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  1. I really like Thich Naht Hanh. His teachings on peace, mindfulness and loving kindness are very profound. His books are plainly, yet beautifully written and they've helped me so much. They are books one can read over and over and never get tired of it. ?
  2. One thing I did that is truly amazing is I asked myself " what do I want most in life". And my answer was peace, love and joy. Of course this is what I have always wanted but I believed It was dependent upon acquiring things like money and a nice car and a great loving man. What I realize now is happiness is something we create from within our heart space. When you have this you will have everything because when you hold that vibration long enough the Universe has to yield everything good to you.
  3. Forgiveness sounds to me like it’s omnipotent. What works for me is not blaming the person or situations for disturbing my peace but accepting them for whatever harshness I feel was done onto me
  4. I find that so many of us are realising that being closer to nature brings more peace and helps with stress and mental health struggles. It's interesting that such a simple step as spending time by the sea, in a forest etc. brings us so much positive energy and calm, yet till many of us find it hard to prioritise doing just that. ?
  5. well how does one become enlightened? I am on a spiritual journey to be enlightened and connected to God. I would like to know my Creator better. Im seeking peace from it so that I can function to best of my abilities. I am a 40 year old woman who likes prayer and meditation and am looking to learn how to do that so that i can cleanse and live with the right aura for me.
  6. How Goes It Everyone, My Name is Amanda and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I came across this site a month ago, signed up, then forgot about it. Now, I'd like to dabble my way back in by seeing what this site has to offer. Looking forward to learning more about how to navigate this site plus talk with people from all around. I have been writing a Blog for almost a year now and would love for you all to check it out. Any feedback would be great because I always have room to grow. My blog is about self awareness and really getting to know yourself then seeing that we are all human and connected. http://whatdoeslivingmeantoyou.wordpress.com The name of the Blog is Thoughts are Words that Create Life. Thank You and Have a Beautiful Day! Peace & Love, Amanda
  7. How nice it will be for us to receive your visit, you absolutely can get a hug, we live in a free hugs house ? hopefully you are visiting the north, if not I can also be found in parts of the south of our beautiful land. I hope you enjoy your stay here and explore the many natural and spiritual wonders. Safe journey, peace and blessings. Laina.?? Xx
  8. Hi, I’m a 51 year old child at heart. I don’t look or act my age. I’m looking for others to connect with regardless of age. Since moving here from Buffalo NY 4 years ago I don’t have many friends. (Not close ones) so I sometimes feel a little lonely. From only being on here a few weeks, it doesn’t seem like there is much interaction between members other than to welcome them to the site. I’m a little disheartened by this. I joined because I thought I’d find some like minded individuals or even complete opposite individuals to form bonds with. If this is not the kind of site for such interaction, I may just delete my account. I hope this is not the case because I was really hoping to find genuine friendships. Thoughts? thank you for listening. peace! Krista
  9. Hey Jack, Mindvalley is such a powerful community and I have dabbled in a few of their free online courses before. Always had an enlightening experience with all of Mindvalley's materials. Thank You for sharing that :)! I am going to try to connect my blog to this site so it starts to automatically load each Sunday I post :)! Peace and Love, Amanda
  10. Namaste and Hello to Everyone on Happiness.com I found this site and felt a good vibe about it and decided to join. I hope this site spreads positivity across the dimension and I as a member contribute in any small measure. If anyone wants to connect with me, feel free to message me. Love and Peace be with all.
  11. Hello Everyone, This is the original poster. I had deleted my earlier account as I felt I needed to take a break from online activities and focus more on inner activities. However, my inner self sent me a sign that indicates it is not possible to delink ourselves from the outside world as long we have not taken Samadhi. And I am still having lot many years of activism to go down that road. So I am here again, thanks to the pursuation of Tine and will try to contribute as much as I can Love and Peace
  12. So happy to read that I’m not the only one falling asleep during the body scan. I am at peace with that though and happy my body can rest. I was reading one of the other posts by Borahbestie about keeping the mind on task in yoga and being distracted in the body scan and sitting ted and I don’t know how to reply directly so I’m writing here. I was wondering if it has to do with the ‘doing’ element of movement versus the not moving and sense of not doing something? We are so conditioned to always be doing something productive that it’s hard to be still. Before this course I has a regular routing of one hour yoga followed by 45 mins - 1hr of sitting, but days that I had a lot on I was aware that I wasn’t enjoying the practices as much and there was a certain sense of rushing through them. If I was busy and chose to just sit, I felt like I hadn’t done enough and my body was uncomfortable not having stretched out first. My koan for a long time has been, ‘Who am I when I have nothing to do?’ It’s a real practice to not have a label and be content where we are. I’m noticing as I follow these practices that I also have a sense of not doing enough with just 30 mins of yoga and sitting. This is present in the stomach area. A sense of restlessness and some energy that wants to get up and go. Im so used to 1 hour of yoga that my mind is telling me it’s not enough. When I am able to let the thought go though I am actually enjoying the yoga and being told what to do. I know that I can’t count or breathe quicker and that I will be practising for the set amount of time of the video and so I let go into it and don’t try to rush. I guess that’s why people go to yoga classes instead of practice on their own. You give the body/mind permission to be in the moment for the time of the class. i still prefer silent sitting but I’m ok with that. I am aware of it and know that I will continue like that after the course and turn my mind to gratitude for those who he have put this course together to share. One day perhaps I will be sharing and others might not appreciate silence so it’s good to be exposed to many styles. The line from the Japanese song, ‘Good day? it’s up to you’ is really working for me. It’s my choice
  13. Sorry to hear @BellaDonna6763 I've lost friends and family to suicide too, and often wish for the same. It never really gets better, but it does get easier somehow, and I like to remember that just because they're no longer here physically, it doesn't mean they're not still with us. I'm currently reading a wonderful book called Signs: The secret language of the Universe which shares stories about families that have experienced the passing of a loved one and the close relationship they begin or continue to have after the passing. It's beautiful. I wish you and your family healing and peace during this time.
  14. Neu energy meditation is neither religious not spiritual. It is completely science based and more specifically quantum physics. Thus I would say it is agnostic. When I meditate, I focus on the Hindu energy icon, Krishna and when I do healing for say a christian, I focus on Jesus and on Allah for someone from the Islamic faith. So for me these icons are sources of positive or neutral energy and I tap into through the meditation technique. However, it is my personal observation that when I engaged in other forms of meditation such as Pranic Healing or participated in religious activities, the energy flow is not derived. So the worst that would happen if you practice something else along with Neu Energy meditation is that you are only able to bring in peace within you but not derive any energy healing. There is though one condition for practicing Neu Energy meditation and this is important and which is when practicing it no one should cause disturbance. If someone say interrupts the meditation, they may face some negativity. Hope I clarified this clearly.
  15. Namaste and Welcome Amy. You will feel at home here. It is wonderful to know you are into yoga and Reiki. I am sure we will hear get some valuable insights from you on these two areas. Feel free to share and learn new things as you spend more time passing along here. Love and Peace be with you always.
  16. Wow that is so nice. Teaching meditation at a young age. Wish you the best of success. I am into more intense meditation techniques. If you plan to learn let me know. Love and Peace be with you always.
  17. When I help someone find love and peace within themselves I feel most happy.
  18. Hey Robyn, welcome. I was also interested in the idea of living a simpler life or off-grid so would love to hear more about where you are and how it is going for you. I like idea of having some isolation and peace but also wouldn't want to miss out on human connection.
  19. Hi All! I'd like to start by thanking evryone at happiness.com for this wonderful opportunity. I have practicing mindfulness for about 10 years. Formal training was always an interest but the dollar factor just did not match. I am ecstatic being given the chance to join happiness.com, the Academy and the forum. I have learned so much aready! Never before when I practiced my bodyscan did my baby toes and baby fingers both feel stronger and connected at the same time. Already I am more productive and less stressed. The different styles of the presenters makes the classes exciting. I'm experiencing a new clarity just being a part of the mindfulness activities required and shared with me through the academy. Thank you again and I look forward to week 2. Peace and blessings, Miriam
  20. Hello everyone, deep peace, I am new here. I am sending out positive energy and hoping to stay connected with this community, and to meet kindred spirits.
  21. Hi everyone, this is a new year, a new DECADE. Exciting and a bit scary, but mostly the feeling of potential is floating there. Like when you put your face over a glass of sparkling water and just feel the freshness of the bubbles popping. Love it! I am pushing myself (am I, or is Self pushing me?) to honor my need for connection and some accountability in my life...in person with the circle of friends I am consciously forming and also online. I have held a jaded view of online interaction for a long, long time. So, here I am going forward with a new chapter and a new way to maintain my emotional and mental health. This is big! I look forward to interacting with you here and learning a lot more about myself. Peace!
  22. Hi guys,,I'm trying to learn to fly, it's a passion for as long as I can remember, I think it is only when I fly I feel at peace. It's hard to save, as my industry is poorly paid, but I keep trying.im trying to save for a paramotor. I will somehow make it. I hope you all can find a dream and fulfill it.
  23. @HappyJon I deleted my Facebook and switched Social Media because of my disappointment in the political arena. And it seems like not enough is being accomplished as soon as it is needed. I was just sick with the nature of spin doctors, paid trolls, negative influencers whose intention is to put people in conflict and bring about nationalistic change and autocracy. My state of mind has been devastated. And though I think the truth in news reporting is important, I was feeling that social media in general has been doing a disservice to humanity. It makes me feel ill in spirit and I want to be part of a constructive and positive influence and not one of those folks that compulsively shares sensationalism, drama and negativity just because it ties into a victim mentality and I have allowed the media to manipulate me. I am looking for a way to contribute to peace and positivity and charity not division and strife and evil.
  24. I would like to practice being more mindful and at peace and connect more with the world and other like minded people xXx
  25. Thank you for letting me join this site where hopefully I can fulfill my life and live in peace, happiness and filled with love and care... X
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