as diet, consider green tea - it's well known for its calming effect. Green tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine which is responsible for the calming properties of green tea. If you aren't a tea drinker you can buy L-theanine supplements - many people try that supplement to help with stress and anxiety.
  5. When it comes to boosting your mental health, every little bit counts. So if you’re feeling anxious or down, take a walk with a friend and enjoy the fresh air and scenery. And don’t forget to document your outing with some fun snaps! Humor is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, so be sure to watch some funny memes, meme about anxiety or videos of cute animals. This will help you relax and see the lighter side of things. A few meme websites that i know: https://9gag.com/ https://knowyourmeme.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=meme&rs=filter https://www.pinterest.com/artiristore/memes/ By taking small steps like these, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming anxiety and improving your mental health.
  6. I also like to play games and watch series, but I realized that challenging games and serious scenes can cause even more stress even though I like them. So taking a nap or taking a moment to calm down first, can be more relaxing.
  7. A great news for all of you who are stress-ridden and have no way to resolve the issue!! In order to learn the Techniques on How to Identify and Relieve Stress, you should take this amazing online course provided by Contractor Casual Academy. The link to the course is: https://sso.teachable.com/secure/1350641/checkout/4218706/unload-techniques-on-how-to-identify-and-relieve-stress
  8. Being physically active. Exercise can reduce feelings of stress and depression and improve your mood.Getting enough sleep. Sleep affects your mood. ... Healthy eating. Good nutrition will help you feel better physically but could also improve your mood and decrease anxiety and stress.
  9. Lately I've found that poetry has helped me find comfort in times of stress. I was wondering if anyone else has favorite poets that they turn to.
  10. Big Dream Alert!!!! This is my first attempt at starting a book. Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?Here goes. . .Don’t Be an A*Hole, How to Stop Doing and Saying Things You Regret.I was an A*HOLE. Truth be told, I still am an A*HOLE from time to time. Progress, not perfection. Why am I telling you this? Well, you may be one too. Before you get offended, let me clarify, an A*HOLE is a person who Always Has Overreactions to Life’s Events.Maybe you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “not me.” Before you stop reading this, ask yourself, “do I often say or do things I wish I could immediately take back?” If not, then please go out into the world and share your secrets. Seriously, stop reading and get out there. The world needs you now!For the rest of us, come with me on this journey of curiosity, learning, practicing, and ultimately transforming your relationships, health, and life. I will share my story, struggles, and practices that have changed my relationships and granted me peace.We will explore together -How being an A*HOLE is harming your relationships and your health.Why self-regulation can be a challenge, and why shaming yourself isn’t working.The simple yet effective steps you can take to retrain your brain to respond differently to life events.Being an A*HOLE is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change. Do you want to improve your relationships? Do you want to lower your stress levels? I did, and I have. I will show you how. You are one book away from transforming your life. Come with me, friend.I would love to hear from you! *** I purposefully did not put Mindfulness in the title or description, because I am trying to turn people onto mindfulness that currently do not have a practice or true understanding of what it is.
  11. It's hard because I have so much stress with classes and I have a lot of homework, plus at least a test a week. With all of this, it's hard to find that balance.
  12. Nature, pure and simple. I regularly try and get outside, It has helped me through an awful lot of unhappiness and stress. I filmed the attached video last week in the forest. It was such a peaceful place. Reddit.mp4
  13. I interpret the message in this way: the ultimate goal is to be as happy as possible, at all times. However, feelings of suffering should be dealth with, as they are a signal that tells that you are focusing on what you don't want instead of what you want. For example: if you have lost your job, and focus on the fact that you have less money than before, you are unhappy. If you ignore that feeling you will not be unhappy anymore, but you haven't dealth with the cause of the suffering. It's like taking a pill to get rid of stress-induced headache, instead of curing yourself by reducing the stress. However, if you look through the feeling of suffering, and reveal what you want, you focus on how a new job would impact your life. In this way, you have transcended unhappiness into happiness.
  14. Yes true... Sound healing frequency really helps to releasing the stress. it good for mental health.
  15. Welcome. manifestation, meditation and stuff like this were just keywords to me. They are used a lot by people trying to convince others to buy their books or guides to the perfect life. But there is not that one secret which makes your life perfect. It's basically just taking some time for yourself to do nothing but think about your life goals or whatever else comes to your mind. This helps setting new aims and become self reflected. And it can help reducing stress.
  16. Hello all, I totally agree that music has a great impact on our feelings. I have recently created "Living Water Cinema" YouTube channel. This channel contains beautiful and relaxation music videos. Visit my channel and enjoy peaceful music. This will help you to relax your mind, to meditate and to free you from stress. Hope you support and enjoy videos from my channel.🙂 Below is the link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFLGex_oatV6LFu8Rbj4pIQ
  17. I walk down the beach these days as a topples male with a huge fat hairy gut, quite content in my acceptance despite so many who look at me as If I have done something wrong. People envy me so much, what's a guy to do. As someone that used to be addicted to body image and expert at making that work, I now enjoy a new found sense of freedom. I still aim to keep my body in check and prone to bouts of exercise. That said, the term exercise no longer has the same meaning I once did. Such has been a huge liberation that can be found in no gym or experienced by having any one kid of body shape. What's inside and how we resonate with that can have more impact in terms of one's health when is comes to a mindfulness base stress reduction program. In fact it is key.
  18. Yes.. very true.. music really helps to release the stress and tension. In fact it is sound vibrations that used in healing. The power of Sound Healing, Drumming and Meditation is at our fingertips to help us improve our thinking, feeling and being.
  19. Please don't mind my quirky sense of of expression. I really mean no harm and like many others wish to make positive connections. Yesterday I read this website's article on how nostalgia can console and aging heart (my take) and noted the mention how various clinical practices are wary of said states of mind. I'm no expert on nostalgia but the essence of that article rang true enough for me. I only mention this stream of thought like so as to introduce an old poem I wrote some time ago that draws upon a time in my life where during adversity I was able to connect with a form of happiness that always been with me. I share this now: Perhaps not your average take on nostalgia but for me, many of my past recollections to do with personal associations that bring me peace are typically experienced through adversity. I only just found this poem this morning looking for through my large collection or personal photos hoping to find a positive association wishing to share another scenic image which typically yields for me a form of peace. I am hoping to get back into the practice of likewise photography in the near future but for now content to use online text. I don't like taking up space so don't suppose I will be hear for long as the inactivity is kind of making me stand out more then I like so perhaps will opt for a blog. Anyhoooows ... while I am here this for me rates as a share. You know, if I heard Eckhart Tolle correctly, I beleive it was a park bench him when he connected with that something within. I remember him distinctly talking about a similar experience that makes me think of how many times my homeless past offered me similar states of mind to much of what he went on teach. Heads Up! - I'm not saying I'm Jesus Christ. Laughs out loud because we got plenty of Messiah Complexes in this selfie age and I recoil from all of them. To be sure I struggle like every other human re my ego and I'm pretty sure it's woven into my text but I do try to be mindful of such things. I'm no guru on any of these things and in fact do not like self professed or glorified people. I don't do well with audiences because of such things and feel sad the way other people hold up popular people and then sell and profit kind of thing. Yet again I am sure we are all guilty of doing the same things on a personal level because is how we are pretty much conditioned to think and feel 24/7 But enough of that before that objective side of me if pegged as cynical. Any form of discomfort is shadow banned. How's that for perception management? Rhetorical Back to the love and light not being as it's always perceived. I finish this post with my take on nostalgia: "...on how nostalgia can console and aging heart ..." 3rd sentence in my above opening. I find as one grows older the distance between such spiritual connections (which I pretty much feel consciousness awakening/deeply felt mindful/'less' experiences are) grows more distance due to intolerance. Yet adversity seems to be ageless and the age factor in my spiel here is not quite right for me as I struggle to grasp with what I am really trying to say. Like I can see how it is that many people blinded by unconsciousness in the waking world only have their first spiritual insight only when their bodies start degrade to a point beyond their control as is inventible. Much of my quirky satire in my previous post includes this same take in the healing and well being industry. In fact much of it is based on avoiding the inevitable. But back to intolerance which and can often be expressed in terms of age but more so time under stress. The latter clinical but more often understood. The connection between time under stress and an aging heart is what I sense I am aiming for when attributing the solace that can drawn when looking back on whatever association. Despite being raised in a very religious surrounding that whilst did more damage than good for quite some time, I had this intrinsic connection with some kind invisible light despite the many who seemed unable to foster me. That said I was still prone to fall victim to another side of myself that played it's part as no more than byproduct in a very toxic system. That part of me is still very caught up in that world where it takes a lot of skill and focus NOT to identify with the many labels; we all have them and many they be. That's my morning share. Now I am off for a simply bicycle ride to catch up with a friend similar but not quite like me. Like minds do not always have to be a thing. hehe little chuckle at that one. Best to remain open no matter what and be accepting of everyone regardless of this world of boxes. Less is best in a world of excess. Quality over quantity but without the contention for that which does not fit. From this square peg ... peace out. 😉
  20. Yes, music always helps me deal with stress. It's the mechanism that helps me in many ways, but especially in difficult circumstances. I usually like to include videos from youtube, most of the time I download them from Tubidy because it's much more convenient for me to listen to music offline. It's also a great way for me to go somewhere and not have to worry about being without music. That's my everything.
  21. Thanks for the story, I have a lot of stress myself, that's why it's helpful to read something like this.
  22. Ponder. Sounds like u r a good man with a lot of responsibility and stress. I am not if ubwant advice about your predicament since u shared so such and I am not qualified to give it. But I would say that your family should pull together (not saying they dont) and allow you time to have outside time. If you fall ill whose going to be there for them etc. Thanks for your advice I agree resigning to one's predicament does give u a feeling of equanimity but it is hard to stay there because humans are social animals. I wish u all the best and send u positive thoughts thank u for sharing.
  23. hello guys and gals. i have always had a problem getting to sleep. if you are interested in a more relaxxing sleep try Kim's Background Music on youtube. Tell me what you think? here is the link....
  24. Listen to your inner voice.. If you want to reduce your stress, do things that make you happy. You can do yoga, exercise and eat a healthy diet. But apart from this, you can also mediate which will also make you feel calm and peaceful. Listening to some guided mediation can give you some relief. Sound healing mediation is also a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.
  25. Are you facing stress and anxiety? Reduce stress & anxiety, Roundglass can help you to restore calmness and serenity to a chaotic life. You don't have to spend time or think about de-stressing. If your stress is spiraling out of control and you need a quick release, Contact Roundglass or follow their tips.
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