female (39)

Offering5km around USA, Chicago

Recovery Yoga Classes

Sundays@ 5:30p.m~6:45p.m
Tuesdays@ 12:00p.m~1:15p.m @ Moksha Yoga Center
2528 W Armitage Ave
Chicago, IL, 60647

No Fee. Donation based class!
Yoga is a spiritual practice, just as the 12 steps of recovery are. Uniting body, mind, and spirit, Recovery Yoga addresses the physical aspect in order to develop a deeper sense of self, to be present and in our body. In this class we will learn how to cultivate a yoga practice to weave into our recovery practices that meets us where ever we are at in life. Only then can we begin to experience joy and a sense of self.
Recovery means "to return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. Regaining control".
We incorporate the philosophies of yoga in relation to the 12 steps of recovery and how to lead a spiritually rich life!

"When we are not present we exist. When we are present we live".

Recovery Yoga Classes

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