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Unlike other forms of yoga, Yin yoga is characterised by a particularly slow pace with emphasis placed on holding its various poses, known as asanas, for longer. Some experts in this form of yoga are able to maintain their chosen asana for five minutes or so. The practise gained popularity in the West from the 1970s onward, especially as it was taught in North America by pioneers like Paul Grilley and Sarah Powers to supplement other forms of yoga and exercise. According to another well-known practitioner, Paulie Zink, Yin yoga should include every aspect of the Taoist tradition, encompassing both yin and yang. In the main, it is popular because this form of yoga places limited stress on tendons and ligaments, something that means it is comparatively injury-free.
When computer programs and algorithms mimic the human ability to think, they are said to be using artificial intelligence. The 'intelligence' part of the phrase refers to the ability to build knowledge derived from acquired data. The 'artificial' part refers to the machine that is using that intelligence, usually a computer or, increasingly, a series of computers that can communicate with one another over the internet. The idea is that artificial intelligence will be able to replicate or at least offer something similar to human thought processes in the near future.
