


Name Tine Steiss
I speak English
Age 47
Status Not single
Zodiac sign Aries

About me


I meditate since 2014 and I am an MBSR, mindfulness, and meditation teacher and engineer involved in the project, for example, taking care of the MBSR course in the happiness Academy.
You can find my guided meditations on Insight Timer

My vocation

My mission is to support others in discovering their happiness or, even more importantly, handling the ups and downs of life more gracefully. Something I work on myself each day again and again with varying results but an overall positive trend. ;-)

As a employee, I can put into action what I've learned through mindfulness and meditation, together with what I learned as a media engineer.

Other than that, friends and family, activism for social and climate justice, gardening, and art projects play important roles in my life too as they keep me connected, grounded and creative.

Find me here

icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 23.05.2022 8:40:44
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
Does anyone else experience troubles logging in with the login data saved in the browser? It only logs me in after 3 attempts and I do not change the login or password in the process.
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 19.05.2022 8:39:14
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
I wonder how many people actually know what "lol" stands for, because I see people *lol*ing at quite inappropriate moments...
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Friendship, Love, Relationship Forum
Feelings: what we expect and how they really are for us
I realized a gap between how - for example in movies - feelings are portraied and how I often experience them in real life.
Homesickness is an example - I just never had that big time. At times I felt guilty because I thought it means that I do not love/ appreciate my family and friends.
In reality I think I am totally ok, but my expectation of how I should feel are off, due to the constant exageration in the media. Exagerated feelings, beauty, experiences, ... some people might feel this way Read more…
LikeLizzie · 2 Replies
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 04.05.2022 14:30:55
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
LikeLizzie, Nika
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 02.05.2022 9:27:19
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
Wir haben die Tendenz, vom Leiden zu fliehen und nach Glückseligkeit Ausschau zu halten.
Aber tatsächlich ist es so, dass Du nicht die Gelegenheit dazu hast, wahre Glückseligkeit zu erleben, wenn Du nicht auch gelitten hast.
– Thich Nhat Hanh
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 26.04.2022 9:21:26
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
How about a weekly happiness sharing circle?
We could share our troubles, our gratitude, our challenges and practice mindful listening. Which means we only listen but do not give advice or comment on what others share unless they explicitly ask for advice.
Likesuedseefrucht, Lizzie, Nika and 2 more…
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Feedback & Technical Stuff
The effects of scammers on me - a personal note
Recently gets flooded with scammers. I guess that's somewhat normal for a community, and maybe it means that we are growing, but I also feel really sad, disappointed, and at times mad about this development. Perhaps we are naive to think we can create a safe space anywhere for people to be themselves, create a supportive community, and relax. Maybe the lesson here is never to let our guard down, never to trust, and never to help anyone because it might be a scam.
But this is not Read more…
LikeBerta, hamburgo, Emmanueljoseph and 6 more… · 11 Replies
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Feedback & Technical Stuff
happiness HeartCORE - Contribution and Appreciation
The happiness 💚CORE team consists of people who support this project in many different ways according to their interests and abilities.
This thread is a place where we want to make space for the appreciation of those people. Did someone help you in a kind and unexpected way? Please give them a little shout-out here.Let the community know about the small and big kind deeds which happen each day and acknowledge the often unseen effort which makes this project possible.
(If you want to learn more Read more…
Likekimala, Henrymowi, nancy434 and 44 more… · 20 Replies
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 11.04.2022 9:54:14
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
happiness was spammed last night:
I just deleted about a thousand spam posts in the forum. I hope I didn't accidentally delete any other posts too. <3
LikeWilliam555, javier, kenhackman4u and 5 more…
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Mental Health Forum
Ressources for helping people around us even if we aren't professionals
Here's a guide on "how can I help my traumatised child?"
This guide is available in many different languages.
It was created for refugees coming to Germany so that families get some guidance on how to address what has happened in a constructive way.
I think reading through it is helpful for everyone. We all might meet kids of all ages who have been traumatized in one way or another and it's good to know how to respond in a way that won't deepen the Read more…
LikeLizzie, Calvin77, baby2
Tell me one thing you want people to know about you
I'll go first: For the last several weeks I got up at 5:30 am to meditate for an hour before the rest of the family wakes up.
How about you? :-)
LikeLizzie · 4 Replies
This new place was added by Tine icon-wio
Life is a sensation in the body, a thought, a word, a deed.
They shape who you are.
You shape who you are in each moment.
Life is potential. Life is change.
How will you shape your life, your potential, and what for?
Harness the power of meditation to explore the small and the big, the answers and the questions. Understand yourself, accept change and shape your path with intention.
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Mindfulness & Meditation Forum
Meditation changed my life
The first meditation course I took was at university, and it was a colossal disaster.
I had read Jack Kerouac's "The Dharma Bums" and "On The Road" and, as it turned out, I was not ready to sit still and face the discomfort with equanimity.
It should take another 20 years until I finally got into it. That's over eight years of meditation now, during which profound changes in my life and personality took place.
I tried many other spiritual practices, and for me, the path is a mindful life and Read more…
LikeIM16, Tadakiya, maxxu108 and 6 more… · 9 Replies
icon-wio Tine posted a status update
  • 13.01.2022 9:15:01
  • non-binary (47)
  • Hamburg
“One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.”
– Maya Angelou
LikeEshetuy98, shannayxrose, Nika and 1 more…