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  1. Embarking on a yoga journey is a transformative experience, allowing individuals to connect deeply with their practice. India, the birthplace of yoga, boasts many schools for those wishing to deepen their practice or become a certified yoga teacher. In this article, we will explore the essential factors while choosing the right yoga school in India. How to find the best yoga school Let's check the bullet points 1-Define your goals: Clarify your goals, whether it's to deepen your practice, become an instructor, or immerse yourself in yogic life. 2-Research in place: India offers a variety of yoga destinations, each with a unique atmosphere and energy. 3-Evaluate the curriculum and teaching style: Evaluate the school's program incorporating asana, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, anatomy and teaching methods. Consider your preference for a specific yoga tradition or style. 4-Accreditation and Certification: Verify the school's accreditation by organizations like Yoga Alliance for credibility. 5-Read reviews and find recommendations: Gather insights from alumni experiences and seek recommendations from fellow yogis. 6-Consider the school's philosophy and values: Make sure the school's philosophy aligns with your beliefs and goals. 7-Facilities and accommodation: Check out the well-furnished studios and comfortable living spaces. 8-Cost and Duration: Estimate the cost and duration of the program to suit your budget and schedule. In india One of the most highly recommend yoga school is gyanyogbreath Gyan Yog Breath is a yoga school based in Rishikesh, India. and this is Best Yoga Center in Rishikesh. It was founded by Swami Bipin Gyan, a leading yoga teacher and author. The school offers a variety of yoga courses, including 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training programs, as well as specialty courses in Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga. Gyan Yog Breath is also known for its Emotional Blockage® Treatment, a healing therapy that helps release accumulated energy and trauma. The school also offers many other workshops and retreats including meditation, Ayurveda and Pranayama. for more info- visit - gyanyogbreath.com
  2. Exploring the Physical Benefits of Yoga Welcome to our forum discussion on the remarkable physical benefits of yoga, inspired by the insights from Gyan Yog Breath, a renowned yoga school in Rishikesh offering transformative yoga teacher training in India. Yoga, beyond its spiritual essence, offers a multitude of positive impacts on our bodies. Let's delve into this enlightening conversation! Posture Perfection: Yoga helps improve posture by strengthening core muscles, leading to better spinal alignment and reduced strain on muscles and joints. Breath Control: The practice of pranayama (breath control) in yoga enhances lung capacity, oxygenating the body, and promoting cardiovascular health. Muscle Strength: Asanas (yoga poses) from the yoga teacher training course engage various muscle groups, building strength evenly across the body while decreasing the risk of imbalances. Flexibility Enhancement: Regular practice, as taught in yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, gradually increases flexibility, relieving stiffness and reducing the likelihood of injuries. Mind-Body Connection: Yoga fosters a profound connection between the mind and body, aiding in better awareness of bodily sensations and promoting mindful movement. Stress Reduction: Through relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga diminishes stress hormones, leading to lowered blood pressure and overall well-being. Boosted Energy: Engaging in yoga often increases energy levels, leaving practitioners feeling rejuvenated and revitalized. Improved Balance: The focus on balance, emphasized in yoga teacher training courses, enhances stability and coordination, reducing the risk of falls, particularly beneficial as we age. Join us in this dialogue about the tangible physical benefits of yoga, drawing insights from Gyan Yog Breath's holistic approach to yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. Share your experiences, questions, and revelations as we collectively uncover the wonders that yoga, taught in such reputable institutions, brings to our bodies. Visit Gyan Yog Breath to further explore their renowned yoga teacher training courses. Let's enrich our understanding and celebrate the transformative power of yoga together!--- gyanyogbreath.com
  3. Hey Guys I am new to yoga and I am so excited to start this journey! I am sure you all know what yoga is, but for those of us who are new here, it's a practice involving physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation that aim to promote health and wellbeing. Yoga can help improve flexibility, reduce stress, increase strength and balance and help with relaxation. It can also help improve mental clarity, reduce anxiety and even alleviate chronic pain. The best part is that anyone can do yoga no matter what your age or fitness level. It's important to remember that yoga is a journey and not a destination. So take it slow, be patient with yourself and don't give up if something doesn't work the first time. Just keep practicing and you'll eventually get the hang of it. However, I am here to ask a few questions that you may have on your mind before you start practicing yoga: How often should I practice yoga to see results? Do I need any special equipment to practice yoga? Which yoga poses are best for beginners? How can I make sure I'm practicing yoga safely and correctly? Where can I get coupons for yoga mat and other accessories? Thanks in advance!
  4. What is Food Yoga Food Yoga is defined as, “a discipline that honours all spiritual paths by embracing their core teaching – that food in its most pure form is divine and, therefore, an excellent medium for expressing our unconditional love and purifying our consciousness. “ Food is an integral part of live, it is the first and foremost essential things that helps to sustain life. One can use food as a tool to achieve progress spiritually - maintaining healthy and pure eating habit is a key to successful spiritual life. Food Yoga is all about employing as much techniques possible to make your food pure and healthy and more than that, divine. Food and God In Hindu religion, the practice of offering food to God is very common. The food that is offered to God is referred as, ‘Naivedhya’. The naivedhya is prepared using pure ingredients and are cooked by trained cooks. The naivedhya offering is not same for all the gods, they differ from deity to deity. For example, modhak is offered to Lord Ganesh and urad vada is offered to Lord Hanuman. The neivedhya offered to the Lord is referred as, ‘Prasad’. The prasad is distributed amongst the devotees. Food and Spirituality Hindu religious scriptures prescribe sattvic food for spiritual development. Like men, food too is classified as Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic foods. Depending on their character, foods influence people, sattvic foods promote spiritual leaning whilst food with rajasic qualities boost worldly desires and tamsic food makes you lazy and addicted to senses. Examples of Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamsic foods Sattvic foods They are the purest form of food. Sattvic foods calm the mind, rejuvenate body, and improves your spiritual inclination. Benefits of Sattvic Foods · They reduce chronic disease risks · Sattvic food helps to lose weight · They promote longevity · Aid physical and mental strength · Are easy to digest List of sattvic foods Below is a list of well-known sattvic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Spinach, Carrots, Celery, Potatoes, Broccoli, Kelp, Lettuce, and Peas. 2. Fruits: Apples, Bananas, Papaya, Mangoes, Cherries, Melons, Peaches, and Guava. 3. Juice : Fresh Fruits Juice, Carrot Juice, Spinach Juice, and Bitter Gourd Juice. 4. Grains: Barley, Amaranth, Bulgur, Millet, Quinoa, Wild Rice, and Maize. 5. Nuts and Seeds: Walnuts, Almonds, Peanuts, Pecans, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Unsweetened Coconut, and Flax Seeds. 6. Oils: Olive Oil, Sesame Oil, Flax Oil, Mustard Oil, and Ghee. 7. Dairy products: Cow Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Coconut Milk, and Cashew Milk. 8. Legumes and Beans: Lentils, Moong Beans, Chickpeas, and Bean Sprouts. 9. Beverages: Water, Non-caffeinated Drinks, and Herbal Tea. 10. Spices and herbs: Coriander, Basil, Nutmeg, Cumin, Fenugreek, and Turmeric, and Ginger. 11. Sweets: Honey and Jaggery. Rajasic foods Rajasic food is believed to be stimulating in nature and may cause physical and emotional stress. Too much of rajasic diet may make life imbalanced. Effects of Rajasic foods · It overstimulates the mind and body. · Can lead to hyperactivity. · Contributes to the overexertion of the body. · Can cause stress, and anxiety. · Can make a person angry. List of Rajasic foods Below is a list of popular rajasic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Eggplant, Onions, Capsicum (Bell Peppers), Leeks, Hot Peppers (Chilis), Potatoes, Radishes, Sea Vegetables, Sprouts, Tomatoes, and Cauliflower. 2. Fruits: Dates (dried), Guava, Lime, Lemon, Apple, and Banana. 3. Grains: Millet, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, and Parboiled Grains. 4. Nuts and Seeds: Hemp Seeds, Peanuts, Sprouts, and Sunflower Seeds. 5. Oils: Avocado Oil, Hemp Oil, Peanut Oil, and Sunflower Oil. 6. Dairy products: Fresh Cheeses, Cottage Cheese, Egg, and Yogurt. 7. Legumes and Beans: Yellow Dal, Kidney Beans, Navy Beans, and Red Lentils. 8. Beverages: Coffee, Caffeinated Teas, Decaf Tea, and Coffee. 9. Spices and herbs: Asafoetida (Hing), Cayenne, Chili, Black Pepper, Garlic, and Salt. 10. Other: All fermented food, Ice Cream, Olives, Salt, Vinegar, Commercial Almond, Hemp or Rice Milk, all Caffeine. Tamasic foods Tamasic food is not good for body and soul. Intake of tamasic food leads will cause harm to humans in all possible ways. Effects of Tamasic foods · Causes stagnation in thinking · Is a source laziness and lethargy · Results in intense mood swings · Would reduce life span List of tamasic foods Below is a list of well-known sattvic food items falling under various food categories. 1. Vegetables: Mushrooms, Pumpkin, Onion, and Garlic. 2. Fruits: Plums, Watermelons, Avocado, Apricots, and all over-ripe fruits. 3. Grains: Wheat, Rice, extensively refined grains, dried and packaged Pasta. 4. Nuts and Seeds: All old or exposed to light, Chia Seeds. 5. Oils: Vegetable Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Canola Oil, and all older than 1 year or rancid. 6. Legumes and Beans: Urad Dal, Black Dal, Pink Dal, and all canned items. 7. Sweets: Artificial sweeteners, White Sugar and refined sugars. 8. Others: Alcohol, all animal flesh (Beef, Chicken, Fish, Goat, Lamb, Pork, Shellfish), barbecued or blackened food, food with preservatives or synthetic ingredients, deep-fried food, frozen food, leftovers, condiments, smoked food, microwaved food. Knowing what to eat is an important step in practising Food Yoga. Now that you have learnt the same, it is time for you to put it into practice.
  5. There are a lot of studies around yoga and which health benefits it has. Many of them exploring just the positive effect of the physical body. However, what yoga does is to explore a reunion of body and mind. Western culture is currently rediscovering a holistic approach about our being. We see each other as a physical part and a mental part and talk about physical therapy and psychotherapy. As a result, we try to "cure" the mind or the "body" forgetting that we are one. Yoga for me is a powerful tool to overcome this obstacle. To feel body and mind as one lead me to a transformation. I am less worried and less stressed which has a fantastic impact on my mood. This sounds great, right? I'm practising vinyasa and hatha yoga for years, and I see which progress I made already in some postures. However, I still feel like a beginner comparing myself with other yogis sometimes what can put me down. There's always more to learn. Which experiences have you made with yoga?
  6. I have been in a relationship for over 11 yrs with a proven Narcissist. I noticed that when I'm apart from him I focus on my growth, my yoga and business. But when I'm around him all my dreams seem to evaporate. I'm easy to feel sorry for people and he uses that against me. So, let me try again to get it right this time for me and say bye Felisha.
  7. The main topic in week 3 is "Mindfulness of the Breath and the Body in Movement: There is both pleasure and power in being present." For week 4 it's "Learning about our Patterns of Stress Reactivity: Wherever you go, there you are." In the two Mindful Yoga exercises, we tune in closely into our bodies which is similar to the bodyscan yet completely different as we are moving. What came up for you during the exercises? How do the practices evolve as you get more familiar with them? Share your experiences during the Mindful Yoga/ Movement exercises with your fellow participants. Personally, this is the exercise where I lead most from my own experience when guiding a group. Like for any other mindful exercise I have a script and a dramaturgical arch for the practice (yes, you do have that in mediations too) but here I let the practice and the group to guide us more. Where, what do we move next? While I enjoy mindful yoga, I struggle with mindful walking. I was mindfully walking in the most beautiful surroundings, in busy streets, even in Plum Village, and yet I struggle to find any sort of engagement with the practice I seem to be stuck with boredom. Now that I have said it out loud, I wonder if it'll change. Acceptance precedes change.
  8. Yogasanas to uplift mood The practice of yoga has been known to have numerous benefits for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. At Kaivalyadhama Institute, the focus is on using yoga to uplift mood and promote positive emotions. The institute offers a variety of Yogasanas, or yoga postures, that are specifically designed to improve mood, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness. These Yogasanas include poses such as Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, which can help to increase energy levels and improve mood by opening the chest and heart center. With the guidance of experienced instructors at Kaivalyadhama, individuals can learn how to use these Yogasanas to uplift their mood and cultivate a positive mindset. Whether practiced alone or as part of a larger yoga practice, these simple postures can have a profound impact on mental and emotional wellbeing, helping individuals to live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.
  9. I will teach online yoga class any members interested so you can join
  10. Hi everyone! I'm going to Indonesia for a month, does anyone know a yoga retreat over there? Would like to stay for at least a week meditating and improving my practise. Thanks in advance!
  11. Hello, everyone! I live in Brazil, I like dancing and yoga. I have been in a self love journey, and trying to have more meaningful interactions, online and offline, as part of a self love journey. I hope to find good connections and be a good one also here.
  12. I'm trying to get back into the habit of doing yoga more frequently and would love some tips on free online yoga classes that are easy to follow and not too long. I've used Yoga With Adrienne before on YouTube and really liked it, but any other recommendations would be appreciated :) Thank you!
  13. Equal Entertainment and Monism with God Even if somebody scolds Me, I do not get angry at all. In fact, I enjoy the scolding like a hot dish in the meal or like a tragic scene in a movie. God has created this world filled with happiness as well as misery, just as a movie is filled with both comic and tragic scenes or as a meal is filled with sweet and hot dishes. The opposites are to be enjoyed alternately. Any one thing continuing for a long time invariably leads to boredom. The Veda says that before creation, God alone existed. In that state, there was no second item and no changes at all. So, the state was boring. Therefore, God created this world for His entertainment, to get rid of boredom. God equally enjoys both the misery and the happiness that exist in His creation. He is like the eater enjoying his meal consisting of both sweet and hot dishes or like the spectator enjoying the movie having both comic and tragic scenes. Attaining this God-like state of equally enjoying both comedy and tragedy in the world is called yoga (Samatvaṁ yoga..., Tulya nindāstutiḥ..., Sukhaduḥkhe same...—Gita). Equal enjoyment does not mean that both comedy and tragedy are equal or that they are one and the same. The two are clearly quite different; they are opposites. The enjoyment or the entertainment obtained from both is the same. When you see a pot and a piece of cloth, the two items are different. The pot is not the cloth and the cloth is not the pot. But the process of seeing both is one and the same. If we want to achieve monism (Advaita) with God, we must at least achieve this state of equal entertainment in our lives while living in the world. As far as creation is concerned, we cannot create even a single atom, let alone creating the whole world. Neither can we control or destroy the world. In these three aspects of creation, control and destruction of the world, we can never achieve monism with God. This important concept is clearly stated in the Brahma Sūtra (Jagadvyāpāra varjyam...). We can at least try to enjoy this world like God who enjoys both comedy and tragedy and obtains the same entertainment from them. You can neither purchase the food materials nor cook the food. Your friend has purchased the food materials and even cooked the food. He has offered to let you eat the food along with him. Can you, at least, eat the food, equally enjoying both the sweet and hot dishes like your friend? If you cannot do even that much, how can you claim that you are equal to your friend? Can you not achieve oneness with him at least in the aspect of eating with equal enjoyment? When you cannot achieve equality with your friend in even a single aspect, where is the question of oneness or monism between the two of you? If you can equally enjoy both the sweet and hot dishes in the meal like your friend, you can at least claim equality or similarity with your friend in that one aspect of eating. On the basis of that one commonality, you could claim oneness in a loose sense. Similarly, if you can equally enjoy comedy and tragedy in the world like God, you could claim monism with God, in a loose sense. But remember that such loose monism is confined only to the single aspect of equally enjoying the world and not in the aspect of creating, controlling or destroying it. You can say that you have monism with your friend in the aspect of eating the food but you must also say that you have dualism with your friend in the aspects of purchasing the food materials and cooking the food. If you do not have even this one similarity in the aspect of eating the food, then you have no right to utter the word monism with your friend. If you are unable to attain similarity with God even in this one aspect of equally enjoying the world, you are an ordinary soul. Such an ordinary soul is totally different from God. It does not have even a single similarity with Him. A realized soul, who has attained this one similarity, is called a yogi. Such a yogi alone can claim monism with God in an approximate sense, based on this single similarity. The greatest surprise is that the Advaita philosopher claims monism with God in a strict sense, in the case of an ordinary soul! Of course, monism with God is possible in the case of a specific soul(like Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Sai Baba etc) who has been selected by God to become an Incarnation. In the Incarnation, God merges with that particular soul perfectly. But even in the case of the Incarnation, the perfect monism that exists between God and the soul is only to the extent of our imagination. Beyond the limits of our imagination, a dualism between God and that soul remains. Owing to this extremely subtle dualism, God can even withdraw from the soul in whom He has merged, at any time! The realized soul attains partial similarity with God in the single aspect of obtaining equal entertainment from the world. This state is called partial union or partial yoga with God. The Incarnation has full yoga (union) with God, to the extent of our imagination. One must remember that even in the case of an Incarnation, God can withdraw from the Incarnation’s soul. So, there is dualism between God and soul even in an Incarnation. Of course, that dualism is beyond the limits of our imagination. - By Shri Datta Swami www.universal-spirituality[.]org Universal Spirituality for World Peace
  14. Bettering mental health is not a quick fix or a magical cure. It requires consistent effort and a deep understanding of the science behind it. One such ancient proven science is the practice of yoga and pranayama. These techniques have been used for thousands of years to promote mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Through a combination of postures, breathing exercises, and meditation, yoga and pranayama work to calm the mind, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health. While the effects of these practices may feel like magic, they are rooted in the scientific principles of physiology and psychology, making them a reliable and effective tool for bettering mental health Through the guidance and support of Kaivalyadhama, individuals can discover the tools and practices they need to create a life of health, happiness, and wellbeing
  15. It's the first time that I am going to the attend the BYC and I'm really excited. I don't really know what I can expect there. Anyone who has been there already? Would be great to get some tips. I would love to connect with people before already. I am practicing vinyassa yoga on regular basis and did a teacher training course. I would like to connect with others, grow in my yoga practice and experience new styles.
  16. Supporting someone with anxiety requires understanding, empathy, and patience. Here are some steps you can take to provide effective assistance: Educate Yourself: Learn about anxiety disorders, their symptoms, and common triggers. Understanding what your friend or loved one is experiencing can help you provide more informed and compassionate support. Listen Actively: Encourage open communication. Let the person share their feelings and thoughts without judgment. Sometimes, just having someone to talk to can be incredibly helpful. Validate Their Feelings: Acknowledge their anxiety as real and valid. Avoid downplaying or dismissing their emotions. Let them know you are there to support them. Be Patient: Anxiety can be overwhelming, and recovery takes time. Be patient with their progress and setbacks. Offer Practical Help: Assist with tasks that might be difficult for them, such as running errands or attending social events. This can help alleviate some of the stress and pressure they might feel. Encourage Professional Help: Suggest seeking therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can provide appropriate strategies and tools to manage anxiety effectively. Respect Their Boundaries: While your support is crucial, it's important to respect their need for space and time alone when necessary. Practice Relaxation Techniques Together: Encourage relaxation techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, meditation, or yoga. You can even do these activities together to make it more enjoyable. Engage in Positive Activities: Encourage participation in activities they enjoy and that promote well-being. Engaging in hobbies and interests can help distract from anxious thoughts. Avoid Enabling: While it's important to be supportive, avoid helping them avoid situations that trigger anxiety. Encouraging gradual exposure to these situations can promote long-term coping skills. Be Mindful of Language: Use language that is positive and supportive. Avoid telling them to "calm down" or implying that they should just "get over it." Stay Connected: Keep in touch regularly, even if it's just to check in. Knowing that someone cares can make a significant difference. Model Healthy Coping: Demonstrate healthy coping strategies in your own life. Your behavior can serve as a positive example. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: Encourage them to avoid using alcohol or drugs to cope with anxiety, as these can exacerbate the problem. Emergency Plan: If their anxiety becomes overwhelming or they're in crisis, know the signs of a severe anxiety attack and have a plan for seeking immediate professional help. Remember that you are there to support and encourage, but you are not a substitute for professional help. If their anxiety is severely impacting their life, encourage them to seek assistance from a mental health professional. Your role is to be a caring and understanding friend or loved one during their journey towards managing anxiety.
  17. Hello, everyone. I have been on a path of yoga and meditation for about a year. I love yoga because it makes me feel good, feel relaxed, and I get lost in breath and movement as the teacher leads us through the class. I love meditation because it helps me to reset myself, like rebooting a computer.
  18. It was the first "real world" appearance for happiness.com, also the first time sponsoring an event. We were blessed to have so many insightful conversations at our stand. We could share our vision and reflect on what works and resonates with real people outside our office. Such a gift! Let's continue the conversation here. We want to hear from you. We are grateful to learn from you and shape happiness.com together!
  19. Here are the links to the guided meditations we are practicing with during the MBSR course: Feel free to choose the recoding for the week you are at that resonates best with you. I will continuously add more links to high-quality recordings to cover a broader spectrum of voices and personal styles. Like the posture, the teacher that works best for where you are at today might differ. Yet in their core, those different meditation are the same. We offer a free guided meditation once a week live on zoom. Onve a month we offer a free FAQ session for this course. To see the time and dates and sign up for a session please checkout Tine's profile. Some recordings are by Dave Potter, an experienced MBSR teacher and psychotherapist who put together this online course. Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder of the MBSR course. Emma Reynolds is an experienced MBSR teacher with the Mindful Academy, Solterreno, Spain. This is where I got my training too. Lynn Rossy is a health psychologist, author, researcher, and Kripalu yoga teacher specializing in mindfulness-based interventions. Week 1: Bodyscan Bodyscan 29min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR) Bodyscan 15min (YouTube) Bodyscan 15min (InsightTimer) by Tine Steiß Bodyscan 33min by Dave Potter Bodyscan 45min by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Bodyscan 20min by Emma Reynolds Compassionate Body Scan 24min by Kristin Neff Week 2: Sitting Meditation Sitting Meditation 32min by Dave Potter Sitting Meditation 40min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR) Week 3 and 4: Mindful Yoga Mindful Yoga 1 37min by Lynn Rossy PhD Mindful Yoga 2 36min by Lynn Rossy PhD Week 5: "Turning towards" the difficult, Soften, Sooth, Allow Turning Towards - Meditation for difficult emotions 23min by Dave Potter Turning Towards - Meditation for physical pain 25min by Dave Potter Soften, Soothe, Allow 16min by Dave Potter Soften, Soothe, Allow 9min by Happiness Insight RAIN 11min by Dave Potter Week 6: Mindfulness and Communication Mountain Meditation 20min by Dave Potter Lake Meditation 20min by Dave Potter Week 7: Mindfulness and Compassion Lovingkindness Meditation 13min by Dave Potter Other meditations that are closely related to the MBSR curriculum: Taking a breath - taking a break 13min by Tine Steiß Breathing Meditation for Beginners 10min by Jack Kornfield Labelling emotions 20min by Emma Reynolds the RAIN of Self-Compassion by Tara Brach (PhD in Clinical Psychology, founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Freedom In Your Own Awakened Heart) Oneness Meditation 35min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR)
  20. HI! My name is Anna, found this site for accident (though there are no accidents, right?))) I practice positive well-being for quite a long time, I meditate, doing yoga, use positive affirmations, journalling an so on. Recently I started a course on Coursera "The science of well-being", and realized, how much I love positive psychology. Even starting thinking about starting a career in this field. I don't have enough like-minded people in my off line life, friends who would be on the same page with me. So this forum is a tresure box for me. Hoping to find new frieds here.
  21. A Healthier You, Inc. Presents A Healthier You Program! A program to help you create healthier habits for yourself. This program is for anyone that wants to build a yoga and mediation practice, add more tools to balance your mind and body, receive information to improve your financial health, and create a healthy lifestyle. The First Cohort begins September 6th, 2022 at 6:30pm-7:45. Classes will be held in Greenbelt, MD, and virtually. This is a 4-week program that focuses on creating healthy habits for your mental, physical, and financial well-being and cultivating changes that benefit a healthy lifestyle. Your investment for this program is $35.00. It includes: Tips and tools to help you create healthier habits Yoga and meditation Free session with a life coach Journaling, reflective activities, and worksheets Community Support For more information and to register visit ahyinc.org! We also offer scholarships! If you need any additional information, please email us at [email protected]
  22. Hi, I'm new to the forum but not to meditation. I found peace of mind in my teens with Yoga although I didn't consciously meditate. In my thirties I started going to a Tai Chi class which taught me a lot about mindfulness, although it wasn't called that at the time. Tai chi is a form of meditation in itself even though it is practiced moving. I got 'into' Tai Chi so much that when a friend asked me to take over teaching a class, I took it on and over the last twenty plus years I have developed that and run a few regular classes every week. To be more precise, just over five years ago I found a Qigong teacher and have gradually changed my practice and teaching to that discipline. For those of you who don't know what Qigong is, it's the precursor of Tai Chi and goes back centuries. My Qigong teacher is very knowledgeable and also practices Shiatsu and has run both Tai Chi and martial arts classes. However, he does not meditate as such, although the way he practices Qigong is very profound and internal. Six years ago I had a mild heart attack, and have suffered from palpitations for as long as I can remember. This means that I find it uncomfortable using internal cues such as the heartbeat in meditation. Whenever I feel anxious and have a high heart rate, I find that listening to my heartbeat or breath is not soothing, and often only magnifies my discomfort. I find daydreaming most effective in calming and lowering my heart rates - imagining a relaxing scenario or 'telling myself a story'. My question is this - is there a way to overcome my discomfort with internal sensations, or alternatively is there something similar to daydreaming that I can harness or duplicate as a meditation? I'd be interested to hear any suggestions.
  23. I myself am a person who has practiced yoga, although the practice time is not long, I can feel a significant change in health. The practice is like the most relaxing therapy I feel.
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