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  1. I am level 2 reiki. I am starting back to yoga classes this week.
  2. Namaste and Welcome Amy. You will feel at home here. It is wonderful to know you are into yoga and Reiki. I am sure we will hear get some valuable insights from you on these two areas. Feel free to share and learn new things as you spend more time passing along here. Love and Peace be with you always.
  3. Hey Amy, I'm in London too and very interested in all things energy aswell! I'm just on the beginner spectrum, but aspsire to get certified in Reiki and yoga instruction. Here if you want to chat or anything. Emily X
  4. Hi guys n gals.... Just a quick intro here. I'm new to this site and am undergoing the MBSR free course. I've been practising Yoga for a couple of years and it's really spoken to me. My friend a nutritionist introduced me recently to mindful eating and I decided I wanted to know more and apply this process to all things in life. My journey so far has taught me so much about myself and helped me with my Dad and Husband who both suffer from different strains of mental illness - after all its hard being strong and smiley all the time. I needed something for me to help me have a better understanding of the world and my loved ones as well as myself and have found mindfulness is just the ticket. It helps me approach situations in a better calmer way and deal with them so much more effectively. I look forward to continuing my journey with all you lovely likeminded people xxx
  5. Hi Julius, I enjoy zumba, yoga, arts, colouring, visiting galleries, sketching, anything arts and crafts related.. What I want to bring to the world? More unity and love. There is a lot of ego going around and people need to realise that the best thing it to forgive and forget and let go. move on in life as there is so much to experience and do. We need more light workers in this era. Existing light workers are doing all they can to better the world. I can go on and on and on lol! Thanks for reading
  6. Yoga 2 was so enjoyable. Sitting, stretching, every movement feels good. Aware of every movement and feeling.
  7. I visit a friend in Hong Kong for 6 days and then I go to Bali for 24 days of yoga, nature, beaches and organic food I've never been to either India or Cambodia, but one can dream hehe
  8. @Kristi0988 Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness are all connected. Isn't the bodyscan a take on Shavasana?
  9. I've done exactly the same from Jan 2020 working part time, to enable me to explore the opportunities to help me grow as a person and to embrace life to the max. Currently embracing meditation, yoga and reiki ❤
  10. So I'm on week 4. I love the Hathaway yoga #2. The warrior positions are really stretching. I found I got nauseous when I tried it first thing in the morning but now I do it in the afternoon or after I eat. Really enjoyable. I'm so glad I've made it to week 4.
  11. Hi Andy, it's so nice to hear that yoga has helped you to recover and congrats to your success. I would like to know which relation you see between your previous addiction and the spiritual path now if there is any. I think yes :)
  12. Just finished yoga and felt awkward and wasn’t able to relax. Felt very stiff. A good feeling was that I felt my body stretching muscles that I had not used in a long time
  13. I’ve noticed that the more mindful I am in the practice, the more I’m in tune with my body, the more peaceful the Savasana is at the end. I can truly lie there and be quiet and still. This is something I haven’t really ever been able to experience before, even as a yoga teacher, who tries to encourage her students to quiet their minds during that time.
  14. Hola! Interestingly I know the moment of pushing too well and know that many Fibros have that pushing idea in their heads. In yoga we try to bring this down to relaxation in movement. Still movement is super important. Pushing yourself into something that you are not will always make you feel hurt (especially with a certain belief system). As well Fibro can be part of a pain causing trauma that was never released, the soul cries, is pain and it grows through the body (a from of rheumatism). The Mediacl Medium (Anthony William) taks about a version of an EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus). And I can find a balance in that. Maybe Spirit finds is way in the expression of pain in this way: "Hey, wake up, you have an emotional pain!" Why is it so difficult to find out or find? Usually the white blood cells are in slightly higher numbers. The docs say: "Oh, yeah, you might had..." So they don't look for more. Then they check physical structures and find something evidences that coudl agree to one thing: Fibro. But there is no real test giving you the result. Williams says that only one type of EBV is really known but there are 60! And one would make you feeling the Fibro. So, I guess people have to dive into the inner wisdom. Obviously there is a something stuck (trauma, emotion, intruder, occupation, virus). A good alternative healer could read that through Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Reiki etc. or (a good!!!) maestro/curandero/shaman can help through it. Find out what bothers you in your life, what is holding you back, what sits on your heart and creates pain in your emotional or spiritual body - and all immunsystem-symptoms etc. will align because these are symptoms telling you where you have to look at. Joe Dispenza says it so nice: We can not change matter with matter. That goes back to a saying of Einstein: You can not solve the problem your have created with the same mind-set. Mind-thought-waves are matter. Change is needed. https://soundcloud.com/medicalmedium/epstein-barr-virus-revealed
  15. Hello everyone, did my first yoga exercise and I really liked it. My thoughts were not all over the place since I had to listen and pay attention to the exercises. It felt great stretching and also had a relaxed feeling. I even got a little sleepy but enjoyed stretching the whole body.
  16. Hi, Wayne! Welcome and thank you for joining our little community! I must admit, I too am fully charged from last night's full moon. I went to the most amazing full moon yoga session where we dedicated our practice to Kali ma and asked her to kill off anything within us that no longer serves us. We chanted kali maa namo namah throughout the practice, and it was incredibly liberating.I went to bed feeling super energised and empowered, and woke up with that same charged energy. Isn't it wonderful? ?✨
  17. Ever since I was a child, I had a longing for Truth or what some would call the Divine. After many years of searching and meeting different teachers, I was fortunate to come into the company of Satguru Sirio and was initiated into the path of Surat Shabd Yoga. Now, I share the peace and blessings through devotional singing. I am happy to have a community like this to meet other like-minded seekers after Truth. Namaste❤️
  18. Regarding the MBSR course, I think it's pretty straight forward: Doing the formal and informal practices as scheduled in the course. Within that, you can choose between a longer and a shorter version. But stick to the minimum time and stick with the type of meditation. Altering the position as needed is ok. Once you've finished the course, and you want to maintain your meditation routine, it becomes harder. For example, I found myself cheating using a Yoga Nidra session on insight timer to fall asleep. It's counted there as a meditation but not only did I know that while it does have it's benefits it's not the kind of mental exercise I was supposed to be doing, rather something I could do as well. After a while, I also became aware of how the positive changes mindfulness meditation were getting weaker. Going to a Vipassana retreat was my way to kickstart my meditation practice again thoroughly. Somehow I feel it's like going to the gym. If it's not somehow hard if there's no "sweat" if there's no inner resistance to overcome there's little to be gained, and if we are honest to ourselves we know when we are making the easy choice. I easily fall asleep lying down as well unless I am incredibly well-rested. So I sometimes do the bodyscan in my regular meditation position, which helps a lot staying awake as well as staying warm as I do use a warm blanket.
  19. When I teach yoga, I always invite my students to be mindful. In order to better guide them into this idea, whilst doing say a specific arm posture I invite them to assess what is happening in another remote and apparently unrelated part of their body. When I do this myself, I really bring awareness on my entire body and my perception of time and space somehow expands.
  20. I normally sit in meditation every day. This year in May I decided that I am a westerner and as much as I am a yoga teacher I do not have to sit crossed legs when I meditate. I now sit comfortably on a chair with my feet well grounded on the floor. This was one of the best decision of this year. I find that my practice got better, I find it easier to concentrate, connect with my breath and in general be more mindful. Maybe is just a self-convincing strategy. Whatever the case, it works and that's all that counts.
  21. So I'm doing the body scan first thing when I wake up. I've found that I struggle to stay awake. Sometimes I open my eyes for short periods of time to get more awake. But I like to do the entire scan with my eyes closed. I do it on a yoga mat with a fuzzy blanket on top. It's really cold in the morning. I use an audio recording. I use a pillow under my head. It looks like a perfect sleep scenario. But my head hurts if I dont use a pillow. And I cant focus if I'm freezing cold. Any ideas how I can stay awake better?
  22. I agree with jojo. When I split from my now ex husband I wasn't upset though I went through a dark period after which was grieving for the loss of my marriage. My marriage however left me mentally and emotionally scarred and it's now been 5 years since we split, but it's only been the last year that it's all fallen in to place. I allowed my self to go on a spiritual journey and meditated and practiced yoga everyday. I read up on different spiritual groups and found a way that spirituality worked for me as I don't do organised religion. I only wish I had started it sooner. The only way you will be happy is to give yourself as much time as you need to rediscover yourself, find what works for your soul and spirit and it will fall into place. I'm now a totally different person and better for it. I hope you find your happiness soon.
  23. Yeh this I have to work only mind gets negative at times, then I worry that this is what the universe will return to me. As I believe what we think is what we become, so I'm trying really hard with yoga & meditation to change my mind set in order to change my life & circumstances, button this world it's a daily battle, but I will win eventually.
  24. Hi, I fell across this site via an ad on Facebook. I like the connectivity of Facebook and also realise that it is a part of the big corporate structure that tends towards dehumanising us. I hope this site has the potenial to offer an alternative to that approach. I practise mediatation on a daily basis and have been fascinated by Taoism since I was a teenager... some time ago. I live in Newcastle in North East England and love the vibe and the people here... that's why I choose to live here... and have many close connections with people I love here. I enjoy sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings and often do that by writing most days... I also work with others around ideas of what it is that makes us... this... and how we can build on becoming the person we wish to be rather than the person we felt we were expected to be by others. I was always a curious and daring youngster and determined to work out how the world worked for myself... that led me into a few precarious places and I often mistook fun and freedom for unsustainable harmful behaviours... after reading much and then practicing yoga in my mid twenties I started to see that a meaningful and fulfilling life was accessable through tapping into some of the oldest wisdoms. These days I find that I get most from life without the need for external stimulants and distractions... my physical and spirtual practice keeps my happy, open and well... thisness for me is what life is about... self awareness and the ability to grow each day. Anyway, that is how I ended up here today and I look forwards to making new connections with people I have yet to meet... here. Best wishes and namaste, Mark This.
  25. Bring Back that Inner Child in you - Keep that Curiosity Alive to know about things I am following my heart and learning everyday. Today I started my Youtube channel to post videos about Life, health, Yoga , Energy , Spirituality etc . I realized that the only thing I have control is my own energy and I will keep it stable. When I did that , everything just started flowing to me and I am just floating.
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