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  1. I just completed the first week and I'm reminded of how profoundly grateful I am to have this wisdom. I started my 12-year daily meditation practice in the vipassana tradition (MBSR has it's roots in this Buddhist lineage). However, I took a break from that method and focused on other approaches over the last few years because a tremendous amount of painful energy, sensations, and emotions were arising in practice and the traditional insight/mindfulness meditation, as it was taught to me, could not hold or help process my experience. After years of focusing on more somatic and experiential practices (mindful exercize, hatha and kundalini yoga, yoga nidra, visualization journeys, automatic writing, tapping, etc.) I'm delighted to dive back into my roots and re-approach mindfulness with a fresh perspective and more resilience. The body scan was a perfect way to start this course, as I primarily did body scans for years when I first began meditating. Perhaps my psyche was so disembodied and the mind so deafening that open awareness or simple breath meditation resulted in more stress, not less. This week reminded me of how body scans show me all the unconscious tension the body holds, even first thing in the morning I'm also noticing that body scans are a gentle and centering way to start the day, especially when the urge to tap on my gmail app to get the morning news seems so appropriate during this pandemic. While body scans are centering, I also notice a deep primal fear that if I relax all the way, something terrible is going to happen. Ugh! I've been meditating for over a decade and that belief is still so strong! So I always visualize comforting forces holding me. So, very grateful for this course and the people running it! Can't wait to dive into week 2.
  2. ? Cooking, baking or taking a bath definitely helps me to relieve stress too!
  3. I know this might sound indulgent as I live in a city where a bath tub is sometimes considered a luxury, but I LOVE taking a hot bath with some essential oils. Also just switching off my devices, lighting some incense and sitting quietly in my room is nice. At least it helps me find some calm. Sometimes I'm so stressed out that I forget to breathe and the situation elevates. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I am often left feeling sad and somewhat deflated. When this happens, I really just try to spend as much quiet time alone to get over it. Yoga also helps, and short 5-minute meditations (if they are good ?) But my best stress reliever, I have to say, has been cooking with music :)
  4. Absolutely music is one of the best stress reductors! No matter what your taste is, there is something out there to suit every mood....can be quiet and calming or energetic and uplifting.
  5. It definitely helps me. I have a Spotify playlist called Peaceful Piano which I use to relax and work with. Then Moby released these really cool soundscapes called Long Ambients which are great for when you have anxiety and panic (you can download them free from his website). Then I love house and techno for dancing also... which is also a stress relief. :) So, yep, music in many forms is a winner!
  6. I feel it is important to educate people on how fear and stress affects our health and empower them. Here is a video I just came across that further touches on what I explained in my article, but it comes from a genius scientist in the epigenetic field that I admire. ❤️
  7. I am reading posts concerning anxiety, stress, sexual release, depression, etc. There is only one way out of these insecurities and that is by understanding that there is a spiritual resource. We must have knowledge, faith and trust in a higher dimension that oversees our well being. Of course we must take responsible action and learn from our experiences. In time we become more intuitive to what serves our highest good. Gratitude to God for Love and what's in the highest good of all concerned.?
  8. Almost every morning I dance it out around my apartment to my favorite joyful and empowering songs! It creates so much Seratonin-the feel good chemicals- and it is a really freeing feeling, a great way to “let go” of stress and tension built up in your body, and start the day feeling better. I had almost majored in Dance Therapy in college years back, so I guess that’s what made me start this fun way to create my own joy at home. Also, I recently read and saw YouTube videos that this is also related to what is called “Conscious Movement” or “Conscious Dance”: “Conscious Dance is a movement-based process which leads participants on a journey of physical and emotional transformation. There is no structured choreography. It is lightly guided and free style. It is not about learning steps; it’s about revealing, recovering, and re-discovering of yourself and your natural intuitive flow.“
  9. Thank you for sharing this! When I first heard about HSP I realised one of my sisters fits that description perfectly, and it made so much sense to me. I shared it with her and she felt it made so much sense. She's very sensitive to any physical pain, struggles to watch certain movies and TV series because she feels everything that happens there in a way kind of as if it happened to her or someone close to her. If something does happen to a person close to her, she gets very affected by it and has a hard time getting over it. She works as a teacher in a primary school and although she from time to time get very overwhelmed from the stress, she is extremely appreciated there and I think that's partly to do with her being an HSP ?
  10. Hi everyone, My name is Shannon. I live in the Syracuse, NY area and currently have a SNOW DAY from work so I thought this would be a great day to start the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course here. I am a pretty happy woman most of the time, but definitely suffer in the winter! Nice to e-meet all of you!
  11. hi...stress is equally importan in life else we wont value fun and excitment. you can be in my friend list if interested in knowing life in depth love and light
  12. Your r Name shows you Expression number and your Hearts Desire number. All the letters of your name have a corresponding number and when added in the same fashion as your life path there is a single most digit to describe each name Kristina Noel Bingham comes to be a destiny number 7 understanding, sympathetic, adaptable, happy, imaginative, witty, intelligent, charming, eclectic, sweet and humble. You probably have found nature as a good place to get in touch with you spiritual self and use it as refuge from stress and to feed you hunger for exitment. You may find trouble seeing the good things in the practical going of life and prolly enjoy working alone. Remember the little things that make life beautiful and even possible for that matter.
  13. I find that so many of us are realising that being closer to nature brings more peace and helps with stress and mental health struggles. It's interesting that such a simple step as spending time by the sea, in a forest etc. brings us so much positive energy and calm, yet till many of us find it hard to prioritise doing just that. ?
  14. So I’m having some issues with major stress knots in my shoulder that’s preventing me from doing anything physical. But for my STOP I’m doing seated meditation. It’s always after my lunch, which is great because after lunch I move from my adult to the youth groups of leading Recreation Therapy. It helps me get through the day as productive as the beginning
  15. Painful but enjoyable..... thank you for the midway self assessments. and it looks like the iPad changed stress to Stephens somehow in my post...... thanks for being there.
  16. I think it’s safe to say that acquiring material things aren’t making us any happier. In fact, stress and depression are more common now than ever before. We live in a world where consumption has become an addiction. It’s all about the getting the newest, latest or biggest, which distracts us from what really brings satisfaction and joy. I sometimes look around my apartment and think, “how did I accumulate so much crap?!”. I also often dream about being in place and when I have to leave, I struggle with packing my luggage because I just have SO. MUCH. STUFF! I remember a happiness.com article from a while ago, stating the benefits of living a simple life, and earlier today, I saw someone reading the book Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy the Things That Really Matter. Has anyone here read that book? Now, I’d like to know HOW to live a more simple life and where does one actually begin? I suppose making small manageable changes in the beginning is a good start. What are some of the ways we could all live simpler lives and focus on what really matters, such as our health and well-being, our mental health, and family and friend relationships? All and any tips on simple living and relevant books and other content welcome ?
  17. Welcome to happiness! Spending time outdoors can be such a good stress relief and a great way to slow down when life feels too stressful ??
  18. The sitting meditation is very relaxing so at times my mind drifted away. Also, felt a little discomfort sitting still for so long. But was able to relax focus on my breathing and relieved some mental and physical stress
  19. The sitting meditation is very relaxing so at times my mind drifted away. Also, felt a little discomfort sitting still for so long. But was able to relax focus on my breathing and relieved some mental and physical stress
  20. This year I'm spending New Years Eve alone, and since my focus has shifted from mindless partying and drinking, I will instead sit down and work my way through this beautiful little exercise to enter the new year consciously and with new intentions. It will help me reflect on who I am, and who I'd like to be going forward. By Nedra Glover Tawwab, Boundaries expert, writer and therapist. 1. In what ways (big and small) have I grown? 2. What limiting beliefs do I need to release? 3. What stressed me out the most, and what can I do to reduce my stress in that area? 4. How will I nurture myself in 2020? 5. What do I need to make room for in 2020? 6. What habits do I want to create, break, or refresh? 7. What do I need to learn more about? 8. What boundaries do I need to implement to have healthier relationships? 9. What's one small thing I can do to change my life? Self-awareness is one of the most essential parts of growth. Who will join me in doing this exercise tonight? Happy New Year, and Happy New YOU. ✨
  21. I suffer from vehophobia and fear of death as well as generalized anxiety disorder. Some things which do not help Being told to calm down Being told I am not being rational even if I am not being rational Suggesting I am over reacting Trying to apply logic or reason when I am in a full blown panic Condescension Being humiliated for what is something beyond my control Becoming over focussed on the object of my fear Having people shouting or applying stress to me Telling me to just buck up or act more like a man Things that help Information which I can find or have control over like myself choosing to read a book about the subject that scares me Investigating statistics and risks so that I can be more realistic Cognitive behavioral techniques A music I love Spending time with my dog Talking about unrelated pleasant things I enjoy Breathing techniques Or relaxation Crafts Art In some cases confronting the fear by pushing myself forward. This doesn't work if it isn't self motivated.
  22. Wow, thanks Joh. I am learning mindfulness and Practicing letting go, and I do meditate. I am much calmer now than I was 8 months ago. I think it's just a build up of emotions and stress, plus regressing back to how I was before I met my wife. I did live with my mum and late stepfather then, due to a lot of factors. Mental health being one of them. I did have many negative influences in my life then, and they started to resurface in the last 18 months as my happiness deteriorated. I think I may need more counseling sessions and to really Express and have a conversation with my mother.
  23. Hi EYC, what a difficult situation you are in. Well done for reaching out, there are many people around the world that will be in a similar situation, look at things with objective eyes, and treasure the small moments of happiness however the appear. Sometimes time apart con solidify feelings for each other, or confirm them. If it Is the end, then don't stress too much. Yes it will hurt, even the very best breakups hurt, but it will get easier. Work on yourself over the Christmas season, find out what you want. Joining this community is a great start.
  24. It was brought on by stress about 10 years ago. My eating is not very regular. I pick very little throughout the day but that’s it. If I’m out somewhere for the day I will have a meal. I avoid dairy and bread. I work full time, as a chef. So I’m on my feet all day. I weigh about 9st xXx
  25. Yes, thank you @Sany those are more things to consider. There's so much potential for understanding ourselves better. Some feelings in the tummy might be connected to being hungry or full or having eaten something that doesn't agree with us too well, it might as well be an emotion or thought manifesting in the body like excitement or stress. So many messages to decipher ... so much potential :-)
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