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  1. For me it's music and yoga. Music is indeed the best way to relieve stress, and for me, listening to playlists from youtube is the best way to cope with anxiety and so on. But it's hard to find the right video, but with services like mp3 juice, it's easy to get everything on your phone and listen to it. So I don't have any problems finding the right music and coping with stress that way, so I think you can try it as well.
  2. First of all, thanks for sharing your story. I'm an engineer too and it can be stressful sometimes. Fortunately, I found a job where quality is more important than speed, so there is not too much stress. I guess, there is a "not" missing? There where internships attached to your diploma studies, right? So did you try to work as an engineer yet, so you can tell if it is too much stress for you? If not, you should try an internship first, just to get to know the work. Also, you don't have to go the way, people expect you to go. If you figure, you can't work as an engineer, you are free to do something else. Yes, you might not need your diploma anymore, but you gained experience. I don't know if you studied mechanical, electrical or some other kind of engineering, but you could just become a mechanic or electronics technician, if you like. To me, a good work life balance is more important than a high salary job anyway. If you earn enough money to get by, everything above is just a bonus.
  3. I'm in love with a damaged empath. She is afraid of my love. She either has been abused in previous relationships or she ended relationships that were good. She felt abandoned by her mother as a child and is overly protective now, pressing the self destruct button on us before we can begin. She is running away from me because she is scared of getting hurt, she is sabotaging her own happiness. I have told her today verbally and in text after talking with her: "You were running away/pushing me away because you were afraid of getting hurt again like in the past. You have genuine love, affection and fun in front of you and it scares you, but you deserve to be loved and happy where other current problems will be easier to deal with too. You have stability, certainty, harmony, peace and fun with me/us, where you will heal (in your own time/way) with acceptance and respect and without stress or drama from me. I want you, I want to be with you, I want a relationship with you. Listen to your heart"................................................Thoughts Please.
  4. Big Dream Alert!!!! This is my first attempt at starting a book. Does this feel like a book you might read? If so, what else would you want to be included?Here goes. . .Don’t Be an A*Hole, How to Stop Doing and Saying Things You Regret.I was an A*HOLE. Truth be told, I still am an A*HOLE from time to time. Progress, not perfection. Why am I telling you this? Well, you may be one too. Before you get offended, let me clarify, an A*HOLE is a person who Always Has Overreactions to Life’s Events.Maybe you are shaking your head and saying to yourself, “not me.” Before you stop reading this, ask yourself, “do I often say or do things I wish I could immediately take back?” If not, then please go out into the world and share your secrets. Seriously, stop reading and get out there. The world needs you now!For the rest of us, come with me on this journey of curiosity, learning, practicing, and ultimately transforming your relationships, health, and life. I will share my story, struggles, and practices that have changed my relationships and granted me peace.We will explore together -How being an A*HOLE is harming your relationships and your health.Why self-regulation can be a challenge, and why shaming yourself isn’t working.The simple yet effective steps you can take to retrain your brain to respond differently to life events.Being an A*HOLE is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to change. Do you want to improve your relationships? Do you want to lower your stress levels? I did, and I have. I will show you how. You are one book away from transforming your life. Come with me, friend.I would love to hear from you! *** I purposefully did not put Mindfulness in the title or description, because I am trying to turn people onto mindfulness that currently do not have a practice or true understanding of what it is.
  5. Fülle unseren "Stress bei der Arbeit" Fragebogen aus und finden es in weniger als 3 Minuten heraus! Die Ergebnisse liegen auf einer Skala von 0 bis 60. | 0 steht für überhaupt keinen Stress und 60 für eine extreme und sogar gefährliche Menge an Stress. Was denkst du über dein Ergebnis? Entspricht es deinen Erwartungen? Welche anderen Ursachen für Stress erlebst du in deinem täglichen Arbeitsleben? Weitere Informationen zum Thema findest im entsprechenden Artikel "Stress bei der Arbeit" in unserem happiness Magazin.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm in the process of writing a thesis and would appreciate anyone that can answer some questions for me. Please find them listed below, and thank you in advance! How long have you been meditating? - Less than 1 year - 1 – 2 years - 3 – 5 years - 5 – 10 years - 10 + years How long do you meditate per day? - 5 – 10 minutes - 15 – 20 minutes - 25 – 30 minutes - 45 + minutes What made you start meditating? - Depression or anxiety - Self-help or self-improvement books/podcasts - Wanting to reduce stress - Physical health concerns - Religious associations - Spiritual associations - Family member or friend suggestion - Psychologist or social worker recommendation - Family doctor recommendation What are some changes you’ve noticed since starting meditating? - Decreased anxiety - Decreased depression - Improved focus - Improved creativity - Improved self-worth/self-esteem - Improved relationships - Improved memory retention - Increased energy - Ability to handle stress - Increased emotional intelligence - Increased mindfulness - Mood improvement/stability - Sleep improvement - Increased spiritual connection What’s your preferred method of meditation? - Mindfulness - Walking - Mantra - Guided - TM - Journaling How would you rate your mental health since meditating out of 10? - 1 – 3 (bad) - 4 – 5 (not good) - 6 – 7 (good) - 8 – 9 (very good) - 10 + (excellent) Do you think meditation can improve mental health? - Yes - No
  7. Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax to the soothing sounds of rain. Whether you're trying to fall asleep or just need a moment of peace and tranquility, these rain sounds are the perfect solution. Simply close your eyes, put on your headphones, and let the gentle pitter-patter of rain wash away your stress and worries. Use these rain sounds as a calming background noise while you work, study, or just unwind. Let the rain soundtrack transport you to a peaceful and serene place.'
  8. Go make music to creating meditation guided meditation thru speech. It was my way when co meditator did guided meditation creating visual release of negative energy release which shown from my guides on other side how stress was causing blocked energy and I saw sample of future. Golden turtle’s-that represent spiritual progress in extrem stressful situations ?! Another way of helping others 2 recorddd guided methods can create spiritual pain release pas trauma etc
  9. I think, I will never be done thinking about this. To me, it starts with the absence of stress. If there is something happening soon, which I didn't plan yet, I have to make a plan to know, what's coming, to be prepared and to avoid stress. Confirmation is important too. If I know, or if I'm told, I did something right, I'm happy. Because it means, I didn't waste my time. And it was worth it. It can even be a cat trustfully sleeping on my lap. On the other hand, I think you had to be unhappy to be able to feel happy. So there is no way to be happy 24/7. Knowing this, I think projects are a good way to become happy. At first it's overwhelming and a lot of problems need to be solved but in the end it's a good feeling.
  10. Hello Tine, Yes I agree that the language these doctors and scientist use can be a little too bold. But I personally feel it is aimed to wake up an interest in those that still do not understand the importance of holistic aspects of health. This language is used all the time in pharma industry - take this pill and your allergy, your headache, ... disappears.. (this might not be as prominent in Europe as advertising of pharmaceutical medicine is illegal, but I have seen in on the TV in the USA. As per your note on smoking and how it doesn't mean the smoker will get cancer and the non smoker won't, this is absolutely true! I have seen many old smokers that are in great health and not on any medication and I truly believe it is their life long positive attitude. We also see many people that are struggling with cancer and serious diseases, but they lived healthy lifestyles. This is because while they ate well and exercise, they lived in emotionally weakened state of either chronic stress or suppressed emotions from a trauma. The body is much more dynamic and there is usually not only one cause to a disease. The body has trillion cells that are in constant communication with each other, just like our systems are in constant communication with one another, .... If there is an imbalance in one part, that will affects other functions and all must be addressed together. In my work I always see there is a "story" the body has to tell, that often combines various aspects that are causing this particular health issue. Example of a client with chronic migraines (one possible story) - the pain is being triggered as a result of an emotional imbalance in liver connected to a specific event or life time experience, which is then blocking the communication between the liver and the gallbladder and hence the metabolic pathways for toxins and hormone elimination. So the reason is metabolic imbalance in the systems, which has been triggered by emotional stress. We are constantly exposed to stress, whether it is physical (sedentary life style, micro-trauma from repetitive movements, or an injury), metabolic (food, water, air, medicine, alcohol, ..), or emotional and mental stress and while more scientific research is proving that emotional and mental stress is the biggest culprit to modern diseases, all of these factors must be taken in consideration. <3
  11. This week's topic is "Stressful Communications: Interpersonal Mindfulness". As the different types of formal practices are discussed already in the earlier week, where you are also welcome to share this week's experiences with them, this weeks forum entry is about the informal practice, the communication calendar. As we practise applying the skills we are learning in this course to our everyday lives; we are cultivating our natural capacities to be more flexible and to recover more quickly during challenging interpersonal situations. As we grow our awareness of emotions, we may better understand the messages we are sending to others and receiving from others and the barriers to being with ourselves and others in heartfelt and authentic ways. “Once you can communicate with yourself, you’ll be able to communicate outwardly with more clarity.” Thich Nhat Hanh Psychological stress arises from the interaction between us and the world, so we need to take responsibility for our part in relationships with people who “cause us stress” By this, we mean taking responsibility for our perceptions, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. If we react unconsciously when we are having a problem with another person, just as with other forms of stress, this usually makes matters worse in the long run. One of the most useful insights was reading myself when I was about to shut down in a conversation. These days I feel my chest getting tighter, and I become aware that I am no longer listening with an open heart but that I start feeling attacked and I am putting my armour up which will not allow the conversation to come to a satisfying result as I do not hear the other person anymore. Depending on the situation I might take a deep breath and open up again, or I'll explain that I am closing up and need a pause, sometimes I'll excuse myself to the bathroom for a bit to reconsider. If I get to walk the dog for an hour through the forest that's best but that's not always possible. It can also be helpful to repeat what I understood that the other person said in my own words, so we are both sure to talk about the same thing. This shows the other person I am listening and gives us both a chance to be clear about what we are talking about to avoid misunderstandings and assumptions. Have you noticed any changes in how you are communicating with people since you started this course? What have you noticed?
  12. We are the one who create stress And at the same time we have ability to get rid of it .. so why late . Just smile and get rid of stress 😊
  13. What's the secret? If we are so able to be healthy and young, why do we get sick? One of the most important reasons is stress! I will now show how stress works, using cells and then people. So, I put cells in a petri dish and I split the group into 2 sets. In one set I put nutrients in front of the cells; in the other I put toxins in front of the cells. I put them back in the incubator and I come back later and take them out; where do you think the cells are in each experiment? when you come back, when nutrients are in the dish, the cells move towards the signals, as positive growth signals. but when toxins are in the dish, the cells move away from the threatening negative signals. So, when a cell sees something that gives growth, they move to the signal, with their arms open to take it in; but if the cells see toxins, then what they do is they move away from the signal and close themselves down! cells cannot be open and closed at the same time! cells cannot move forwards and backwards at the same time. Read more: https://awget.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-question-is-if-we-are-so-able-to-be.html
  14. In The Happiness Trap, Dr. Russ Harris provides a means to escape the epidemic of stress, anxiety, and depression, unlocking the secrets to a truly fulfilling life. Reducing stress and worry Handling painful thoughts and feelings more effectively Breaking self-defeating habits Overcoming insecurity and self-doubt Building better relationships Improving performance and finding fulfilment at work listen free => https://amzn.to/3rbZT8o
  15. For me, the first step was to identify what does stress me. Now I feel stress so vividly in my body that it's almost painful. The upside to it is that I clearly see the sign, and I can't ignore it or push it away like I used to do. When I am stressed, it helps to pause and breathe. I try to get out of being stressed to a more distanced position watching the stress, myself and the bigger picture to put things into perspective. What feels like the end of the world might not be that significant upon inspection. I am offering a guided meditation for stressful situations on my blog and on insighttimer. When it comes to a stressfree life in general I guess we can control some of the stressors but there's will always be situaltions for me when I get stressed. So rather than trying to aviod them, learning to deal with them seem to be the key for me.
  16. That's a good question. I guess to me it means always aiming for peace by controlling what I allow into my life and having tools and strategies in place for the things I can't control that cause me stress. Many things have been proven to help reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, journaling, eating whole foods, being outdoors, having a good network of friends... Of course, it's not always easy to completely avoid stress, but it's definitely doable and it's good for both our mental and physical well-being.
  17. My stress grew a lot since remote work started with the pandemic. I've experienced some high levels of stress and burnout I've never experienced before. thinkremote.com blog posts have some great tips on mental health for remote employees, you could check them to analyse some different perspectives. Howevder, follow a schedule, meditate every day, and don't over work. If you're out of time, extra hours would help you get the work done but you'll suffer some bad consequences at the end of the week. Trust me, there's nothing like psychological health for a happier life.
  18. Keeping your mind active is key to mental health as we age. In fact, there's a field of science dedicated to just that: brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brain's capability to constantly re-wire itself - to alter its connections. Without neuroplasticity a person's brain would not be able to properly develop from birth into adulthood. While neuroplasticity does lessen with age, it never completely stops. A person can encourage their brain to be 'plastic' regardless of their age. This improves memory, allows for better processing of information better, and even lessens anxiety, stress, and depression. There are several nutritional supplements that can help with neuroplasticity. There are also simple non-dietary ways to keep the brain neuroplastic. Reading - especially fiction - helps. Continuing to learn also helps. It almost doesn't matter what a person is learning, as it's the process of learning new things that makes the brain stronger. This article has a lot more on the topic: https://brighter-health.com/neuroplasticity-improves-memory-learning-and-more/
  19. When it comes to boosting your mental health, every little bit counts. So if you’re feeling anxious or down, take a walk with a friend and enjoy the fresh air and scenery. And don’t forget to document your outing with some fun snaps! Humor is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, so be sure to watch some funny memes, meme about anxiety or videos of cute animals. This will help you relax and see the lighter side of things. A few meme websites that i know: https://9gag.com/ https://knowyourmeme.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/search/pins/?q=meme&rs=filter https://www.pinterest.com/artiristore/memes/ By taking small steps like these, you’ll be well on your way to overcoming anxiety and improving your mental health.
  20. I also like to play games and watch series, but I realized that challenging games and serious scenes can cause even more stress even though I like them. So taking a nap or taking a moment to calm down first, can be more relaxing.
  21. Lately I've found that poetry has helped me find comfort in times of stress. I was wondering if anyone else has favorite poets that they turn to.
  22. It's hard because I have so much stress with classes and I have a lot of homework, plus at least a test a week. With all of this, it's hard to find that balance.
  23. Nature, pure and simple. I regularly try and get outside, It has helped me through an awful lot of unhappiness and stress. I filmed the attached video last week in the forest. It was such a peaceful place. Reddit.mp4
  24. Yes true... Sound healing frequency really helps to releasing the stress. it good for mental health.
  25. Welcome. manifestation, meditation and stuff like this were just keywords to me. They are used a lot by people trying to convince others to buy their books or guides to the perfect life. But there is not that one secret which makes your life perfect. It's basically just taking some time for yourself to do nothing but think about your life goals or whatever else comes to your mind. This helps setting new aims and become self reflected. And it can help reducing stress.
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