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  1. Sweet soul! Not to be too cliche but this life is for us to "take chances! Make messes! The most amazing things can happen when you realize that it is more important for you to try, to create, than it is for you to worry about things that will never happen if you don't
  2. Hello again, one how caught a summer cold and the idea of resting wi5 a body scan has been wonderful except that I’ve promptly fallen asleep each time I’ve tried. I’m happy with that though because the body obviously needs rest. My teacher always said that when an animal is sick it just lies down and rests. It doesn’t worry about food or anything else but rests to allow the body to heal so I’ve been practising that these last few days. Not going out these last few days I have noticed feelings of loneliness come up. This is also because I’ve just moved back to my home state of Tasmania and don’t have a network of friends here or transport so with the cold it all seemed a bit bleak. Remembering from one of the videos, ‘What you practice grows’ I decided that instead of feeling down about it I should change the CD and start looking for volunteer work and hiking groups that car share. I’m now volunteering for an event for the local rotary club and have joined a local hiking group (so far only online) and feel more positive. Thanks for the great resources
  3. We celebrate the longer days promised by Winter Solstice, but we should also reflect on the meaning and value of darkness-- as at times in our lives, quiet, solitude, reflection, are valuable, and we need to also acknowledge and learn from sadness, pain, loss-- not only trying to 'cheer up' but understanding life's richness and depth... 'In the darkness a light burns' We hold to comfort and hope... As midwinter Sun sinks lower, so we see a glow on the horizon. As midwinter night blackens, so a blazing fire warms our homes. As worry clouds our lives, so love lights our hearts. Yet we don't flee the darkness, for it nurtures.. In black Mother Earth's embrace seeds and roots slumber 'til spring. In shadow of Grandmother Spruce beaked and furred people shelter. In thick curtained bedchambers we huddle in woolen comfort. We burn our faces by the blazing log of regrets, but the cold shadows cling to our backs. We admire the evergreen, lit like a beacon, but it's boughs still hold shadows. We dance and sing in our little circles of light but feel the vast, thick dark all around. Leave space and respect for the darkness still, source of life, fount of blood, of tears... Embrace death which gives rise to life. Accept pain which gives rise to love. Hold to the nothing that gives rise to everything. Cohan December 15, 2019, Condor, Alberta, Canada now let's see if I can get the photos to load this time....lol-- Guess not! Can anyone open the pics?
  4. I have so many things to ask about your situation Brackers. Living with your Mum at 49 is unusual unless you have reasons you need to be there - like you are a carer etc. Some mothers take a while to recognise your adult personality and needs and this can feel like you are being pulled back into a previous state of affairs. But the core thing is ; what is it specifically about your mother/her behaviour that you are struggling with? I am trying to gauge if this is a general personality conflict or whether there are elements where it is in you/your son's best interest not to be under each other's noses. I would worry about the impact of closeted conflict on your son - kids sense these things even if not expressed. I think you need to weight up what is more important for your right now - saving money, staying in this 'comfort zone' or finding ways to save your self esteem. You don''t have to put up with any difficult behaviour and it sounds like this needs an open conversation; if that's possible? Ultimately; of talking does not work you may need to prepare an exit strategy for you and your son.
  5. That is a great response. Living in a capitalist society is increasing stress and making people ill. The less I worry about money and things, the happier I am.
  6. Yeh this I have to work only mind gets negative at times, then I worry that this is what the universe will return to me. As I believe what we think is what we become, so I'm trying really hard with yoga & meditation to change my mind set in order to change my life & circumstances, button this world it's a daily battle, but I will win eventually.
  7. I read this article about dealing with a parent with dementia, and I thought it could be interesting to discuss it further. While I'm so far lucky enough to not be in the situation of dementia with my own parents, I did see it a lot with my granddad. Just noticing other 'normal' signs of ageing in a parent can be really scary, and it might make your mind wander. I notice my parents' hearing getting a lot worse (which can also be super annoying from a selfish 'child' point of view) and that they get more tired from things they were always able to do. Have you dealt with a parent or other close relative with dementia? Is dementia something you worry about for yourself?
  8. Hello, I'm new to the site, not sure how active or interactive this site is, open to all possibilities ? Wanted to share a meaningful first post, introducing one of our blog post... Here is an account of someone with depression & anxiety and how they will start their day before going into work… I cry because I wake up and nothing has changed, the demons are still present, voices still loud in my head. I cry because I wake up and have to face another day of fake smiles, laughter and interactions with people who have no idea I’m struggling. I cry because I wake up and have to think of a reason to get out of bed. To me, everything feels pointless. I finish my tasks and try to push forward only so I don’t disappoint the people around me. I don’t want them to see me in pain. I don’t want them to worry. I cry because I wake up and feel utterly alone, although my sister is sleeping only a few meters away from me. I feel like there’s a huge black hole of emptiness in my chest that won’t ever go away. I cry because I wake up and can’t endure the pain that comes from the thought of doing this forever. I am scared this will never change. For some... mornings are tough, regardless what day it is - reach out if you see someone struggling at work!!
  9. Gosh that sounds like me! Starting out on a journey of self discovery, wondering what the universe has in store for us. Experiencing mindfulness, meditation, reiki and seeing Echartt Tolle has made me keen to learn more. I too overthink, worry to much and an slowing learning that I'm not going mad!
  10. Friends were always very important to me. However, I also had a hard time to make new ones. Over the years there slipped a lot of friendships, especially like @Calvin77described after moving country. I had a hard time to deal with the situation and questioned myself why I can't hold them. However to be honest I could have done much more to take care of those friendships. Friends are great but they also needed a real emotional and timely effort. Luckily I can say that I still have a few very close friends for years already. But since I'm a mum I'm just too busy to worry about how to make new friends But this might change again...
  11. I actually have very few people in my life that I call true friends, and I'm happy with it. I realise that the smaller your circle, the less drama you have. Sometimes I meet people in passing and think "Oh, it might be nice to have them as friends", but I don't really do anything about it. I think the right people will come into your life naturally and stick around for as long as they need to And for this reason, I don't force friendships or worry too much about how to make friends, and happily spend most of my time alone 😊
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