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A talking therapy that is sometimes referred to as an intervention, cognitive behavioural therapy is based on several psycho-social theories. Sometimes referred to as CBT for short, cognitive behavioural therapy aims to challenge people in their thoughts, especially ones that have become cognitively distorted in some way, either through habit, belief systems or erroneous attitudes. By talking about such thoughts and challenging them in a secure environment, therapists try to alter the way patients think which can often include attitudes to themselves. Cognitive behavioural therapy was first developed to help people suffering from chronic depression. Still, it has since been adapted to treat people with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety and even psychosis and bipolar disorder. Have you tried cognitive behavioural therapy? Join happiness and share your thoguhts!
Theatre is a performance that involves live-action. It can range from a one-person show to a cast of thousands. In many cases, theatrical performances are carried out in purpose-built entertainment houses, known as theatres. However, theatre can also take place on the street, within communities and even within family homes. Acting is a big part of the tradition but other elements, such as music, set design, choreography, lighting, direction and costume making all play their part, too. Theatre is distinct from other forms of dramatic entertainment, such as TV and cinema, insofar as it is conducted in person in front of a live audience. That said, some live theatrical performances are now streamed over the internet to homes and cinemas, which means the distinctions are becoming blurred.
Quality time, sometimes shortened to QT, is a phrase that refers to moments of greater value than other occasions, usually spent in the company of people who are most important to us. By contrast, time which is deemed to be of low-quality is when we are not available to our loved ones, such as time spent at work or being distracted by daily chores and other activities. Of course, there is nothing to say that you cannot achieve a period of quality time when you are on your own or in the company of colleagues rather than friends or family members, for example. Nevertheless, to most people, the idea of quality time is one that is bound up without distractions where your total focus can be given to the people around you. As such, it tends to be associated with holidays and other periods where there are fewer demands on our attention. New articles and open conversations about quality time and relationships regularly. Sign up today.
