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  1. Ability to control your awareness and concentration are essential to mindfulness. While practising breathing is an effective technique, some people may find it difficult to understand especially for beginners and children. What if there are alternatives to make practising concentration more fun and easy to understand? LaBird is balancing game designed to make concentration practice a more fun experience, also provide a refreshing way for experienced practitioner to take their mindfulness to a new level! Check it out before 15Aug if you like to try the EARLY BIRD offer on KickStarter. http://kck.st/2OCLmBe
  2. Mindful meditation is a popular and pretty basic type of meditation. If you deal with anxiety or depression it can be very helpful in minimizing those conditions. Mindfulness means to be present and fully engaged with whatever you’re doing in the moment. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of being mindful — being aware — of exactly what you are doing in this present moment. You can practice mindfulness meditation at any time, anywhere, doing anything — walking in the park, washing dishes, or getting dressed in the morning. In short, it simply means to be one hundred percent involved in whatever activity you are currently engaged in — and not worrying about the future, stressing about the past, or thinking about any distractions.
  3. One seemingly simple question that most people wonder is: 'can we choose our happiness?'. Sonia Vadlamani explains how we can indeed cultivate happiness consciously by following the 10 keys to happiness. Sometimes it’s difficult for us to feel happy, be it because of the unrealistic standards of beauty and perfection we impose on ourselves, or the negativity we surround ourselves with. It could also be due to the fear of failure embedded deep within our subconscious, or our inability to form friendships and meaningful communities as we grow older. There are several unhelpful habits or tendencies we ingrain that can make us miserable and unhappy. Thankfully, researchers maintain that it’s possible to intervene and cultivate happiness through will and a proper framework. By following the 10 keys to happiness, you could maximize your potential for a lifetime full of joy and contentment. Happiness means different things to different people. The interesting news, however, is that our happiness is not set in stone. In her ground-breaking book The How of Happiness, researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky points out that while 50 per cent of our happiness is predetermined by our genetic makeup and personality traits, and 10 per cent of our personal happiness is determined by our circumstances and life experiences, about 40 per cent of our happiness can be chosen willfully by us, and depends largely on our daily actions. RELATED: Is happiness genetic? Here's what science says This goes to prove that while we cannot change our genes or predict the future, a significant portion of our happiness can be controlled by us. Unfortunately, our pursuit of happiness – as a society and on an individual level – can become very misguided. Indeed, technological advancements and the pursuit of materialism propagated by media messages may advocate happiness based on our material choices. Psychologist Barry Schwartz addresses this erroneous pursuit of happiness in his book The Paradox of Choice, wherein he points out that the plethora of choices we have available today due to surge in consumerism can do more harm than good, even resulting in conditions like anxiety and depression. The 10 keys to happiness: the ‘great dream’ “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”, articulates the Dalai Lama, who is also the patron of the charity Action for Happiness. While everyone’s idea of happiness may be different, Action for Happiness has identified 10 ‘keys’ to happiness, or practices that can consistently lead to a more fulfilling and happier life. While the first five keys to happiness described here refer to our interactions with the outside world (Great), the latter five keys to happiness describe the traits that originate within us and are determined by our attitude towards life (Dream). Outside: daily activities 1. Take care of your body There is an overwhelming amount of research that deems exercise a vital key to happiness and well-being. A Yale study conducted on over 1.2 million Americans concludes that exercise is more important for our mental health than money. You need not run a marathon to be healthy and happy – opt for an activity of your preference that suits your health goals and lifestyle. Indulge in mindful running, unplug from technology with periodic forest bathing, or simply swap escalator commutes with stairs. Keeping fit is one of the main keys to happiness shutterstock/Lordn Eating right can contribute towards better health and happiness too. A balanced diet consisting of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit, lean poultry and healthy fats can help you achieve your health goals faster. Opt for foods which promote gut health instead of processed or junk food options for improved mood, better metabolism and to keep disease at bay. 2. Practise mindfulness “We’re happiest when we focus on the present moment, and the least happy when the mind is wandering”, reveals researcher Matt Killingsworth. Mindfulness refers to being in a state of awareness and taking notice of the present intentionally and with complete acceptance. Studies show that practising mindfulness can help manage stress levels, in addition to activating the areas of our brains related to feeling good. Mindfulness can be developed using simple measures – start by paying attention to your feelings and thoughts as frequently throughout the day as possible. Meditation, mindful minute practices, and gratitude journaling can help in expanding awareness as well. RELATED: 7 mindfulness tips for staying engaged 3. Make learning a habit Research by Journal of Happiness Studies revealed that people who work on learning a new skill or honing an existing skill tend to experience greater happiness consistently. Interestingly, learning something new can be stressful and lower your happiness levels momentarily. However, the joy of acquiring or mastering a new skill can fulfill your need for autonomy or being self-directed, thus rewarding you with long-term happiness. “There is an overwhelming amount of research that deems exercise a vital key to happiness and well-being. A Yale study concluded that exercise is more important for our mental health than money.” Indeed, it’s important to find a suitable skill to master, or the right challenge to undertake that’ll allow you to push beyond your comfort zone yet enable you to find your flow state. Researchers also found that skills chosen by you offer better results in terms of improved self-esteem and a heightened sense of connection or ‘oneness’ with others. 4. Indulge in acts of kindness Random acts of kindness are not just beneficial for others – in fact, caring for others’ happiness activates the areas linked to trust, enjoyment and social connection in our brains as well. An experiment involving seven-day kindness activities concluded that kindness is a vital key to happiness, whether extended to people who are close to you, complete strangers or even yourself. Doing things for others can help alleviate social anxiety, improve your mood and prevent illness, thus enabling you to lead a healthy, meaningful life. 5. Make meaningful connections Human beings are social animals, and hence it’s hardly surprising when researchers found that forming meaningful connections and embracing community is one of the core values we associate with happiness. Indeed, the importance of a community as a key to happiness cannot be underestimated. In addition to the safety and support, we also derive the much-needed sense of togetherness and belonging when we find others who have the same values and interests as us. Meaningful friendships are essential for joy shutterstock/santypan Scientists agree that interacting with strangers, thus bolstering our ‘weak social ties’ also impacts our well-being positively. Take some time to connect with those who serve you coffee, your cab driver, or a friendly face you encounter during your daily strolls. Gestures like passing a casual compliment, wishing someone a good day, chatting with an elderly neighbor over a cuppa can make a world of difference to someone who’s been feeling down or struggling with loneliness. Inside: Developing the right attitude 6. Be at ease with who you are Self-acceptance forms an important cornerstone for our mental health and well-being, yet it’s a routine that we tend to practice the least, as revealed in a survey conducted by Action For Happiness. While acceptance was rated as the strongest predictor of life satisfaction and happiness amidst all the other traits and habits, only 5% of the respondents admitted to being kind to themselves and believed that they were perfect the way they were. RELATED: 12 ways to practise self-acceptance Practising acceptance as a habit can be difficult at first, but it’s possible to be good to yourself by shifting your perspective. Indeed, embracing imperfections as your unique traits and acknowledging your strengths –however insignificant they seem – can be a crucial key to happiness. 7. Set vital goals Happiness doesn’t happen spontaneously – it requires planning and action towards pursuing things that matter to us. Goal setting is an important key to happiness, since it forms the outline for the life you envision for yourself. It’s important to set goals to look forward to – not only can proactive goal setting ensure fulfilment of your life ambitions and vision, following an actionable plan and achieving timebound targets using SMART goal setting can boost self-confidence and eliminate stress and anxiety. 8. Develop resilience All of us may have faced hardships, loss and trauma along our way, and since our brains are wired for negativity bias, we tend to remember the adverse events in our lives as compared to the positive experiences. However, by changing our perspective and looking at hardships as stepping stones towards personal growth and success, we can learn to take back power every time we feel defeated by life. Indeed, building resilience can boost positive thinking, strengthen connections, and improve stress management skills. “The importance of a community as a key to happiness cannot be underestimated. In addition to the safety and support, we also derive the much-needed sense of togetherness and belonging.” In fact, researcher Dr Ann Masten describes resilience as ‘ordinary magic’ derived from everyday situations and resources, that helps us adapt better during hardships. There is surmounting scientific evidence that developing resilience as a life skill and finding ways to bounce back from adversities can contribute immensely to our well-being and happiness. 9. Cultivate a positive outlook “Just as water lilies retract when sunlight fades, so do our minds when positivity fades”, states researcher Barbara Fredrickson in her book Positivity. Indeed, research suggests that experiencing ‘upward spirals of positive emotions’ like gratitude, joy, interest etc. more often allows us to counteract the downward spirals of negative emotions like stress, jealousy etc. Gratitude journaling, smiling more often, finding ways to incorporate awe into your life are some easy ways to boost positivity. Learning a new skill can be fulfilling shutterstock/Syda Productions 10. Find meaning in your life Feeling connected to something larger than ourselves or possessing a sense of purpose in life is linked with greater life satisfaction, improved self-esteem, lasting relationships, and a more optimistic attitude. Leading a meaningful life could seem like a complicated process, but you can begin by prioritizing activities that bring you joy and a strong sense of purpose, like volunteering, networking for a cause, or trying to make a difference in others’ lives. The key to happiness here is to understand where your calling lies and set out to follow your bliss. ‘Life Crafting’, or the process of reflecting on your strengths and interests, and aligning them with your vision, passion and desires, can be used as the framework for setting goals conducive to the meaningful life you wish to lead. Round-up: 10 keys to happiness “It is work to be happy”, says psychologist Barry Schwartz. Indeed, there’s more to happiness than feeling good about pleasurable things, but the good news is that it can be cultivated by consistently encouraging the 10 keys to happiness or happy habits listed above into our lives. Instead of trying to implement all the keys to happiness at once, try reflecting on what each individual key means for you, and devise ways to implement them using simple action plan, to be able to lead a rewarding and happier life. happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now to enjoy: ■ our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support in our happiness forum ■ self-develop with free online classes in our Academy Life purpose | Motivation | Positive psychology Written by Sonia Vadlamani Fitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict and future self journaler. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her daily pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.
  4. What exactly is Niksen, the Danish art of doing nothing? Dee Marques takes up the arduous challenge of, well, sitting and doing very little at all, in order to discover the benefits it can bring to the mind and body. Have you ever needed a break urgently, but then felt bad about taking it? Unfortunately, many of us feel guilty about doing nothing due to the belief that we must constantly be achieving or producing something, otherwise we’ll be branded as lazy. So when we hear about trends that embrace “the art of doing nothing”, we might equate them with a character flaw or roll our eyes incredulously. I’ll admit that I’m guilty of this, so before writing this article I did several 10-minute sessions trying to experience what the art of doing nothing felt like. And, initially, I will admit that it felt stressful. The first time I sat in my crafts room and my eyes instantly wandered to my book shelf, so I started to think about all the books I hadn’t managed to read yet. Then I saw my box of sewing UFOs (unfinished objects) and felt the pressure to get on with them. The art of doing nothing at all is such an alien concept that my husband even walked in while I was staring out of the window and asked me “are you OK?”, which shows that we’ve come to see idleness as a sign that something must be wrong. Indulge in the art of doing nothing shutterstock/stockfour The problem is that being constantly on the go can raise stress levels, cause anxiety, and interfere with getting better sleep. This can get us into a catch-22 situation: being tired and stressed can lower productivity, and the fewer things we get done, the more stressed we become and the more we push ourselves, which is the perfect recipe for burnout. RELATED: 14 sleep hacks to get a good night's rest Moreover, the COVID pandemic has changed many things. Whereas before staying in was a way to relax and de-stress, that’s no longer the case for many people who feel antsy having their busy schedule disrupted. But at the same time, lockdowns have created an opportunity to explore our habits and whether we use time in the best possible way. So, there's never been a more appropriate time to ask why we should incorporate the art of doing nothing into our daily routine. What is Niksen, the art of doing nothing? Niksen is a Dutch word that’s hard to translate into English, although that doesn’t mean that the art of doing nothing can’t be learned! Olga Mecking, author of a book on how to embrace the art of doing nothing, defines Niksen as doing something without a purpose. Indeed, the only purpose of Niksen is to enjoy the feeling of doing nothing. It’s similar to the Italian expression dolce far niente, the sweetness of doing nothing. “Mastering Niksen – the art of doing nothing – can counter the constant bombardment of information we’re exposed to in everyday life.” Before moving on, we should clarify what Niksen is not. It’s not mindfulness, where we are trying to pay attention to our immediate thoughts and surroundings. During Niksen, the mind roams free. And it’s not laying on the sofa looking at our social media feed, because when we do this the wheels are still spinning. There’s a difference between laying on the couch while scrolling through your phone and simply laying on the couch, just because. The art of doing nothing is about being idle. It could be something like simply sitting in a chair or looking out the window, which is still an action but doesn’t have an ultimate purpose or intention. What are the benefits of practising Niksen? The Netherlands is often ranked among the world’s happiest countries and in 2021 it made it to the top five. Could one of the reasons why this nation is so joyous be due to the fact that the Dutch embrace the art of doing nothing? Happiness requires good mental and physical health. Practising Niksen gives the mind and body a break, and as research has proven, slowing down can lower stress and strengthen the immune system. Carolien Hamming, one of the experts on Niksen, says that we need to be recharged, just like we recharge our mobile phones when they run out of battery. Doing so will make us less vulnerable to physical and mental burnout. RELATED: Feel stress-free fast – 11 science-backed techniques Mastering the art of doing nothing can counter the constant bombardment of information we’re exposed to in everyday life. Studies show that our brain has to process approximately 74GB of information every day, which is equivalent to 16 movies. This can easily cause feelings of exhaustion and some researchers suggest it can interfere with decision making, unless we start to fully embrace the art of doing nothing. Niksen lets your mind take a break shutterstock/fizkes Japanese doctor Naoko Yamamoto – who has lived in the Netherlands for years – knows what benefits the art of doing nothing can bring. According to her, Niksen is more than a way to manage stress: those peaceful, reflective moments can become sources of inspiration. Studies confirm that a wandering mind isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and there’s a whole book written on the impact of mind idleness on creativity and problem solving. So, how do you practise Niksen? After reading more about Niksen, I tried some more do-nothing sessions and noticed that the experience stopped being so stressful. Granted, doing nothing isn’t easy in societies where a fast-paced lifestyle is the norm, and letting the mind wander is easier said than done, but it is possible. Here are few guidelines to help you start practising the art of doing nothing: Start small and aim for a few minutes at the time. This site can be useful. Schedule Niksen time several times a day. Personally, I've found it helpful to practise it in between tasks when working from home, as it gives me a clean break. Expect to feel guilty or weird at first, and stop if you notice negative thoughts or you start worrying or ruminating. Make it a device-free space. Choose something that doesn’t require thinking. Back at school, you were probably told to focus and stop daydreaming! But daydreaming can be Niksen, as it doesn’t achieve anything and serves no particular purpose; it’s just letting the mind go where it wants to go. Go for a walk without planning the route in advance; just go where your feet take you. Remember the story about Isaac Newton and the apple falling from a tree? What was he doing under a tree anyway? Probably indulging in the art of doing nothing. So why not “just” sit under a tree? You can be doing something physically and at the same time keep your mind in Niksen mode. For example, birdwatching or knitting repetitive stitches. Make the most of the wet spring weather and just sit by a window watching the rain fall. Have a pet? Watch them for a while. They’ll probably be doing Niksen too! As suggested in this first-person account, Niksen can even be something seemingly boring and irrelevant, like just watching coffee brew. Whatever you do, don’t multitask during Niksen time. Conclusions: doing nothing does something Niksen is allowing yourself the luxury of taking a mental break and giving your brain a short holiday. It may take some practice to reprogram ourselves so that we don’t see doing nothing as a waste of time, but rather as an investment in self-care and well-being. The boundaries between rest and productivity are blurred in modern life, so Niksen can help us differentiate these concepts and ways of using time and appreciate each one of them for their positive aspects. So, will you be scheduling Niksen time this week? It’s the first step towards mastering the art of doing nothing and enjoying every second of it! • happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practice, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ learn with free online classes in our happiness Academy Gratitude | Work life balance | Coaching Written by Dee Marques A social sciences graduate with a keen interest in languages, communication, and personal development strategies. Dee loves exercising, being out in nature, and discovering warm and sunny places where she can escape the winter.
  5. In navigating my journey through depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges, I've found solace in embracing non-pharmacological and non-opioid pain management techniques. These methods, distinct from medication, have provided me a holistic approach to healing. Through mindfulness, exercise, therapy, and creative outlets, I've discovered powerful tools that empower me to overcome hurdles while prioritizing my mental well-being.
  6. I walk down the beach these days as a topples male with a huge fat hairy gut, quite content in my acceptance despite so many who look at me as If I have done something wrong. People envy me so much, what's a guy to do. As someone that used to be addicted to body image and expert at making that work, I now enjoy a new found sense of freedom. I still aim to keep my body in check and prone to bouts of exercise. That said, the term exercise no longer has the same meaning I once did. Such has been a huge liberation that can be found in no gym or experienced by having any one kid of body shape. What's inside and how we resonate with that can have more impact in terms of one's health when is comes to a mindfulness base stress reduction program. In fact it is key.
  7. If you're an anxious person, practising yoga regularly could help to regulate your stress response. From regulating breathing to breaking the worry cycle, Calvin Holbrook examines the benefits of yoga for anxiety. Plus, discover some great videos to get you started. Most of us have experienced feelings of anxiety during our lives. From a small case of butterflies in the stomach to full-blown panic, anxiety is a natural response to what we see as stressful situations, and one that can help us react appropriately when we really are in danger. So, how could yoga help us cope with anxiety? For those of us living with an anxiety disorder, feelings of fear often aren’t a rational response to external circumstances. Furthermore, they can develop into a dominating and disruptive influence in the form of panic attacks or panic disorders such as agoraphobia. In England, one in six people experience a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week. Similar figures exist in the USA. Here, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness, affecting 40 million adults – roughly 18 per cent of the population – every year. Yoga can help relieve stress shutterstock/4 PM Production Those living with extreme anxiety issues often experience a hyperarousal of the fight/flight survival response in the form of panic attacks, which creates a feeling of urgent fear and ignorable physical symptoms. Indeed, many people think they are about to die during an attack. So, how can someone experiencing this begin to calm down when their brain and body is telling them they are in mortal danger? How yoga can help with anxiety A 2006 study from UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry showed that almost 30 per cent of anxiety disorder patients may be “treatment resistant”, finding front-line interventions such as medication ineffective. This in part may help to explain why so many people with anxiety seek alternative treatments. Indeed, a 2001 study from Harvard Medical School showed that just over half – 56 per cent – of the 2,000 people questioned living with anxiety disorders seek alternative and complementary medicine. RELATED: How to stop a panic attack – 12 tips on what to do when anxiety hits hard Yoga is just one of those alternative treatments. Incorporating postures, meditation, visualization, and breath focus, the overall practice of yoga can elicit the relaxation response, allowing both the mind and body and mind to calm down. And, while yoga is an ancient practice, many of the systems of yoga – believed to be created by the sage Patanjali – feature elements used in modern anxiety treatments: relaxation techniques focused on breath regulation, cognitive reframing, behavioural recommendations, mindfulness of sensory input, as well as methods for greater cognitive flexibility, stress reduction and increased concentration. “Yoga elicits the relaxation response, allowing both the mind and body and mind to calm down.” Because yoga is a mind-body practice, people who do it become more aware of the link between their minds and bodies. This can help them to become less anxious. Furthermore, through practising yoga regularly, those living with anxiety are also unconsciously building resilience and learning to regulate their stress response. Yoga therapy for anxiety is also a great option as it's a long-term, safe, and relatively inexpensive treatment option. Ways yoga can help with anxiety Here are four specific ways yoga can help you if you're an anxious or easily stressed person. 1. Yoga helps us to regulate our breathing When we're anxious or stressed, our breathing often becomes rapid or shallow. We may even (unconsciously) start to hold our breath. As our breath is intimately connected to our nervous system, negative changes in it feed back to increase feelings of anxiety. Reversely, if we deepen and slow our breathing, it soothes and relaxes the nervous system. Breathing is integral to yoga and practising it teaches us how to breathe with awareness. Furthermore, we can take this breath focus with us outside of the yoga class and implement it in day-to-day stressful situations. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Yoga breathing exercises for anxiety YouTube/WebMD 2. Yoga lowers tension and promotes relaxation Ever felt your body becoming tenser while stressed or anxious? Our bodies often constrict during periods of anxiety and stress. We start to hold tension in our back, shoulders, jaw, neck, or elsewhere. Yoga can help us to relax and lower our physical tension, in turn release the power that anxiety has on us. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Yoga for relaxation YouTube/Yoga With Adriene 3. Yoga breaks worry cycles Stepping onto the yoga mat gives us a chance to be mindful. As postures require focus, yoga helps with anxiety by forcing us to concentrate on our breath, bodies and movement, therefore letting go of other worries and negative thoughts. If we practise yoga regularly enough, this can help us break our worry cycles and reduce anxious thoughts. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Yoga to Calm Your Nerves YouTube/Yoga With Adriene 4. Yoga trains us to accept discomfort We naturally run away from discomfort, but we may experience it while holding various yoga poses. Yoga asks us to experience this uncomfortable feeling for a while and not try to escape it. Knowing that we can experience discomfort and deal with it can help us when coping with anxiety, for example, encouraging us to ride through a panic attack instead of trying to run away from it. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } 20-min yoga for anxiety workout: YouTube/Yoga With Adriene Yoga for anxiety: the scientific evidence In recent years, increasing numbers of scientific studies have backed up the ideas above. Indeed, much of the existing research suggests that yoga is an effective additional therapy for people living with anxiety when used alongside other recommended methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, relaxation techniques and medication. Various studies have been completed which point to the clinical value in including yoga in anxiety treatment. A 2010 study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine compared a group doing a 12-week yoga intervention with a similar group practicing walking instead. Those doing yoga were associated with greater improvements in mood and anxiety than those doing the walking exercise. Similarly, a 2007 study from Adelaide’s University of South Australia that compared yoga with relaxation techniques concluded that a 10-week yoga programme reduces stress, anxiety and improves health status in several key ways. “Because yoga is a mind-body practice, people who do it become more aware of the link between their minds and bodies. This can help them to become less anxious.” Furthermore, a 2005 German study backed up these results. Twenty-four women who described themselves as ‘emotionally distressed’ took two 90-minute yoga classes a week over three months. At the same time, a control group maintained usual activities without engaging in any exercise or stress-reduction techniques. At the end of the three-month practise period, the yoga group of women reported improvements in energy, perceived stress, fatigue and overall well-being. Impressively, depression scores improved by 50 per cent while anxiety scores by 30 per cent. The takeaway: yoga for anxiety As the studies outline above, yoga has proven benefits for those living with anxiety and stress. Regularly practising it can help you to build resilience and regulate your stress response, helping you to feel calmer and happier . ● Are there other ways you've found that yoga helps with anxiety and dealing with stress? Please share with the community below... Written by Calvin Holbrook Calvin edits our magazine and is a lover of swimming, yoga, dancing to house/techno, and all things vintage. Find out more.
  8. There were plenty of feel-good health and environmental stories in the press during May. Ed Gould rounds up his Top Ten from the past month to uplift and inspire. May marked a change in the fortunes of many countries around the world. Although significant conflict and virus control remained a challenge in many places, there was also a lot of progress being made in others. Indeed, May was full of feel-good news stories. Here are our Top 10 highlights from the past month... 1.Recycling water from air-conditioning units possible As water resources become scarcer, cities in the driest places on the planet will find it harder to replenish resources. However, a new technology has been developed that's able to harvest the water in air-conditioning systems and use what would otherwise simply go to waste. According to Bloomberg, air-conditioning plants are already giving up their water for low-value processes, such as flushing the toilet. The collected water is also being used to water plants and it's hoped that one day the reprocessed water could be made safe to drink. 2. Mindfulness interventions help treat ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an increasingly diagnosed condition among children but there aren't many treatment pathways. Where medications are offered, a significant minority of youngsters see only limited benefits. However, a report published in News Medical in May stated that mindfulness parenting training can make a big difference. A control group of eight to 16-year-olds were compared with a group who undertook mindfulness-based intervention programmes and one third were seen to enjoy positive effects, according to the research group based at the Radboud University Medical Centre in the Netherlands. RELATED: 7 mindfulness tips for staying engaged 3. Algae used to treat blindness A new medical procedure using algae has been developed to help restore the sight of people with a form of blindness. According to a report by the BBC, a blind man had proteins restored in his retina that had been grown using nothing more than algae. The report stated that the man realised the therapy was starting to work when he was first able to detect the highly contrasting stripes of a pedestrian crossing. The man, from France, lived with a condition called retinitis pigmentosa, and it's now hoped that others with the disorder will be able to be treated using a similar technique. Algae is being used to treat blindness shutterstock/Chokniti Khongchum 4. Ocean plastics used for vessel's fuel The Manta is a yacht like no other. This catamaran seeks out the many pieces of plastic waste that are floating around in the world's oceans and scoops them up. However, this vessel is much more than a clearing up machine, as reported by Intelligent Living magazine. It also uses the energy that is embedded in the plastic it captures as a fuel source so it can continue its operations. The yacht is the brainchild of Yvan Bourgnon, a former competitive sailor, who reckons the vessel can collect over 2.5 tonnes of waste plastic per hour! RELATED: Sailing the world – 5 life lessons I've learned 5. Land protection targets on track globally According to a report in the Guardian, the world is on track to meet its commitment to safeguarding the land and inland waterways it committed to under the UN Environment Programme. A report published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature stated that 17 per cent of land and inland water ecosystems of the world along with about eight per cent of marine areas had been placed into formally protected areas. The report suggested that a landmass the size of Russia was conserved thanks to the international agreement to commit to more protection. 6. Extinct giant river otter rediscovered In a world of diminishing biodiversity, rediscovering species that were thought to have perished is a joy. To find a large mammal surviving in its natural habitat is even more exciting. And this is exactly what happened in May when a kayaker found a giant river otter hunting in Argentina's El Impenetrable National Park. Sebastián Di Martino, director of conservation at Fundación Rewilding Argentina, said that he had initially been sceptical about the discovery but now simply felt happiness. And rightly so. The thought-to-be-extinct creature had not been seen for over 30 years. A giant river otter shutterstock/OSTILL is Franck Camhi 7. Wind turbine blades soon to be fully recyclable Wind turbines may help with the reduction of human reliance on fossil fuels but this does not mean that they don't come with a carbon cost themselves. One of the main drawbacks has been the blades themselves, which have always contained some elements that cannot be recycled when they come to the end of their working lives. However, the world's largest blade manufacturer, Vestas, has announced that it will soon bring a fully recyclable blade on stream for its clients. The move will make wind-powered electricity even greener than it already is. 8. Vaccine breakthrough in the fight against malaria The world may have become accustomed to Covid vaccines in the recent past but one of the biggest human killers – malaria – remains untreatable by vaccines. However, a team of researchers at Oxford University – the same behind the Covid-19 vaccine being made by Astra-Zeneca – has come up with a treatment for malaria which it thinks is about 77 per cent effective. That's over twice as effective as Mosquirix, the only other approved preventative treatment for the disease. 9. Record for renewable energy set in UK The British Isles constitute a windy location which makes the UK an ideal place for both on-shore and off-shore generation. The first Monday in May, a bank holiday, saw the greatest amount of electricity ever being produced from renewable sources in the country. In fact, wind power alone accounted for a peak of 17.6 gigawatts at one point, which is about half the requirement for England, Scotland and Wales among households and industry, according to a report by Sky News. A wind farm in Lincolnshire, UK shutterstock/John-Kelly 10. 3-D printing technology may help save rare tropical trees It's been around for a while now, but 3-D printing is rarely considered as a technology that can save natural resources. However, a report in TCT magazine suggests otherwise. It states that a new printing technique has been developed whereby some natural hardwoods, such as teak, can be made in a totally sustainable fashion without the need to chop down rare or tropical trees. The system, known as Forust, replicates the grains of natural hardwoods such that they are supposedly indistinguishable from the real thing. • happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now to enjoy: ■ our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ develop with free online classes in our happiness Academy Biotechnology | Nature | Biology | Positive news Written by Ed Gould Ed Gould is a UK-based journalist and practitioner of Reiki.
  9. Failure to self-validate can lead to problems such as impulsive behaviour and the inability to manage emotional responses. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explores why many of us fail at self-validation and offers five ways to develop the skills to do it successfully. Most of us are great at validating others. We acknowledge their emotions, recognize effort and success, and support individualism and self-expression. However, the majority of us are equally lousy at self-validation. We all get angry, disappointed, sad, jealous, scared, demotivated. Ideally, one would accept and be able to regulate these emotions. Instead, many people immediately think: “I shouldn’t feel this way. I’m being ridiculous!” As a result, coping with different experiences becomes exceptionally challenging. Reactions seem to be out of control. If you struggle with similar issues, you probably haven’t mastered the art of self-validation. The ability (or inability) to validate ourselves intertwines with much of what we go through in life. In this article, we'll give you five ways to develop self-validation so you can get to grips with this essential skill. Why self-validation is essential In simple terms, self-validation is accepting your own internal experience: your thoughts and feelings. Validation and self-validation are widely acknowledged problems in psychology, philosophy and sociology. The roots of the problem of self-validation lie in the vital human need to be recognized and supported. • INTERESTED IN SELF-GROWTH? Sign-up for free courses in our happiness Academy • According to Iser’s work in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, recognition has critical psychological importance. Others’ feedback is essential for one’s practical identity to form. We could also touch upon Hegel’s concept of ‘struggle for recognition’. In its simplest, it points us towards understanding the source of our need to be validated. When we are misrecognized by others, our relationship with ourselves is hindered or even destroyed. Self-validation is accepting your thoughts and feelings shutterstock/G-Stock Studio Such strength of humans’ need to be validated by others led many thinkers to voice the significance of self-validation. Rare is a psychologist or a philosopher that would dispute the ultimate value of autonomy and authenticity. The independence that comes with the capacity to be one’s own judge could be expressed with a quote by Fromm: “Obedience to my own reason or conviction (autonomous obedience) is not an act of submission but one of affirmation. My conviction and my judgment, if authentically mine, are part of me. If I follow them rather than the judgment of others, I am being myself.” - Erich Fromm, On Disobedience Real-life outcomes of lacking self-validation skills In slightly more practical terms, the inability to self-validate could lead to a range of adverse outcomes: Negating your thoughts and emotions could lead to a paradoxical effect in which you are even more affected by them, as research has demonstrated. When you deny and suppress your inner experiences, you lose control over them. You could think of it as an instruction to not think about a pink elephant. Your cognition still rests on the negated content. You could face many adversities in your personal and professional life because a lack of self-validation can cause impulsive behaviour and emotional dysregulation. You could be more prone to risky behaviours, addictions, eating disorders, to name a few. Your interpersonal skills could also suffer, leading to a range of other problems in your career or relationships. Your love life and friendships could be chaotic, codependent and intensely challenging for everyone involved. “You could face many adversities in your personal and professional life as a lack of self-validation can cause impulsive behaviour and emotional dysregulation.” Finally, you might be vulnerable to depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, PTSD and other emotional disturbances. When you cannot validate yourself, you are driven to maladaptive coping. This, however, eventually leads you far away from well-being and mental health. Why do we have a hard time to self-validate? There is no definitive response to the question above. A few things could have happened. Attachment style If the inborn need to be safe, cared for, and recognized was unfulfilled, we might have become unable to self-validate. For example, you might have developed an anxious attachment style. How your parents interacted with you as a child serves as a blueprint for your adult relationships. You might not have learned to be self-sufficient and recognize your worth. As children, we need adequate support from our caregivers to develop a sense of security about our emotions, decisions and actions. Research reveals that people with an anxious attachment style have a strong need for social approval. In other words, they need others to validate them. Modelling Another option was that your caregivers did not make it possible for you to mimic self-validation. When we are children, we acquire many traits and habits by modelling. If your primary attachment figure invalidated themselves, you probably learned to do the same. Research shows that emotional and behavioural self-validation and self-regulation are skills that are transferred from a parent to a child. Adult trauma You might have also started doubting yourself due to a traumatic experience at any point in your life. Both anecdotal reports and scientific studies confirm that being a victim of abuse, for example, could make you doubt your self-efficacy and self-worth. Most importantly, your readiness to accept, experience and address your emotions could have been disturbed. When one is in an abusive relationship, they gradually lose their sovereignty. Self-validation becomes a distant memory. Five ways to develop self-validation Although the potential outcomes of a lack of self-validation sound rather bleak, you should not feel discouraged: it is a skill that can be developed. Even if your early experience geared you towards invalidating yourself, you now have the opportunity to change that. Here are five tips to develop self-validation. 1. Practise mindfulness Mindfulness and self-validation go hand in hand. You cannot validate what you don’t recognize. You need to develop a non-judgmental awareness of your experiences, as they happen and when they happen, to validate them. Being present is the first level of validation. This means acknowledging your inner experience without avoidance or distraction. Mindfulness will help you regain grasp over your emotions and build up strength to cope with them. • FIND YOUR TRIBE! Join our curious and caring community and make new friends • Evidence from fMRI studies supports this argument. Individuals who were grieving a loss of a loved one were taught mindfulness techniques for eight weeks. When they were tested afterwards, their scores revealed a significantly better ability to regulate emotions. They also had fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety and grief. fMRI suggested that the participants learned to gain cognitive control over their feelings. They were no longer overwhelmed by them. 2. Be brutally honest with yourself Being imperfect stings, we know. Accepting imperfection is exceptionally difficult for most people. Especially so if they were taught that being great at something equals being worthy. If your parents and social environment were too demanding, it might have resulted in unhealthy perfectionism. Such a form of perfectionism has adverse effects on mental health, as confirmed in empirical research. If your sense of self-worth is equated to being flawless, you might have a tough time even noticing (let alone accepting) your blemishes. Nonetheless, when you want to learn the art of self-validation, you need to be brutally frank with yourself. Notice the emotions and thoughts you don’t feel proud of. Admit to yourself your shortcomings. Own up to your genuine reactions and experiences. Yes, there will be many unpleasant facts. It’s alright – no one is watching. It's possible to develop self-validation skills shutterstock/Prostock-studio 3. Develop your emotional intelligence Although there are a few relevant emotional intelligence (EI) models, Goleman’s work is among the most popular ones. He proposes that EI consists of five constructs: self-awareness, self-regulation, social skill (being able to get along with others), empathy and motivation. You can notice how EI is necessary for your ability to self-validate. With EI comes the ability to reflect on your experiences and emotions. Luckily, EI is a skill that can be learned. Therefore, to master self-validation, start developing your EI. When you can accurately name what you are feeling, you can then start to acknowledge and accept your emotional response. As a result, you will build healthy relationships with others without needing their recognition to feel good or motivated. You will build emotional autonomy. 4. Connect with your body’s responses Some people have grown so detached from their inner world that they need to tap into their bodily reactions first. In this regard, some elements of body-centred psychotherapies could be used. According to this group of approaches to psychotherapy, the body is not just something we have. We are our bodies. “Mindfulness and self-validation go hand in hand. You cannot validate what you don’t recognize. You need to develop a non-judgmental awareness of your experiences, as they happen and when they happen.” This means we live as a whole, as an inseparable totality of body and mind. When we learn to validate who we are and what we experience, we should include our body’s responses into the equation. Where are your emotions? What does your body do when you feel in a certain way? How does it respond to people and events? What is it trying to tell you about yourself? You could try a body awareness meditation to help you get started. A combination of body awareness with mindfulness and accurate, honest reflection we suggested above will help you develop a sense of being rooted inside of your own experience. 5. Self-validate by acknowledging your past experiences The final piece of advice in developing self-validation skills is to learn to validate yourself by acknowledging your past experiences. They fused within yourself and made you into who you are now. You now need to practice recognizing both positive and adverse experiences – and their consequences. How will this help you practise self-validation? Let us say that you had an intense reaction to your partner’s criticism of something you did. Try not to think: “You acted like a cuckoo there!” You could self-validate this reaction by saying: “It’s understandable that you felt this way. Your mother/father would punish you harshly for failures, and you are still overly sensitive to criticism”. Use meditation to connect with body's responses shutterstock/Anatoliy Karlyuk Such a validation does not mean that you condone erratic behaviour. It means that you allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are feeling. You also name the emotion and understand its cause. These are the first steps to get into a self-validating mindset. Additionally, these are the first steps towards growing as a person. These five steps build up towards self-validation development as taught in dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). According to DBT, there are three steps to validate yourself and your emotions – acknowledge, accept and understand. This worksheet could help you practice self-validation in everyday situations, as well as with more intense or past emotions. Self-validate to autonomy Self-validation is freedom. Freedom to experience life as it is (yes, the ugliness, too). It gives you self-determination in picking your path. You get to do it independently of others’ influence, be it conscious or subconscious. When you learn to rely on yourself for validation, you gain the liberty to be genuine and own your experiences. Therefore, in the spirit of autonomy that we are propagating here, we invite you – acknowledge yourself and allow your authentic Self to exist! • Main image: shutterstock/Victoria Chadinova happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up for free to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and supporting others in our happiness forum ■ develop with free online classes in our Academy Coaching | Letting go | Authenticity Written by Stanislava Puač Jovanović Stanislava Puač Jovanović has a master’s degree in psychology and works as a freelance writer and researcher in this area. Her primary focus is on questions relating to mental health, stress-management, self-development and well-being.
  10. Here are the links to the guided meditations we are practicing with during the MBSR course: Feel free to choose the recoding for the week you are at that resonates best with you. I will continuously add more links to high-quality recordings to cover a broader spectrum of voices and personal styles. Like the posture, the teacher that works best for where you are at today might differ. Yet in their core, those different meditation are the same. We offer a free guided meditation once a week live on zoom. Onve a month we offer a free FAQ session for this course. To see the time and dates and sign up for a session please checkout Tine's profile. Some recordings are by Dave Potter, an experienced MBSR teacher and psychotherapist who put together this online course. Jon Kabat-Zinn is the founder of the MBSR course. Emma Reynolds is an experienced MBSR teacher with the Mindful Academy, Solterreno, Spain. This is where I got my training too. Lynn Rossy is a health psychologist, author, researcher, and Kripalu yoga teacher specializing in mindfulness-based interventions. Week 1: Bodyscan Bodyscan 29min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR) Bodyscan 15min (YouTube) Bodyscan 15min (InsightTimer) by Tine Steiß Bodyscan 33min by Dave Potter Bodyscan 45min by UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness Bodyscan 20min by Emma Reynolds Compassionate Body Scan 24min by Kristin Neff Week 2: Sitting Meditation Sitting Meditation 32min by Dave Potter Sitting Meditation 40min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR) Week 3 and 4: Mindful Yoga Mindful Yoga 1 37min by Lynn Rossy PhD Mindful Yoga 2 36min by Lynn Rossy PhD Week 5: "Turning towards" the difficult, Soften, Sooth, Allow Turning Towards - Meditation for difficult emotions 23min by Dave Potter Turning Towards - Meditation for physical pain 25min by Dave Potter Soften, Soothe, Allow 16min by Dave Potter Soften, Soothe, Allow 9min by Happiness Insight RAIN 11min by Dave Potter Week 6: Mindfulness and Communication Mountain Meditation 20min by Dave Potter Lake Meditation 20min by Dave Potter Week 7: Mindfulness and Compassion Lovingkindness Meditation 13min by Dave Potter Other meditations that are closely related to the MBSR curriculum: Taking a breath - taking a break 13min by Tine Steiß Breathing Meditation for Beginners 10min by Jack Kornfield Labelling emotions 20min by Emma Reynolds the RAIN of Self-Compassion by Tara Brach (PhD in Clinical Psychology, founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington and author of Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Freedom In Your Own Awakened Heart) Oneness Meditation 35min by Jon Kabat-Zinn (the founder of MBSR)
  11. What do you guys think about this interesting product? LaBird – Creative & Mindful balance for Body & Mind A new experience designed to unleash your creativity, to practice concentration, and to inspire a mindful living. Check out the KickStarter Special Offer below (Until 15 Aug) http://kck.st/2OCLmBe LaBird_Refine_Balance_Intro_2019_Launch_KS.mp4
  12. Hey guys, I wanted to start by wishing you all a happy new year! I'd also like to apologize in advance about my english as it isn't my first language so sorry for the mistakes here and there. I got on this forum in a pretty random way, but I am a firm believer that you always end up where you need to be. I am here to maybe get some guidance, some help, some vision from other people. Sending my questions in the universe and maybe see things a different way. It's going to be a long read, but here is my story. I have 2 degrees from University, one in Physical Education teaching and one in Physical Activity science applied in sports training. During the process of getting that, school and work put a lot of pressure on myself and I dealt with depression and anxiety from all of it, I had some very dark days. I found help, found ways to deal with it all, and even through the darkest days of my life, I kept hoping that things would get better and that I would be happy in the end. I am now 30, I am father to a healthy little girl of 16 months, I am owner of a beautiful house. I work out a lot to deal with my demons and help me get motivated and keep pushing. I work as a Phys Ed teacher and also work part time as a trainer in a prep school program to help me get some more money. As fun as my job are, there is no stability in the line of work I am in. Every year, I am thrown to a new school and even though I am ready to work full time, even more than full time, there is no opportunity for me to do so. I always get the "leftovers", and it's going to be a while before I get to be full time. I am not here to ask for sympathy or to complain, I kinda knew that already, but I didnt think it would be that bad. All of it has put a lot of financial stress on me every year and I dont know what to do. When I work, I am able to get some good money and get my head out of the water, then it goes back to having no opportunities and I start sinking again. I even went to work with a moving and transport company this summer to help me make it through. All of it leads to a lot of questioning from me about life. What do I do, if I try to find other random jobs to help me out, they often dont want to hire me because they know I have my teaching job. Some want me to put teaching aside but I'll make 3-4x what they offer when/if full time. I sometimes think about doing something else, but what do I do? I thought about national police here in Canada, but that asked me to be 4 months away from my daughter. Do I go back to school in something else? If I do that then it really doesnt help with the financial stress that I already have. I feel a bit lost. I have everything I need to be happy but I have a really hard time enjoying life because I am always in financial stress and work wise, I dont feel satisfied, and also feel handcuffed. I feel like I am using like 60% of my potential and it really affects my mood. I really dont know what I am hoping to find on this forum, but maybe some wisdom from someone who went through something similar, or different views from different people, ideas, could help. Even if you have read everything and dont have anything to reply, I appreciate it. Thank you all
  13. In the workplace, mindfulness and compassion is increasingly becoming more important. Experts in their field, Liz Hall and Luis San Martin talked with Arlo Laibowitz about why these skills are needed more than ever at work. The second International Mindfulness & Compassion at Work Summit took place in Madrid on the 26th and 27th of April 2018. We were able to shoot interviews with five of the amazing speakers, including the co-founders of the summit, Liz Hall and Luis San Martin. They share their thoughts of happiness, compassion and mindfulness at work in the video below. Enjoy! .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Liz Hall is the co-owner/founding editor of Coaching at Work magazine; an award-winning journalist on business and health/well-being; an author/editor; an executive coach, and a trained mindfulness teacher/trainer who works with coaches, leaders and the general public. “If you get people to empty their minds and just listen, amazing things happen.” Luis San Martin Luis San Martin, in addition to being the chair/co-founder of the Association for Coaching Spain, is an executive coach and OD consultant. Luis has an MSc in International Business and his business experience includes CEO responsibilities in multinational companies in several countries. As part of his portfolio, he works with organisations to introduce mindfulness to their employees. Also, watch our interview with Bodhin Philip Woodward on the impact of mindfulness and compassion in your daily life. ● Written by Arlo Laibowitz Arlo is a filmmaker, artist, lecturer, and intermittent practitioner of metta meditation and morning yoga. When not dreaming about impossible projects and making them happen in the most impractical ways possible, he journals, listens to jazz, or cuddles with his better half.
  14. Sonia Vadlamani discusses why longstanding social connections matter for our well-being and happiness, and the key qualities that true friendship encompasses. Most of us will agree that friendships enrich our lives and make us happier. Additionally, research shows a positive correlation between intensity and quality of friendships and life-satisfaction, suggesting that we tend to benefit more from close associations and active social relationships that we can rely on. Conversely, researchers also agree that a lack of close social ties can impact our well-being and life-satisfaction. As social beings, we clearly feel the need to find our tribe, since we crave human connection and the sense of belonging that we derive from true friendships. So, how does one make the cut, as it might be, to become a true friend and not just a mere acquaintance? What makes a true friend? Most of us consider true friends as people who we can trust and rely on. Indeed, when I was down with COVID-19, some of my closest friends made it a point to supply fresh, homemade meals and remedies for me and my family members – regardless of their own shortcomings and personal situations – until I regained my strength well enough to be able to cook again. Clearly, this is not the sole criteria for the way I define my close friendships. Some of my strongest friendships were struck in the oddest of situations, like when an acquaintance offered me timely advice during a spontaneous emotional outburst, or when I met a knowledgeable and supportive fitness enthusiast at the gym. Over time and after extensive bonding, I began to consider these individuals as my real friends as well. Indeed, not all friendships are the same, and true friendships take shape in different ways for different people. We often attract friendships based on core traits which are important to us, like trustworthiness, honesty, etc. Jamie Gruman, author of Boost: The Science of Recharging Yourself in an Age of Unrelenting Demands describes this phenomenon as ‘relationship attraction’, wherein individuals choose their relationships based on common interests and core traits that they value the most. True friends will show unwavering support While there is a distinct set of qualities that we inherently seek from close social connections, most of us have never really taken a moment to consider what these are. Chances are, you’ve also sometimes wondered if you possess the qualities to build and maintain true friendships with like-minded individuals around you. 6 qualities of true friendship There are several characteristics that can help us distinguish close friendships from casual social ties. Identifying the essential traits of true friendship can also help you determine the social connections that are important to you and enable you to nurture lasting friendships. So, a true friend: 1. Prioritizes spending time together There’s no denying that we lead busy lives, and that the demands of our fast-paced lifestyle can leave us with too little time to be able to connect with friends. However, true friendships are based on the mutual desire to share experiences and spend quality time together. Close friends take a keen interest in each other’s lives. If you’re wondering if someone is a true friend, observe if they exhibit similar interest by asking questions about your day or following up on the topics discussed in previous meetings. “True friendships are based on the mutual desire to share experiences and spend quality time together. Close friends take a keen interest in each other’s lives.” Even if they haven’t met up in a while, real friends keep in touch via social media or messages in an effort to keep up to date regarding events in their lives. If a friend tries to maintain a close relationship with you despite the physical distance, and makes you feel heard and appreciated, they’re undoubtedly a true friend of yours. However, remember that it’s not their responsibility alone, and you should reciprocate the efforts as well to sustain the friendship. 2. Accepts you for who you are True friends will respect your choices and judgement even when they do not necessarily agree with you, since they trust your decision-making process. If they were to disagree with you, a true friend would offer constructive criticism objectively and gracefully. Furthermore, they will refrain from taking offense or exhibiting passive-aggressive behavior if you reject their advice. True friends accept you the way you are, and even encourage you to embrace your imperfections by bolstering your sense of self-worth and self-confidence. They believe in your wisdom and stand behind your decisions, instead of pushing you to think and act in the manner they want you to. How to be a better friend – 9 ways to improve your relationship The 8 types of friends we all need Understanding the power of friendship 3. Offers unwavering support While all of us may have traversed a rough patch at some point in our lives and no one is exempt from difficult times, how your friends react in such situations is a great way to identify true friendship. Real friends stay with you through difficult situations like trauma, setbacks, illnesses and grief. Contrary to fair-weathered friends who tend to be around only when you’re prospering in life, a real friend is always supportive and has got your back no matter what. A true friend will always tell you how it really is! shutterstock/CREATISTA “Good friends show up for the tough times,” reveals Varsha Mathur, a dating and relationship coach. While it’s easy for us to count on our friends to show up for the happy occasions and milestone events like birthdays and weddings, real friends also show up for the tough times. It could mean that their presence is warranted during a funeral, the search for a lost pet, a medical appointment that’s making you anxious, or simply to clean up after everyone has left the party. In fact, the lack of steadfast support could very well be one of the signs your friend doesn’t care about you. 4. Encourages you to be your best self A true friend takes interest in your personal growth and success. What's more, they encourage you to unleash your fullest potential and achieve your goals, even in the times when you don’t fully believe you’re capable of the same. While they accept you for the way you are, they’re also your biggest cheerleaders when you succeed. Instead of trapping you in constant criticism or negativity, real friends keep you accountable along the journey towards your goals and celebrate your accomplishments – big and modest ones alike. 5. Is honest and trustworthy True friendships are based on honest communication and mutual trust. Good friends not only listen mindfully without judgment, but also believe in open, positive communication when their advice is sought. They also offer their unbiased perspective to help one view a situation from a different vantage point, albeit with kindness and while being objective. “True friendships are based on honest communication and mutual trust. Good friends not only listen mindfully but also believe in open, positive communication when their advice is sought.” Real friendships require us to be our authentic selves and confide in each other – even if it makes us feel vulnerable. If your friend shares their personal feelings or thoughts with you, it means that they hold you in high regard and trust your integrity. Being a true friend requires you to be able to confide in your friend as well, as this shows that you place trust in the friendship too. 6. Can always bring some cheer and positivity An easy way to identify true friendship is to gauge how you feel when you spend time with a person. Real friends always make us feel special and valued. If you consistently feel good in their company, leave aflush with good vibes and a jovial mood after hanging out, and look forward to meeting them soon again, you likely have a true friend. In addition to supporting each other through difficult times, true friends also help us see the positive side of an adversity, by even adding in a little humour at times. Their cheerful disposition and positive outlook can help us deal with the curveballs life tosses along our way with greater ease. Takeaway: qualities of true friendship It’s important to bear in mind that everybody exhibits varying levels of these qualities in their relationships. Indeed, true friendships bring in a generous abundance of these qualities, thus enriching our lives and boosting our happiness levels and well-being. However, cultivating and exhibiting the characteristics stated above can help you identify your true friends and hone yourself into becoming a real friend as well. Being self-aware and taking some time for some honest introspection can help you examine your own behaviors, and actions, thus enabling you to decide if you need to up your ‘friendship quotient’ to nurture true friendships. • Main image: shutterstock/Giulio_Fornasar Do you agree with Sonia's list of qualities of true friendship? Is there any she missed? What would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments below. If you're interested in discussing friendship issues further, check out our forum on friendship, love and relationships. happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Join free now and: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine ■ share and support in our happiness forum ■ Develop with free online Academy classes Empathy | Communication skills | Loneliness | Trust Written by Sonia Vadlamani Fitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict and future self journaler. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her daily pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.
  15. How exactly is Kundalini meditation more than religion or mere set of beliefs? Sonia Vadlamani explains how this energizing technique can offer a greater sense of awareness and purpose. At some point in our lives, many of us realize how we spend most of our days in a ‘default-mode’, as we keep reacting to the stimuli in the environment around us with minimal sense of control over the various events of the day. For instance, you may have noticed how often you fix your lunch absentmindedly or go about your work in an automated fashion – all without paying any real attention – yet feel drained by the end of the day. Meditation can prove to be an effective key to enhance our awareness. And Kundalini meditation could be a more intentional way to unleash one’s inner potential and improve focus. Indeed, practitioners of Kundalini meditation believe that every human being has life-energy or prana present within, which can be awakened with patience and dedicated practice. RELATED: 9 science-backed benefits of meditation What is Kundalini meditation? While the exact origin of Kundalini meditation is not known, its practice has been traced back to as early as 500 BC. Hinduism believes Kundalini to be a vast pool of energy visualized in the form of a coiled or sleeping serpent, resting at the base of the spine which is also the root chakra or muladhara. The seven chakras, including muladhara shutterstock/Olga Zelenkova Kundalini meditation was introduced to the Western world by Yogi Bhajan in 1968, who envisioned a new form of spirituality that connected ancient knowledge with the modern-era lifestyle. Purpose of Kundalini meditation The core philosophy underlying Kundalini meditation is to facilitate movement of energy through the body. The ‘coiled’ or static energy reserve generally refers to the unrealized potential that is inherently present in every human being. A fundamental part of Kundalini yoga, Kundalini meditation is aimed at harnessing this large reserve of unutilized energy at the base of the spine. It works by enabling energy movement through the seven chakras – starting from the base chakra at the bottom of the spine – through the different parts of body – to the crown chakra situated atop the head, from where it eventually exits the body. “Kundalini meditation could be a more intentional way to unleash one’s inner potential and improve focus.” This movement of the life-energy symbolizes awakening of Kundalini, resulting in an expanded state of consciousness and improved mind-body-soul balance. Kundalini meditation also lowers stress levels and enables one to act in a focused and purposeful manner, rather than leading their lives in automation mode. Benefits of Kundalini meditation The research on Kundalini meditation is still in premature stages, but researchers and psychologists have begun to acknowledge its potential benefits when practiced regularly alongside the other integral elements of kundalini yoga. Some of the science-backed benefits of kundalini meditation include: Lowered stress levels Kundalini yoga can reduce production of cortisol levels upon consistent practice, as shown in a 2017 study by Jocelyn N García-Sesnich, et al. Thirteen participants who practiced kundalini meditation along with other components of Kundalini yoga regularly for a period of three months exhibited a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels. Improved sense of well-being A study conducted by Suresh Arumugam showed positive impact on psychological sense of well-being and improved memory power, encouraging a more holistic approach towards health in the participants. Reduced anxiety levels An eight-week study trial by M. G. Gabriel et al showed lowered anxiety levels and significant reduction in depression symptoms with regular practice of kundalini yoga, offering promising results for treating conditions like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Improved cognitive and emotional functioning Researchers Harris A. Eyre et al attempted to study the effect of a 12-week kundalini yoga intervention on mild cognitive impairment with declining age. The subjects exhibited improved memory levels, along with a significant decline in apathy levels and depressive symptoms. How to practise Kundalini meditation Practitioners of Kundalini meditation agree that the best results are achieved by starting small and proceeding gradually at a sustained pace, even if all you can dedicate to it is a few minutes daily. Here's how to get started: 1. Get comfortable Choose a quiet place where you're less likely to be distracted or disturbed. For best results, it's ideal to meditate at the same spot every day. Wearing neutral-toned, comfortable and loose-fitting cotton clothing is recommended. 2. Decide on a convenient time While there are no hard and fast rules about when to meditate, it would be best to practice it at the same time each day consistently, without disruption. Morning meditations work great for setting good intentions for the day ahead, while evening meditation is good for unwinding. Meditation right after a meal is not advised, as your body needs all the energy at this time for digestion. 3. Choose a meditation span Again, there's no set ideal duration here, it's up to you to decide. Anywhere between five minutes to an hour of practice. Starting smaller and gradually increasing the duration will help you to focus better, while fitting the practice into your schedule with ease. 4. Get into a comfortable position You could sit in lotus pose or a cross-legged position on a rug or on the floor, or in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor. It's important to keep your spine in upright position through the duration of meditation. Close your eyes gently and press your palms together over your heart in prayer pose. In the Lotus position shutterstock/Syda Productions 5. Introduce a mantra Chanting a mantra can help you direct your energy and focus better while you meditate. A commonly chosen bija or seed mantra for this meditation is “Sat Nam” which translates to “I am the truth”. Chant “Sat” as you inhale and “Nam” as you exhale. This or any other mantra you personally prefer can be chanted out loud or silently in your head. 6. Focus on your breath movement Energize your breaths as you chant the chosen mantra. Start with a slow and prolonged inhale till your lungs feel full, then slowly exhale till your lungs feel completely empty. Ideally, the inhales and exhales should be broken into four parts with brief pauses. “The core philosophy underlying Kundalini meditation is to facilitate movement of energy through the body.” Repeat the cycle. Observe as your breath moves through your body. If your mind begins to wander, bring your attention back to the breathing pattern and the chants. 7. Draw meditation to a finish Set an alarm for a predetermined duration of meditation, and continue the breathing and chanting cycle till the alarm rings. Finish with a deep inhale as you raise your arms above, and relax as you exhale. 8. Increase the frequency gradually As you gradually increase the duration of meditation and practice more consistently, notice the energy rising from the base of the spine, coursing up along the length of your spine and outside via the top of your head. The takeaway: Kundalini meditation Realizing your fullest potential with Kundalini meditation could prove to be a rewarding journey. Regular practise can enable you to act from a place of purpose and intent, as opposed to reacting to your thoughts and external stimuli. It can also prompt a state of mindfulness by breaking unhelpful automated patterns in your life, thus clearing path for creative pursuits and more joyful existence. Main image: shutterstock/Dymtro Flisak happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now to enjoy these benefits: ■ our happiness magazine with practical life tips and inspiration ■ share knowledge and help support others in our happiness forum ■ learn and self-develop with free online classes in our happiness Academy Self care | Tonglen meditation | Gratitude meditation Written by Sonia Vadlamani Fitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her daily pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.
  16. Work is an intrinsic part of our lives, so it’s better if we can enjoy it. Cristina Jardón talked with Arlo Laibowitz about why listening, compassion and mindfulness are essential workplace tools... The second International Mindfulness & Compassion at Work Summit took place in Madrid on the 26th and 27th of April 2018. We were able to shoot interviews with five of the amazing speakers, including Cristina Jardón, an expert trainer in emotional intelligence, mindfulness and self-compassion. This is what she says about herself: "Restless and curious. Here I am. Optimist of birth and by training. Passionate about the simple life, without more. Spirituality and transcendence are two of my great values." Enjoy the full video interview with Cristina below. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } Also, part of this mini-series, our interview with Bodhin Philip Woodward on the impact of mindfulness and compassion in your daily life, plus our interview with the organizers of co-founders of the summit, Liz Hall and Luis San Martin and Dr Jutta Tobias on her research on compassion in teams beyond the mindfulness intervention. ● Written by Arlo Laibowitz Arlo is a filmmaker, artist, lecturer, and intermittent practitioner of metta meditation and morning yoga. When not dreaming about impossible projects and making them happen in the most impractical ways possible, he journals, listens to jazz, or cuddles with his better half.
  17. Mental health coaching and life coaching are two distinct practices that can offer support and guidance in different areas of personal development and well-being. Here's an overview of each: Mental Health Coaching: Mental health coaching focuses specifically on addressing and improving mental health concerns and challenges. Mental health coaches work with individuals to identify and work through issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and overall emotional well-being. They often employ evidence-based techniques and strategies to help clients develop coping skills, manage their emotions, set realistic goals, and improve their overall mental well-being. Mental health coaching is not a substitute for therapy or counseling, but it can be a valuable complement to professional mental health support. Life Coaching: Life coaching is a broader practice that focuses on personal growth, goal-setting, and enhancing various aspects of one's life. Life coaches work with individuals to identify their values, strengths, and aspirations and help them create a plan to achieve their goals. They provide guidance, accountability, and motivation to help clients overcome obstacles, improve self-confidence, enhance decision-making skills, and create a more fulfilling life. Life coaches often work in areas such as career development, relationships, time management, personal finance, and overall life balance. It's important to note that mental health coaching and life coaching are not regulated professions, so practitioners can have varying backgrounds, training, and qualifications. When seeking a mental health coach or life coach, it's essential to research their credentials, experience, and approach to ensure they align with your needs and goals. Additionally, if you're experiencing significant mental health concerns, it's recommended to seek support from a licensed mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can provide a higher level of clinical care.
  18. There were many feel-good health and environmental stories in the press during June, but you may not have seen them. Ed Gould shares his Top 10 from the past month to uplift and inspire. With so much upheaval in the world and some frightening stories dominating the headlines, it's good to know that June also saw its fair share of positive news. If you haven't seen many good news stories from the last month, then this selection should be enough to raise your spirits. 1. Extinct orchid rediscovered in Scotland Let's start with some great news for nature lovers. An orchid species that's so rare it was thought to be extinct has been found growing on a remote Scottish estate. Situated somewhere in the Highlands, the exact location of the plant is being kept a secret since it has not been successfully identified for over two centuries. According to a report by the BBC, the coralroot orchid was unexpectedly rediscovered by an ecologist named Gus Routledge. Meanwhile, another rare orchid specimen also thought to have died out was rediscovered in Vermont, USA. Incredibly, it's thought this example hadn't been seen since 1902! Now, that's what we call flower power! 2. Dance and mindfulness combined help mental health It's long been known that physical activity, such as dance, can help to alleviate bad moods and even lessen the severity of mental health conditions like depression. Mindfulness is also a much-studied area of academic research with respect to mental health. However, according to Adrianna Mendrek, a Professor of Psychology at Bishop's University, writing in the Deccan Herald, when the two are combined there is a noted effect on the somatosensory cortex. This is an area of the brain well-known for its ability to physically alter – a process known as neuroplasticity. Because this part of the brain connects directly to so many others, it's thought that this is why it could help mental health outcomes so readily when both dance and mindfulness are combined. Mindful dancing boosts mental health shutterstock/Prostock-studio 3. Swiss plastics researchers offer hope Materials scientists in Switzerland have teamed up with colleagues in neighbouring Austria to come up with a sustainable source of hydrocarbons for one of the trickiest plastics to recycle – PET (polyethylene terephthalate). They've come up with a plastic that has similar, durable properties, which means it could even be used for bottles and food containers. The difference? According to a report in MENA FN, this material is derived from biomass waste. Key to the technique is retaining sugars within the natural material that can be used to form strong molecular links. It's also hoped the material will soon be used by 3-D printers. 4. Vitamin D may ward off risk of stroke and dementia As reported in numerous press outlets in June, vitamin D deficiency has been found to be a significant contributory factor in the incidence of both stroke and dementia. As a result, it's thought that simply getting more sunlight could be a contributing factor in staving off both conditions, according to researchers at the University of South Australia. In addition to getting more sunlight, researchers think that consuming more oily fish – a good natural source of vitamin D – will help ensure longer-term brain health. RELATED: How to talk to a parent with dementia 5. Drones used to prevent plastics entering the ocean A Dutch firm called RanMarine has developed aquatic drones that are being deployed in the country's waterways to collect plastic rubbish that would otherwise eventually find its way to the sea. According to a story in EuroNews, the drones measure around 1.5m, meaning they are large enough to collect about 160 litres of rubbish on each deployment. The project has already caught the attention of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Many think capturing plastics before they get into the open ocean is much easier and, therefore, a better tactic than trying to deal with them after they've already got there. 6. Video gamers receive a boost to their intelligence Many people think playing video games is a waste of time but recent research sheds new light on this popular activity, even going so far as to suggest it can boost intelligence! A study from a Swedish research institute has concluded that video gaming helped certain cognitive abilities – such as problem-solving – to grow. RELATED: Games are changing our lives... for good! As many as 5,000 children took part in the study and their cognitive abilities were tested two years apart so that their brain development could be established over time. Overall, the researchers found that screen time wasn't necessarily bad and that, on average, cognitive function was improved among those playing video games. Given the world has been enjoying video games since the 1970s, this is great news for gamers. Playing video games could boost intelligence shutterstock/LightField studios 7. Smart CO2 energy battery launched in Italy The Italian island of Sardinia is home to a new CO2 battery, a green technology that offers a long-duration storage option for renewable energy. According to Claudio Spadaccini, the CEO behind the project, the breakthrough technology is already commercially available to make cost-effective renewable energy on a worldwide scale. The idea is that CO2 batteries are less costly and better for the global environment than lithium-ion alternatives because they require no mining and used a closed-loop system. 8. Wooden wind turbines offer an ecological alternative Wind turbines may create green electricity but they're often made from carbon-intensive materials. However, if sustainable wood can be used instead, then they'll operate in an even more environmentally friendly way over their life cycles. According to a report in Treehugger, this is exactly what one Swedish firm, Modvion, is trying to do. A large-scale prototype to demonstrate the viability of wooden wind turbines is already underway. A 30-metre turbine has already been made. Now, the company is in the process of upscaling the idea to a 100-metre turbine that could soon be commercially available. 9. Coffee consumption could extend life So long as it’s not drunk to excess, coffee may help us to live longer, according to a report by NBC News. A recent UK study of 120,000 people compared mortality rates among coffee drinkers and non-coffee drinkers. It found that people who drank 1.5 to 3.5 cups of coffee a day had a lower risk of death than non-coffee drinkers – even if they added sugar to their daily brew! The study also found that coffee drinking was associated with a decreased risk of kidney disease, Parkinson’s, type-2 diabetes and some cancers. A coffee a day keeps the doctor away? shutterstock/bbernard 10. Optimists are likely to live longer, not just think they will! Here's a great piece of feel-good news to finish on this month. Being optimistic might make you think you will live a long and happy life, but a new study has shown that optimists really do have longer lifespans on average! According to a report in Woman's World – and numerous other outlets – scientists at the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Harvard T.H. Chan School found that positive psychological outlooks correlated not only to longer lifespans but a healthier ageing process among a wide number of different social groups. • happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support in our happiness forum ■ self-develop with free online classes in our Academy Biology | Sustainability | Biotechnology Written by Ed Gould Ed Gould is a UK-based journalist and practitioner of Reiki.
  19. There were plenty of feel-good health and environmental stories in the press during November. Ed Gould rounds up his Top Ten from the past month to uplift and inspire. There were more than enough news stories to worry about in November, but not everything that made the headlines was troublesome or negative. In fact, there were more than enough positive news items to brighten the month. So, what were some of the most impressive examples of feel-good news? Here's our Top 10 round-up from the past month... 1. Research suggests the best way to avoid procrastinating First up, some interesting news for many of us who struggle to get our to-do list ticked off! According to numerous scientific journals, a researcher from the University of Otago has found the best way to avoid procrastination is to never set deadlines for yourself. Professor Stephen Knowles, from the Otago Business School in New Zealand has found that deadlines tend to make us procrastinate more, not less! He suggests avoiding them completely but, if they are needed, to make them as close to the present moment as is practical. 2. Toronto cools buildings from lake water On the shores of one of the Great Lakes, Toronto is cool during the winter months but becomes very warm in summer. As such, many apartment blocks and office buildings are fitted with air-conditioning. However, according to the Washington Post, a deep water cooling system will soon go into an expanded mode of operation to cool around 100 such buildings, meaning much less reliance on energy consumption. Three pipelines will shift naturally cool water from Lake Ontario and transfer it to the city centre. The system has been in place since 2004 but will now run in many more connected buildings after a large investment. 3. Rare honeybees discovered in England A woodland in Oxfordshire is home to about 800,000 rare honey bees according to a researcher who discovered them on the Blenheim Estate. They appear to be a distinct sub-species that has evolved due to the local habitat conditions, offering scientists a rare insight into the adaptation of bees which have been in decline elsewhere. It's hoped the finding will encourage other conservationists to track down rare or adapted sub-species in other parts of the world. Rare honeybees discovered in Oxfordshire, UK shutterstock/Daniel Prudek 4. Mindfulness could help heart attack victims A study conducted by the American Heart Association has found that people who are recovering from heart attacks are less likely to suffer from depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder if they undergo mindfulness training than those who do not. The study's author, Alex Presciutti of the University of Colorado, said that survival rates among heart attack victims are improving, but mental health problems persist. RELATED: 7 mindfulness tips for staying engaged Presciutti went on to say that a non-judgmental awareness of the present moment, as a way of defining mindfulness among heart attack victims, may explain why psychological symptoms in cardiac arrest survivors differ so much when you compare those who practise it and those who do not. 5. Typhoon energy may soon be captured Wind turbines are nothing new but harnessing the power of typhoons is beyond standard designs. However, according to the Japan Times, a Japanese firm is now designing a wind turbine that will be able to capture some of the immense energy generated by these extreme weather phenomenons. According to one of the engineers involved, typhoons shouldn't just be seen as disaster-causing but as a potential new source of renewable energy, too. A demonstration unit that will hopefully prove the potential of the system has already been built in the Philippines. 6. Talking to strangers brings about psychological benefits In a series of experiments, researchers at the University of Texas in Austin have discovered that having deep and meaningful conversations with strangers makes us feel better connected to one another. This is something of a social paradox, according to one of the researchers involved, Amit Kumar, who suggested we tend to stick to shallower subjects with people we don't know as the norm. RELATED: How to keep connecting with strangers during the pandemic The team's work suggests that people tend to feel less socially awkward with one another if they opt for deeper conversations and avoid small talk. Kumar said that overcoming the fear associated with meaningful chats is key to accessing the psychological benefits we will feel from having them more often. Go deep when talking to strangers shutterstock/Monkey Business Images 7. Electrically-powered container ship becomes a reality The Yara Birkeland, developed four years ago as the world's first self-propelled electric container ship, has successfully conducted its maiden voyage to Oslo, the capital of Norway. The majority of container ships in the world are powered by fossil fuels so it's hoped this autonomous means of ocean-going transportation will become the norm for shipping firms that wish to operate more sustainably. The ship's maiden voyage consisted of about 43 miles and was powered by the vessel's 6.8 MWh batteries. It will now be used to move goods around by sea from the port of Brevik. 8. Hot beverages may keep dementia and stroke at bay A British study into dementia and stroke reported in the Guardian found that people who drank tea and coffee as a part of their daily routine were statistically less likely to suffer from dementia and stroke than those who did not. RELATED: Cognitive impairment – 5 key ways to reduce the risk as you age About 365,000 people between 50 and 74 had their health and habits followed for over a decade in the wide-ranging study. It seems that those involved who were identified as tea and coffee drinkers have suffered less with dementia and stroke. What may be the cause of this phenomenon is not clear at the moment, however. Nevertheless, one researcher said that only those who drank in moderation appeared to get this benefit. 9. New protection for the Galápagos Islands Numerous press outlets reported that an extended marine reserve, along with the larger protective corridor for sea life to move through unhindered by humans, has been announced for the Galápagos Islands. It's hoped this will help to protect a range of migratory species, including hammerhead sharks and leatherback turtles. The expanded reserve will cover the Cocos Ridge, an important migration route for several species which move in and around the islands' waters. Increased protection for animals visiting the Galápagos Islands 10. Protein discovered that can stop prostate cancer A report in the Independent suggested that prostate cancer – a major killer in Western societies – may be able to be better-treated thanks to a particular protein. Professor Nupam Mahajan of the Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, was behind the research. According to Mahajan's work, the so-called super-molecule stops cancer cells in their tracks. This is unlike conventional treatments which tend to stop working the more they are used as resistance builds up. The protein may offer a new and better treatment pathway for those living with the illness. “We'd like to develop new therapies for patients who have developed [drug] resistance,” the professor said. • Main image: shutterstock/npavlov happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member yet? Sign up for free now to enjoy: ■ our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ develop with free online classes in our happiness Academy Biology | Nature | Biotechnology Written by Ed Gould Ed Gould is a UK-based journalist and practitioner of Reiki.
  20. Research shows that breakfast is an important meal that can keep us healthy, happy and productive throughout the day. Sonia Vadlamani examines this claim and lists some simple ideas to supercharge your breakfast for sustained energy and improved focus. We’re often told by experts and concerned family members that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Indeed, the clue to why breakfast is generally considered vital could be present in its name itself: we are advised to break our overnight fast with a healthy, nourishing meal. However, it’s estimated that nearly a quarter of individuals in the United States skip breakfast. Meanwhile, in the UK, around 10 per cent of the population fail to eat brekkie, claiming that it coincides with some of the busiest hours of their day. Among those who usually do eat breakfast in the UK, a third prefer breakfast cereals, while 20 per cent opt for toast on-the-go. This suggests that our busy lifestyles seem to lure most of us into believing that we simply don’t have the time for a wholesome breakfast. But failing to have a supercharged breakfast often results in some unhealthy snacking throughout the day which can fail to keep us energized for long durations and negatively affect our mood and performance. • JOIN US! Sign up to learn more about healthy eating and nutrition • However, many of us those who normally skip breakfast due to time constraints may have been working from home ever since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means many of us could now find it possible to squeeze in some time to fix a nutritionally balanced or supercharged breakfast. Why is breakfast so important? Aside from not wanting to start the workday feeling a familiar grumble in the tummy and then impulsively reaching out for the first sugar-laden snack that catches the eye, there are several reasons why you should consider breakfast as an important meal. Firstly, breakfast as a habit is associated with a relatively lower BMI and lower probability of obesity. A review by Rachel Galioto et al compared 38 studies centered on the cognitive effects of breakfast. It concluded that adults who consume breakfast regularly tend to exhibit robust improvement in memory power, attention span and thought processing speed. Stack avocado and salmon on sourdough for a healthy breakfast shutterstock/Andrej Rutar Furthermore, regular consumption of a balanced breakfast has been shown to boost macronutrient and micronutrient intake in children and adolescents. Research also suggests that viewing breakfast as a good habit and not a boring, repetitive custom helps induce better diet quality and improved food choices during one’s early development stages and throughout life. A study by Rosario Ferrer-Cascales et al also revealed that a good-quality breakfast is associated with lower stress levels and depression, and improved levels of well-being and happiness. Furthermore, breakfast being the first meal of the day is likely to set the tone for the decisions we make and tasks we perform through the day. This is why we can benefit from getting our day off to a great start with supercharged breakfast ideas. This is especially true for the days when we have a lot on our plate, like a series of important tasks to check off, a goal to accomplish, or an important meeting. 10 ways to supercharge your breakfast Contrary to common belief, healthier breakfasts need not require expensive and rare ingredients or involve tedious preparation. In fact, supercharged breakfasts can be made with easily available ingredients, are fun to prepare, and can taste delicious when compared to heavily processed, factory-made breakfast options. The basic formula for a supercharged breakfast remains the same: pairing complex carbs such as whole grains and fibre-rich seeds with good quality proteins and healthy fats. This mix helps to power the brain and body to take on the day and keep us feeling satiated till the next meal time. So, here are some ways to keep your energy levels flying high through the day while also fulfilling your nutritional needs with a supercharged breakfast. 1. Avoid sugary, processed breakfast cereals While most commercial breakfast cereals are often delicious and easily available, they are also usually the worst possible choice for breakfast. A 2016 study by World Action on Salt and Health found that 55 per cent of the surveyed breakfast cereals contained over half the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of sugar for a three-year-old, while 34 per cent of the products contained 20 per cent of the RDA of salt per 100g. Not only are refined grains stripped of most of their valuable nutrients during processing, the high starch and sugar content in ready-to-eat breakfast cereals can lead to a quick surge in blood sugar levels, contributing towards weight gain, a rise in cholesterol, and inconsistent energy levels. Wholegrains could be the most efficient way to supercharge your breakfast, as they contain more slow-digesting fibre, which can keep you satiated for longer while maintaining a steady blood sugar level to keep you going throughout your whole day. Try including a variety of diferent grains like sorghum, amaranth, oats and quinoa to supercharge your breakfast. If you can’t avoid breakfast cereals altogether, swap the likes of puffed rice or chocolate-flavoured wheats with wholegrain muesli, low sugar granola bars and quick oats. These usually have a higher fibre content and keep you feeling full for longer. 2. Introduce oats into your diet Oats are versatile and can keep you satiated for a long time due to their high fibre content. Oat bran is also rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fibre and gut-friendly prebiotic that provides a host of benefits like preventing constipation, alleviating inflammation and controlling plasma cholesterol levels. RELATED: The 15 best prebiotics to include in your diet There are several ways to supercharge your breakfast with oats. Try it in the form of overnight oats, where rolled oats are soaked overnight in milk or dairy-free nut milk variants such as almond milk. Then top it off with a variety of nuts, seeds and/or fruit. If you are short on time, instant porridge oats can be a nutritional option as well. Porridge oats keep you fuller for longer shutterstock/Vladislav Noseek 3. Caffeine can wait As a coffee aficionado, I understand how difficult and even absurd this may sound, but indulging in caffeine immediately after launching yourself out of bed is a bad idea. That’s because caffeine intake on an empty stomach can cause a sharp surge in blood sugar – meaning you may feel an impending crash in energy levels and mood before your day has even begun. On the other hand, sipping your coffee after a nutritionally-balanced breakfast can help sustain the effect of the caffeine – in terms of improved productivity and mood – throughout the day. “Wholegrains could be the most efficient way to supercharge your breakfast, as they contain more slow-digesting fibre, which can keep you satiated for longer while maintaining a steady blood sugar level.” If you're one of the many people that believe they need caffeine to function efficiently, pairing it with a supercharged breakfast may help you kickstart your day the right way. Meanwhile, if you can do without a caffeine-fix, swapping it for a herbal tea can aid your digestive health, alleviate stress and even prevent depression. 4. Add a protein punch While simple carbs create a short-lived energy boost followed by an instant spike and crash in blood sugar, protein is digested at a more sustained pace by the body, thus keeping you energized and productive during your whole day. Increasing your protein intake can result in easier weight management, in addition to lowered triglycerides and blood pressure. Including protein-rich grains like buckwheat, quinoa or amaranth in your breakfast can keep you going through your working day with consistent energy levels, preventing the tendency to reach for sugary snacks a few hours after you’ve had your breakfast. Lean meats, free-range poultry, wild salmon, tuna, and plant-based options like chickpeas, lentils and tofu also offer high-quality protein to supercharge your breakfast. 5. Include more nuts, seeds and berries Nuts and seeds are considered good mood foods owing to their tryptophan content, which upon digestion synthesizes into serotonin, which is also known as one of the ‘happiness hormones’. These foods can also boost the omega-3, fibre and protein content in your breakfast, thus gearing you up for the day at a sustained pace. Topping your plain-looking porridge/oatmeal bowl with nuts (pumpkin, sunflower, almond flakes, cashews, pecans, etc), and seeds like amaranth, chia or sesame can create a supercharged breakfast with minimal effort and prep. Adding superfoods like goji berries, blueberries and/or quinoa seeds can enhance the flavour, in addition to upping the antioxidant content and micronutrient profile, thus boosting your heart health and reducing your risk factors for chronic diseases. However, these foods are often calorie-dense, and you should mind the portion size to prevent excess consumption. 6. Shake it up Smoothies are a great way to get your daily fibre and antioxidant intake while you’re on the go. Freeze the fruits and veggies of your choice the previous day, add in a preferably dairy-free milk option or yogurt in the morning and blend together for a quick, delicious and healthy breakfast. If you’re in a hurry and can’t find the time for an elaborate prep, a simple protein shake with a scoop of high-quality whey powder with spinach or a banana can make for a protein-rich, supercharged breakfast that will keep you satiated for hours. Supercharged smoothies make for a great breakfast choice 7. Put it on toast There are unlimited ways to jazz up plain toast, whipping up a delicious and supercharged breakfast toast being one of them. Start stacking toast with healthy fats like avocados or nut butters, and layer with good-quality proteins like smoked salmon, poached eggs, or an omelette. Add in a fibre component with chia or pumpkin seeds, and vegetables like spinach, kale, tomatoes or bell peppers. Opting for a slice of wholegrain sourdough or multigrain bread instead of white bread aids slower digestion, thereby keeping you active and productive throughout the day. RELATED: How to heal your gut – 11 ideas to restore belly health 8. Indulge in low GI breakfasts The Glycemic Index (GI) of a food relates to its ability to affect blood sugar and, according to Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, “plays an important role for people trying to follow a healthy diet”. High GI foods like white rice/bread and corn can cause a sudden spike in blood glucose and insulin levels. This, in turn, can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and pancreatic cancer. In contrast, low GI foods can help you feel fuller for longer while maintaining consistent blood sugar, aiding weight management. It’s easy to supercharge your breakfast with swaps for lowering GI, such as choosing brown rice and wholegrain breads over their white equivalents. 9. Practise conscious breathing Have you ever felt the impulse to grab a soda and a doughnut for lunch instead of fixing yourself a healthier, supercharged breakfast, yet felt the urge receding when you thought it over calmly? A study by Adrian Meule established a strong connection between one’s pace of breathing and the corresponding effect on their eating behavior, suggesting that slow-paced breathing can pacify one’s food cravings. “If you’re in a hurry and can’t find the time for an elaborate prep, a simple protein shake with a scoop of high-quality whey powder with spinach or a banana can make for a protein-rich, supercharged breakfast.” Practising conscious breathing enables you to slow down and be aware of your feelings, thoughts and reaction to various stimuli. Set aside at least two minutes each day before you proceed to eat your meals, drawing awareness to your breathing pattern. Taking slow, deep breaths can go a long way to curb unhealthy cravings or impulsive food decisions on a repeated basis, thus potentially preventing the onset of eating disorders like food guilt and binge eating. 10. Practise mindful eating Supercharging your breakfast – and in fact – all your meals becomes easier when you’re paying attention to the various cues from your brain and body, and are mindful about your choices. Take the time to practise some mindful minutes each morning with rituals like journaling, daily intentions and body scan meditation. • JOIN US! Sign up to learn more about meditation and mindfulness • Furthermore, mindful eating involves paying attention to the moment-to-moment experience around eating without judgement. It encourages you to take pleasure in the process of planning and prepping your meals – as well as consuming them. A randomized control trial on 194 obese adults from the University of California concluded that introducing mindfulness rituals like daily affirmations to one’s diet and exercise routine can result in better food choices and reduced cravings, in addition to improved fasting blood glucose levels. Takeaway: supercharge your breakfast “One should not attend even the end of the world without a good breakfast,” as Robert A. Heinlein famously once said. Indeed, there’s no reason to avoid a nutritional, supercharged breakfast that will set you up for the day because, in reality, it requires minimal effort and time. Saying that, supercharging your breakfast may require some patience and dedication at first. However, once you start noticing the positive changes regarding your mood, energy levels, productivity and overall health, incorporating my suggestions above into your daily schedule might come more naturally to you, even taking the form of a healthy habit. • Main image: shutterstock/Jacob Lund happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up for free now to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ share and support others in our happiness forum ■ Develop with free online classes in our happiness Academy Probiotics & prebiotics | Gut health | Herbalism Written by Sonia Vadlamani Fitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict and future self journaler. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her daily pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.
  21. Meditation hat viele wissenschaftlich nachgewiesene gesundheitliche Vorteile: Von Stressreduzierung bis hin zur Verringerung von Angstzuständen - Calvin Holbrook betrachtet die neun wichtigsten Vorteile einer Meditationspraxis. Mit der zunehmenden Beliebtheit von Meditation im Westen steigt auch das Interesse der Wissenschaft an ihr und damit die wissenschaftlich nachgewiesenen Vorteile von Meditation. In einer Welt, die sich zunehmend chaotisch anfühlt, wenden sich immer mehr Menschen der Meditation als Gegenmittel zu einem Multitasking orientierten, abgelenkten Lebensstil zu. Durch Meditation können wir unser geistiges und körperliches Wohlbefinden steigern. Der Ursprung der Meditation reicht lange zurück. Die frühesten schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen, die Veden des alten Indien, sind aus dem Jahr 1500 v. Chr. Verschiedene Meditationsstile haben unterschiedliche Techniken und Ziele und können daher nicht unbedingt miteinander vergleichen werden. Es lohnt sich also bei der Auswahl einer Meditationstechnik genauer hinzusehen. Eine davon ist die Achtsamkeitsmeditation, bei der man sich auf den gegenwärtigen Moment und die aufkommenden Gedanken, Emotionen und Empfindungen konzentriert aber sie nicht bewertet oder sich von ihnen mitreißen lässt. Ein weiterer wichtiger Stil ist die Mettameditation - Metta ist Sanskrit und bedeutet Herzensgüte oder liebende Güte. Dieser Stil leitet sich aus der buddhistischen Vipassana-Tradition ab und konzentriert sich auf universelle Liebe und Mitgefühl für andere. Viele Menschen praktizieren diese Formen heute. Die Wissenschaft unterstützt jetzt die gesundheitlichen Vorteile der Meditation - sowohl geistig als auch körperlich -, die Menschen seit Jahrtausenden instinktiv verstanden haben. Die aktuell am häufigsten untersuchte Meditationsform ist die Achtsamkeitsmeditation, da sie in Form des MBSR - Meditationsbasierte Stressreduktion - eine formales und standardisiertes acht Wochen Trainingsprogramm hat, das sich für wissenschaftliche Zwecke durch diese Standardisierung bestens eignet. Der auf Achtsamkeitsmeditation basierende kostenlose MBSR Online Kurs ist auf englisch in unsere happiness Akademie verfügbar. Was sind die Vorteile der Meditation für die mentale Gesundheit? Aufgrund dieser wissenschaftlich nahegelegten Vorteile wird Meditation regelmäßig als alternative Therapie für eine Vielzahl von Erkrankungen empfohlen, darunter: Stress Angststörungen Depressionen Schlafstörungen Das Glücksempfinden steigern Positives Denken fördern Beziehungen verbessern Steigerung der kognitiven Fähigkeiten Die Wissenschaft hat auch Hinweise darauf aufgezeigt, dass regelmäßige Meditationsübungen die Funktion des Gehirns verbessern und sogar dessen Strukturen verändern können. [2] Daher ist der Platz den Meditation zur Steigerung des Wohlbefindens und der Zufriedenheit sowohl des Einzelnen als auch der Gesellschaft insgesamt einnimmt, naheliegend. Absolute Gewissheit ist im wissenschaftlichen Kontext schwierig, da durch die Studien und Versuche eine Theorie bestätigt wird, bis es eine bessere Theorie gibt, die das Ergebnis differenzierter erklärt. Wer sich für den aktuellen Stand der Wissenschaft in diesem Bereich interessiert und die Probleme, Herausforderungen, Kritiken aktueller Studien und den faszinierenden offenen Fragen und erstaunlichen Hinweise, dem sei das Buch "Altered Traits" von Daniel Goleman und Richard J. Davidson. [1] Was sind die Vorteile der Meditation auf die körperliche Gesundheit Wissenschaftler*innen begannen in den 1950er Jahren damit, die Auswirkungen der Meditation auf Geist und Körper zu untersuchen. [3] Diese frühen wissenschaftlichen Ansätze weisen jedoch Mängel auf. In neueren Studien wurden zunehmend moderne Techniken wie EEG und fMRT eingesetzt. So kann das Gehirn vor, während und nach der Meditation gescannt werden, wodurch die Zusammenhänge zwischen Meditation und physiologischen und psychologischen körperlichen Veränderungen eingehend untersucht werden können. "Aufgrund wissenschaftlich nahegelegter Vorteile wird Meditation regelmäßig als alternative Therapie für eine Vielzahl von Erkrankungen empfohlen." Im Jahr 2013 veröffentlichten Forscher*innen der John Hopkins University einen wissenschaftlichen Aufsatz, indem sie 47 gut konzipierte Studien zum Thema Meditation identifizierten, die zuverlässige Ergebnisse gebracht hatten. Anhand dieser Studien kamen sie zu dem Schluss, dass Meditation bei einigen Formen von Depression und Angstzuständen genauso wirksam sein kann wie Medikamente. [4] Und tatsächlich unterstützt eine wachsende Zahl von Wissenschaftler*innen die Vorteile der Meditation. Schauen wir uns also neun der wichtigsten psychischen und physischen Vorteile einer regelmäßigen Meditationspraxis auf die Gesundheit genauer an. 1. Stressreduzierung Ärzt*innen beginnen zu verstehen, wie Stress eine Hauptursache für viele körperliche Beschwerden wie Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen ist. [5] Einer der Hauptvorteile der Meditation besteht in der effizienteren Stressbewältigung und der daraus resultierenden Entspannung für Körper und Geist. Doch wie funktioniert Meditation? Untersuchungen an Patient*innen mit PTBS (posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung) zeigen es [6]: durch den Ausgleich des Nervensystems die Verbesserung der Gehirnkohärenz die Wiederherstellung des hormonellen Gleichgewichts Es gibt eine Vielzahl anderer, wissenschaftlich gestützter Forschungsergebnisse, die darauf hindeuten, dass die Stressreduktion ein entscheidender Vorteil der Meditation ist. Eine zweimonatige Studie mit Schwerpunkt auf Achtsamkeitsmeditation ergab, dass diese die durch Stress verursachten Entzündungsreaktionen reduziert [7]. Studien haben wissenschaftlich nahegelegt, dass Meditation Menschen hilft, besser mit Stresssituationen umzugehen [8] . Stress stoppen: Achtsamkeitsmeditation kann diese Gesundheitsgefährdung verhindern 2. Reduziert Angststörungen Daraus folgt, dass ein niedrigeres Stressniveau durch Meditation auch dazu beiträgt, Ängste zu verringern. Eine 2012 durchgeführte Studie mit fast 2.500 Teilnehmenden konnte zeigen, dass eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Meditationsstrategien dazu beitragen kann, das Angstniveau zu senken [9]. Eine weitere Studie aus dem Jahr 2014 mit 1.300 Erwachsenen zeigte, dass auch Transcendental Meditation® (TM) Angstzustände abbauen kann, und der Nutzen war bei den Teilnehmenden am größten, die mit dem höchsten Anspannungslevel begannen [10]. Eine weitere achtwöchige Studie zur Achtsamkeitsmeditation zeigte ebenfalls, dass die Teilnehmenden ihre Angstzustände reduzierten. Darüber hinaus hatte die Meditation weitere Nutzen. Die Vorteile der Meditation wirkten sich außerdem auf die Verringerung der Symptome von Angststörungen wie Phobien, sozialer Angst, Zwangsstörungen, paranoiden Gedanken und Panikattacken aus [11]. VERWANDTES THEMA: Panikattacken: Zwölf Tipps, die der Angst den Schrecken nehmen 3. Geringeres Risiko für Herzerkrankungen Hoher Blutdruck ist ein anerkannter Risikofaktor für koronare Herzerkrankungen. Eine in einer Zeitschrift der American Heart Association veröffentlichte Langzeitstudie ergab, dass Meditation das Risiko für Patient*innen mit Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen wie Arteriosklerose, Myokardischämie und Arteriosklerose sowie das Risiko für Herzinfarkte senkte. Im Vergleich zu einer Kontrollgruppe in einer ähnlichen körperlichen Verfassung, die nicht meditierte, wurde das Risiko um 48 Prozent gesenkt. Die 2012 vom Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee durchgeführte Studie kam zu dem Schluss, dass die zweimal tägliche Anwendung von Meditation Afroamerikaner*innen mit Herzerkrankungen dabei half, das Risiko für Tod, Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall zu senken. Meditation half auch, den Blutdruck, Stress und Ärger bei einer Gruppe von Patient*innen zu senken, im Vergleich zu einer Gruppe von Patient*innen, die nicht meditierten und nur an Kursen zur Gesundheitserziehung teilnahmen [12]. 4. Verbesserung der kognitiven Fähigkeiten Jüngste Studien mit einer Gruppe von Teilnehmenden zwischen 55 und 75 Jahren haben gezeigt, dass Techniken der Achtsamkeitsmeditation die zielgerichtete visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsspanne verbessern [13]. Darüber hinaus ergab eine Überprüfung verschiedener Studien aus dem Jahr 2014, dass sogar unterschiedliche Meditationsstile die Aufmerksamkeit, das Gedächtnis und die geistige Schnelligkeit älterer Freiwilliger erhöhten [14]. Diese Studien legen nahe, dass Meditation die Fähigkeit haben könnte, altersbedingten kognitive Beeinträchtigung auszugleichen oder möglicherweise die kognitive Funktion bei älteren Erwachsenen zu verbessern. 5. Schmerzlinderung Die Wissenschaft konnte durch Forschung zeigen, dass diejenigen, die meditieren, eine größere Fähigkeit aufweisen, mit z.T. chronischen Schmerzen umzugehen, und sogar verringertes Schmerzempfinden erfahren können. In einer 2014 veröffentlichten, groß angelegten Studie wurden die Auswirkungen regelmäßiger Meditation bei 3.500 Teilnehmenden untersucht. Die Studie schloss, dass verringerte chronische oder intermittierende Schmerzen durch die Meditation erreicht worden waren. "Die Wissenschaft hat gezeigt, dass regelmäßige Meditation tatsächlich die graue Substanz des Gehirns ankurbeln kann. Es scheint, dass wir die Fähigkeit haben, unser eigenes Glücksempfinden zu steigern." Eine weitere Studie aus dem Jahr 2011, die im Journal of Neuroscience veröffentlicht wurde, ergab interessante Ergebnisse zum Schmerzempfinden. Einige Teilnehmer*innen hatten zuvor vier Tage Achtsamkeitsmeditationstraining erhalten, die Kontrollgruppe nicht. Anschließend verwendeten die Forscher MRT-Scans, um die Gehirnaktivität bei den Teilnehmenden zu beobachten, während sie einen schmerzhaften Reiz erfuhren. Meditierende Teilnehmende wiesen eine erhöhte Aktivität in den Gehirnzentren auf, die die Schmerzen kontrollieren. Gleichzeitig berichteten sie von einer 40% geringeren Schmerzintensität und 57% geringeren unangenehmen Schmerzerfahrung [15]. 6. Verbesserter Schlaf Während die Wissenschaft des Schlafes in gewisser Weise ein Rätsel bleibt, wissen wir, dass Schlaf für unsere Gesundheit und unser Wohlbefinden von wesentlicher Bedeutung ist [16]. Die Studie aus dem Jahr 2015 verglich zwei auf Achtsamkeit basierende Meditationsprogramme, indem sie die Teilnehmer zufällig einer von zwei Gruppen zuordnete - eine, die Meditation praktizierte, und eine, die Meditation nicht praktizierte. Eine Studie ergab, dass der Vorteil der Meditation für die Teilnehmenden war, dass sie früher einschliefen und länger schliefen als diejenigen, die dies nicht meditierten. [17]. Strandleben: Meditation bringt viele gesundheitlichen Vorteile mit sich 7. Mit dem Rauchen aufhören Meditation bringt auch weitere, indirekte gesundheitliche Vorteile mit sich. Beispielsweise kann Meditation hilfreich dabei sein, das Rauchen aufzugeben. Somit wird das Risiko von durch Rauchen bedingte Krankheiten und gesundheitliche Beschwerden verringert. Die Wirkung regelmäßiger Meditationen ist kumulativ. Wenn der Stress abnimmt, wird der Impuls zum Rauchen verringert. Eine Studie mit Menschen, die täglich meditierten, ergab, dass 50 Prozent nach zwei Jahren das Rauchen aufgegeben hatten und weitere 30 Prozent ihren Tabakkonsum signifikant gesenkt hatten [18]. 8. Steigert das Glücksempfinden Studien an der Universität Kyoto ergaben, dass der Precuneus-Bereich des Gehirns bei Menschen, die sich als glücklich und optimistisch einschätzten, größer war als bei Menschen mit einer negativeren Lebenseinstellung. Die Wissenschaft hat gezeigt, dass regelmäßige Meditation tatsächlich die graue Substanz des Gehirns ankurbeln kann. Es scheint, dass wir die Fähigkeit haben, unser eigenes Glück zu entwickeln. Dr. Wataru Sato sagt dazu, dass wir jetzt verstehen, dass Meditation die graue Substanz im Precuneus erhöht. Es wird also möglich sein, wissenschaftlich fundierte Programme zu entwerfen, um ein glücklicheres Gehirn zu entwickeln [19]. 9. Das Wohlbefinden und die Zufriedenheit von Mitarbeitern verbessern Kontemplative Praktiken wie Achtsamkeitsmeditation und Achtsamkeits- oder Dankbarkeitsyoga können für Unternehmen hilfreich sein, um das Glück und die Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeitenden zu steigern: Eine glückliche, gesunde Belegschaft ist ein Schlüssel zum Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Nach einem Achtsamkeitskurs (MBSR) für 600 ihrer Mitarbeitenden stellte das Unternehmen Transport for London fest, dass 80 Prozent eine Verbesserung ihrer Beziehungen festgestellt hatten und sich entspannter fühlten. Zudem fühlten sich mehr als die Hälfte bei der Arbeit glücklicher und 64 Prozent erlebten bessere Schlafmuster. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Meditation für den das Unternehmen war, dass die Abwesenheitsquote aufgrund von Krankheit und Stress um enorme 71 Prozent sank. Weitere Vorteile von Meditation: eine glücklichere und gesündere Gesellschaft Indem Meditation uns ermutigt, uns auf die Gegenwart zu konzentrieren, beruhigt sie uns und befähigt uns, ein glücklicheres Leben zu führen und alle Schwierigkeiten des Lebens zu bewältigen. Die Wissenschaft zeigt, dass Meditation nicht nur eine wirksame Therapie für viele häufige Krankheiten ist, sondern auch dazu beiträgt, dass Menschen ihr Glücksempfinden verbessern. Außerdem steigert sie ihr Mitgefühl für andere und ihr eigenes körperliches und geistiges Wohlbefinden. Dies alles führt zur Entwicklung eines mitfühlenden, blühenden und belastbaren Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft. Meditation lernen ist schnell und einfach möglich. Es gibt eine Reihe von kostenlosen Meditations- und Glücksapps, aber auch der in der happiness Akademie auf englisch angebotene MBSR Kurs bringt einem verschiedene Meditationstechniken wie die Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Metta also die MEditation der liebenden Güte oder den Bodyscan näher. In unserem Forum hat unsere MBSR und Meditationslehrerin Tine verschiedene geführte Meditationen und Meditationen für Anfänger zusammengestellt. Sie steht dir bei Fragen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und freut sich über neue Tipps und Beiträge im Forum. ● Quellen: [1] https://www.richardjdavidson.com/altered-traits [2] https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2015/02/09/7-ways-meditation-can-actually-change-the-brain/#1f51d33e1465 [3] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4253124/ [4] http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/media/releases/meditation_for_anxiety_and_depression [5] https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20120619-how-stress-could-cause-illness [6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5747539/ [7] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889159112004758 [8] https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/mindfulness-meditation-may-ease-anxiety-mental-stress-201401086967 [9] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/da.21964 [10] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24107199 [11] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/5946075_Relationships_between_mindfulness_practice_and_levels_of_mindfulness_medical_and_psychological_symptoms_and_well-being_in_a_mindfulness-based_stress_reduction_program [12] https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/11/121113161504.htm [13] http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12671-015-0482-8 [14] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24395196 [15] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3090218/ [16] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325353.php [17] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26390335 [18] http://www.hindawi.com/journals/crp/2011/537101/ref/ [19] http://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en Im englischen Original von Calvin Holbrook Calvin ist Journalist und der Editor des englischen happiness Magazins, Künstler und Liebhaber von alten Dingen. Er liebt es zu Schwimmen, macht Yoga und tanzt gerne zu House- und Techno-Musik. Hier erfährst du mehr über ihn.
  22. Are you overthinking about past mistakes? Rumination, an element of OCD, is an unhealthy form of worrying that can lead to depression. If you're stuck in the past, learn how to stop ruminating thoughts with these three techniques from Dee Marques. Rumination is a dangerous habit that has been linked to serious psychological conditions such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and acute anxiety. But it's never to late to break away from this damaging (and common) habit and take control of your thinking patterns. Indeed, there are ways to stop ruminating and restore your well-being, peace of mind and happiness. Ruminating and overthinking: why it's unhealthy People have ruminating thoughts for a variety of reasons. Some of the common explanations for rumination, according to the American Psychological Association, include: belief that by ruminating, you’ll gain insight into your problem/life a history of physical or emotional trauma dealing with ongoing stressors that can’t be controlled Overthinking negative thoughts is also common in those of us who possess certain personality traits such as neuroticism and perfectionism. Indeed, for most of us, it's completely normal to replay or go over past events in an attempt to understand where we went wrong: the lessons we can learn from past mistakes. In fact, according to research by Matt Killingsworth, incredibly we spend almost half our waking hours thinking about something other than what we're doing! This includes contemplating on what happened in the past (positive or negative). Stop rumination: unhealthy worrying can lead to depression When taken to the extreme, this leads to rumination, which is the compulsive overthinking or dwelling on the negative aspects of one's past or future. This type of over-thinking is associated with obsessive tendencies and has very elevated cognitive and emotional costs. For instance, psychological research has shown that there's a link between rumination and negative psychological states, like anxiety and depression. Sooner or later, ruminators fall into an obsessive cycle of negative thoughts, which in turn lead to feelings on helplessness, guilt, anger, or regret, as well as to heightened stress and anxiety levels. A link between rumination and depression has also been suggested: a study in the US found that ruminators were more likely to become and remain clinically depressed after traumatic life events, such as the loss of a loved one. So, it appears that rumination and depressive states reinforce each other. In fact, they can send individuals into a spiral of uncontrolled negativity. Rumination and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) In clinical psychology, rumination or brooding is classified as an element of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). The intrusive and distressing thoughts brought about by rumination soon become impossible to stop. It's precisely this loss of control over one's thoughts that has led many psychologists to make a connection between this condition and OCD. “Rumination is the obsessive overthinking or dwelling on the negative aspects of one's past or future. This type of thinking has very elevated cognitive and emotional costs.” Researchers have also found a connection between rumination and harmful behaviour, such as binge drinking and binge eating. A study published in 2014 suggested that rumination may cause binge eating or increase its severity in cases where this behaviour already exists. • JOIN US! Need support? Sign-up to happiness.com and join a community that cares • In the case of binge drinking, a longitudinal study carried out among US university students found a causal link between rumination, depression, and heavy drinking. It appears that rumination leads to this type of uncontrolled behaviours. They become a coping mechanism, a figurative escape valve, and a way to regulate the negative emotions that are exacerbated by rumination. Rumination: negative interpersonal effects Eventually, rumination causes an inability to handle basic tasks in daily life. Since ruminators are so absorbed in unhealthy thoughts, these interfere with their ability to perform a job and to handle personal or professional relationships. RELATED: What is NLP? These 4 techniques could change how you think In addition to mental health consequences, rumination has serious interpersonal effects, as ongoing brooding may erode support from friends and relatives and cause a frustration and withdrawal cycle that becomes a cause for further rumination. Rumination: impaired brain function More importantly, rumination and overthinking is harmful because those who suffer from it focus exclusively on the minute details of a problem instead of finding a solution. Much like it happens in clinically depressed patients, brain function in ruminators is impaired in that it hinders their problem-solving ability. Instead, negative neural networks cause an unrealistic sense of despair: they doom along with the belief that there's no solution in sight. See the light: free your mind and stop rumination How to stop ruminating: three great techniques There's no doubt that rumination is a psychological burden. If you suffer from negative overthinking, you need to know that others in the same situation have managed to put a stop to unproductive thoughts. In fact, there are many strategies available to help you out in the struggle of breaking a thinking pattern that has become a habit. Here are three techniques that can teach you how to stop ruminating and take a step forward towards a healthier existence marked by happiness and appreciation, instead of worry and anxiety. 1. Mindfulness training Recently, psychologists have developed cognitive therapies that help patients stop ruminating by incorporating elements of mindfulness practice. This is effective because mindfulness requires us to think about how we think, instead of simply jumping into a spiral of negative thoughts. RELATED: 7 mindfulness tips for staying engaged Mindfulness also brings an increased awareness into your own thinking patterns and reinforces your ability to identify triggers or to realise when negative intrusive thoughts reach a point of no return. “Rumination and overthinking is harmful because those who suffer from it focus exclusively on the minute details of a problem instead of finding a solution.” Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy often involves psychological intervention and educational sessions, as well as training in yoga and breathing techniques. The objective is to help ruminators gain insights into how their own brain functions, and by making individuals focus on their present state. They help suppress the impulse of obsessively focusing on past events. 2. Problem solving techniques Rumination has been sometimes described as “problem solving gone wrong”, so it only makes sense that one of the key ways in which you can stop ruminating is learning problem-solving techniques so you can address and reverse the paralysing effects of rumination. The first step is to ask the right questions: for example, instead of asking “why did that happen?”, you should choose an action-focused question such as “what can I do about it?”. Then move onto the basic steps of problem solving: identifying the problem deciding on your objective listing the resources that will help you tackle your goals tracing a step-by-step action plan putting it into writing if necessary 3. Distraction The third technique involves not giving your mind time or space to engage in harmful brooding. Instead, keep your mind occupied with something that you find interesting or motivating. This could be anything from singing, volunteering, or exercising. The important thing is to choose a constructive distraction instead of falling into unhealthy distractions like drinking or over-eating. Don't dwell: distract your mind from rumination Admittedly, keeping your mind occupied with something else can be hard. It's all too easy to unconsciously drift into rumination. But do your best to replace thinking patterns and it will get easier the better your get at mindfulness practice. Another suggestion is to only allow yourself to ruminate for a short period of time, setting a time limit or “scheduled rumination” sessions (but keep them short and stick to the schedule). Stop ruminating and overthinking: the benefits If you've decided to stop ruminating and focus on replacing this habit with positive thinking patterns, you can look forward to many physical and psychological benefits. Overcoming rumination will give your freedom from harmful and unproductive thoughts and have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Just like rumination, depression, anxiety, and other destructive behaviours reinforce each other. So, breaking away from this circle can reinforce confidence in yourself and in your ability to take the reins of your own life. Interestingly enough, ruminators are often on a never-ending quest for insight (asking questions that rarely have an answer), but only those who manage to break away from this habit can look forward to finally achieving a sharper awareness and a better understanding of themselves. With effort, practice, and support, you can conquer the heavy burden of rumination, overthinking and worry. You can move from a vicious circle of inaction to a position where you're in control of your thoughts and future. If you can learn how to stop ruminating thoughts then you will be on your way to enjoying a more balanced view of your past, present, and future. • Main image: colourbox.com happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up free to: ■ enjoy our happiness magazine ■ share and support in our happiness forum ■ develop with free online Academy courses Compassion | Friendship | Charity Written by Dee Marques A social sciences graduate with a keen interest in languages, communication, and personal development strategies. Dee loves exercising, being out in nature, and discovering warm and sunny places where she can escape the winter.
  23. The recent discovery of the gut-brain axis has brought a deeper understanding to how digestion and food affects our mood and health. Journalist and nutritionist Allison Clark explains the gut-brain axis and offers practical suggestions on how you can improve it – and therefore your health – by adapting your diet. Ever wonder why you have butterflies when you’re nervous? Or why you feel like you have a knot in your stomach when you’re sad? Or, perhaps, why stress or anxiety trigger digestive problems? Well, the answer may not be in your head but rather your gut. What is the gut-brain connection? Scientists have recently discovered what they call the gut-brain connection or gut-brain axis. This is the two-way communication between the nervous system in our gut (enteric nervous system) and the central nervous system. The gut-brain axis also involves our immune systems, as well as hormones. The major players in the gut-brain axis are the vagus nerve and the gut microbiome. The vagus nerve is the body’s largest nerve and runs from the brain stem all the way down through the entire digestive system. It regulates not only our digestion, but also hormones produced in the gut. It forms part of the autonomic nervous system that includes the sympathetic (fight or flight response) and parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous divisions. Another key aspect of the gut-brain connection is the gut microbiome, which consists of more than 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our intestine. These microorganisms play a major role in various aspects of our health, including digestion, vitamin synthesis and immune system regulation. This means that while stress, anxiety and depression can influence digestive function – such as how fast we digest food and pain – our gut health can also influence our mood (which explains why we get butterflies in our stomach when we’re nervous or anxious!). Love your gut: understanding the gut-brain axis Recent evidence shows that the microorganisms that reside in our intestines regulate the production of various neurotransmitters such as glutamate, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin and dopamine, especially in response to stress and anxiety. Conversely, stress can reduce the amount of beneficial bacteria we have in our intestines which can negatively affect our health. Interestingly, an estimated 95% of serotonin is produced in our intestines, and certain gut microbes can influence serotonin production in intestinal cells. Some intestinal bacteria can also produce molecules short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that also regulate neurotransmitter synthesis. RELATED: Happiness hormones – the neurochemicals of happiness The gut microbiome may also play an important role in brain development and function, certain behaviors like alcohol dependence, as well as sleep, further illustrating the importance of the gut-brain axis. Mental health and the gut microbiome: the good, the bad and the ugly gut bugs The recent increase in gut-brain axis research has illustrated some key findings in how our gut microbiome influences our mood. In an interview with Gut Microbiota For Health, gut microbiome researcher and expert of the gut-brain axis Professor John Cyran stated, “We have more nerve cells in our gut than we do our spinal cord... In a way, what we can say is healthy gut equals healthy brain.”. In general, the more the merrier – that is the greater number of microbial species that inhabit the intestines, has been associated with better sleep and mood and overall improved health. Additionally, compared to a diverse and balanced gut microbiome, an imbalanced gut microbiota composition that does not contain as many beneficial species, also known as dysbiosis, has been associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), increased stress hormone production, and anxiety. Furthermore, scientists have also discovered that specific beneficial bacteria can influence neutrotransmitter synthesis. For example, various Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains of bacteria have been found to help produce GABA in humans, which is a calming neurotransmitter. Beneficial bacteria like Clostridiales also produce the anti-inflammatory metabolites SCFA that can influence dopamine, noradrenaline, GABA and serotonin synthesis. “Another key aspect of the gut-brain axis is the gut microbiome, which consists of more than 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our intestine. These microorganisms play a major role in various aspects of our health.” Unfortunately, not all bacteria are beneficial. An imbalanced gut microbiome can also produce negative psychological effects such as anxiety and stress. So, it’s no surprise that people who suffer digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) also experience psychological distress such as anxiety and depression. For example, some gut bacteria like Lactobacillus reuteri produce histamine, which is a neurotransmitter that can cause anxiety. Some pathogens such as Campylobacter jejuni and Trichuris muris can also cause anxious behavior. The good news is beneficial Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bacteria can reduce anxiety. RELATED: How to heal your gut – 11 ideas to restore belly health Additionally, inflammation and oxidative stress (i.e. free radicals) can also negatively affect neutrotransmitter synthesis in our guts because intestinal inflammation can contribute to depression. Food and mood: improving the gut-brain axis through nutrition Due to the important role the gut-brain axis plays in our physical and mental health, the gut microbiome has become a therapeutic target for psychological conditions. Luckily diet plays a major role in shaping the gut microbiome, which could, in turn, greatly benefit the gut-brain axis. Recent research has shown certain foods benefit the gut-brain axis including: 1. Probiotics These are live microorganisms that confer a health benefit for the host when administered in an adequate amount. Common bacteria include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains. Fermented foods that are naturally high in probiotics include yogurt, keifer, kombucha, miso, sauerkraut and kvass. Specific strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium bifidum may reduce depression, whereas Bifidobacterium longum R0175 and Lactobacillus helveticus have been shown to decrease anxiety. 2. Prebiotics Prebiotics are types of fibre that stimulate the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Plantains, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, asparagus, leeks, apples and chicory are rich in prebiotics and a high prebiotic consumption has been shown to reduce stress-related disorders. RELATED: The 15 best prebiotics to include in your diet 3. Anti-inflammatory diet Since systemic and gut inflammation can trigger mood issues, following an anti-inflammatory diet can be beneficial both for your gut and brain. A Western diet, which is high in inflammatory and processed foods, fats, red meat and refined sugar, has been shown to cause a less balanced and diverse gut microbiome and has been associated with depression and anxiety. “A critical way to improve your gut-brain axis communication is by stimulating your vagal nerve and improving what’s called your vagal tone.” On the other hand, high fibre (at least 30g a day) and Mediterranean diets have been shown to decrease inflammation and increase the amount of beneficial microbes in our guts. 4. Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA have been found to improve the gut microbiome and major depressive disorders. Omega-3 fatty acids are naturally found in: Cold-water fish, including tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines). Plant oils (canola oil, flaxseed oil and soybean oil). Nuts and seeds (flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts). A Mediterranean diet is anti-inflammatory shutterstock/Foxys Forest Manufacture 5. Polyphenols Polyphenols are anti-inflammatory and can feed beneficial bacteria which enables them to survive in the intestines. Cacao, green tea, coffee, blueberries and grape juice all contain polyphenols and have been shown to benefit the gut microbiome, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. RELATED: 8 good mood foods to improve mental health and happiness 6. Vitamins A, D and B vitamins Vitamins A, D and B vitamins are crucial for mental health and are influenced by the gut microbiome. For example, beneficial bacteria synthesize various B vitamins such as B12, which plays a major role in neurological function and cognition. On the other hand, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with neuroimmune diseases such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and multiple sclerosis. Moreover, vitamin D plays an important role in overall gut and immune function. Lifestyle changes to improve the gut-brain axis A critical way to improve your gut-brain axis communication is by stimulating your vagal nerve and improving what’s called your vagal tone, which is measured by your heart rate variability. A higher vagal tone is associated with a higher heart rate variability and resilience to stress. Some stress management techniques that improve vagal tone include: Gargling Singing and chanting Meditation Yoga Slow, deep breathing into your belly Laughter Cold showers (10ºC/ 50ºF) Moderate exercise, especially walking or running in nature Massage Acupuncture The gut-brain axis: conclusion In our modern world we’ve been taught to fear microbes and germs, but in reality they play a vital role in our physical and mental health. The abuse of antibiotics, hand sanitizers and disinfecting agents depletes our microbiome and negatively affects our healing. While it might seem scary to think we are at the mercy of trillions of microbes that are in charge of our mood and many aspects of our health, it’s also important to understand that our gut bugs are our friends and that we’ve co-evolved with them. So, food really does affect our mood and emerging gut microbiome and gut-brain axis research is paving the way for innovative treatments for mental health illnesses. Although studies are still in their infancy, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, managing stress and exposure to a variety of microbes could be one recipe for good mental health. • Main image: shutterstock/metamorworks happiness.com | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share Are you a happiness.com member? Sign up for free now to enjoy: ■ our happiness magazine with practical life tips ■ support others in our happiness forum ■ develop with free online classes in our Academy Healthy habits | Intolerances | Vegetarianism | Gluten-free Written by Allison Clark Allison is a freelance writer and nutritionist and has written various peer review papers about the role the gut microbiota plays in health, disease and endurance exercise performance. Allison is passionate about the role diet and the gut microbiota play in health and disease. Find out more.
  24. Still have your doubts that meditation really works? Then here's the scientific proof to suggest that it does. Sonia Vadlamani looks at some of the key meditation studies and discusses why consistency is key when it comes to getting results. Gone are the days when meditation was a practice reserved mostly for yogis and Buddhist monks. Meditation is now a phenomenon that has transgressed set notions – thanks in part to the ubiquitous nature of apps like Calm and Headspace – most people have heard of meditation, even if they’ve never tried it. Celebrities such as the Beatles, Madonna and Oprah Winfrey have also played their part in helping meditation permeate into the mainstream. In fact, the global meditation market was worth $1.2 billion in 2017, and this figure is set to reach $2 billion by 2022. Yet, while trying to find a balance between app subscriptions, self-reflection, hectic schedules and time constraints, if you’ve ever thought 'does meditation really work?', then you're not alone! Several styles of meditation exist, with transcendental, mindfulness, mantra and gratitude meditation being some of the most widely practised. Any form of meditation can prove to be challenging – especially in the beginning. But science shows that if you find the right form of meditation for you, and be consistent with your practice – then meditation really does work. Let’s take a look at the proof after briefly revisiting some of meditation's benefits to the body. The benefits of meditation While different forms of meditation exist, they all have a common aim – to train your mind to concentrate, and to direct your focus solely on one subject, be that the present moment in mindfulness meditation, or a mantra in mantra meditation. Sofa, so good! Research to date suggests meditation does work shutterstock/fizkes Thus, meditation is essentially a vital exercise for the brain that builds up your ability to ward away distractions and stay engaged. The more focused you are, the lesser you react to external distractions. This also teaches you to calm your senses and react in a sensible and productive manner. There are other science-based benefits of meditation too – it helps alleviate stress, improves heart health and boosts brain power. The key parameter, nonetheless, is that one needs to be consistent with their chosen meditation practice in order to begin seeing any short-term or long-term benefits. Indeed, science shows that consistent meditation rewires the brain by increasing the density of regions related to self-awareness, concentration, memory, and compassion. At the same time, the sections of the brain linked to stress and anxiety tend to become less dense. The proof that meditation really does work There's been growing scientific interest in meditation in the past decade and the research clearly supports the idea that meditation does work. Let's take a look at some key studies. A 2012 trial study by Goyal M et al. at Johns Hopkins University on more than 3,500 participants revealed that meditation could play a moderate role in managing cortisol, the stress hormone known to create responses like disrupted sleep, impaired judgment, rise in depressive thoughts and anxiety. RELATED: Can't sleep? 14 fixes to get a good night's rest Another experiment by David M Levy et al. at the University of Washington found that mindful meditation can help reduce distractions and eliminate the tendency to multitask, thus helping individuals stay focused and feel more positive emotion regarding their task performance. “All the recent science-backed evidence shows that meditation really does work – if you’re consistent with your practice.” As for long-term benefits, meditation has been linked directly to a healthier and more preserved ageing brain. A study conducted by UCLA found that participants that practised meditation for an average of 20 years had more brain grey matter volume (responsible for processing information) than non-meditators. And a systematic literature review by Amy Gimson et al. at University of Southampton and University College London implied that meditation could be an essential aid to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of anxiety for individuals in their 40s or above, thus lowering the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. So, how long before meditation starts to work? Several new meditators mistakenly assume that they will begin to experience the full benefits of meditation within a few days. Others think of meditation as an over-the-counter instant pain-relief medicine, or as a cure-all for all their problems. Using guided mediation apps work for many people shutterstock/Africa Studio The truth is that meditation is not the quick-fix one may be seeking, and there's no set time period for it to start ‘working’. In fact, while some beginners may start noticing certain benefits immediately, most people would need to practice meditation on a regular basis to be able to appreciate its advantages. RELATED: Meditation for beginners – our top 6 videos The key here is to not overthink it and select a suitable meditation practice which you can perform consistently. There’s no set time for how long you should meditate – it’s ideal to observe how long you can manage or feel the need to meditate, especially when you’re just starting out. It’s best to start small, and to not jump into extended meditation programs right away. Meditating for just three to five minutes has been proven to be beneficial. Finishing five-minute meditation sits initially for say, a week, will reward you with a feeling of accomplishment early on, allowing you to believe that you’re ready for longer meditation sessions. A 2012 study showed that meditating for 11 minutes regularly for eight weeks resulted in improved mood and sleep, lower levels of perceived stress and reduced depressive thoughts in patients with cognitive impairment, and their caregivers. “The truth is that meditation is not the quick-fix one may be seeking, and there's no set time period for it to start 'working'”. Indeed, so far other studies point to the idea that consistency of meditation – not necessarily the duration – is key for you to start experiencing its benefits. You may find even one meditation session to be incredible, but the real power comes from being able to keep at it every single day. A simple meditation technique that works Meditating is a simple process – it doesn’t require any magic tricks or hacks. All you need is a quiet place to sit in and concentrate. If you find it challenging to meditate amidst a chaotic day, we suggest a morning meditation upon waking is a calm and peaceful way to start your day before it becomes busy. RELATED: 5 strategies to help you develop a regular meditation practice Sit in a comfortable place – a chair or on a cushion on the floor – with your back straight. Set a timer for as many minutes you can conveniently meditate for and close your eyes. Now, try to relax your body and focus on your breath – inhaling and exhaling slowly. Do not try to curb away your thoughts. Instead, when a thought enters your mind – trivial as it may be – notice it, acknowledge the thought, and let it exit your mind. Go back to focusing on your breath. With time and practice, you’ll find it easier to keep thoughts and urges at bay, and your ability to concentrate will get stronger. Installing meditation apps on your phone may help you create a more suitable environment for meditation, and their guided meditations might make it easier for you to concentrate. Like we mentioned earlier, there’s no set rule or method for meditation, except that you should be consistent with your practice. The takeaway: does meditation really work? All the recent science-backed evidence shows that meditation really does work – if you’re consistent with your practice. If you’re still not convinced, we would encourage you to try it for yourself and experience the benefits. Start small, as we’ve suggested. Even finding the time to meditate for two to five minutes every day will enable you to train your brain. As Arianna Huffington, co-founder of Huffington Post – who has been meditating since she was 13 says: “starting with just five minutes of meditation every day will open the door to creating a powerful habit, and the many proven benefits it brings.” Main image: shutterstock/Koldunov Written by Sonia Vadlamani Fitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.
  25. Embarking on a yoga journey is a transformative experience, allowing individuals to connect deeply with their practice. India, the birthplace of yoga, boasts many schools for those wishing to deepen their practice or become a certified yoga teacher. In this article, we will explore the essential factors while choosing the right yoga school in India. How to find the best yoga school Let's check the bullet points 1-Define your goals: Clarify your goals, whether it's to deepen your practice, become an instructor, or immerse yourself in yogic life. 2-Research in place: India offers a variety of yoga destinations, each with a unique atmosphere and energy. 3-Evaluate the curriculum and teaching style: Evaluate the school's program incorporating asana, pranayama, meditation, philosophy, anatomy and teaching methods. Consider your preference for a specific yoga tradition or style. 4-Accreditation and Certification: Verify the school's accreditation by organizations like Yoga Alliance for credibility. 5-Read reviews and find recommendations: Gather insights from alumni experiences and seek recommendations from fellow yogis. 6-Consider the school's philosophy and values: Make sure the school's philosophy aligns with your beliefs and goals. 7-Facilities and accommodation: Check out the well-furnished studios and comfortable living spaces. 8-Cost and Duration: Estimate the cost and duration of the program to suit your budget and schedule. In india One of the most highly recommend yoga school is gyanyogbreath Gyan Yog Breath is a yoga school based in Rishikesh, India. and this is Best Yoga Center in Rishikesh. It was founded by Swami Bipin Gyan, a leading yoga teacher and author. The school offers a variety of yoga courses, including 200-hour and 300-hour yoga teacher training programs, as well as specialty courses in Ashtanga Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, and Vinyasa Yoga. Gyan Yog Breath is also known for its Emotional Blockage® Treatment, a healing therapy that helps release accumulated energy and trauma. The school also offers many other workshops and retreats including meditation, Ayurveda and Pranayama. for more info- visit - gyanyogbreath.com
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