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Unexpected friendship

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It's been all my life I'm one who is friends with the town the good bad n ugly  our peace officers and the ones who aren't but opposite I have always been the good guy the one to talk to when your down and so I get some shady characters I use to be in  the bar night . And by the chance I dot like you them you've done something pretty damn bad most likely should and lied to me I can't stand neither they both go hand n hand  ass bags

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I made a friend at the bus station. That was an unexpected location. Usually unexpected friendships for me are the ones where a friendship builds after an initial dislike.

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Jack, a much older friend of a friend came to stay with me once and we developed an unexpected friendship. I wasn't sure if we would have much in common due to our age difference, but actually, he totally inspired me with his energy and get up-n-go – he was more youthful than I was at the time! And we were also on a very similar wavelength which was unexpected. I think he was roughly double my age but we are still in touch now. :)

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