Discussions and topics about coach

  • Hello, my name is Linda! Wanted to reach out and wish everyone well. By day you will see me helping other's find inner peace, if I'm not there, I'm narrating my podcast "Cultivating Calm Within.) I lo ...
  • Hi Lovely connecting with all of you Infinite Gratitude Love & Light ...
  • Similar interests to coach

    Born in 1953, Tara Brach is an advocate of the healing nature of certain aspects of Buddhism, specifically focussing on the in the Vipassana meditation tradition. This form of meditative Buddhism centres on prajñā, something that approximately translates as achieving insight into the true nature of reality. In addition to her work as a teacher and advocate of this form of healing and mental well-being, Tara Brach is a PhD level psychologist. She gained her qualification in clinical psychology from the Fielding Institute years after attending Clark University, in Massachusetts, where she gained bachelors degrees in psychology and political science. As such, she is one of the growing number of Buddhists in the West who combine their understanding of Eastern traditions, such as mindfulness, with their knowledge of psychology and science in their work, writing and teaching.
    Although it takes many forms, coaching is the process whereby an experienced person or someone with special skills mentors another person – or group of people – who lack them. As such, as a typical example of a coach would be a football team manager who passes on tactical ideas and ways of developing skills among players, even though he or she does not play in the team. Many managers in commercial businesses consider themselves to be coaches, too. However, being in a position of managerial responsibility does not automatically mean you are a coach. Coaching requires you to take active steps to get the best out of the people you are coaching, whether that means training them, looking for insights into their practices, or simply offering advice. Wanna learn more about coaching? Sign up here!
