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  1. If you feel overwhelmed during the course of your day, stopping to pause for a 'mindful minute' can help reset you and give focus. Ann Vrlak shares 10 calming moments of mindfulness that you can incorporate into your daily routine. What can you do in one minute? The truth is you can do a lot. A minute is longer than you think. If you have a spare minute, try it right now. Set a timer, close your eyes and just breathe. Were you surprised by how long a minute actually is? When I teach meditation, especially to beginners, showing them ‘mindful minutes’ is a core exercise I love to use because it helps students see the benefits of meditation in the context of their daily lives. Here’s why. When people learn different types of meditation, the basic practice involves setting time aside from your usual day-to-day activities for a quiet period of 20 minutes or more. And, it’s true, this devoted time to go deep into a practice is essential to learning what meditation is actually about. • JOIN US! Sign up to learn more about meditation and mindfulness • However, if this is your only practice, what often happens is a kind of disconnection. Insights or perspectives you have on the meditation cushion stay there. They don’t flow into your work stresses or disagreements with your loved ones. You feel and react as usual, maybe a little disappointed in yourself or in meditation. Mindful minutes are the medicine for disconnection. The benefits of your mindful minutes of breath practice, relaxation or loving-kindness, for example, flow into whatever you do next. Stop for a moment to fully embrace your surroundings shutterstock/mimagephotography Mindful minutes: getting started Want to give mindful minutes a try? Here’s all you need to do: Choose when to do them. The best way to remember your mindful minutes is to connect them to things you do a couple of times every day, like brushing your teeth, sitting down for a meal or getting in your car. So, every time you brush your teeth, it’s your signal: “Ah, time for a mindful minute.” An extra benefit is you don’t need to find extra time during your day to do these practices. Choose one or two exercises from this article you’d like to try. Do the exercises every day, for one week to start. Start small and enjoy them. Just notice how you feel doing them and what changes in your day. Tips for mindful minutes If you find yourself thinking about something else during your mindful minute, that’s OK. Do not beat yourself up! If you have a bit more time, start again. If you don’t, just notice – kindly, please – that it was difficult for you to focus for one minute. It’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? What would be different if you could focus for longer? Just a question, no judgement. Don’t let your mind talk you out of doing the practices. You may tell yourself, “This is stupid. What’s this going to do?” Decide ahead of time to ignore this kind of criticism. The exercises in this article are simple, but they all have direct roots in traditional meditation practices that have been used for hundreds of years. Mindful minute: 10 practical exercises Incorporate some of these ten mindful moments into your daily routine and start to feel the benefits soon. 1. Five Conscious Breaths Breathing exercises are one of the oldest meditation practices. They are powerful tools for relaxing both your body and mind. For five breaths, pay attention to the sensations of your full breath cycle: the inhale, slight pause, exhale, slight pause. Don’t strain, hold your breath or try to change your breath in any way. Just do your best to focus on the sensations of your breath in your nose, throat, belly or wherever it’s easiest for you to pay attention. 2. Mindful eating Eating is something we all sometimes do in a rush or without fully experiencing or enjoying. As you prepare and eat your breakfast, for example, pay attention to the vibrations as you grind your coffee, the smell of the bread toasting, and the taste of the orange juice in your mouth. When you become distracted or start thinking about what’s next in your day, do your best to be aware and simply come back to your moment-to-moment experience of eating mindfully. Eat mindfully, enjoying every moment of food shutterstock/Dean Drobot 3. Loving-kindness Is there someone in your life that is struggling or in a painful situation? Or maybe this describes you right now. Open your heart by practising loving-kindness. Close your eyes and see the person or yourself in your mind’s eye. Feel compassion and loving kindness for what they’re going through, and repeat silently, “May they be happy, may they be safe, may they be loved.” Or, “May I be happy, may I be safe, may I be loved.” 4. Practise empathy Has someone done something to irritate you, upsetting your mood? Try feeling empathy during a minute of mindfulness. Imagine what that person who upset you might be thinking or feeling. Could they be under a lot of pressure at work or have a troubling situation at home? If you can find a way to “see the person” even a little, your feelings and thoughts about the situation will change. “Mindful minutes are the medicine for disconnection. The benefits of your mindful minutes of breath practice, relaxation or loving-kindness, for example, flow into whatever you do next.” My favourite time to practise this mindful minute is when someone annoys me in traffic. One day when this happened to me, I felt angry (as usual) and conjured up stories about how inconsiderate they were. For some reason, I then thought: “How would I feel if that was my niece in the car (who I adore)?” The stories disappeared immediately, along with the anger. If it was her, I thought, she would just be rushing to get home to her kids or be a bit distracted by her work. Now, I use that practice consciously when I’m in traffic. It’s a great lesson: to see it’s the stories (my thoughts) that upset me, not the person’s behaviour. 5. Body scan The body scan is a classic meditation practice that can be done anywhere, any time, and for any length of time – even for just a mindful minute. Starting with your hands, feel the sensations in your body – tingling, warmth or pressure. Then, let your attention move progressively through your body, noticing as much as you can about sensations whether they are pleasant, unpleasant or neutral. The idea of this practice is to stay as close to the direct physical sensations as you can, rather than thoughts, feelings or perceptions you may be having. Follow a simple yet effective ten-minute body scan meditation script here. 6. Befriend emotion This meditation is a way to listen to your emotions, with kind attention, instead of perhaps resisting them or wanting to distract yourself from them. When you feel an uncomfortable emotion, big or small, see if you can notice with kind, curious attention how the emotion is showing up in your mind and body. Is it triggering thoughts of blame or anger? Is it creating tension in your neck or stomach? Notice as much as you can, not getting stuck in any one place. Notice, be kind, move on. Rinse and repeat. 7. Inhabiting your five senses This is a powerful anxiety-soothing exercise you can do almost anywhere. The object is to be mindful of the information coming in through your five senses. Pay attention to each sense: sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. With each one, notice as much as you can as precisely as you can and try not to interpret anything. Simple labels can help you stay focused on your senses, like “warm” or “red” or “ringing.” 8. Say “OK” This practice is based on a foundation skill of meditation: acceptance or allowing things to be as they are. There are many things in a day that you might resist or feel are wrong. We all do this sometimes, but if it’s something we can’t change, like having a cold, for example, the resistance only makes us more unhappy. Saying “OK” is a way to practise acceptance in little moments in your day. So, when you get a cold, say to yourself “OK” and try to let go. Or, when your teenager is late for dinner again, say to yourself “OK” and try to let go. You’re not saying you like it. You’re only acknowledging what is happening and letting go of the struggle or the wish for it to “not be so.” 9. Do one thing at a time Who doesn’t try and multi-task sometimes? However, productivity experts, as well as people who study happiness, have found that, first, you may not get as much done as you think and, second, that multitasking is stressful! “The body scan is a classic meditation practice that can be done anywhere, any time, and for any length of time – even for just a mindful minute.” Choose an everyday activity and try to focus on just that one thing while you’re doing it. If you’re like most of us, you’ll start to add in more things “you can do at the same time.” Just watch for this habit and bring your attention back to your focus. Honour what you’re doing, in this moment. Give it your undivided attention and notice if anything changes for you. 10. Question your thoughts How many of your thoughts are true? What happens when you believe your thoughts are true, even when they hurt you or others around you? Practising some objectivity with your thoughts is another foundational skill of meditation. You can practise this any time by simply noticing and naming your thoughts, like this: “Oh, I was thinking about that problem at work again.” Leave it at that and notice the next thought. Creating some space helps you notice how many thoughts you have, how consistent they are or are not, and how they affect how you feel and what you do. Spiritual teacher Byron Katie has built a whole system of meditation starting with the simple question about our thoughts, “Is it true?” Discover more. Takeaway: mindful minutes work Don’t underestimate the power of these little practices! I really encourage you to try one or two of these mindful minutes for a week or so: don’t try to do too more practices at once in the beginning. Each one of them has the ability to create just a bit of perspective if you’re feeling angry, or a bit of relaxation if you’re stressed, or a bit of self-compassion if you’re feeling hurt. Don’t let your mind tell you they probably won’t do anything. Try them and see for yourself, then try a couple more. And if you find that some of these mindful minute practices really work well for you, you can try doing periods of sitting meditation using the same focus or technique to deepen your experience and understanding. • happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now: ■ to enjoy our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ self-develop with free online classes in our happiness Academy Anxiety | Nature | Breathwork | Meditation Written by Ann Vrlak Ann Vrlak is Founder of OneSelf Meditation and a meditation practitioner for over 25 years. She’s a Certified Meditation Teacher for adults and for children (the best job ever!). She loves to share how the perspective and practice of meditation can support people with their everyday stresses and on their journey of self-discovery.
  2. We have quite a few articles here on the site about different mindfulness/meditation teachers and experts: Jon Kabat-Zinn, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, etc. I was curious as to which ones you follow and why: why do some resonate more closely with you? Personally I like Ruby Wax a lot: she's a comedienne and author who later studied for a Master's degree in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. The way how she mixes advice with comedy really works for me. ? Who are your faves and why?
  3. Combining the scientific knowledge about meditation with advice on personal and spiritual growth, 6 phase meditation can help us live more compassionate and fulfilled lives. Dee Marques explains the benefits of this meditation style and how to practise it. We’ve all heard about the benefits of meditation: greater clarity, a strong focus on the positive, and the unrestricted flow of energy. But I won’t lie: getting into meditation is tough, and being consistent is even tougher. One of the main things stopping people from starting a meditation practice is that it takes time, and you need to do it daily if you want to get the best possible results. But we all have busy lives and we all know how difficult it is to make time for ourselves. Another thing stopping people from trying meditation is the huge amount of choices out there. Mindfulness, vipassana, body scan and guided meditation are some of the most popular meditation styles, but even choosing among these can be overwhelming for a beginner. Where do you start? How do you know you’re on the right track? And how do you fight distraction and lack of motivation? I’ve been there, so I’m always looking for ways to be more consistent in my meditation practice. I recently came across a meditation technique that seems to tick all the boxes: 6 phase meditation. So today I want to share how this technique can enrich your life. What is 6 phase meditation? So-called 6 phase meditation was developed by Vishen Lakhiani. He's the award-winning founder of Mindvalley, a company focused on using technology to promote personal growth and spiritual development. Lakhiani is also a well-known author of best-selling books covering topics like self transformation and unleashing the power of our mind to achieve success. 6 phase meditation incorporates six distinct steps 6 phase meditation is one of the programmes available from the Mindvalley website. This is one of the things I liked the most about it. The programme format is presented in an easy-to-follow and structured way. This takes out all the guesswork involved in figuring things out by yourself, so you can jump straight into the sessions. The 6 phase meditation course is free to enrol on (although sign-up to the site is required). The idea behind 6 phase meditation itself is to combine scientific knowledge about how our brain works as well as the most effective and transformational advice published in the world of personal and spiritual growth. This guided meditation programme tackles common roadblocks in meditation practice so you can prevent the things that lead many people to give it up after a few days or weeks: a restless mind, self doubt, or the struggle trying to apply ancient principles to our modern lives. “The idea behind 6 phase meditation is to combine scientific knowledge about how our brain works with transformational advice published in the world of personal and spiritual growth.” According to Lakhiani, meditation isn’t about clearing your mind. He accepts that the brain is meant to be constantly working, so the programme focuses on redirecting our brain power. The main goals of 6 phase meditation are helping you win the battle against anxiety and stress, connecting with your creative and intuitive side, boosting happiness and productivity, and living more compassionate and fulfilling lives. To achieve all this, the concept of abundance is key in every stage of 6 phase meditation. With this technique we can identify the ways in which we sometimes self-sabotage, then get rid of anything that holds us back from reaching true abundance and a sense of purpose. This is one of the fundamental benefits of meditation practice. How to practise 6 phase meditation Completing the full 6 phase meditation training programme only takes seven days. During these seven days, you’ll need to set apart 15 to 20 minutes to follow the online sessions and go through each of the six phases. Here’s an overview of the main stages of 6 phase meditation: 1. Connection The first step in 6 phase meditation is developing a sense of connection with yourself and your surroundings. Consciousness is the main enabler of this deep sense of connection, so it helps to visualise it as a bright warm light. Picture the light as it starts wrapping up your body then gradually expands to everything else: your house, your neighbourhood, your city, your country, and the entire planet, all while being aware of your connection to it. 2. Gratitude During the second step of 6 phase meditation the focus is finding things to be grateful for. Lakhiani suggests making a mental list of five to ten things you’re thankful to have in your life. You may even find more once you get started. They could be anything from having good health to the pleasant scent of your favourite herb in the kitchen window sill. Then, amplify the sense of gratitude by immersing yourself in how you experience these things through your five senses and recreate the experience. RELATED: Gratitude meditation Visualization is a key step in 6 phase meditation shutterstock/fizkes 3. Forgiveness Finding abundance in our lives is difficult if we hold grievances against others, as doing this deprives us from the benefits of forgiveness. Asking forgiveness doesn’t need to be done in person, and unfortunately some of the people we had conflict with in the past are no longer with us. However, it’s still possible to reach out to them in our minds, ask forgiveness, and replace conflict with peace. Once you let go of negative emotions, you’ll start to feel how the sense of connection developed in Stage 1 glows even brighter. 4. Visualization The fourth step of 6 phase meditation takes you through a vivid visualization of your future so you can finally start living the life you want. Lakhiani’s advice is to choose three areas of your life where you’d like to see improvement. For example, they could be family relationships, work and fitness. During the session, you’re asked to visualize how you’d like them to unfold within the next three years. Then, make the experience real by drawing in your five senses into the visualization. “The main goals of 6 phase meditation are helping you win the battle against anxiety and stress, connecting with your creative side, boosting happiness and productivity, and living more compassionate and fulfilling lives.” 5. Daily intention The purpose of this session is to help you realise that our future starts with what we choose to do on a daily basis. During the daily intention stage, the focus is on visualising what it would be like to live the best possible version of your day. Think about what would you be doing, how would you be feeling, what specific emotions would you experience. Then imagine what would be your ideal way to end the day and picture yourself drifting into the most restful and rejuvenating sleep. 6. Blessing The last step in 6 phase meditation involves calling for the support you need to make your present and future goals achievable. Whether you believe in religious higher powers or rely on your own inner strength, it’s important to feel that you have an external force blessing you with energy, motivation, and even luck. During this session, you’ll spend a few moments noticing the effect of this protective force. To get started with 6 phase meditation, you can sign up for the programme via the Mindvalley website. Vishen Lakhiani has also put together a series of YouTube videos where he eases you into this guided meditation and takes you through each stage. You can find these videos in the official Mindvalley channel. The takeaway Although 6 phase meditation is perfect for beginners or those who struggled getting into meditation in the past, it also suits anyone who wants to take personal growth a step further. Following the programme and making meditation an integral part of your life can change the brain structure and bring important benefits, like the ability to override unhelpful responses and giving you more control over automatic reactions. You’ll also be able to develop compassionate and positive behaviour and boost your emotional intelligence. Bringing this attitude into every interaction can help build more meaningful relationships and generate a peaceful state of mind. And lastly, you’ll be more conscious about how your thoughts influence your actions and how your brain already has the tools you need to build the future you want, day by day without losing sight of your goals. ● Main image: shutterstock/javi_indy happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up for free now to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine ■ share and support in our happiness forum ■ learn with free online Academy classes Kundalini meditation | How to forgive someone | Vedic meditation Written by Dee Marques A social sciences graduate with a keen interest in languages, communication, and personal development strategies. Dee loves exercising, being out in nature, and discovering warm and sunny places where she can escape the winter.
  4. The terms 'meditation' and 'mindfulness' are often used interchangeably. However, although the practices share some traits, they are not the same thing. Stanislava Puač Jovanović looks at the three main differences of mindfulness versus meditation. Meditative practices first entered mainstream Western society in the 1960s – mainly through the hippie movement – with a gradual shift away from spiritual and towards a more secular approach. Much more recently, interest in mindfulness has followed. Indeed, nowadays, both practices are hugely popular around the world. Still, many people get puzzled by the question of mindfulness vs meditation, and the terms are often used interchangeably. So, are they one and the same? The short answer is, of course, no. Nonetheless, there is an overlap that causes confusion. And the fact that you can also practise mindfulness meditation doesn’t help in differentiating between the two either. This article will explain the differences, and show you how you can incorporate mindfulness meditation into your everyday life. Meditation and mindfulness in the West Western thinkers (Schopenhauer, among others) have been interested in Eastern philosophy and practices for a long time. Although some thinkers (such as Jung) opposed the notion of Westerners engaging in Eastern meditative practices, that warning may not apply to many of the currently practised modifications of meditation and mindfulness. Is this meditation? Mindfulness? Or both? What is clear is that these tools for mental health and well-being are becoming increasingly used. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics, 14.2 per cent of Americans meditate. That’s a more than threefold increase between 2012 and 2017. The CDC also found that 9 to 14 per cent of Americans engage in some of the structured forms of mindfulness. Elsewhere, in the UK, the positive effects of both meditation and mindfulness have been recognised by the National Health Service (NHS). Moreover, the Wellcome Trust is funding a £6.4m study as a part of an effort to introduce mindfulness to teenagers and young people as a preventive measure against the adverse effects of stress. Mindfulness vs meditation: what’s the difference? Before we dig deeper into the matter of mindfulness versus meditation, let’s get to know each a bit better first. Meditation is a practice with a long history of use for increasing focus, calmness, awareness, and overall psychophysical well-being and balance. You can engage in guided or unguided forms, as well as decide between insight or calming types of meditation. “Many people get puzzled by the question of mindfulness vs meditation. So, are they one and the same? The short answer is no, they're not.” Some of the most common types of meditation practised in the West are focused attention, gratitude meditation, progressive relaxation, kundalini meditation, zen meditation, loving-kindness meditation, visualization meditation, and, yes, mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness, similarly, is a mental practice aimed at increasing awareness, focus on the present moment, and non-judgement or acceptance. It has been widely used to relieve the effects of stress and trauma, reduce chronic pain, increase physical health, and bring better cognitive functioning and emotional stability. Shore thing: the benefits of meditation are proven shutterstock/javi_indy Mindfulness teaches us to become free of dwelling about the past or worrying about the future – a cognitive habit some of us spend as much as half of our time on: a habit that makes us utterly unhappy. In the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn, the man who has done most to popularise mindfulness based on scientific evidence of its benefits: “Mindfulness practice means that we commit fully in each moment to be present; inviting ourselves to interface with this moment in full awareness, with the intention to embody as best we can an orientation of calmness, mindfulness, and equanimity right here and right now.” Differences between mindfulness and meditation So, what are the differences between mindfulness and meditation? They can and do work together to produce an overall benefit. In fact, the two practices complement each other, increasing the other’s positive impact. Nonetheless, when you want to compare meditation vs mindfulness, they’re different in a few distinct ways: 1. Subject Meditation is awareness of “no-thing”, meaning that it aims to let thoughts, perceptions and intentions pass us, with a focus purely on our breath or mantra. Mindfulness, on the other hand, teaches us to become aware of “some-thing”. Indeed, as many aspects of our surrounding as possible, learning to engage in a meaningful perception of our inner and outer worlds. 2. Structure You usually need to follow a formal routine for meditation (when, how, for how long, etc.). However, for mindfulness, you don’t have to (although you can) set up a formal routine. Indeed, you can incorporate it into your everyday interaction with yourself, the world, and the others. “Instead of thinking about mindfulness vs meditation, we should be more inclined to embrace both of these tools as possible conduits to as harmonious state of mind and emotion.” 3. Form Meditation is definitely an activity, even though it can yield changes in our constitution, capabilities, and attitudes. Expanding on the previous point, mindfulness can be understood as more of an attitude, a capacity, a way of being even. It can be an all-encompassing ability that follows us around whatever we do. OK, so what is mindfulness meditation? Now that we’ve clarified the difference of meditation vs mindfulness, it’s time to bring them back together again. Mindfulness meditation is a structured form of mindfulness, a practice in which you fully commit to being mindful for a certain amount of time. It combines the benefits of the two. Here’s how to do it: Set aside five or ten minutes and set up a (soft) alarm to warn you when the time’s up so that you don’t have to check the clock. Sit somewhere where you’ll be comfortable and you won’t get interrupted. Drop your chin and let your gaze fall downward. You can, but you don’t have to, close your eyes. Be present for a few moments, gently focusing on here and now. Begin following your breath as it enters your nose and travels down to your lungs and then back out. Notice all the sensations that follow your breathing, tenderly focusing your attention over and over again. Your mind will wander, over and over again (less, as you become more proficient in the practice). When it does, simply acknowledge the fact, don’t be judgmental of yourself, and return your attention to your breath and the present moment. Just let the thought slide beside you and away from you. Before you make any movement, such as scratching an itch, become aware of your intention, then move with the consciousness of every aspect of it. Then return to your position and refocus to your breath. When you’re ready, slowly exit the meditation. Start noticing the room around you; the sounds, light, smells, and open your eyes fully. Notice how your body feels. Be aware of how your mind is at the moment. Then decide how you want to continue your day. Reaping the benefits: meditation vs mindfulness Instead of thinking about mindfulness vs meditation, we should be more inclined to embrace both of these tools as possible conduits to a harmonious state of mind and emotion. The benefits of meditation and mindfulness have been empirically proven and testified by millions of people around the world. If you too decide to give them a try, you're on the path of leading a happier and more balanced, but, primarily, an aware life. ● Main image: shutterstock/maxpetrov happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up for free to: ■ read our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ learn with free online classes in our happiness Academy Written by Stanislava Puač Jovanović Stanislava Puač Jovanović has a master’s degree in psychology and works as a freelance writer and researcher in this area. During her early career, she gained several certifications (life coach, assertive communication trainer, peer educator, fitness instructor). Her primary focus is on questions relating to mental health, stress-management, self-development and well-being.
  5. Living our lives to the fullest begins with what's already here. These seven mindfulness tips from Dee Marques will help you to stay engaged and transform routine activities into satisfying snapshots of life. Have you ever felt that sometimes we simply go through our lives instead of living them to the fullest? Today it's common to live surrounded by distractions that make staying engaged hard, forcing us instead to continually move on to the next thing and overlook present experiences. Incorporating mindfulness through these mindfulness tips will help you to stay engaged throughout your day and enjoy the present moment. Indeed, staying mindful and finding pleasure and fulfillment in everyday things can make a considerable contribution to your overall happiness. Before exploring our tips, let's examine exactly what mindfulness is. The dictionary describes mindfulness as: “The state or quality of being mindful or aware of something” and “a technique in which one focuses one's full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughts, feelings, and sensations but not judging them.” With that in mind, here are seven tips for mindfulness to help you turn routine tasks into enriching daily activities. Read on if you’re ready to increase your awareness, boost your connection with own emotions, and improve your chances of staying engaged throughout the day. Mindfulness tips: 7 tips for staying engaged 1. Start-of-the-day ritual Cultivating enriching daily activities as soon as you start your day is crucial to your levels of engagement and well-being. Instead of waking up and getting on with your day on auto-pilot, why not create a ritual that increases your chances of staying engaged? After waking up, don't reach for your phone and scroll through social media. Instead, do some gentle stretching and notice your body getting ready for a new day. Acknowledge your gratefulness for a good night's rest that allows you to tackle whatever lies ahead. As you prepare your tea or coffee, take a minute to check in with yourself. Pay attention to physical sensations: is your body tense or relaxed? How are your energy levels? Are you hungry or thirsty? Mornings are also the perfect time to incorporate other mindfulness tips such as mindful eating or showering. Bend to mend: morning stretching is a great mindfulness tip 2. Mindful showering Talking of which! Showering is a peaceful way of starting or ending the day, as it allows you to gain an appreciation for your body and to be grateful for having the opportunity to look after yourself. As you stand under the water, do a “body scan” from head to toe and take note of any bodily sensations and your feelings. The warm water, the aroma of your favourite shower gel, and a gentle massage are treats to the senses that would be a pity to overlook. RELATED: Do mindfulness apps work? Taking note of these micro-moments can help you stay anchored in the present and counter the go-go-go mindset. In the shower, it's easier to realise when your mind wanders into the past or future. Use this mindfulness tip to realize when this happens while taking a shower and gently bring the mind back to the present moment. Shower power: stay engaged through mindful showering 3. Gratitude walks and walking meditation Having a busy life doesn't mean you can't enjoy the benefits of meditation. Simply walking and noticing all those things you have reasons to be grateful for is a way of staying engaged with the most meaningful aspects of your life. For example, you can notice your legs and feet taking you forward, a ray of sunshine helping support life all around you, or the different colours of objects or plants bringing variety and making life more interesting. “Mornings are the perfect time to incorporate mindfulness tips such as mindful eating or showering.” To practice walking meditation, find a space where you can walk undisturbed and start walking while focusing on each movement. Lifting a foot, putting it in front of the other, placing your feet on the ground, noticing how your body weight shifts as you walk, listening to your breathing, etc. This can help slow down your mind and sharpen your self-awareness. RELATED: How connecting with nature benefits our well-being As if that wasn't enough, walking itself is a beneficial physical activity that can help maintain a healthy weight and decrease stress. Moreover, some scientific studies have found that walking can strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. And as you probably know, a healthy body feeds a healthy mind, and vice versa. 4. Mindful eating We all have to eat, but our busy schedules often make us rush through our meals leading to all sorts of ailments, from poor digestion to weight gain. To avoid this, practice mindful eating by engaging all your senses in a conscious exercise of appreciation. Try this mindfulness tip on eating a raisin: Take a raisin and hold it in your hands, imagining you’ve never seen one before. Use all your five senses to examine it. Look at its every detail: colors, structure, shiny or dull – can you see through it? Touch it with closed eyes. Try to hear if it makes a sound if you squeeze it. Smell it. See if it smells differently depending on which nostril you use. Chew it slowly, noticing its texture and flavour. Take note of the feelings and thoughts it generates. This technique is a mindfulness-based stress reduction MBSR exercise aimed at improving your ability to focus on present experiences, increase attention levels, and boost enjoyment. Eat and engage: this mindfulness tip focuses on food 5. Mindful driving The daily commute can be a source of frustration and anger, but using this mindfulness tip can turn this routine into one of those enriching daily activities that increase your awareness. Before you start the engine, take a few moments to breathe deeply and state your intention to drive mindfully. Ensure your car is a distraction-free environment – like a cocoon that protects you from the noise outside – so put your phone on silent and don’t switch the radio on. “Staying mindful and finding pleasure and fulfilment in everyday things can make a considerable contribution to your overall happiness.” While driving, there will be situations that cause anger or anxiety, but all you need to do is acknowledge your feelings: remember that you have a choice not to let those negative emotions take over. Stay engaged and drive paying attention to your surroundings. In fact, try to see the streets as if it was the first time you were driving along them, and take every interruption (traffic lights, traffic jams, etc.) as a chance to check in with your sensory perceptions. 6. Mindful appreciation Staying engaged in the present and savouring everything life has to offer is hard when our appreciation is weak. To fix this, find four or five things (or people) that make your life easier or better. These could be small details like having drinking water flow as you open the tap or having a blanket to keep you warm and cosy when it gets cold. Make a mental note of those things, or even better, write them down while you ask yourself: What benefits does this bring to my life? What is special or unique about this thing/person? How would life be without them? How did they come to be? Using this mindfulness tip to stop and think will improve your appreciation for simple (and not-so-simple) everyday things and give you more reasons to feel blessed. Watch your wash: be mindful, even when doing the dishes! © Colourbox.com 7. Staying engaged with technology Technology can be a constant source of distraction and interfere with mindful practices, so it’s important to set boundaries and know when and how to use it. Mindfulness, different meditation styles and happiness apps and podcasts with uplifting content show that technology and gadgets can be beneficial, but making mindful use of technology is also a matter of changing your habits. For example, instead of reaching for your smartphone to take a picture of your food as soon as a plate is put in front of you, take some time to look at the food. Observe how it is presented, think about how it satisfies you, and about how much work has been put into making it reach your table. Likewise, instead of rushing to check your inbox every time a mail notification pops up on your screen, take a deep breath, pause, check in with yourself, and decide if it's worth responding now or later. RELATED: Mindful people are happier due to clearer authenticity Like all other positive emotions, everyday engagement has to be cultivated. Trying to incorporate these seven tips on mindfulness into daily tasks will bring you a collection of memorable thoughts and moments that enrich your life and make it more pleasurable. And, ultimately, these enriching daily activities will allow you to live your life to the full and not just go through it. ● Main image: shutterstock/lolostock Written by Dee Marques A social sciences graduate with a keen interest in languages, communication, and personal development strategies. Dee loves exercising, being out in nature, and discovering warm and sunny places where she can escape the winter.
  6. Writer and teacher Jack Kornfield has spent his life working with mindfulness and meditation. Let's take a deeper look at his life and learnings. Jack Kornfield is a writer, teacher and one of the leading proponents of Buddhism in the West. He's been teaching meditation across the globe for over 40 years and, throughout this time, his work has played an instrumental part in helping to introduce the useful lessons and concepts of mindfulness to a Western audience. Jack Kornfield and mindfulness Mindfulness. It's a word that we hear more and more frequently in our day-to-day lives. Perhaps it should come as no surprise: the modern world is one which seems to travel at a break-neck speed. A place where information, entertainment, and work are all present, 24 hours a day; shaping our thoughts, emotions and living environments. However, the human mind needs its 'down time', too. We all require moments of rest to reflect on the day's events and to make sense of the world. A few hours' sleep each night is not the same as realising true peace of mind. And that, perhaps, is why mindful living has become such an attractive concept for so many people in recent years. Jack Kornfield. © jackkornfield.com/Deborah Jaffe But where did the concept of mindfulness originate? For those who have only recently discovered the mindful approach to everyday life, it's often surprising to learn that mindfulness is not a recent creation at all. In fact, its roots and origins stretch back many centuries into the past. RELATED: Meditation vs Mindfulness: what's the difference Perhaps what has been a more recent phenomenon has been the dissemination of mindful thinking across the planet – enabling new adherents to discover this ancient philosophy for the very first time. And, in achieving this, few teachers have been quite as instrumental as Jack Kornfield. Jack Kornfield: learning and teaching Kornfield's path to the mindful existence has been a lifelong journey of learning and sharing his knowledge. His studies have taken him around the world, and he has studied directly under the tutelage of some of the leading minds of Buddhist thought in the 20th century and the present day. “With mindfulness, we are learning to observe in a new way, with balance and a powerful disidentification.” Jack Kornfield Kornfield's story began fairly typically. Born, one of twins, to Jewish parents in 1945, Jack developed a deep fascination for the cultures of the Far East early on in life. Seeking to broaden his understanding, he enrolled at the prestigious Dartmouth College, New Hampshire; graduating in Asian Studies in 1967. After university, Kornfield joined the United States Peace Corps and was soon assigned to work with a tropical medicines team in the Mekong River Valley, aiding the Public Health Service of Thailand. Working for some time in the northeastern Isan region of the country, he was able to use this time with the Peace Corps to visit many of the world's oldest Buddhist forest monasteries. It was here that he took his first steps on what would become a lifelong journey of learning and understanding Buddhist mindfulness. The Forest tradition The Kammaṭṭhāna Forest tradition of northeastern Thailand is a unique process within Buddhist understanding. It is one which emphasises the balance between thought and action; teaching Buddhism as a process of training the mind to improve one's experiences of everyday life. To the adherents of the Kammaṭṭhāna process, thought precedes all existence. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Jack Kornfield gives the perfect example of mindfulness. © YouTube That Kornfield would find himself working in the Isan region of Thailand is therefore incredibly fortuitous. The introduction of mindful thought into the West can be traced back directly to this time, and his chance encounters with the teachers of the forest tradition. Indeed, as we look back, it's hard to contemplate a way that these lessons could have arrived in the West, had Kornfield not visited the forest monasteries and become inspired by the teachings of Ajahn Chah at this time. Who is Ajahn Chah? The venerable Ajahn Chah was instrumental not only in setting Jack Kornfield on his path to mindfulness but also in helping to introduce the thoughts and concepts of Kammaṭṭhāna to the wider world. A thinker who had himself led an incredible life, Ajahn Chah spent much of his adult life walking across Thailand, living only in woodland and caves as he learned the strict methods of the Forest Tradition. Having eventually established a settled monastery of his own in Ubon Ratchathani Province, Ajahn Chah became an influential mentor to a new generation of Buddhist thinkers. Jack Kornfield would spend much time with the venerable Ajahn Chah during this period and, under his tutelage, learned the fundamental lessons that he would later develop into Buddhist mindfulness. RELATED: Jon Kabat-Zinn – master of mindfulness and MBSR Furthermore, during his time in Asia, Kornfield would also meet and study with the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma, and Dipa Ma from India. Together, these three mentors would provide Jack with a broad understanding of meditation, Buddhist tradition, and the Vipassana movement. Insight Meditation Society From this point, Kornfield understood the beneficial effect that these lessons could bring to modern Western societies. On his return to the United States, Jack immediately dedicated his time to establishing a centre for the teaching of Vipassana meditation in the west. In 1975 he founded the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) with two of his colleagues: Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein. The first retreat centre opened its doors in Barre, Massachusetts, in February 1976. The cultural significance of that first Insight Meditation Society is such that it is widely regarded as being one of the very first organisations to pioneer the study of the Vipassanā tradition in the Western hemisphere. “Let go of the battle. Breathe quietly and let it be. Let your body relax and your heart soften. Open to whatever you experience without fighting.” Jack Kornfield It could be said that, on founding that first Insight Meditation Society centre, Kornfield discovered his true calling in life – that of a teacher. Through his work with the society, he developed his approach to teaching the lessons of Vipassanā. By 1974 Kornfield had already become a founding faculty member of the Naropa Buddhist University in Boulder, Colorado. This was just the first of many positions Kornfield has held as an instructor and tutor in Vipassanā techniques. These lessons have taken him to countless countries around the globe, sharing his knowledge and communicating his insightful views in a way that connects with audiences of all backgrounds. Jack Kornfield's ordination, 1969. © jackkornfield.com Kornfield is today considered one of the pre-eminent teachers of mindful thought: his approach is both scientific and spiritual, and always seeks to ground matters of universal significance into a context of the everyday. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Saybrook University and has led International Buddhist Teacher meetings with the Dalai Lama. Today, Kornfield lives at the Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California, which he founded, and where he teaches meditation and mindfulness. A passionate advocate for individual freedoms as well as spiritual well-being, Kornfield is a keen activist and has pioneered the use of social media and podcasting to share his vision of what a more mindful society can look like. Kornfield's books have sold more than one million copies worldwide, and have been translated into over 20 languages. Many guided meditations and mindfulness trainings – for example, with Tara Brach – are available online. ● Written by Guest Author We're interested in publishing articles by guest authors that will broaden the perspective and bring new insights. If you're interested in publishing an article here on happiness.com, please contact us.
  7. Meditation and mindfulness are becoming increasingly popular for kids, with schools incorporating them into classes. Meditation practitioner Ann Vrlak looks at the benefits for children and explains three great meditation techniques you can practise with your own kids. Have you noticed that meditation and mindfulness courses for kids are starting to pop up everywhere? In schools and in programs devoted to children? In the same way meditation for adults has seen an explosion in the West over the last 30 years, educators and psychologists are now sending a clear message: meditation for kids is a powerful life skill. And when children learn mindfulness at a young age, we can plant seeds that grow and bear fruit throughout their whole life. What is meditation? There are so many styles of meditation it can sometimes be confusing. But meditation for kids can be put into two basic categories: mindfulness and imagination. The definition of mindfulness I like to use teaching kids is this: paying attention to the present moment, right now, with kindness and curiosity. I explain all the terms in ways they can easily understand: “paying attention,” “right now” and, most importantly, “with kindness and curiosity.” There’s a lot in that simple definition for kids to understand and to practice. Meditation for kids is a powerful life tool shutterstock/vectorfusionart There are many mindfulness-based practices for kids, many of which use the senses and the breath, to help them explore this definition of mindfulness. And imagination-based meditations use kids’ amazing power of imagination to take journeys into their body, to relaxing places or to experience different qualities like the strength and safety of the Earth. I’ll take you through an imagination exercise on grounding in the earth later in this article. Kids are very good – usually much better than adults – at really feeling what they imagine, taking in those qualities and making them their own. Why are schools integrating meditation? Ideally, schools are places where kids learn a lot about life: about different subjects from math to art; about achievement and evaluation; about friendship, peer pressure and conflict – and much more. RELATED: 7 of the best mindfulness books for kids And it’s not news that these things can be stressful for people of any age. It’s sobering to know that more kids than ever are experiencing anxiety and depression. According to the CDC, in the USA, 7 per cent of children aged between three and 17 have diagnosed anxiety (approximately 4.4 million kids), and just over 3 per cent in the same age range (approximately 1.9 million) have diagnosed depression. Research shows that at younger and younger ages, children are feeling the pressure to excel at school or to be accepted by schoolmates. So, schools are an ideal place to introduce meditation for kids. They can learn how meditation can help them cope with life challenges. There are two key reasons that meditation has become a favourite tool to build these kinds of skills. “Meditation for kids is a powerful life skill. And when children learn mindfulness at a young age, we can plant seeds that grow and bear fruit throughout their whole life.” Firstly, because over the past few decades researchers have become very interested in studying meditation in general and for kids in particular. We have many studies now that show the proven psychological, emotional and physical benefits of meditation. There's one school in the US – Patterson High School in Baltimore – that is successfully using meditation as a “time out” activity for kids if they're acting out. Called the Mindful Moment Program, this innovative idea gives kids the skills to be with themselves and calm down through meditation and yoga – and with great results. Since launching the program, suspensions for fighting have dropped, and both attendance figures and the average GPA of first time ninth graders has increased. Secondly, meditation for kids has become so valued because of the wide and varied range of those benefits. Here are just some of the strengths and skills kids can build when they practice simple, non-religious meditation practices. They have been shown to: 1. Foster self-compassion and compassion for others Remember the definition of mindfulness earlier in this article? The part about kindness and curiosity? Observing yourself, and others, with kindness (rather than criticism or judgement) builds a caring relationship with yourself and empathy for others. 2. Improve focus and concentration Many meditation for kids exercises involve paying attention to something in particular and learning what to do when your mind wanders from your task. 3. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression Meditation exercises that show kids how to connect with their bodies, breath and senses calm their nervous system. They learn how to trigger this physiological healing and, again, to treat themselves with kindness while they practice and sometimes experience difficult emotions. Meditation in schools is proving successful for kids 4. Help kids make better decisions When kids are more calm and focused, and practicing self-care, they’re better able to make good choices. 5. Enhance creativity Meditation activates and integrates many areas of the brain. Creativity is powered up! 6. Self-regulate their emotions and behavior There are meditation exercises specifically for handling tough emotions, like sadness or anger or frustration. Kids can learn powerful ways have their emotions, rather than their emotions having them. Teaching meditation to your child at home Whether or not your child’s school has meditation or mindfulness programs, you can teach them meditation at home. And one of the great things is that you will also benefit from the practice. Indeed, it’s a great way to learn together, share experiences and strengthen your relationship with your children. “Schools are an ideal place to introduce meditation for kids. They can learn how meditation can help them cope with life challenges.” So, what do meditation practices for kids look like? Here are a few simple ones you can try – two mindfulness based and one imagination-based. Try them yourself a few times before you teach them. Keep the practices short – about one minute per year of age: five minute exercises with five year olds, and so on. And keep these things in mind for all the exercises: To begin, find a comfortable position either sitting up or lying down. Take a couple of deep relaxing breaths. When your mind wanders away from the particular exercise, that’s totally fine. That’s what your mind does! Just bring it back gently to the exercise. Know these exercises have two basic purposes: to help kids strengthen their attention and to guide them toward a particular positive experience. Ask them about their experiences and share what you experienced, too. Mindfulness-based exercises 1. Swing with your breath Paying attention to the breath is a great way to soothe the nervous system and bring some calm. Start paying attention to your breath in your chest. Feel your chest moving up and down. And feel how the movement of your breath is like being on a swing. There’s an upswing and a slight pause, then the downswing and a slight pause. Then the movement starts again. The goal of the exercise is to pay attention to and feel this whole movement – including the small quiet pauses – for as long as you can. Staying close to physical sensations helps kids relax and feel grounded in their bodies. Practising meditation at home is a great way to connect with your kids shutterstock/fizkes 2. Sounds and silence This is an example of a meditation exercise that uses kids’ sense of sound. Sensory-based practices are a great way for them to become present and calm. For this exercise, you'll need some sort of chime or bell. If you don’t have one, you can experiment with a glass or bowl that makes a ringing sound when you hit it with a spoon, for example. The sound should last 10 seconds or more. Tell your child that the purpose of the exercise is to listen to the whole sound – from the time you strike the chime until the sound disappears into silence. And when they can’t hear the sound, they raise their hand. Repeat this several times. You can quietly ask your child questions before each chime. “See if you can hear the sound even longer this time.” Or, “What do you hear after the sound is gone?” Imagination-based exercise 1. Your grounding cord In this exercise, kids imagine being connected to the whole planet earth, and all the strength and safety that brings. This exercise is done best in a sitting position, on the floor or on a chair. Guide your child to feel their tailbone and where it meets the floor or chair. Ask them to imagine a cord going from the tip of their tailbone down into the earth. Start at about five feet and progressively go deeper and deeper, until their grounding cord goes right to the centre of the earth. As you go, guide the child to feel the solidity and safety of the Earth, and how they are connected to all that strength through their cord. Use your imagination, too! Create a journey of exploration about the qualities of the earth and the child’s ability to really feel them. To finish, bring the grounding cord slowly up again, right up to your child’s tailbone. Ask them to enjoy how they feel and, if they like, to describe it to you. For example, how their body felt, what they saw or heard – leave the door open to hear their experience. It will help them to imprint the experience. Takeaway: meditation for kids We’re living in a wonderful time for meditation for kids. There are many programs and resources online and maybe even in your community that offer ways to bring meditation into your lives. I’ve given you a few links to explore at the bottom of this article. Plant the seeds of meditation for your child and watch them take root. ● Main image: shutterstock/wavebreakmedia Written by Ann Vrlak Ann Vrlak is Founder of OneSelf Meditation and a meditation practitioner for over 25 years. She’s a Certified Meditation Teacher for adults and for children (the best job ever!). She loves to share how the perspective and practice of meditation can support people with their everyday stresses and on their journey of self-discovery.
  8. Sticking to a regular meditation practice isn't always easy. Dee Marques runs through five ways you can overcome common meditation roadblocks so you can become more consistent in your practice. Do you find it hard to stick to your meditation goals, despite knowing about the many benefits of meditation? That disconnection between knowing and doing is common, so if something is stopping you from sticking to the plan, follow these five strategies to help you develop a regular meditation practice. 1. Confront your fears A clash between thinking and doing sometimes hides a layer of fear. Common fears include self-doubt, fear of finding that meditation practice uncovers a negative self, and fearing that stillness of the mind will lead to stillness of action. All these fears are small acts of self-sabotage, which usually kick in whenever we are trying to go outside our comfort zone. To tackle this, you first need to accept that it’s all in your hands. It’s up to you to rewrite your own narrative, from a self-defeating one to an empowering one. To do this, identify the stories you're telling yourself about your apparent inability to meditate, and create a different story by actually putting it in writing. Set aside 10-15 minutes every day to do this, and don’t underestimate the power of “self-editing” your life narrative. Indeed, studies have shown how effective this is in reversing negative or pessimistic thoughts and inspiring positive actions, so don’t let fears take over. 2. Habit replacement If avoiding meditation has become a habit, you should take steps to replace it with a positive one. To do this, think about how the habit you want to change became ingrained in the first place. You probably took a series of small decisions that reinforced each other and that stuck with you because they provided some sort of benefit. For example, you may procrastinate meditation because you want to have more free time. The key is to build a new habit that offers the same benefits and motivates you to stick with it. What if meditation was your free time? What if meditation helped you manage your time better? Changing habits can help build a better meditation practice Next, find what triggers the bad habit. Do you postpone meditation when you get distracted by your phone, the TV, or other activities that are associated with free time? Write down each trigger and find a positive action to replace each one of them with. Habit replacement takes time and multiple tries, so be prepared to learn from failure. 3. Parts integration If you know the benefits of meditation but can’t get around to practice consistently, there may be a conflict of interest between your motivation and parts of your conscious or sub-conscious mind. This type of conflict takes time to uncover, but you can make the process easier by using a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) technique known as 'parts integration', the objective of which is to help you find greater coherence between thoughts, values and actions. RELATED: Gratitude meditation: the top 5 benefits and how to practise it The principles of parts integration are similar to those used in therapies that aim to bring unity between different parts of the self, such as Gestalt, client-centered therapy, psychosynthesis, and analytical psychology. All these strategies can help resolve internal conflict by making us pay close attention to different parts of our conscious and sub-conscious selves. As conflict subsides, focus and motivation get stronger and you'll be able to achieve your meditation goals. Determine the conflicting parts in the behaviour you want to change (e.g. knowing it would be good to meditate is “the good part” and not doing it is “the bad part”). “Identify the stories you're telling yourself about your apparent inability to develop a meditation practice and create a different story by putting it in writing.” With your palms facing up, picture each part resting on each palm. Ask each part what their final intention is, and keep asking the question until you come across a positive intention. For example, “the bad part” may want you to be productive and achieve lots of things during the day. As you bring your hands together, imagine the parts’ intentions helping each other achieve your ultimate goal. Make sure you have a clear image of what this would look like. Picture this new image of a successful you taking over other parts of your body. Establish steps that will help you support the good intentions of the integrated parts. 4. Moving meditation Another common thing that gets in the way of regular meditation is feeling that this isn’t really for you. This is particularly common if you're a very energetic person who has trouble sitting still for more than a few minutes at the time, or if you get bored easily. When thinking about a meditation session, the first thing that usually comes to mind is someone sitting in the lotus position. But you don’t have to feel confined to this position as you can experiment with alternatives like walking, standing, or other forms of moving meditation. For example, you may want to try Qigong, a type of moving meditation that can help still your mind without sitting. There are dozens of Qigong movements, but you can get started with the exercise known as “Separating Heaven and Earth”. Move and meditate: your practice can be non-static Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and with your arms to the sides. Take a deep breath while you cross your arms over your chest. Exhale slowly and at the same time lift one arm while you lower the other (keep your arms slightly bent as you do this). Repeat while you alternate which arms goes up and down, for as long as you want your meditation session to last. RELATED: Personal meditation – 7 factors to consider when choosing a style If you're concerned that moving meditation may not be as effective as sitting meditation, you needn’t worry. In several studies, Qigong practitioners reported feeling lower anxiety and stress levels, just as you would expect from other forms of meditation. Moreover, some researchers suggest that the physical exercise involved in Qigong can reduce bone loss rate and could lead to lower blood pressure too. 5. Share accountability It's true that there’s strength in numbers, and you’re not alone in your struggle, since nobody becomes an expert meditator without confronting fears and bad habits. If you don’t feel strong enough to address these issues, finding someone who's in a similar situation can help if you both agree to hold each other accountable and keep unrealistic expectations in check. Accountability partnerships work by adding an extra layer of responsibility, motivation, mutual support, and creative brainstorming, which all work together to improve goal achievement. With time and practice, you can become your own accountability partner, or help others overcome obstacles to meditation. One last thought to take away with you is: “whatever problem you face setting up a regular meditation practice, you can learn from it and thrive.” ● Main image: Colourbox.com Written by Dee Marques A social sciences graduate with a keen interest in languages, communication, and personal development strategies. Dee loves exercising, being out in nature, and discovering warm and sunny places where she can escape the winter.
  9. From kundalini to loving-kindness, meditation styles can be very personal. Ed Gould looks at seven factors such as duration, location and frequency of meditation, which may affect your personal practice, to help you choose the right meditation type for you. Discovering a personal meditation style might take a while, but the benefits are definitely worth it. Indeed, developing one's personal meditation style rarely comes immediately. Even Buddha, by all accounts a naturally gifted meditator, needed time to develop his technique. In this article, we'll discuss what influences there are on our meditation practice. We'll also discuss what techniques we can use to enhance individual practices while diminishing those things which detract us. Remember that meditation is a transformative practice – one that affects our brains and consciousness – and it's best to view it as a process rather than a goal in its own right. At its best, the benefits of meditation can be seen in areas such as concentration, finding clarity and improving emotional well-being. Therefore, finding the meditative route that suits you best is generally quite rewarding. To begin with, let's examine the things that influence our abilities when developing our own personal meditation style. Factors that influence personal meditation styles Most of us, if we're honest about it, have plenty of things that influence our personal meditation style. Bear in mind that these can carry both positive and negative influences. Few of us have lives which allow us, for example, to get into a meditative state at the drop of a hat. Each of these fields of influence makes us the sort of practitioner that we are. Fresh and free: perhaps meditation in nature is your preferred style? When you're seeking a meditation style that will suit your development, lifestyle and personality best, then it's likely you will need to experiment a little. When doing so, try not to think of there being either a right or a wrong way of doing things. What you should remember, however, is that influences have an impact on you and they will ultimately affect your chosen approach to meditation. 1. Types of meditation There are many different meditation styles which you might choose to practise. And although experts may recommend one method over another, you'll find one or more that can work particularly well for your process. Conversely, certain meditative styles may not suit you or, more correctly, suit your personal approach to meditation. Many times, beginners start with guided meditation, usually based on a visual narrative. RELATED: Meditation for beginners: our Top 6 videos Kundalini and heart-rhythm meditation are both popular styles. Zazen meditation is also quite common – a Zen approach which is self-guided. A high-level form of meditation known as transcendental meditation is also popular. Each style will have an impact on how you go about meditation and it's quite common to experiment with differing approaches. 2. Length of meditation time According to Hooria Jazaieri, a researcher, teacher and psychotherapist at UC Berkeley, the length of time you meditate will impact on how successful it will be for the individual. She asserts that 10-15 minutes of mindfulness and compassion-based meditation is the right length of time for her style. Research published into how long it took smokers to reduce their intake following meditation sessions found that a mere five hours' worth over a two-week period was enough in the majority of cases. “When you're seeking a meditation style that will suit your development, lifestyle and personality best, then it's likely you will need to experiment a little.” Y.Y. Tang, et al. showed that even brief meditation training improved their group's capacity for self-control and lessened their smoking. If you're still unsure as to whether the time you spend meditating has an impact, then consider another study first published in the Journal of Psychiatry Research. The study claims that the density of brain matter in areas associated with memory, stress and empathy can increase following regular 30-minute meditation sessions. 3. Frequency of meditation Of course, you should also take into account the length of time you meditate for in the context of how frequently you do it. For some, 10 minutes a day is enough and it becomes part of a personal, daily routine. Perhaps longer periods are required if you're less frequent with your sessions. In fact, there are studies to back this simple idea up. They show that the sample groups that get the most out of meditation are the ones who do it most frequently. A notable example of this sort of research into frequency is one published in the Journal of Positive Psychology following work conducted at Stanford University. Power of one: some people prefer solo meditation, others group 4. Qualitative considerations Not all meditation sessions can be described as great successes. Sometimes the quality of the meditation session we have gone through can be stunning and sometimes less so. Usually, there's an outside influence on us which has an impact on the quality of the meditation. You can become distracted by noise or visual stimuli. Perhaps you started to meditate too soon after being busy with something else. It's also possible you so desired a successful meditation that you couldn't clear your mind as you would have liked. “Being in a place that you're comfortable in and that's distraction free is an obvious choice for developing your personal meditation style.” As creatures of habit, humans like to repeat what they've deemed to be 'successful'. But the truth is that it's not always possible to do this with meditation. Acceptance of the 'outcome' of a meditation session is a big part of whether it has been successful or not. Furthermore, no single meditation session should come into judgement based on its own merits. Each one progresses to the next and builds on the previous. So over-scrutiny of qualitative factors may be a detrimental consideration on its own. 5. Meditation settings Being in a place that you're comfortable in and that's distraction-free is an obvious choice for developing your personal meditation style. The ability to cut out 'mental noise' is often very conducive to meditation. However, you should also consider that busy places can also be fine for meditatively-minded people. In fact, meditation in schools – not places you might traditionally associate with calmness – has had good results. Try multiple settings to find which place suits your preferred personal meditation style. Remember that a setting is not necessarily a physical location, such as being at home. It might relate to other factors, like the presence of others. Another consideration would be to have a dedicated spot or a useful place which also serves other purposes. 6. Reflection and feedback Reflection is the key to understanding your own style. It's perhaps unrealistic to immediately know what has made a difference to your meditation right after completing a session. Therefore, keeping a journal of your reflections about your meditation sessions can be invaluable. Perhaps you feel the same after a session as you did before, but cannot say why. Journaling is the ideal method to use in order to work out what similarities of technique, setting and qualitative considerations there are in common between meditations. Write it out: journaling your meditation has benefits Unlike journaling, modern neurofeedback devices provide actual quantitative measurements of brain activity during meditation, and this can be very telling if you're looking for some hard data to work with. According to Tracy Brandmeyer of the Centre for Brain Research and Cognition at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, neurofeedback is an aid to meditation which offers the opportunity to use mobile technology in ways that assist all sorts of people. RELATED: Gratitude meditation: the top 5 benefits and how to practise it If you meditate in a group or with a mentor, feedback sessions are also a beneficial option. Members of the group or your mentors can discuss what influences your meditation has. They can also help clarify what may work better for you and what might not. 7. Self-optimization and mindfulness Making meditation a kind of target to be achieved runs contrary to many of the principles it's supposed to engender when practised. Indeed, developing a personal meditation style as a self-optimization goal is the very opposite of self-compassion. As such, striving for it can be counter productive. On the other hand, if you develop your own style along the way to a wider set of meditative purposes, then you may find more success. Focussing on short-term aspirations about your personal meditation style can also have adverse outcomes. If you have a fragile mental state or are suffering from trauma, then being overly determined to develop your own style may not be the correct path to take. Research conducted by Willoughby Britton at Brown University has already indicated that meditation can have a negative effect on certain people. Remain mindful of what the purpose of meditation is and remember that it's a progression, not an ambition. Personal meditation types: conclusions No two people are the same, so no two approaches to meditation will yield the same results. For many people, reflecting on the way they're going about meditating by journaling is beneficial, as is trying new approaches that will help to find a suitably accessible style. Consider all of the options available to you and don't be put off experimenting a little with your chosen personal meditation practice! ● Main photo: Colorbox.com Enjoyed this and want to discuss meditation styles with other happiness.com members? Head over to our forum on mindfulness and mediation and join in with the conversation... Written by Ed Gould Ed Gould is a UK-based journalist and freelance writer. He's a practitioner of Reiki.
  10. Who exactly is Tara Brach? Ed Gould takes an in-depth look at the career of this respected writer, psychologist, spiritual teacher and meditation and mindfulness expert. With a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Tara Brach is an American psychologist and writer, mostly associated with advocating for the role of Eastern spiritual practices in Western contexts. She grew as a Unitarian and lives in Virginia with her husband, a teacher of meditation and yoga. Tara Brach helped found the Insight Meditation Community in Washington DC in 1998. This spiritual community teaches and practices insight (or Vipassana, as referred to by Buddhists). Her teaching focuses on drawing attention to the mindful attention to the inner life of people, as well as developing a full and compassionate engagement with the world. Tara Brach: meditation and teaching A spiritual teacher who travels all over America, Tara teaches online, in written form, and also in person. She has visited Europe to discuss her views on meditation and Eastern spirituality in psychology. Her teaching focuses on the application of what are essentially Buddhist teachings to bring about healing at an emotional level. Her first published work, Radical Acceptance, dealt with how practices such as mindfulness can be effective in healing trauma. Other written teachings offer similar suggestions, such as how tapping into inner peace and wisdom can help people who are going through psychological difficulties and stressful situations. “Imperfection is not our personal problem: it's a natural part of existing.” Tara Brach, from her book Radical Acceptance In person, Tara Brach is well-versed as a presenter. In addition, she teaches classes, provides workshops and leads silent meditations. Brach is also well-known as a teacher of mindfulness and meditation on the internet. She even produces a regular podcast which is so popular it's downloaded around one million times every month! Education and background Tara Brach gained her qualification in psychology from the Fielding Institute. Her dissertation centred on a ground-breaking analysis of the effectiveness of meditation in the healing of certain eating disorders. As an undergraduate, she received a double major in psychology and political science from Clark University. Tara Brach travels globally teaching on meditation and mindfulness © Facebook/Tara Brach It was at this time in her life that Brach began attending yoga classes, something which led to an interest in exploring Eastern approaches regarding inner transformation. After graduation, she chose to spend a decade in an ashram (a spiritual hermitage) where she developed techniques in concentrative meditation. Later, she attended a Buddhist Insight Meditation retreat run by Joseph Goldstein. During this part of her life, Brach trained her mind in unconditional and loving presence. “I knew this was a path of true freedom,” she says. Brach bases many of her past teachings around the processional development in her life. It's from her direct personal experiences with the role of Eastern spirituality in her own life, as well as her academic understanding of clinical psychology, that has led to her particular vision for blending Buddhist ideas with psychological ones. Written works Among the many notable works of Tara Brach is her book, Radical Self-Acceptance: A Buddhist Guide to Freeing Yourself from Shame. The book looks into how crippling self-judgements and inner conflicts can lead to futile perfectionism, loneliness and an over-reliance on self-worth based on work. In it, Brach offers interpretations of Buddhist tales and meditations to show how to overcome such judgements by a radical acceptance of one's self. “Tara Brach is well-known as a teacher of mindfulness and meditation on the internet. She even produces a regular podcast.” Another title worth seeking out is True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart. It deals with subject matter such as obsessive behaviour, life-changing illness and relationship breakdown. Brach has also produced a free guide to meditation which is available in several languages. This easy-to-read guide provides entry-level advice for establishing a meditative regime. It deals with hindrances to meditation and guidance on how to sustain meditation as a practice (we have some ideas of our own; check out Five strategies to help you develop a meditation practice). Online resources for Tara Brach As mentioned, many of Brach's teachings and ideas in psychology are accessible via the net, much of it for free. Although she frequently teaches in person, for many people it's the online world which has brought her vision of a blend Western psychology and Eastern spiritual teachings to the fore. You can find several online courses on mindfulness, which she developed with Jack Kornfield, at Soundtrue. We've already tried Mindfulness Daily – an app which provides daily lessons and shot meditations. Tara Brach bases many of her teachings around her life development © tarabrach.com Brach's audio podcasts, which include led meditations, can be opened in iTunes for free. Another place to listen to her talks and other audio freely is via her website which includes an integrated audio player. The archive goes back several years, so there's plenty to hear and learn from. Some of Brach's past talks are also available on video. They offer many insights into matters such as awakening consciousness, seeking internal and external truths and spiritual empowerment. While addressing from a lectern, Brach's style is engaging and often compelling while never becoming overly technical in either psychological or spiritual terminology. Her website hosts a number of these videos. She also has her own YouTube channel which includes a fascinating free-to-watch playlist named 'Finding True Refuge'. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Tara Brach: meditation talks and events As a practising psychotherapist and meditation teacher, some of Brach's talks and training sessions are for professionals only. For example, some of her groundbreaking work in showing how psychotherapists can integrate mindfulness strategies into their clinical work is conducted in academic institutions in the United States only. However, public events are online. Other than Brach's frequent work with Vipassana meditation instruction, occasional retreat teaching sessions are listed on her website. She also maintains regular updates of her Facebook page which details upcoming talks and public events. ● Written by Ed Gould Ed Gould is a UK-based journalist and freelance writer. He's also a practitioner of Reiki.
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