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  1. I think it depends on how every single person perceives it. I am finding it very difficult to make new friends since I moved to Edinburgh but it is because I haven't made the effort at all. I love being alone. When I used to be judgemental towards other people it was very easy to make new friends but since I started my own spiritual path and some of my habits has changed like drinking every weekend it started to be hard but it is not something that I am worried about. Of course if I meet people who I can have meaningful conversations they are very welcome to stay in my life otherwise I doubt it.
  2. I am back here yet again to plead my case regarding for also making Happiness.com more into living life, liberty, in the pursuit of happiness. In which to me are totally basics aka motto of US/USA. I am in totally disagreement with @Julius, @Tine, @Calvin77 with their think/doing things. Well at least in the beginning of here. Especially, in terms with beyond all of both of never ending censorship, political correctness, cancellation.
  3. Thanks for your feedback. Yes there is so much to say around politics and the whole world is very busy doing that in one way or another ? We wish for happiness.com to be a place where everyone feels safe to share their journeys on physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well-being. The structure of this forum is still a work in progress of course and will evolve with it's community. We did some research on what might be relevant in regards to happiness to provide a structure, but as you can imagine, the field is extremely vast and nearly everything in life can be connected to happiness in one way or the other
  4. So I used to (and still do occasionally) get a resistance. They were mostly verbal which lead to a feeling. I realised that the resistance wasn't me. I mean, why would I inhibit myself from doing something that I wanted to do? (Another example, I'd get this when sending off some of my music to record labels - "they won't like it." "I'm not good enough" etc) So I asked myself, if this wasn't me then who was it? Amazingly enough I would remember a situation earlier in my life when someone else said that exact thing! The situation always had some element of pain, physical or emotional. But the "impact" of that moment seemed to do something with what was said at the time. Almost like the pain or emotional pain hypnotised me and the "i can't do this" type of statement became a hypnotic command. So whenever I feel or "hear" that resistance, I think "ok, so who said that? When? What was I doing? What were they doing?" etc etc So I would try asking yourself "who said that?" Or "who's saying this?" See where it goes. If I get a recollection, I go through it and strangely enough the resistance in the here and now seems to vanish or at least reduce to a level in which it could be overcome. I honestly don't know if this works on everyone but I have a friend I tried this on and she said that she really got to the roots of her negative considerations. I hope this can help you too. I would be so interested to find out. Also, another question (sorry). Do certain activities which should be pretty straightforward drain you?
  5. Hi, I had a great weekend. I umpires 2 games of cricket both ending in a one run result. Bliss. Nothing like that to distract from life's battles for a few hours.
  6. Day two of week two I am creating space within every time I practice, and I feel so light during and after! One of my biggest realizations during my practice today was that my nose was itchy and I did not want to give attention to it. Kindly I thanked myself for noticing this and chose to scratch my nose. I then told self that was very mindful, as compared to day to day life—— how many times do we scratch ourselves perhaps and not even know we are itchy or that we scratched ourself!! ?
  7. The feeling of Love is always there with in us. So when someone tells me , I fell in love , I tell them its always there with in us. We just need to experience it with every life in this planet :)
  8. I feel that falling in love, just like many other experiences, is very essential for our growth. All the positive and negative experience we have while in love helps us to learn about ourselves and the other person. It teaches us to be joyful for not just ourselves but the one we are in love with. At the same time the heartbreak also teaches us that nothing is permanent and we can love and let go. It all eventually is an illusion. We are here to go through life to experience, learn and grow. Love is something we are, it's not limited to a person or thing. We must see it as a light within and use it to illuminate others.:)
  9. I'm in recovery for 21 month. I know that I can't take any substance. I'm kool with that now. My thoughts, I'm not scared of them any more. I accept that that's all that they are. That's what our brains function is. Along with other things. Your thought has a start, middle and an end. Once u relize this, that thoughts come and go. Life seems too b a bit easier to live. Wishes to get better to all who have been affected by addiction. We do recover.
  10. Just got back from a vacation in Vancouver where my family has been taken over by a Texan Evangelical church group. Looking for words of wisdom to make them lead a humanist happy daily life.
  11. Bring Back that Inner Child in you - Keep that Curiosity Alive to know about things I am following my heart and learning everyday. Today I started my Youtube channel to post videos about Life, health, Yoga , Energy , Spirituality etc . I realized that the only thing I have control is my own energy and I will keep it stable. When I did that , everything just started flowing to me and I am just floating.
  12. Week two - day one MBs. Can’t do seated meditation as I have cast and need to elevate foot.cant have it down for more than a couple minutes. Gets removed on Thursday so will Be doing seated after that in past before this course when practicing mindfulness I always preferred seated. I am now enjoying lying down as well though, not falling asleep but mind wanders and since completing all week one videos and readings realizing okay yes let it wander, and continue to just bring it back....and that is mindfulness in itself Is it it just me or has the monkey business got others thinking?‍♀️Part of me is saying it makes so much sense... and the other part is like “hey, you really do need to focus on one thing at a time in your life right now and stop multitasking, and just concentrate....” so now I’m torn between focusing on one thing example just watching a child play, or seeing environment as a whole...adults interacting laughing with them while playing with a kid etc.....
  13. Welcome, Garth. I am still trying to figure this site out myself. And yes, I often make assumptions that others don't, I have a different perspective on life than most people, I suppose. I never realized that until I met my current husband, we see the world quite differently.
  14. This what i love sleeping ? can make you start a new life without trouble
  15. Ahhhh, because it will make you happy especially when you u have someone else with you, both will be drugged in all your life and you wouldn't know something called lonely or sadness
  16. Just signed up, I’m in the middle of an Action for Happiness course and I’m loving the conversations and thoughts arising through the experience, so I typed in Happiness and low and behold there you are! And I thought I’ll have some of that! Looking forward to expanding my learning, meeting new characters and smiling more. Top Tip - every time you pass a mirror, give yourself a cheeky wink and smile ? and do it with purpose, like you are properly giving yourself the eye. Makes not a jot of difference to your life, but it’s nice to be silly when no one else can see. K
  17. Thank you, @Candy and @vind111 for sharing this with us. But the a same time all of this also applies beyond (political correctness/censorship/generalized/on/off topic/living life with liberty/pursuit of happiness as well).
  18. I incorporate the Blood Type Diet in my life as well as with my clients. In a nutshell....the research began when Dr. D Amato began to see a correlation between certain diseases and certain blood types. As our blood evolved it changed our histamine responses to food, supplements, and/or whatever we put in our bodies. These responses either cause inflammation or decrease inflammation. And we all know inflammation is the leading cause of most dis-eases in the body. There are certain foods that are considered poison/toxic, neutral and medicinal to each blood type. Begin adding in more medicinal and limited the toxic.
  19. Hi my name is Leah Justyce. I am an artist, Law of Attraction and Success Coach, Spiritual Coach, Art Life Coach. I have a degree in Visual Art (Fine Art) and a Double Degree in Criminology and Psychological Science. I have a couple small businesses that I created and run on my own. A YouTube channel and Insta. I came on here as many people are awakening and instead of healing everyone's lives as I do I figured it would be the right place to find others like me. So here I am sending you all love and light and look forward to making beautiful connections.
  20. Hi guys, After feeling lost and found many times in my life (mostly lost). I came to realise that the feeling of being lost should be accepted. Then I came across a quote somewhere "Being lost is a place" The penny finally dropped! Mo
  21. Ciao Julius, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I have been consciously and continuously using the law of attraction for well over 10 years now with absoultely amazing results creating phyiscal materializations within my life experience as well as many others. I have documented the experiences in my Miracle Makers Book series which is on amazon.com and also a large number of international book sellers. Happy to chat with you more about the practical use of the Law. Cheers, Andrea
  22. Make/turning forums more generalized and beyond: I mean I for one totally think thats worth it in the long run. Especially, it being a part of Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness (US/USA). Such as moving beyond all of this political correctness, cancelling, censor/ed/ing. In which I for totally waybeyondfedup with all of this political correctness, cancelling, censor/ed/ing
  23. Just wanted to say Hey! Am brand new here so just finding my feet. Av had a tough few months which I've somehow got through. But I don't want to just try to get through each day & week. Like everyone I want to be happy & enjoy my life, have goals & direction. So am open to learn & also share my positive knowledge that I've gained over the last few months. Feel free to comment or message me ?
  24. I have an illness that makes making friends in real life nigh on impossible. I used to be called a 'loner' when I was younger, which always seemed to suggest it was something I chose. Social anxiety chose me and I've always hated being alone. Now it's got impossible due to a neurological illness that reacts to emotion and anxiety by making my muscles stretch like I'm on one of those old torture racks.
  25. My daughter passed away a couple years ago. She was 13. She was my life. When I have dreams about her I embrace them. Its like her way of visiting me. I cherish them.
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